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Bump This Thread If You're NOT High!


Well-known member
The end of the last plant is now gone :(

Three weeks of bitter, boring sobriety awaits me before I can get to just shwag.

So bump. I'm not high. It's not by choice.


Active member
Barely hanging on here....

Been smoking resin the last 2 weeks, $500 in the hole and at least 30 days before cash comes in. Needless to say, my attitude sucks ass. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:

Edit: I'm down to peeling the outer resinated paper off of the paper-wads that I've pushed through my bat to clean it. Toking paper/resin is naaaasty. :( Haven't been (HIGH in months... just "Almost-sufficiently" medictated)


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I have another damn drug test in a week or so SO I can only sit and look at my herb. I made sure to remove my pipe from my grow area as to not temp myself. Out of sight out of mind

BUT I am not medicated BUT not out of choice.

Even with a damn med card, you still have to jump through hoops to make a so called regular living. fuckin irritating shit.


Posting in this thread sucks ass - no offense to the OP, or the other posters here.

I freakin' hate NOT being high - not having any weed - not having anyone I know having any weed.

I'm not Jonesin' - the Jones's moved out months ago, and I'm living in their empty house.

Without any fucking weed.

Dammit, dammit, dammit.


Posting in this thread sucks ass - no offense to the OP, or the other posters here.

I freakin' hate NOT being high - not having any weed - not having anyone I know having any weed.

I'm not Jonesin' - the Jones's moved out months ago, and I'm living in their empty house.

Without any fucking weed.

Dammit, dammit, dammit.

Bump - same shit, new day