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Bud Blood Test


I read every bit my man. I understand its a test. I simply stated you need a control and an experiment. Then I went on to tell you it's unneccasary. you went on huge rants calling me mr. rep and still I want to help you. glad you don't buy into the hype but are willing enough to sacrifice half a harvest on an experiment. that could get really expensive! then you talked a bunch of shit after I tried to explain simple plant physiology to you. Love the vert idea, looks healthy. good luck with it. I'm done trying to help you think outside the box, or sharing personal experiences that could help you. good growing!

No one I know has lost a crop from using a watered doiwn dose of bud blood in the first week like directed????(they also said it did nothing noticable) What I do with my crops is my business. So my good intentions are also in question here? WTF is wrong with you?

Tell me why I need to *control experiment*. I dont *need* to do anything! I opened with telling people that "it wasnt so take it for what it's worth" yet we have two pages of you drilling me over shit that doesnt apply to me or things I'm doing that you assume I'm not...even stuff posted stating I am.

Sorry to waste your time with oppening this thread buddy. That was clearly my intention...to waste your time.


Well-known member
I do not claim to know everything, but It is obvious I have a little more knowledge about bud blood and simple plant nutrition. Again I'm sorry you think I'm trying to argue with you. again, you seem to have an issue with my information. It was you who was rude, and I retorted. I'm just going to block you so I don't make the mistake of trying to help you again.
my bad. I will never answer another question you ask me again! lol!


Sorry for the distractions...

Here's a couple of pics from yesterday before I shifted a few dozen plants around. The L room should have popped up well above that top 2x4 and the right room without the bud blood, the room with the shorter younger plants with a smaller rootball seemed not only to catch up stretchwise but overall there is definately shorter stretch and closer budding sites on the L or Bud Blood room. Again take it for what it's worth. That back wall could be a little cooler being a outside wall but it hasnt been a cold winter and I know the characteristics of my own room.

Left Rooom with BB


Right Room stretched more but over all the plants are not fuller and bud sites more stretched.



I do not claim to know everything, but It is obvious I have a little more knowledge about bud blood and simple plant nutrition. Again I'm sorry you think I'm trying to argue with you. again, you seem to have an issue with my information. It was you who was rude, and I retorted. I'm just going to block you so I don't make the mistake of trying to help you again.
my bad. I will never answer another question you ask me again! lol!

Thats not what happened. You showed you were lecturing someone without reading the details, fell behind, got corrected and back peddled. I never made any claims so why do you continue to argue?

I could care less if you know more or not. I already pointed out that this was your intentions. Show people you know more...and you just confirmed it. Again, you seem to think I was looking for your help? weird....

Please block me for both of us. It's not something I know how to do, never having to.


thanks for posting pics im been coming in here 4 times a day lol
keep us updated I hope it does finish quicker


full time daddy
careful NFR......... bud blood is hot and dont read right on a ppm meter...
i use it and love it but i back off on my fert's ......

not to get in ur n toohighs bs.... but i will say this really works
cut out the grow
add more micro to make up for it....
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I don't really think some of you people know who this is!:respect: You all need to do I little more research the man knows his sh..?

I don't post much but read alot. He's probably one the reason why there is a whole forum about growing vertically.


careful NFR......... bud blood is hot and dont read right on a ppm meter...
i use it and love it but i back off on my fert's ......

not to get in ur n toohighs bs.... but i will say this really works

add more micro to make up for it....

I usually do at 3 weeks. I like to transition my nutes as well instead of jumping from veg to bloom.

I had major potassium def cutting out the gro too early but never did increase the micro. To be honest, the way I feed has done me really, really well over the years. Big crops, good taste especially in the last couple years because I tinkered a lot to find what my strains liked. This is my last run for a while with GH 3 part anyways...

My rez is pretty wattered down. They basically got no more than 70% of what AN suggests. There is a difference in their suggestions btw. Some sources say 40ml per 100l and samples say 50ml.(samples are 40 ml, bastards!)

Everything is healthy as hell a week later...but that is always the case. I came into this with little expectations because of how weak I like to run my feeds. If ferts are being used to trick growth patterns, then running it weaker may not have any effect. Although it's early, I see no negative affect or anything really to celebrate. I appreciate that some of my bigger plants are still managable though. I wish some of my smaller plants we bigger. boo hoo...I cant win.


I think you two are so caught up in being advisarial, youre missing eachothers point.

his point is, without actual budsets, a shot of pk has nothing to boost & you can control stretch by dropping the N earlier (switching to bloom nutes earlier) and not feeding Vit B.

I basically agree with everything he said.

you seem to be caught up in trying to ''call shenanigans on him' to read his points.

Personally, Ive used bud blood, at the label rate, and i thought i noticed an earlier budset (like 3-4 days from12/12, instead of 9-11 days).

I stopped using it, I liked phosoload better, but i generally dont use them.


I don't really think some of you people know who this is!:respect: You all need to do I little more research the man knows his sh..?

I don't post much but read alot. He's probably one the reason why there is a whole forum about growing vertically.

Thanks buddy. I'm no wizard when it comes to growing but someone who designs/constructs a ton of systems that produce way above peoples averages in a equal or shorter time frames. Because of the success , I didnt really play a lot with feeding programs and such. It's only in the last couple of years that I have been experimenting and Ive been enjoying my results.

I'll try and post some pics of individule plants soon. I turn in a couple days. It's easier to see inside the plants then.


Well-known member
00420 & Shroom Dr. Thank you. I'm glad you see what I am getting at.
Barnyard I know this guy knows how to grow. I seen his gallery. very impressive. I just don't know why what I'm saying is so offensive. I'm wrong all the time, and thank people who contribute to my experiments and correct me. I honestly don't understand what I said to upset him so much. I blocked him so I cant even see what he's posting, but I hope he understands what I meant with your help Shrooms & 00420!


I think you two are so caught up in being advisarial, youre missing eachothers point.

his point is, without actual budsets, a shot of pk has nothing to boost & you can control stretch by dropping the N earlier (switching to bloom nutes earlier) and not feeding Vit B.

I basically agree with everything he said.

you seem to be caught up in trying to ''call shenanigans on him' to read his points.

Personally, Ive used bud blood, at the label rate, and i thought i noticed an earlier budset (like 3-4 days from12/12, instead of 9-11 days).

I stopped using it, I liked phosoload better, but i generally dont use them.

You know, I havent disagreed with him on anything really. It started in his first post. He showed he didnt read what was being done. Everything after that was him flexing knowledge but he still missed the point of the thread. It's not his knowledge being challenged at all. I could really care less about his point because most of it is irrelivent. I'm being told all the things I need to do...but the only problem I have is not enough clones...and that was temperary.

Cutting out the gro and increasing the micro does not cut back N. It cuts back K and increases N.(suggested by another poster)

He thinks adding Bud Blood the way we have will possibly kill our grows??? I know people mix AN nutes too strong and AN is the one to blame with their marketing/feeding charts but running lower ppm should be safe. He sounds more like a guy with a personal beef with his former employers. He simply could of stated that he doesnt believe their claims at the very *beginning* but just made statements all the way with nothing to indicate why or how he came to these conclusions. Thats why I was upset with the manners and brushed him off. :hide:


His first post had these things to ask or say...

wouldnt a true test be to use 2 equal sized sized stadiums and add bud blood to 1, and not bud blood on the other?

It is and it'sall in the first post of the thread.

over filling the area will result in smaller yeilds as will shortening the time

The area is never over crowded. I kill planst before this happenes. Pointless suggestions based on assumptions.

why add a bloom stimulant when there are no buds present?

Why ask me why I'm testing some prodeuct that no one knows much about and sharing it with everyone?

want to control stretch?

No, not usually. But instead of throwing plants away and chopping my oldest ones way down, I decided to do a test. I'm not in a situation and taking chances to get out of it by any means.

I mean, if he read from the beginning he would have probably told me that bud blood was a hoax in his opinion but he'd be interested in my reults but instead it's a pissing contest and I'm accused of buying into hypes(more assumptions). I didnt step into this thread and say "hold up here this is wrong". He doesnt like my reaction...I don't like his ignorance and ego. He's blocked me...lets move on.


Everybody here is acting like ass holes pretty much.
Toohigh didnt thoroughly read the 1st post and thats expected from a stoner lol
He is good people and help me a ton knows what he speaks of and he gave you a formula to combat stretch without buying bud blood.
ok great every body move on
the important part is the results of the test.
they claim it stops stretch and finish quickly and ofcourse yield but your not picking this up for yield thats what big bud and od is for.
So it stops stretch good 1 claim we can verf for those growing themselves out of house and home with LONG sativas like toohigh mentioned to me you can pick this up or drop grow.

The absolute most important part what you need to show us is if it will finish quicker. I saw this thread on supersilver haze and the shit went 14 weeks with the blood so.
Your post is going to definately help......for everybody else stay out of it unless your toohigh and let the man do the damn test...assholes lol before he says fuck this shit im outta here

aye toohigh burned my damn crop up lol adding shit to DM


"I'm going to run a simple meaningless test with a product, Take it for what it's worth."

"You are doing it wrong, I use to be a AN rep," then one and on about how much he knows never admiting that it's all irrelevent what he is telling me when being corrected. It was a one person arguement after that because I didnt care about any of his irrelivent advice and chest beating.

Theres a giant thread for the AN sucks crowd. Why bring it to a thread testing their products. If the product is bad, we will see just how bad. It's all after the fact. The bud blood was used before he posted and I never paid a dime for the free sample. Why would I buy more? I never have too huge plants usually. I'm not one to try too many magic potions or anything? Like I stated at the beginning, I run my nutes weak. I really don't know why all of it had to be discussed. The biggest point that he's missed is I don't disagree or care. It just was obvious it was about toohigh and not the subject and I was offended.

Anyways, he was lecturing me about a feeding program I do use and it works very well for me. I could go on and on about how great my shit is but this is the internet. Pics are the only thing I can provide and I have provided hundreds over the years.

Big Foot

I've used bud blood plenty of times and it does as it describes.

"toohighmf," do you really think marijuana won't benefit from bud blood at the start of flower. Once lights are switched to 12/12 the plants may stretch inches a day, thus the need for nutrients becomes much higher.


Well-known member
I don't think bud blood will help your yield at all on anything less than 12 weeks. as I previously mentioned, this can be controlled with the reduction of N. sorry to bother your thread NFR.


I don't think bud blood will help your yield at all on anything less than 12 weeks. as I previously mentioned, this can be controlled with the reduction of N. sorry to bother your thread NFR.

I never even considered the notion that I may get a higher yeild and nowhere do I say I'm even going report yeild iirc? It's a good idea since I will have the opportunity to do so...yet it will be a pain in the ass with the trim and dry and hardly fair considering the room was full of topped older plants.

It does appear I think at this point to have some effect on my stretch on the other hand...but theres a couple of days yet before the verdict. It's still just a judgement call as well. I don't run a lab with college students keeping track of measurements and constantly monitering everything.:whistling:

Sorry for getting so uptight. This thread got started off on the wrong foot and it pissed me off.

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