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Breeding Ethics


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
were all about the money, american way, if theres no money in it, noone is interested.

it is a sad situation, guys like sam who have done much more for breeding then all the wannabes out there put together.

the growers buyin the knockoffs are really the damn problem, they have no effin ethics imo. if they went with the guys that made the lines and not all the hacks, those hacks would be down the road. so what if they cost just a bit more, at least the cash goes where it should, and you have original offerings in your stable, not FAKES.

when ya go to the store, and buy whatever, do you buy name brand, or knockoffs from china?? quality or quantity? cheap shit or good shit?

we can argue this till the end of time, not gonna make a diff at all in the end. its all about the money always will be, spent a bit of time in norcal, observed growers there, its not about the plant, its about the poundage, and six figures, vacations, fast cars, boats, 4wheelers, blah, blaah ,blah nothin else.

like any other biz, make as much chedddar as possible, crush the competition, move up in the world.

whew im ramblin now:D


Well-known member
You must spread some rep before giving it to CBF again, ect ect :D... Speakin of cheddar when are you going to shut up and take my money CBF?? I want them beans haha....

joe guy

Well if we were all pollen chuckers and made a.lil bit more seed.than we need, we could then in turn trade them with other p.c. To get more genetics in your room to breed with that then my friends there would be no need to even have seed companys... What im doing now is making 6 seeds thats it i will rrun 3 and trade 3.. I get another strain and run the one i made.. The other pollen chucker get a new one too... Its so simple...if uve taken time to stableize your line then expect tthe same or more f1s than u give for your 3 or 4s...


To paraphrase Dr. Carl Sagan:

"If you wish to make a cannabis strain from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

You know he was smoking some serious galactic ganja! too bad he wasn't around to blaze this star fighter, he would've love it

Ethics in general can be summed up by a simple biblical reference....
The Golden rule; do unto other as you would have them do unto you.

What more is there to say? I like the idea of making 'love-based' decisions and think it would create a more loving society, people...planet. I like that thought of that future for my babies.

and lets not forget, the global market for cannabis is a juggernaught! The 'big dogs' can't keep up with demand

I have gathered my stock carefully over the years and my breeding has been mostly private. If, when, how and why, I release seeds, is my business and my purgative. (right Bobby!?!) Just because some cat elsewhere has the same/similar genetics to select from doesn't mean as much as the selection itself. From the same pile of bricks we will all construct different things, no?

Much respect to the pioneers, front runners and prisoners that paved the way to this wondrous time in cannabis history. Your contributions should be heralded and your work venerated...
Whatever generation of ganja person you are, respect one another and lift each other up. Together forward and never back

Kaya Paul


I think it's funny how all cannabis 'breeders' think they have 'the eye' for selection. lol

As if it's some kind of mystical quality.

You don't see vegetable breeders spruiking about there keen eye for selection etc.
Or producing posters with captions like 'The King of Bok Choi'.

silver hawaiian

Active member

IMO no marijuana seed is worth $20. I've paid that, but I prefer to buy from the knock-off breeders like Beanhoarder and Dynafem . I don't buy into this unethical argument. Mother Nature didn't intend for genetics to be controlled by a few. Monsanto is a prime example of genetics and the law going too far.


And :yeahthats

And that other part, :yeahthats



To be honest for you to decide Skunk #1 is not mine is hard for me to fathom, it is like someone saying a painting is not the artists work because he sold it. It is still the artists work. Skunk #1 will always be my work. I did choose to share with the community, it is some of the community that knocked of Skunk #1 seeds and sold them under the name I invented, Skunk #1, so they could make profit. Are you saying they deserve to profit from my work just because they can knock it off?? Oh, by the way I do continue to work with Skunk #1 every year, not that it makes any difference.
As for the sun soil and air and water being a breeder, then why don't you smoke unimproved by man Cannabis? Because it is the hand of man that selects and creates Cannabis that people want to smoke... No one I know smokes Cannabis that is unimproved by man, no one.



Sam unless you are to continue work and select and release skunk line and selections to match your preference, this not longer is your line alone, you choose to work and share to it with community

gratis or at cost, you choose to release this....also am keen to think similar thinks at why you are not release many of this genetics you are to acquire....

how easy for make the seed, it come down to genetic variability and possible combinations therewithin
you know this
such the bottleneck is not what is available, rather what not is available

perhap you are to work a personal line and keep private this is your decision but also keep with mind you offer for sale skunk1 and if others are to continue and work this line regardless of selections and quality within the variety is still skunk1

a breeder is only as good as the last sachets of seed, as the seed is perishable, love and energy must always continue to be put into anything

cannabis exist before human, cannabis own more the human mind than the human are to own the cannabis....think to that

more breeder than any human, the sun the soil, the air, the water, all this things are life and alive with positive vibrations


You don't see vegetable breeders spruiking about there keen eye for selection etc., or producing posters with captions like 'The King of Bok Choi'.

That would be hilarious! Great mental image there.. Thanks for the chuckle! Vegetable farmer groupies...


lives on planet 4:20
To be honest for you to decide Skunk #1 is not mine is hard for me to fathom, it is like someone saying a painting is not the artists work because he sold it. It is still the artists work.

Skunk #1 will always be my work.

I did choose to share with the community, it is some of the community that knocked of Skunk #1 seeds and sold them under the name I invented, Skunk #1, so they could make profit. Are you saying they deserve to profit from my work just because they can knock it off?? Oh, by the way I do continue to work with Skunk #1 every year, not that it makes any difference.

The primary question is what is the reality of the situation?

The reality is that many knocked-off Skunk#1 and sold them beans with that same name at a profit...period!

Everything else is simply your interpretation, based on your beliefs and assumptions.

I can't really grasp why you can't accept the truth and let it go --- for so many years?

Even if you had an agreement signed or a patent, or the word from the people that they wouldn't do this, it wouldn't matter, reality is still what it IS.

You seem to think that reality shouldn't be the way it is, that it should be the way you think it should be.

This is obviously a massive fantasy and delusion (that you are currently not aware of for some reason).

This can be observed in how many times you mention the words I, me, mine, etc. in your posts in relation to Skunk#1.

The resistence that you feel is based on a feeling of incapacity. You are incapable of stopping these folks from profiting from Skunk#1, so all you are left with is irritation and being pissed off in relation to these cannabis entrepreneurs, or from your perspective "thieves."

How many years have passed since this occured, and you still can't accept that reality will always be whatever it is?

Should and shouldn't are words that we use for arguing with reality, resisting what is, and it hasn't worked for anyone for thousands of years....you are not an exception to this rule.

Reality is still what it is...and always and only will be what it is.

There are no exceptions, this is the nature of reality.

As for the sun soil and air and water being a breeder, then why don't you smoke unimproved by man Cannabis? Because it is the hand of man that selects and creates Cannabis that people want to smoke... No one I know smokes Cannabis that is unimproved by man, no one.

It's not like you're the only one to work with cannabis, but you are one of the few that continues to stay pissed off that in your imagination you got ripped off by folks that are using the name Skunk#1 for making profits.

Did you think that people are all honest, and would send you money for selling beens under the name that you invented?
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My philosophy, Is if i purchase your strain I have the right to do whatever I want with it. you should always give credit to the breeder though. but if i purchase a strain and want to breed with it I'm not going to ask a breeder for permission...it's my strain just as much as it is theirs. lol just thinking about it..most strains were made with stolen or "secret" genetics anyway

thats retarded cause its funny.. u say its urs just as m uch as it is theirs.. well can u reproduce that line in seed form? the exact seeds u got ? no.. so the mother and father are not in ur possession.. meaning u dont own shit of htat strain besides some seeds.. big whoop.. as we all know the CLONE only is what we want.. the shit in seed form anynoe can use and find a keeper

i want elite cuts. not seeds of them.


and thats shitty.. too kuz honestly.. all u guys saying its ur work and shit.. are just making it more difficult for breeders to allow the REAL DEAL to be sold. maybe crosses and shit.. think about it guys.. u wana be nice to thebreeders.. they have real genetics.. u cant go around the world now and get landrace genetics? no u cant.. its all watered down.. with shit from greenhouse fem seeds hermiing all over the world from strain hunters..

u newbs see strain hunters and are so attached to greenhouse there so cooll.. no there not there scumbags and aryan fucked with all the genetics around the world making it almost impossible to get these landraces without buying the genetics ..

watch the videos strain hunters . he says funny shit about 100%feminized seeds . and how the males are bad and shit .. thne he laughs.. itwas all about getting the genetics for himself.. and then watering down the rset of them so no1 can go back there and get the REAL DEAL .

we are lucky sam the skunkman isnt like Aryan ok.. im sick of people talking so much shit about sam dude . i dont even really know the dude.. and i can tell u all that hes a much better person then fuckin 90percent of the population in the world so ... sorry u guys think different but hes done amazing shit for the canna community.


Well-known member
did yu ever see ******s knockoff ? escobar knock off ? nirvana knockoff ?
no just because there is no money to make by the guys if the original seeds go for low price.

so if you don't wanna see knock off from your strains, sell them for a decent price !!! it's only seeds, not gold... :lol:


I love it when what I presume is a non-grower starts pontificating about things he has zero experience about. Until you walk in my shoes you have zero right to tell me how I should feel.
The hell with interpretations some people stole Skunk #1 knocked it off and sold it under it's name Skunk #1, simple enough do you have doubt it happened?
I have accepted this a long time ago, but the truth is the truth.

Please post on subject or don't post on this thread, the thread subject is Breeding Ethitics. Have you ever even posted on the subject of Cannabis?


The primary question is what is the reality of the situation?

The reality is that many knocked-off Skunk#1 and sold them beans with that same name at a profit...period!

Everything else is simply your interpretation, based on your beliefs and assumptions.

I can't really grasp why you can't accept the truth and let it go --- for so many years?

Even if you had an agreement signed or a patent, or the word from the people that they wouldn't do this, it wouldn't matter, reality is still what it IS.

You seem to think that reality shouldn't be the way it is, that it should be the way you think it should be.

This is obviously a massive fantasy and delusion (that you are currently not aware of for some reason).

This can be observed in how many times you mention the words I, me, mine, etc. in your posts in relation to Skunk#1.

The resistence that you feel is based on a feeling of incapacity. You are incapable of stopping these folks from profiting from Skunk#1, so all you are left with is irritation and being pissed off in relation to these cannabis entrepreneurs, or from your perspective "thieves."

How many years have passed since this occured, and you still can't accept that reality will always be whatever it is?

Should and shouldn't are words that we use for arguing with reality, resisting what is, and it hasn't worked for anyone for thousands of years....you are not an exception to this rule.

Reality is still what it is...and always and only will be what it is.

There are no exceptions, this is the nature of reality.

It's not like you're the only one to work with cannabis, but you are one of the few that continues to stay pissed off that in your imagination you got ripped off by folks that are using the name Skunk#1 for making profits.

Did you think that people are all honest, and would send you money for selling beens under the name that you invented?
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did yu ever see ******s knockoff ? escobar knock off ? nirvana knockoff ?
no just because there is no money to make by the guys if the original seeds go for low price.

so if you don't wanna see knock off from your strains, sell them for a decent price !!! it's only seeds, not gold... :lol:

I don't mind paying a lot once if I get the strain I want. I can recreate it through seeds and clones. So no, I won't get any clone only strains, but there are plenty of nice strains you can start from seed.

I am curious though, what is a "decent price"?


Well-known member
With the exception of genetically modified canola, when you buy any seed, you are free to do what you want with the progeny and the seeds produced. Why should marijuana be any different? What makes any breeder think he has the right to determine what happens after he sells the seeds? Can you imagine the state of our agricultural industry if farmers couldn't make and sell seeds.

It's obvious that commercial marijuana breeders are greedy and would charge as much as they could if given the chance. The fact that marijuana and it's seeds are illegal in most countries around the world is what has driven the price of seeds and weed. If marijuana were legal, a 10 pack of seeds would cost the same as a pack of tomato seeds.

Commercial breeders have been gouging us for years and now they want our sympathy when competition enters the market. Let's see them copy write the names and sue the people illegally using their names. As for the genetics, if you sell the seeds, you've forfeited your rights to the exclusive genetics, hence the cost.


To be honest for you to decide Skunk #1 is not mine is hard for me to fathom, it is like someone saying a painting is not the artists work because he sold it. It is still the artists work. Skunk #1 will always be my work. I did choose to share with the community, it is some of the community that knocked of Skunk #1 seeds and sold them under the name I invented, Skunk #1, so they could make profit. Are you saying they deserve to profit from my work just because they can knock it off?? Oh, by the way I do continue to work with Skunk #1 every year, not that it makes any difference.
As for the sun soil and air and water being a breeder, then why don't you smoke unimproved by man Cannabis? Because it is the hand of man that selects and creates Cannabis that people want to smoke... No one I know smokes Cannabis that is unimproved by man, no one.


thats the problem with cannabis breeders very few of them work to make a great true breeding line like skunk#1 and northern lights. all they really do is get them from the real breeder and sell them as their own and make a bunch of hybrids. I don't know of too many breeders that actually work with landraces or even work to make true breeding lines. they just make too much money pumping out hybrids and selling the seeds for more then their weight in gold and getting it. but I'm sure the best seed comes from the private breeders that constantly work their line for years. I'm sure your skunk#1 is probally better then sensi seeds I'd love to buy skunk#1 from the skunk man himself but seed boutique only has crosses from you.

any chance of you puting out skunk #1 seeds for sale? I know I'll buy a few packs even if you do charge top dollar for them.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
were all about the money, american way, if theres no money in it, noone is interested.

it is a sad situation, guys like sam who have done much more for breeding then all the wannabes out there put together.

the growers buyin the knockoffs are really the damn problem, they have no effin ethics imo. if they went with the guys that made the lines and not all the hacks, those hacks would be down the road. so what if they cost just a bit more, at least the cash goes where it should, and you have original offerings in your stable, not FAKES.

when ya go to the store, and buy whatever, do you buy name brand, or knockoffs from china?? quality or quantity? cheap shit or good shit?

we can argue this till the end of time, not gonna make a diff at all in the end. its all about the money always will be, spent a bit of time in norcal, observed growers there, its not about the plant, its about the poundage, and six figures, vacations, fast cars, boats, 4wheelers, blah, blaah ,blah nothin else.

like any other biz, make as much chedddar as possible, crush the competition, move up in the world.

whew im ramblin now:D

Your first statement that if there was no money involvled we would have no interest. I'm not sure if this is true for cannabis as I don't make any cash off of cannabis infact I spend too much on it lol Yet I do love my cannabis !!:woohoo:headband 707:biggrin:

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