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If you could do whatever you wanted..

  • Thread starter InvisibleEmpire
  • Start date


What would you do with your life?

My goal is to become like above, no job...no debt...and plenty of money. Once achieved, I'd like to:

- Up and leave, fly somewhere random and talk to/meet random people and make it a crazy adventure in which you will have a crazy story for friends back home. Almost like the plot in "the hangover", but with good friends and no mike tyson. And add a lot of weed and other drugs.
- Go to historical places in the US, also places like Rome, etc.
- Grow and smoke copious amounts of weed.
- Make enough money to:
-- Buy property with a house that is wired completely for solar, wind and geothermal power with a capacity of providing over 10,000watts an hour, per day, every day.
-- Start a large garden and possibly a small farm, stock up on an emergency pack of food to feed a family of 5 for 5-10 years; stock on batteries, weapons and ammo. If trouble looms, have a designated spot for water storage with proper treatment plans in place if stored for long periods.
- Get an extremely hot wife & badass dog

Then I'd be set!

It is far fetched for someone like myself, as the above would cost 500,000+...don't think i'll ever have that much spending money but, if i ever do, that's what i plan on doing! I think we have all gotten away from what we truly want out of life and are stuck working every day to "get by", however that may be. I think getting back to the basics of life, basics of family and becoming self-sufficient and not relying on the 'system' is a way of life we should all attempt to adopt..


Active member
ICMag Donor
Why don't you start now,ease into it w/a lost weekend or two ,see how it feels before you blow years saving for it...good luck


Definately self sufficient, a nice size farm, family, and plenty of ammo.


Active member
Definately self sufficient, a nice size farm, family, and plenty of ammo.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Been there, done that, it gets pretty boring after you get all that shit and then you move back to the ghetto for some excitement. :biggrin:


The Tri Guy
I'm with MMM, if you're gonna dream, dream big!
Invisibility at will (and visibility of course) would be really handy.


Active member
I want to move up to northern California (too hot for me down here in SoCal), not have to work, have a huge plot of land to build a house for me and my mother on (separate house for her), have enough money to not have to worry about the finances, have a huge pot garden, and live off the land. Plenty of fruits, veggies, herbs, spices, animals, solar panels, a creek running through my property... And finally marry this girl I've been chasing for years now. Then I'd be perfectly happy...

And well, maybe a chemist on hand at all times that could synth up some alprazolam, opioids, and other drugs... Then my life would be perfect :)


To be super human. Not the crap thats on stan lee's show either, super strength; agility, vision, hearing, smell, brain power/control, etc.


pint with all the james bond actors including baddies, neil patrick harris can come too.

but ill settle for my planned ganja plantation :tongue:


well now that this has gone into comic-book theories, lol...

teleporting > flying

think about it...you could base jump anywhere, and a second before you hit the ground teleport back to the top...lol...or jump out of a plane and teleport back on it leaving people like WTF?


Trying to have a good day
Definately self sufficient, a nice size farm, family, and plenty of ammo.........I have done that too...when I was a kid.Hated it then.Now I know better.I dont need any excitement.Ive had enough of that already in my life.

Want the time and space to read,think,create.Basically just breath man.In and out...........

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