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Whats the deal when hash wont melt/bubble?


Active member
I made some ice water hash from some bud/popcorn/trim. But the trim was sugary trim. About 80/20 cloudy/amber.

I went through a 220, 160, 110, 73, and 25.. The 73<hash<110 doesn't bubble, nor does the 25<hash<73..

It smokes really well.. And I used a wooden spoon to mix it and I've achieved melty/bubbly hash before.. This was DJ Shorts' Blueberry, BOG's Sour Bubble and SS AK47 material all mixed together.

Could it be the way I light it? I use beeline and a 60wire Ti screen. I tried using a lighter once to with no difference in bubbling. I tried drawing air/not drawing air.. Dont know why because I didn't do anything special to get it to bubble before.. And it pretty much gets me as high I think, if not more stoned, but wonder maybe it could be better because I'm using better strains.


I just bought a bubble bag set as well. I switched from 15 minutes of stirring to 5 minutes of stirring. I get less hash but of a higher quality. I will run leaf matter through multiple times to collect any lower quality hash left behind the first run. I had the same problem with my first 2 runs, my third run which was stirred for 5 minutes bubbled. Not sure if it was actually related to the stirring or the strain. Let me know what you figure out.


Active member
It has to be very pure to bubble, doesn't have anything to do with how you light it. You may have beaten it too much when making it.


The Hashish Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
UnFinished Resin

UnFinished Resin

Like most Cannabis Growers you are counting days instead of looking at the Trichomes develop and properly finish.

Everybody wants to cut there plants down on day 56 or 65 or ?? Because somebody told them there strain finishes on that day. This is not true. Every plant has there own time to finish. This is when the Resin is finished on the plant.

If more people would pay attention to the Resin Development on there plants and let there plants go a extra week, we would see the quality of Home Made Hashish RISE!!

Aqua Lab Tech
aeviaanah & japanfreakier are right. more impurities get introduced into solution when you agitate trim/schwag/leaves too long or too violently (ie immersible blender). this has been consistent in my hash runs as well.

Pure 73um bag hash should bubble and melt.


Active member
I just bought a bubble bag set as well. I switched from 15 minutes of stirring to 5 minutes of stirring. I get less hash but of a higher quality. I will run leaf matter through multiple times to collect any lower quality hash left behind the first run. I had the same problem with my first 2 runs, my third run which was stirred for 5 minutes bubbled. Not sure if it was actually related to the stirring or the strain. Let me know what you figure out.
Yeah I'll try that. It may take a bit longer but I want some bubble!!

my guess is that its the strain
Well I hear Sour Bubble is AWESOME for bubble hash, but I mixed it with blueberry and ak47.. Maybe I should sepearate them next time.. Oh man, 1 run just turned into six lol.

It has to be very pure to bubble, doesn't have anything to do with how you light it. You may have beaten it too much when making it.
Yeah I'm sure I did beat it too hard. It worked ok when I had hindu skunk, that stuff bubbled, but this time around (kicked hindu skunk for new genetics) just bubbles on the surface, the rest catches on fire and leaves ash.

Like most Cannabis Growers you are counting days instead of looking at the Trichomes develop and properly finish.

Everybody wants to cut there plants down on day 56 or 65 or ?? Because somebody told them there strain finishes on that day. This is not true. Every plant has there own time to finish. This is when the Resin is finished on the plant.

If more people would pay attention to the Resin Development on there plants and let there plants go a extra week, we would see the quality of Home Made Hashish RISE!!

Aqua Lab Tech

Hey! Love your website, lots of great products. I'm not sure if this was aimed at me, but I only mentioned trichome ripeness in this thread, no mention of days.. I only use days a tracking system. As you said, and as I agree, the look of the trichomes should indicate when the bud is ready.


Active member
aeviaanah & japanfreakier are right. more impurities get introduced into solution when you agitate trim/schwag/leaves too long or too violently (ie immersible blender). this has been consistent in my hash runs as well.

Pure 73um bag hash should bubble and melt.

Yeah I'm going to tone it down a bit my next run.. I'm surprised its not pure enough. Maybe I'll try and get a picture because it looks pretty pure through the scope..

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
try a 6 or 7 minute mix with a wooden spoon.

edit also use fresh frozen trim. the faster you get it to the freezer from the plant the better. your hash will bubble and retain all the lovely smells of the strain


Active member
try a 6 or 7 minute mix with a wooden spoon.

edit also use fresh frozen trim. the faster you get it to the freezer from the plant the better. your hash will bubble and retain all the lovely smells of the strain

Thanks! Yeah this stuff was dry dry.. I'll definitely put it in freezer, fresh, next time along with a shorter mix.. MmMMmm I cant wait :jump:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Yes it does have to do with not over mixing and being sure not to many impurities make their way into your hash.... But more then ANYTHING .... Bubble hash is strain specific... some resin just doesnt bubble. Bubble is strain specific..... some strains just naturally bubble better then others .... some dont bubble at all. The best will make what we call Full Melt Clear Dome. I like to make my hash with fresh frozen trim and stir with a wooden spoon then pour through all 8 bags :)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
As has been noted, too much plant cellulose in the hash will keep it from bubbling.

When I try to recover ice water hash that has picked up too much cellulose, I have had the best luck just dissolving it in a solvent and extracting the oil. Once it starts to clump, it doesn’t gracefully pass though filter bags anymore.

It actually produces killer oil, because all the water, chlorophyll, plant waxes, alkaloids, and vegetable oil sources have already been removed from the equation.


Well-known member
i've been making hash with bags for a while, and really never had 'bubble'... until last week... the new batch was dfef bubbling...

now the problem... the screeen is totally blocked by the bubble residue... i turned blue trying to get a draw... time for a new screen...


i cant ever get much out of my 90 bag...most of it comes from the 45. any ideas why?

is good hash dark or light when dry? after drying my hash really darkens up.

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