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Breaking news! Cannabis reject carnists

Carnists=eat Cars"!? need metal teeth! lmao! ohhhh the small things!



Our natural soil is full of nutrients from dead animals. There is nothing you can buy to eat that does not have remains of dead animals in it. Except vegans and vegetarians pay more for the dead animal foods they eat.

I forgot the other animal waste products in the soil and flagellant that plants need and absorb for growth.


Active member
Our natural soil is full of nutrients from dead animals. There is nothing you can buy to eat that does not have remains of dead animals in it. Except vegans and vegetarians pay more for the dead animal foods they eat.

very abstract man! lol! the way i see it is, 'you cant kid a kidder'! deal with it!

i got loads of veggie & vegan friends, that'll wanna punch me in the face right now! each to their own at the end of the day!
lol one/two of em just sorta poked me"!(watchin are ya guys lol)- no offense!
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Feeling good is good enough.
I eat what my instinct tells me...

Some days I really crave the reddest of meats... medium rare please!

I am an apex predator.



New member
Our natural soil is full of nutrients from dead animals. There is nothing you can buy to eat that does not have remains of dead animals in it. Except vegans and vegetarians pay more for the dead animal foods they eat.

Then we're all carnists! But everything that doesn't contribute to and sustain the current meat industry is OK by me (though I don't eat anything from animal sources (well, only indirectly through the soil apparently (according to you (which is a stupid but ultimately true argument))


While yes, we could get these proteins, vitamins, and other beneficial nutrients elsewhere, it is instilled in our nature to go and kill for, and eat meat. Albeit, we have gotten much lazier in the ways that we obtain our meats (drive thru's?) Regardless of how we get it, moderation is the key, and not only eating one thing, be it vegetables or meat. One must have a balanced diet, and exercise regularly to maintain the body that has evolved over millions of years.


Well-known member

sorry famz but wtf? i mean you know what a dildo n tofu got in common? (both are meat substitute ;)

back on topic... it's all a cycle... the destruents (bacteria, archea, fungi, centipedes...) reduce the mater to single compounds -> uptakable by the biomass producers (photosynthesis capable bacteria & plants). in the next step you have the herbivores... insects, animals, humans (feedin on plant matter or on bacteria). then comes in the carnivores who feed on those, ... and on top you have "theoreticly" the omnivores, who feed on everything... and since this system "co evolved" or was "designed" like that ;) who let's you think, you are in the position to chat ish like that bro? i'd love to see, yourself training a wolf or other carnivore to a straight vegan diet... same way, one reason science claims the human brains growth took place -> MEAT ....

ps.: wheres my steak?
pss.: don't worry! if carnivore behaviour is meant to die out -> it will happen through the "energy uptake constant theory", basicly, ... only 10% of uptaken energy from any energy source, can be effectivly used by any organism ... hence the bigger an organism is, the smaller population is inherent, cause of that factor... the smaller the population, the sooner extincion might occur :)


Active member
Chicken wings, fries & a really nice multi veg salad for me right now(with sweet chilly sauce), mmmm, fkin luv the stuff!

my salad dressing reigns supreme mmmmm! EV olive oil, balsamic V, Honey, cayenne & black pepper, seasalt, lovley!!

15 mins later...'Fk that meal was good! i could eat another one!
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the shit spoon
lol i don't think he's bullshitting guys.

i been to one of these global prayer circles before.

its fuckin hilarious.


Every vegetarian I've met does not look all that healthy to me. Just my data set. And what's up with fat vegetarians? I don't get that.

Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian.

Venison, wild turkey (not in a bottle), duck, freshwater fish, and the odd wild crustacean for me. And of course pulled pork bbq.
Either we have a lot of jokesters here or this community is far less enlightened than I thought. I am not a vegan or vegetarian, and I don't think I ever will be, but I give credit to those that can make that commitment and try to follow a better path in life. I too think that it is not healthy to eat all one thing or another and veggie people do seem less healthy. But a primarily or entirely all meat diet is far worse for you than an all veggie diet. Raising meat is costly on the environment and an inefficient use of food resources. Either we reduce our meat intake now or one day we will all be forced to be vegetarian when all the meat runs scarce and only the wealthiest can afford it. I plan to eat less meat and more fish and veggies. Red meat twice a month is more than enough to combat any of the supposed deficiencies of a mostly veggie diet. Haven't you all heard about cholesterol and diabeties and heart disease and saturated fat? Or is that all an illuminati world control trick too? :D


Rubbing my glands together
What an idiot. You tell us not to "come up with bad excuses to why we *must* eat meat" yet you spout stupid shit like "Eat meat and destroy the planet". Enjoy your zealous pitcher of I'm smarter than a 5th grader koolaid.
Hope these pics of some slow smoked pork goodness makes you puke your turnips up.
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ghost in training
Lady I work with is a vegetarian. She hurt her foot and wasn't healing right. Doctor told her she needs meat in her diet. Lol we need meat! I love all food

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