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Boycott the London 2012 Olympics


Active member
5 pages of TLDR.

Is it okay if I DVR the Olympics (some of it, the Summer games are pretty boring) skip the commercials and swear that I hate corporations? (I imagine this is what the 5 pages are about)

Is it okay if I watch the son of a friend compete?

This kid has worked his ass off his whole life. He doesn't much care about corporations and politics. He has learned to use the corporations to get what he wants.

He is pure of heart and doesn't give a shit about corporations and the Olympics. He just wants to compete against the best in the world. I'll watch him with a clear conscience.

Do I need to burn down a nike store to even it out?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
HK you're on my ignore list. I clicked View Post just to be sure and yep, your stupidity is still showing loudly and proudly, exemplified by your government asskissery and sore lack of critical thinking skills. (Thank you, Department of "Education.")

Please don't waste our time by responding further with your inane comments.

“If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

You can't even ignore people you have decided to ignore and I'm the one with a lack of critical think skills? :rolleyes: Thanks for a good laugh moron.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What part of "don't waste our time arguing with me, dumbass, because you're ignored" requires one to be "king/dictator of IC" to legitimately say?

You can mind your own business too hoss...I'm sure HempKat doesn't need you swinging on his nuts.

The thing is, and you would know this if you yourself possessed any critical thinking skills, is you brought it all on yourself by reading that what you chose to ignore in advance. It kind of defeats the whole point of the ignore button if you go ahead and read what you're supposed to be ignoring. So go ahead and ignore me, I don't care, I'm not here seeking yours or anyone else's approval, do me a favor though and if you're going to ignore me, then do please actually ignore me.


Active member
A corporation made the computer I am using right now.
The internet service I use is a corporation.
The place I bought my food in is a corporation...

I am on the board of a non-profit corporation. We give money to arts programs, dog shelters, anti gang programs, homeless advocates...

All we do is raise money and give it away.

The rest of the board members are not in agreement with me that we should change the name to Schlongco.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Gentlemen, this has been a good discussion so far. Can we keep the mudslinging down to a minimum? I think it's great that we can have differences in opinions and can express them accordingly and respectfully.

Hempkat - There is a need for security at these events. Just look at the recent riots in Vancouver after the home town lost the final hockey game and the fans trashed the downtown. All I'm saying is that military troops, aircraft carriers, anti-aircraft missiles, drones, suspension of due process and all the other things that go with this lockdown are excessive to provide that security. It's all in the name of protecting business interests and the Olympics is a business. Once these personal liberties are taken away, they have to be fought for to get restored.

I agree completely that the measures taken these days is excessive. Air travel in the USA has gone from being a once simple and relatively enjoyable experience to something people don't want to do unless they absolutely have to. Nobody wants to have strangers groping them or to watch their loved ones being groped by strange men. My point though is the threats are real and as such measures do have to be taken but it's not the Olympics that makes this true it's terrorism that makes it true. If the Olympics were conducted such that there were no audiences allowed it is less likely it would be a target because what makes it a target is the throngs of people attending. Boycotting the Olympics to avoid the terrorist counter measures would be akin to killing a child to prevent it from being abused by an abussive parent. Also while these measures do protect the corporate interests connected to the Olympics it also protects all of the athletes and spectators.

lost in a sea

LOL, agree except for the Jesuits.

The Knights Templar and Roman Catholic Church are like the Hatfields and McKoys...

They have a similar organization, "The Knights of Columbus" No basis in Metaphysics involved of course! Baltimore Catechism is the required ritual there.

you'd be surprised what the jesuits get up to,,

the knights of columbus,, as in "district of columbia",, columb the dove..

columbus didnt discover the americas..

fact is as i said boycotting or ignoring corporations wont change anything now we have gone this far down the road,,

My point though is the threats are real and as such measures do have to be taken but it's not the Olympics that makes this true it's terrorism that makes it true. If the Olympics were conducted such that there were no audiences allowed it is less likely it would be a target because what makes it a target is the throngs of people attending.

and who do you think the terrorists are?

do you know anything about how over the top these "measures" have been ? its utterly insane.. a bit like going to war with iraq to stop weapons of mass destruction that dont exist after a false flag "terrorist" act..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
and who do you think the terrorists are?

do you know anything about how over the top these "measures" have been ? its utterly insane.. a bit like going to war with iraq to stop weapons of mass destruction that dont exist after a false flag "terrorist" act..

I don't really know specifics of who the terrorists are because there are too many to keep track of for the average person. I do know they exist. I also know that who is the terrorist is a matter of perspective. I define terrorist in this way but do mind this is my own personal definition. I say anyone or any group who seek to further their cause or try to affect change by killing people who have nothing to do with what the terrorists are seeking to change is a terrorist or terrorist group. They seek to bring about change by inflicting terror upon the masses with the hope that the response to the terrorism will bring about the change they want.

By that definition the terrorists are succeeding too. I mean here you have a country already facing serious economic problems and they're spending billions to protect an event. In the process they're also forced to trample the rights and freedoms of the citizenry which ultimately disenfranchises the citzenry from the governments that are supposed to serve them.

The problem for those providing the security is that the terrorist don't fight in conventional ways so the governments are forced to try to cover all imaginable angles. The idea of needing surface to air missles to protect a sporting event seems crazy but is it really when you have an enemy that has a history of using commercial airlines as weapons? All the roadblocks, check points and what not seems counter productive to an event that would be better served if traffic could flow more freely and quickly but is it really so outrageous against an enemy whose main weapons of choice are car bombs and suicide bombers? The real problem for security though are the terrorists are not the uneducated sand people that many think they are. They're fairly intelligent and they're constantly finding ways to improve their attacks in ways that bypass the security measures, as evidenced by things like the underwear bomb that can bypass most scanners and pat downs.

lost in a sea

sounds like you believe what you see on tv mate..

all i can say is that your understanding of who it is that would want to hurt us in the west is seriously warped, and possibly your knowledge of history and of the peoples that inhabit the rest of this planet is equally confused.

what a surprise an isolated mixed up american.. the terrorists over there in the land of the slave and home of the fee are passing around war contracts in the pentagon, buying out puppets on the hill and funding al qaeda to do their bidding through saudi arabia and israel.. whilst selling them the weapons and providing logistical support so they can destabilise egypt,syria,libya etc which were all some of the most secular parts of the world..

those surface to air missiles only have a range of 3 miles, so whatever these so called "terrorists" you have been conditioned to hallucinate into existence attempt to do the fallout will be on peoples heads in the middle of london..

the most that would happen would be yet another false flag act planned by our "elites" used to excuse more pain and misery in the middle east, namely iran..

Pig Pen

LOL, Just kidding about the Jesuits.
The last honest Catholic Clergyman was St Thomas Becket of Canterbury, and we all know what happened to him. Ironically that caused the Church of England and the chasm we were talking about.

Oh that Henry VIII ! If only he could just take a Mistress instead of having all those serial wives.



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
I don't care about the corporations or politics or what have you.
I just think running and spear chucking etc. are caveman sports and most of the olympics are boring as shit. No big agenda there, won't be watching and wasting my summer on that stuff.

:thank you:


Olympians are all psychotics who take shit too far.

So are the heads of fortune 500 companies, but these guys are PAID!

The only thing more useless in life than being a gold medalist water polo player... being the silver medalist.

Dedicating your life and all your time for something that is totally useless and irrelevant should be looked upon in horror, not sponsored by CocaCola and Izod.

99.9999% of Jamaicans had it right, Bobsledding is for losers.

Pig Pen

ShroomDr Please....

The lamest is the gold medal winner for synchronized ribbon twirling, but hopefully they removed that competition.

Quick check indicated that they held the competition at Beijing 2008. (sigh)



this girl obviously has at least a few other exploitable skills.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Ok I'll admit it, I really enjoy watching the Ice skating........
No joke
What if terrorists got control of some of those missiles on top of the tower blocks.... Have the government got missiles trained on their missiles?


New member
I had no idea.
The security described in that article is insane.
What has the world come to?
It's already so disturbing how much we are monitored by "big brother", but this is something else.
Have to agree that boycotting appears to be the way to go...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
sounds like you believe what you see on tv mate..

all i can say is that your understanding of who it is that would want to hurt us in the west is seriously warped, and possibly your knowledge of history and of the peoples that inhabit the rest of this planet is equally confused.

what a surprise an isolated mixed up american.. the terrorists over there in the land of the slave and home of the fee are passing around war contracts in the pentagon, buying out puppets on the hill and funding al qaeda to do their bidding through saudi arabia and israel.. whilst selling them the weapons and providing logistical support so they can destabilise egypt,syria,libya etc which were all some of the most secular parts of the world..

those surface to air missiles only have a range of 3 miles, so whatever these so called "terrorists" you have been conditioned to hallucinate into existence attempt to do the fallout will be on peoples heads in the middle of london..

the most that would happen would be yet another false flag act planned by our "elites" used to excuse more pain and misery in the middle east, namely iran..

Wow thank you so much, it's so great to know that 9/11 was just a hallucination. :rolleyes:

Sounds to me like you spend way too much time on conspiracy theory websites.

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