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Boycott the London 2012 Olympics

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
"Cool story Bro"

my, right on the cutting edge of internet memes and cultural phenomenon aren't we....
next up "Whaaaazuuuuuuuuuup"

guest 77721

I imagine that as the security methods are deployed it will look like a lockdown on the locals. Using the security camera networks and facial recognition methods, all the low life will be rounded up and detained. If you have a criminal record, an outstanding warrant or fit the profile criteria, be prepared to be detained at a bus or train station.

I hear what you are saying loud and clear. I have some very close friends in London and they have been keeping me informed on what's going on there. There is no excuse for how they went about doing things. Local resident are being treated that way because local authorities really don't care about the rights of the average citizen. It's been that way quite a while creeping slowly so most don't even see the change. Most people are too tied up in their daily lives to notice it until it becomes too late.

If the young people of today who actually see and care don't "step up" and get involved with the governing process those presently abusing their powers will definitely succeed in severely reducing our freedoms. Protesting does not work. Protesters are painted in the media as "childish temper tantrums" or "fringe lunatics" nowadays. The days for Gandhi's use of non-violent protesting concept are done. The powers that be have developed and regularly use an effective countermeasure for those tactics.

Pig Pen

Yeah R.G.
I had to think before replying this time because I didn't want to spin this thread of into a "Hot Button" topic. Let me just say that I agree 100% with your statement and this time around they will be (relatively) nice about rounding up the usual suspects, but each subsequent time they will be less nice. It's a slippery slope for sure.

Right now it feels like the NAZI's won the Battle of Britain in London town.

lost in a sea


the corporate sponsors are an insult,, as is lackheed martin doing the security,, as is the extra 100,000 police and army that will be on standby and around the country for the games,,

its also an insult that everyday we are being f'd in the a** by this perverted zionist banker owned government.. that represents weapon and munitions corporations around the world and is promoting the misery and destruction of a secular middle east.. whilst backing fake regimes in saudi arabia and israel..

why are we hearing the word austerity everyday and then spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of pounds of tax payer money on the games,,

all of the buildings are built on land that someone bought for peanuts and all of the buildings will be bought for peanuts by big institutions and corporations,, and not staying as facilities for the megalopolites of that shithole deathmaze..

some of that land was the last remaining green space in that part of london and has been kept free for hundreds of years and that is because the olympics were planned to be held in london in 2012 a very very long time ago,,

surface to air missiles on buildings ???

new roads called things like "Eastern cross route", carpenters road, temple mills lane, angel lane, great eastern road (eastern star),,

the 2012 symbol is obviously zion hidden (sort of hidden)


also i would argue that the Z and the N are stylised like SS lightning bolts..

just look at the company that designed this logo,, they are dodgy as fuck and have designed most of the messianic, talmudic, zionist logos for many of the worlds biggest corporations..

what the fuck are these mascots about? why the rainbow theme ?


i know why but do you? and it isnt because of the colour of the olympic rings before anyone says that.. and do people even know what they represent anyway?

i wish people would wake the fuck up, its frankly pathetic to be born a human in this day and age. if only people were humane and had any empathy they may care a bit more.. but maybe they do(will) get what they deserve.

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Pig Pen

Eastern Star is the name of the woman's sorority that is directly attached to the Freemasons whose Grand Lodge is in London. The Masons have presence in London that dates back to the 1700's. That particular name is legit, but I can't speak to the others.

lost in a sea

jesus christ! way to state the obvious. thanks for that.. oh and by the way it isnt just women in the eastern star,,

do you know what the eastern star is ? the morning star ??


and templars/masons/freemasons/rosicrucians have been in london for alot longer than that..

Pig Pen

Oh, Great Eastern was the name of a Railroad that dates way back, too.

There's a lot of trainspotters and Rail fans in UK (as well as US).

Pig Pen

Yes, just women, except for one Master mason, who presides over all the meetings. He is known as the Patron.
even if all tokers booycotted the olympics it would make no difference to tihe olympics being held and i would have to say it would be a pointless excersise

not only that I enjoy watching many of the events so I will not boycott it

lost in a sea

even if everyone boycotted it it would make no difference,, they would continue on with 100% empty stadiums and 0% tv viewers,

Pig Pen

Masons are not a secret society, they are a society with a secret, and that secret is intact.
In UK it is still considered an honor to be a Mason. I was a Grand Lodge Officer and have a very clear knowledge of what may and may not be disclosed.

There is no conspiracy there, just pride in an old tradition in operation when they name things that way in London. There is way too much misinformation about the Fraternity in the world.

There is even public (non-members can see all of it) web sites for Masonic Lodges in the US. The fraternity is all about making good men better. Anything else is pure speculation made by outsiders.

lost in a sea

who are you talking to?

sounds like you are just repeating crap and not seeing any of my points,, plus i know far far more about all mystic schools than most,, did you see me say there was a mason caused conspiracy?

go drink your flouride mr grand lodge officer.

Pig Pen

Maybe you know, but others may not. I wanted to set the record straight for anyone who reads this thread.

And actually I didn't see some of your posts until afterwards because I take my time and think about things before I make a statement. So don't take it personally.

lost in a sea

fair enough i agree that most that look into it assume its all masons doing this crap..

in fact they are being scapegoated which is why there is so much bullshit aimed at them..

if they used what they know to enlighten the masses then they would have half a chance, but as things are going they are screwed..

and the writing has been on the wall for a long time, so i have no sympathy..

"Enlighten the people, generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like spirits at the dawn of day." TJ
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Pig Pen

Sad thing is 95% of Masons today do not actually understand beyond what is literally in the content of the "Ritual". It is truly a sleeping organization with a great key it has forgotten it had.

lost in a sea

yes so unfortunately it is now a failed mystic school used more for business connections than enlightenment about the sacred geometry and harmonic scale that underlies our universe on all levels.. which is how it has been infiltrated so easily at the top by the crown and gown and its jesuit agents..

Pig Pen

LOL, agree except for the Jesuits.

The Knights Templar and Roman Catholic Church are like the Hatfields and McKoys...

They have a similar organization, "The Knights of Columbus" No basis in Metaphysics involved of course! Baltimore Catechism is the required ritual there.

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