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Boycott the London 2012 Olympics


guest 77721

Gents, it's time to boycott the Olympic games. What once was a way for Countries to come together to promote Peace has been hijacked to build the fascist police state. Riot troops, Drones, Surface to Air Missles, Human Rights abuses and the removal of personal privacy and due process laws are the new Olympic games.

All I can say is do not buy any product that has the commercial Olympic logo on it.



As many as 48,000 security forces. 13,500 troops. Surface-to-air missiles stationed on top of residential apartment buildings. A sonic weapon that disperses crowds by creating “head-splitting pain.” Unmanned drones peering down from the skies. A safe zone, cordoned off by an 18-kilometre electrified fence, ringed with trained agents and 55 teams of attack dogs.

One would be forgiven for thinking that these were the counter-insurgency tactics used by U.S. army bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. But instead of being used in a war zone, they in fact make up the very visible security apparatus in London for the 2012 Summer Olympics.

London, which has the most street cameras per capita of any city on Earth, has since the terror attacks of 7/7/05 been a city whose political leaders spare no expense to monitor its own citizens. But the Olympic operation goes above and beyond anything we’ve ever seen when a western democracy hosts the Games.

Not even China in 2008 used drone planes or ringed the proceedings with a massive, high-voltage fence. But here is London, preparing a counter-insurgency, and parking an aircraft carrier right in the Thames. Here is London adding “scanners, biometric ID cards, number-plate and facial-recognition CCTV systems, disease tracking systems, new police control centres and checkpoints.”

The number of troops will exceed the forces the U.K. has had in Afghanistan.

It’s not just the costs or the incredible invasion into people’s privacy. It’s the powers being given to police under the 2006 “London Olympic Games Act” which empowers not only the army and police, but also private security forces to deal with “security issues” using physical force. These “security issues” have been broadly defined to include everything from “terrorism” to peaceful protesters, to labour unions, to people selling bootleg Olympic products on the streets, to taking down any corporate presence that doesn’t have the Olympic seal of approval. To help them with the last part, there will be “brand protection teams” set loose around the city. These “teams” will also operate inside Olympic venues to make sure no one “wears clothes or accessories with commercial messages other than the manufacturers who are official sponsors.

And, as the Guardian reported: “Officers have powers to move on anyone considered to be engaged in anti-social behaviour, whether they are hanging around the train station, begging, soliciting, loitering in hoodies or deemed in any way to be causing a nuisance.”

Not to shock anyone, but there are no signs that any of the security apparatus will be dismantled once the Olympics are over. Local police forces have just been given an inordinate number of new toys and the boxes have been opened, the receipts tossed away.

London will be left with a high-tech police force, terrible debt, higher taxes, with a camera around every corner. The only people who will leave this party enriched will be the private security industry who will tout “the peace” as their personal accomplishment, encouraging more of the global 1 per cent to get more guards, more walls, and more separation from the great unwashed.

There is no reason that the Olympics have to be this way. There is no reason that an international celebration of sports can’t take place without drones and aircraft carriers. There is no reason athletes from across the globe can’t join together and showcase their physical potential.

But the Olympics aren’t about sport any more than the Iraq war was about democracy. The Olympics are not about athletes. And they’re definitely not about bringing together “the community of nations.” They are a neo-liberal Trojan Horse aimed at bringing in business and rolling back the most basic civil liberties.

In many ways, this is what the Games have always been. From Hitler’s Berlin Olympics in 1936, to the slaughter of students in 1968 in Mexico City, to the gang sweeps in Los Angeles in 1984, to Beijing’s mass displacement of citizens in 2008, the “crackdown” has always been a part of the Olympic Games. But in the post-Sept. 11 world, the stakes are even higher to expose this for what it is. The Olympics have become the spoonful of sugar to help the medicine to down, and the medicine is that our elected leaders have seen the enemy, and it is all of us.
Sad, but '72 ruined it for future sports fans. Couple that with the "troubles" London had w/ bombs & shit in the 70's and 80's.

London already had maximum surveillance going with all the cctv cams watching - this just ramps it up to "11".


Andinismo Hierbatero
sadly, there's crazy people out there willing to kill innocents in the name of some political bullshit.

so these measures must be taken.

in '72 shit went down because there was no security as the Germans did not want to taint the event, their idea was right of course, but we still have too many beasts pretending to be humans, so it didn't turn out as well as expected.
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Absofuckingloutely not..
4 years ago there was talk of boycotts , and it was all "oooh noo, sport is separate from politics, we cant punish the athletes"..
So now its western liberal "free" Britain as opposed to "Communist" China, that argument holds...
If it wasnt OK to Boycott Beijing, it sure as shit isnt on with London...
Personally, I'd just as soon not have had the olympics at all, big waste of taxpayers money.


weed fiend
One thing that would mitigate drone strikes is a return to civilian prosecutions of terrorists. If I planned to boycott anybody it would be the opposition to closing GITMO.


I strongly dislike the olympics for a different reason. I see a direct correlation between the number of dollars spent on an athlete and the number of colored medals a country ''earns".
The olympics has passed its prime.


It's been FUCK THE OLYMPICS ever since that Canadian snowboarder lost his medal for weed. Was it 96 or when?


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
sadly, there's crazy people out there willing to kill innocents in the name of some political bullshit.

so these measures must be taken.

in '72 shit went down because there was no security as the Germans did not want to taint the event, their idea was right of course, but we still have too many beasts pretending to be humans, so it didn't turn out as well as expected.

Are you fucKing kidding me?

"there's mean people so we need an aircraft carrier" ?

More soldiers than they deployed in afghanistan, an active warzone, are needed to patrol a sporting event? There was Munich, and the garbage can bomb in atlanta. I hardly think that warrants a preemptive military response 16 years later.

As many as 48,000 security forces. 13,500 troops. Surface-to-air missiles stationed on top of residential apartment buildings. A sonic weapon that disperses crowds by creating “head-splitting pain.” Unmanned drones peering down from the skies. A safe zone, cordoned off by an 18-kilometre electrified fence, ringed with trained agents and 55 teams of attack dogs.

The number of troops will exceed the forces the U.K. has had in Afghanistan.

It’s not just the costs or the incredible invasion into people’s privacy. It’s the powers being given to police under the 2006 “London Olympic Games Act” which empowers not only the army and police, but also private security forces to deal with “security issues” using physical force. These “security issues” have been broadly defined to include everything from “terrorism” to peaceful protesters, to labour unions, to people selling bootleg Olympic products on the streets, to taking down any corporate presence that doesn’t have the Olympic seal of approval. To help them with the last part, there will be “brand protection teams” set loose around the city. These “teams” will also operate inside Olympic venues to make sure no one “wears clothes or accessories with commercial messages other than the manufacturers who are official sponsors.

And, as the Guardian reported: “Officers have powers to move on anyone considered to be engaged in anti-social behaviour, whether they are hanging around the train station, begging, soliciting, loitering in hoodies or deemed in any way to be causing a nuisance.”

So I should be physically assaulted by private security forces if I wear an adidas hoody and they dont pay the olympics? you're joking right?

Maybe this should just be a year-round new status quo for everyone. Cuz we wouldnt want the terrorists to win now would we. Yeah that'd be great, then we would be super duper safe and the boogeymen couldnt ever get us. All it takes is drones and the military and aircraft carriers and surface to air missiles on rooftops and citizens running around pretending to be cops beating up people not on their side.

I know it would make me feel better..................douche.

"insert ben franklin quote"


ICMag Donor
I like watching the Olympics, I grew up wanting to go the Olympics someday, that didnt happen, but I still like seeing the athletes. Maybe it should be more then that but I still like it and will watch :)


Rubbing my glands together
I kinda like watching the ladies on the balance beam. Reminds me of an old girlfriend I used to have in my younger days.


3rd-Eye Jedi



let the jocks have their fun

we will just make our own

guest 77721

If you've been watching the Gxx summits for the last few years. What happens is the nobility picks a location in a major city and that provokes protests by the students and Unions that against the Multinational Globilization that our corrupt leaders support.

With every Gxx summit, there has been an escalcation of police brutatility and loss of personal liberty. The police state was in full effect at the Toronto G20 summit where the police used tear gas, excessive force, Kettling, mass arrests and suspension of personal privacy. They even had the sonic cannons.

At this time Montreal is undergoing student protests because of the excessive costs of university tuitions. There is a crackdown underway that will make Toronto G20 look tame.

Be informed...


When I go to swim laps I always feel like I am olympic material


i already planned on watching none of it, what more can i do?
Its all really lame, and youre all on drugs they will ban next year.

Ill pass.


Andinismo Hierbatero
So I should be physically assaulted by private security forces if I wear an adidas hoody and they dont pay the olympics? you're joking right?

considering the tone of the article posted by the op, which was more of a rant than an article; you'll see for yourself that no one is gonna go around making people take off a shirt or cap that has a logo that is not a sponsor to the olympics.

be informed, yes, but don't believe everything you read.

guest 77721

It’s not just the costs or the incredible invasion into people’s privacy. It’s the powers being given to police under the 2006 “London Olympic Games Act” which empowers not only the army and police, but also private security forces to deal with “security issues” using physical force. These “security issues” have been broadly defined to include everything from “terrorism” to peaceful protesters, to labour unions, to people selling bootleg Olympic products on the streets, to taking down any corporate presence that doesn’t have the Olympic seal of approval. To help them with the last part, there will be “brand protection teams” set loose around the city. These “teams” will also operate inside Olympic venues to make sure no one “wears clothes or accessories with commercial messages other than the manufacturers who are official sponsors.

This sounds more like a form of Corporate Extortion. Any company or business that hasn't paid the licensing fee to be an official sponsor will have to remove their signs in the Olympic no rights zone. What an extortion racket this is.

Corporatism is the new Fascism.