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Botanicare, Coco, and -VT-


Thanks for updating the mix. Tonights game hopefully is a good one. Thanks for your help thus far, and im sure you can expect a pm or two, when i run into a problem ha. thanks again -VT- :smoke:


Voluptuous Trichomes
Freak Brothers' C13

Freak Brothers' C13

Yvw brotha :yes:
Not very entertaining....Texas will get yet another NBA championship :smile:

Had a nice smokeout with MGJ recently....and went to a killer party afterward...turned into an all niter :D I almost mucked up the cuttings he gave me....but, I had some good luck and karma save the day :smile: They're standing in my dome....nice, warm, wet,...and humid :D

I've sampled it, but I was already fully medicated and intoxicated...lol. It was the star of the smokeout....here's some shots of a day 42 nug I got to sample on...

C13 is a cross of Farmer John's c99 (photo of the year I think...the c99 in that pic is fuckin DANK) mixed with G13....another frosty dank ass plant.
The nug looked fatter...at the party I pulled flowers from the bottom of the nug....
***sorry for the bad pics...but I am just worn out!!

Straight up medicine....Bombay
Day 42....check it...

40 days??? Not many of these strains I have will stay...but Freak Brothers C13 will! :biglaugh:
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Active member
-VT-, can you please explain the importance of having an EC meter with the changes in starting tap water quality / hardness? Do you adjust your nutrients depending on the EC reading of the (tap) water, and if so what changes do you make and why? I'm guessing it might have more to do with CalMag+ than anything else, but I'm actually completely clueless in this area.

That C13 looks like some killer :joint:


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
i'm no VT,
but i can tell you that my tap has varied from 30-120 ppm @ .64 conversion throughout the year. If the starting ppm/EC of your tap is high you'll add slightly less nutrient so that your final ppm/EC is right in line with what you want. If it's low you can add the prescribed amount, test, and add more if needed. Consistently low ppm/EC tap and softer tap waters often have cal/mag issues due to availability. Ironically harder tap waters often have similar issues, thus GH's hard water micro.

Peace, Love and Coco


Voluptuous Trichomes
EC Meter?

EC Meter?

humble1 said:
i'm no VT,
but i can tell you that my tap has varied from 30-120 ppm @ .64 conversion throughout the year. If the starting ppm/EC of your tap is high you'll add slightly less nutrient so that your final ppm/EC is right in line with what you want. If it's low you can add the prescribed amount, test, and add more if needed. Consistently low ppm/EC tap and softer tap waters often have cal/mag issues due to availability. Ironically harder tap waters often have similar issues, thus GH's hard water micro.

Peace, Love and Coco
Good post...thanks humble1 :wave:

EC is merely a point of reference IMO, and only really matters when comparing notes with others. As I said...ultimately ya still have to read the plants.
Do you adjust your nutrients depending on the EC reading of the (tap) water
I included the EC with the target EC goal usually.....sometimes in DWC I didn't do it that way...
I read the plants, not meters, ultimately. Only reason I even bothered citing EC readings last show (CNS17 test run in coco) was to appease the data crowd....some folks like numbers and data....I read the plants. EC is simply a point of reference IMO

It's easier to just run PBP or CNS17 with RO or low TDS water....


Sally is growing her dank....sally uses tap water...things are going great. She adds Cal/Mag+ because she had issues with twisting leaves....so she added the cal/mag and things got better.

What Sally doesn't know is that the apartment she rents has a water softener. Let's suppose the property managers are not diligent about changing the salt and/or filtration for the water conditioning system; and for a short duration, the water is very hard, with a high content of Calcium, Magnesium, and Iron. Sally never checks EC of the tap water. She is happy, and suddenly the plants get a deep dark green, leaves start drooping :(, or she shes burnt white tips....what happened? She has no clue that her tap water fluctuates....

Had Sally monitored her tap she could narrow down the problem. When the plants get mad....we wanna see what we did differently to piss 'em off....in this context a EC meter is beneficial.....
Course it all could have been avoided with RO water and Cal/Mag+ :joint:

et al Have a good day...unless you have other plans :D
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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i'm sure glad your not dumping the MTF, some killa shit man!
looks like you know what your doing and your doing it quite well.
keep up the great work man, this thread is one to watch!

buzzed day

hello -vt- i didn't know you were back to posting. all looks good !!! i think i have a few good ideals for my hydro this fall.i seen something about a drunken rant by you lol haveing a good one i hope.peace and have a buzzed day


Voluptuous Trichomes
Hey there buzzed day good to see ya...been a while! :wave: I didn't know you were going hydro....what type of setup?
Have a good day bro


Voluptuous Trichomes
Quick veg update...

Quick veg update...

Got a few things I'll be covering tonight...but...let's see if I have any credibility first...or if um just a dumb newbie that don't know how to grow....
-VT- said:
after feeding on Cal/Mag+ (the "kiss of death" :biglaugh:) Those sick babies will look good too...real soon....think um lyin'? :smoke:

No EC meter

Now let's zoom in on the pure coco babies :wink:

OGK x c99 :chin:

Straw D Pheno 1, Straw D Pheno 2 :joint:

Chimeras Mental Floss

That's right....now that's what um talkin' 'bout​
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Voluptuous Trichomes
The story I heard through the grapevine is that it's feminized...and I also heard some growers have turned up some males from those beans :yoinks: The rumor I heard is that the cuts Joeshmoe took were from an unsexed parent....

I'll sex it soon as I go to bloom....she's ready to get topped... I'll waterclone for sex
Here's some pics of how I do that (from Chimeras Calizahr thread)

Edited to add: Lemme repeat...this is a rumor I heard....the person that PM'd this secondhand info could be full of shit (or the source was)....this is the internet.... :confused:

Anyways I'll see if it's a girl...or look for some budshots from Joeshmoe in the flower pic forum
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Active member
Yeah exact same story I heard. :D

Not getting the water cloning for sex part, though. Just cloning, then sexing that clone instead of the donor?


Voluptuous Trichomes
Hey sleepy!! :wave: You snuck a post in there on me :D Thanks for stoppin in'....peace

The cutting is taken from an unsexed parent....the parent continues to veg....the cutting (as pictured above) is placed in the "shadows" in the bloom room....the cutting will show sex ....it doesn't have to root....it's a easy way to sex a plant while not taking up slots in the bloom tent...

This also means we can achieve sexing without roots....

**for patients with limits this...along with stasis...is important shit!!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya -VT- :wave:
Thanks for the C13 report - and great bud shots - you really captured the crystallized goodness of the bud. Thanks for posting it up!


Voluptuous Trichomes
Yo clowntown...no need to adjust pH...another plus :yes:

Hey there MGJ!! :wave: I am going to do a smoke report in this thread soon....that was just a nugshot post...was too wasted at the party to make any observations

So stay tuned for the C13 smoke report in this thread....coming soon :D

Freak Brothers C13
grown by Mr.Greenjeans

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Yeah i'm trying to sex mine as well, one of joes c99xogk was a male other female, and we can't rember what ones we took cuts off of duh. So i hope its the female as i have one in my garden.


Voluptuous Trichomes
No hard feelings

No hard feelings

I'm flipping MTF tonight....and will top the clone I have ...so I expect to know in 2-3 weeks....
Thanks for confirming the rumor floating around...humans make mistakes...I'm just glad I didn't pass it on without finding out....not a big deal for us, as we all have some dank shit to fill any potential gaps :D
I got my CJ and C13 cuts mixed up lol....so I know mistakes can happen. I won't know which is which until they root...and I am praying that C13 roots....40 days...unbelievable...
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Voluptuous Trichomes
High outkastt :wave:
Hehe...that's a good one..."grow and learn"....you're a wise young lady, O :) Glad you're here, sis'...get comfy...you're just in time for the bloomshow...
MTF is in the bloom tent....and it's very bright in there :D
I'm glad you're here....I'll try and keep things interesting....
with some dank nugs :sasmokin:


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