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Botanicare, Coco, and -VT-

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya -VT- :wave:
Wow, you've been busy dude! Great work on your new garden - sounds like it should be a fab home for some nice chubby sticky girls!

I really like PBP Bloom Soil for last half of bloom too. Good stuff! CNS17 sounds killer, tailor made for coco!


Voluptuous Trichomes
Botanicare, Coco, and -VT-

Thanks MGJ!! Can't wait to see you :wink: I may hit you up for some PBP soil tips when we hookup :sasmokin: Thanks for the good vibes, and doing 215 the way it's supposed to be done! :yoinks:
suburbanhomeboy said:
Just finished this little girl blooming with cns17 and a little hygrozyme, and a one shot of KB powder near the end.

Haven't started to use my cns grow yet.


Straight from the Canna Seed Collective :D
Someone other than -VT- has finally stepped up :woohoo:

Is that late flower? I figured they'd be yellowed and shitty by week 5 :biglaugh:

Thanks for gettin' my back suburbanhomeboy:wave: Nice shots and great job!!
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-VT- said:
Straight from the Canna Seed Collective :D
Someone other than -VT- has finally stepped up :woohoo:

Is that late flower? I figured they'd be yellowed and shitty by week 5 :biglaugh:

Thanks for gettin' my back suburbanhomeboy:wave: Nice shots and great job!!

Those pics were taken on harvest day. I flushed for over 2 weeks...and she just wouldn't let the leaves yellow and die. She survived the watering problem I had in coco, as you can see...while all my plants of Nl or Nl crosses watered the same way in the same coco, just couldn't bulk up and finish. I may work with this strain some more, as considering her tolerance for my ineptitude...she's a keeper. I also want to try and breed out the original webbed traits of the Strawberry Web.



Voluptuous Trichomes
I need to come over to your Canna Seed Collective site again and read up on some of the strains....that one you just shared looks good, suburbanhomeboy.
suburbanhomeboy[/b said:
]Those pics were taken on harvest day. I flushed for over 2 weeks...and she just wouldn't let the leaves yellow and die. She survived the watering problem I had in coco, as you can see...
CNS17 is NOT coco specific, for those who don't know....that plant is healthy....Indeed.
I have decided to water as needed for early/mid veg also. But, I will go the hydro route in bloom.

Half my plants are in pure coco...other half in coco/perlite (50/50). Every plant that has struggled has been in pure coco....but once the pure coco plants' roots proliferate...they grow much much faster than my coco/perlite mix.
My dro shop has coco croutons....I'll be getting some. Fine grade coco can get too compacted unless there is mad rootmass....

The Straw Deez are gonna be vigorous....I'm getting excited!!

I hope the OGK x c99 is a female...I heard a rumor that the cut I have wasn't sexed lol....anyways that plant is the most vigorous seems like...but the AK-47 is a monster too!

I'll be planting Blockhead soon (and will update with pics at that time)...she is rooted but I'll wait for roots to poke through the rockwool....in fact all of my clones appear to have rooted :D

If any of my friends want Trainwreck or MTF (original cut) holla!! Otherwise they are going in the garbage....


Voluptuous Trichomes
Battling Fungus Gnats

Battling Fungus Gnats


High Ono Nodagin :wave:

I just mounted the roof for the bloom tent...

I had major fungus gnats about 13 days ago....been a few days since I seen one... :joint:

No gnat infestation in this garden :noway:

Any questions???

Damn VT...you've been REAL busy. Looks like you have a nice setup going for ya. :yes: I'll be a comin' over to the coco forum since my other thread is F-ed up and no new posts show from anybody:confused:...probably where I belong anyways :D




Voluptuous Trichomes
I am NOT dumping MTF and Trainwreck...keeping them both...just will have extra clones and I have limits....plus I am soon gonna add the following:

Casey Jones (my Casey pheno)
C13 (Freak Brothers' c99 x G13)- MGJ got a QP in 40 days from this fast finishing pheno he has! :yoinks:
PK (NOT the SR-71 cut :smoke:)
and much more :D
Johnny Chimpo said:
I'll be a comin' over to the coco forum since my other thread is F-ed up and no new posts show from anybody...probably where I belong anyways
Sweet! I'll be happy to have a friend with a growshow in here :yes: I most definitely will tag that one!!

I have had to organize things....I have two veg "sections" now....the CNS17 1/2 tsp/gal section and the CNS17 1 tsp/gal section...most of my burns are from me feeding the heavy mix to the wrong plants when I get mixed up (and fucked up :D)

Not easy running 10 strains!!! I had major problems until I added Cal/Mag+ to the nute schedule....

Um finna post some veg shots too....I don't give a fuck


Voluptuous Trichomes
Locked out plants...Cal/Mag+ saving the day

Locked out plants...Cal/Mag+ saving the day

-VT- said:
-I killed 3 of the 4 Mental Floss cause I have limits and cannot wait for 'em to catch up....kept one...
Doing better now...since I finally added the Cal/Mag+

This Kali Mist had water roots AND got locked out....since ading Cal/Mag+ she is finally beginning to grow....

Read your plants...not the posts of folks on the internet....my advice is to start SLOW with Cal/Mag+ and ramp up (as was posted earlier in this thread)...

I do not have an EC meter and I am running 10 fuckin' strains....you just saw two...8 fuckin more to go
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Voluptuous Trichomes
Anybody got a EC meter for a dumb newbie

Anybody got a EC meter for a dumb newbie

I have no idea how to calculate nute profiles and talk about all that educated shit...fuck...I don't even have a EC meter :biglaugh:
You guys are too smart for me...damn!
GDP, T-Dub, and MTF

AK-47, Straw D pheno 1, Straw D pheno 2

OGK x c99, Odyssey

And Blockhead, OGK Abusive will be planted soon....

Somebody better send me a EC meter....damn! Um beggin'....I never give...I just beg :biglaugh:
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Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
:yes: -VT-! I'm always amazed at how you do without a meter - you really know how to read your plants! :yes: I'm lost without a TDS / pH meter...

Not regularly using CalMg+ was a problem for quite a while in my cab - good stuff to add - even at 1/2 strength - each feeding - or if the plant's a pig like AB G13, triple strength each watering! :yoinks:

They're lookin real sharp my friend! :canabis:


Voluptuous Trichomes
CNS17 Grow

CNS17 Grow

Thanks MGJ! That MTF is gonna be soooo dank in bloom....hope ya stick around for the bloomshow!
Here's a closeup of that MTF after feeding on Cal/Mag+ (the "kiss of death" :biglaugh:) Those sick babies will look good too...real soon....think um lyin'? :smoke:

No EC meter

^^^Goin' bloomin' in two days :D
Suck on that...haters....


"Read your plants...not the posts of folks on the internet....my advice is to start SLOW with Cal/Mag+ and ramp up (as was posted earlier in this thread)..."

very well said -VT-^^

plants are looking great by the way.

yea i dont have an EC meter too, i just go by what the water company told me when i moved in. and i do a mix of RO/Tap water bc my taps runs real hard and my RO water i know for a fact comes out to basically nothing(0ppm). BUT i always have the cal-mag here just encase, better to be safe then sorry. and like you said always go by the plants,not the bottle...
when i was living in the bay. my plants always looked like they needed cal-mag, and i only used tap water. must be ebmuds or something really soft water:dunno:

10 strains now,thats alot of goodness
Keep up the good work bro
Very Nice, as usual VT, I love how detailed you are!
It's great to see how in tune you are with your plants.
Great strains you got going. I'm hoping I get the whole cal mag+ thingy figured out soon, your posts about it are a great help. Keep up the fabulicious work!!!


Read your plants...not the posts of folks on the internet...

best advice I have heard in a long time :joint:

Its great to see ya with a nice little collection of babies again =]


whatup bronizzle, shit that mtf is a vision of perfection....you're seriously dialed :yes:

are you strictly running cns + additives from now on?


Very nice VT. setup is looking awesome and your plants look very happy and healthy. im going to add this to your other bookmarked threads. :wave:
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Voluptuous Trichomes
Hey Coco family

Hey Coco family

I got love for you all....really...high guys :wave:
Sorry for my drunken posts earlier....my apologies for my tone...I was a bit too emphatic and repulsive :D

I'll cover our smokeout a lil later MGJ:D That party turned into an all-niter for me and I am suffering today!! haha....the goodies are safely in the garden now :yes: Thanks!!

Thanks for your input and post Kosmo :wave:

Hey there B~licious :wave: It's easiest (with no EC meter) to run the PBP line with low TDS/soft water and Cal/Mag+. Start at 25% and slowly ramp up until the plants ask you to backoff...or ask for more. Tap water varies from season to season, city to city, and country to country. Other planets I am unsure of :D Anyways it's tricky to run tap with no EC meter cause it can fluctuate. And without the elemental breakdown of the source water (tap water)...it's a guessing game. My approach to feeding with no meter has been trial and error....I'll cover more on this later...feel free to ask questions and/or post pics in my thread.

If you can afford a meter....get one folks....mine is broken...I'll get one at some point....I cannot automate without a EC meter, because I'll need to monitor reservoirs. So get a EC meter....but ya still have to read the plants :D

I am happy to see ya here cough_cough_eer :woohoo: Thanks for the props...means a lot...I'm happy with the results since adding Cal/Mag+ Thanks Anita!! :wave::wave:

Thanks Indica Sativa :wave:

High PhishHead :wave: Feel free to PM me anytime, brotha....I am no expert, but I have fucked up lots of plants so maybe I can help you avoid my mistakes :D .....peace

High UN Thanks man!! :wave:
User Name said:
are you strictly running cns + additives from now on?
For veg only.
Current nute schedule:
1/2 tsp/gal CNS17
1/2 tsp/gal Cal/Mag+
1 tsp/gal LK
1/2 tsp/gal SM-90

Every other watering if I remember to add them :D :
Silica Blast 1/2 tsp/gal
Superthrive 1/4 tsp/gal

Low TDS water mixed with tap....I been doing that for a looong time....mixing tap/low tds water...nothing new
Ok....I'll update and cover a few things after the NBA Finals game
Thanks for coming by friends....I got love for ya'all

Time for the game :Bolt:
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