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Boo's Addy found in Metasearch



Everyone who smokes is risking Law involvement.... think about it.

We are all criminals...

"There's no way to rule innocent men.The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law-breakers and then you cash in on guilt."

Ayn Rand --- Atlas Shrugged --- 1957

Peace :joint:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Really,you guys have businesses or relatives and friends that would recieve illegal mail and or possible law enforcement involvement?And they would do all this for you without saying a thing if it ever happened?PERSONALY,I wouldnt put my friends and loved ones thru such a risk,THAT I take on my own...but each his own!!!:ying:

in the UK seeds are legal anyway, but incriminating - so getting them delivered to someone with nothing to hide is a good way. even if seeds are illegal, you cant get prosecuted for what someone chooses to send you through the post, or at least i doubt it.


About the main subject, it is in Google and should be, it is a legal business in most parts of the world, and lucky for some in parts of the US, that said, to each his own, if friends are willing, great. Fake ID for PO, great, lots of pen pals from all over the world so UK does not look suspicious, great. Whatever you are comfortable with. If you are not selling, the police hopefully will not bother you at this point of time. If you are selling, I would be careful about where your seeds go. This is of course just MHO


Active member
Also as soon as a package comes to the safe addy, the first thing that should be done is the owner of the address is to write on the package /envelope is

"Not at this address... return to sender"

security 101

Forgive me, but I'm a little confused here. How exactly does one RTS a package that one needs to keep?


Forgive me, but I'm a little confused here. How exactly does one RTS a package that one needs to keep?

Reasonable deniabilty

You have the receiving party write this on the package in case there is an issue between the time they receive it and the time you retrieve it from them.


Active member
Reasonable deniabilty

You have the receiving party write this on the package in case there is an issue between the time they receive it and the time you retrieve it from them.

Okay, still confused-

#1- that sounds like armchair legal conjecture, so I'm not going to touch it with a 10 foot pole...

#2- once again, how can writing that on a package possibly help if the package is being opened by the person who had it sent to the safe address and the contents are being used? Feel me? How do you RTS a package that is no longer there?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
what does it matter, anyone who wants the address can just go to the website. Gypsy has been in the business for a while, our best interest is always being looked after. Alot of what ifs and how comes. To much time on your hands to worry imo, my seeds show up in my mailbox in 3-4 business days, everytime. Chill out and relax, ordering seeds is the least of your worries in this business, Gypsy has that all under control.


Okay, still confused-

#1- that sounds like armchair legal conjecture, so I'm not going to touch it with a 10 foot pole...

#2- once again, how can writing that on a package possibly help if the package is being opened by the person who had it sent to the safe address and the contents are being used? Feel me? How do you RTS a package that is no longer there?

If you think it is a dumb idea, why not just say it instead of dancing?

To save yourself from being confused.
Just have all grow related items sent directly to your grow, using your personal credit card.



Active member
If you think it is a dumb idea, why not just say it instead of dancing?

To save yourself from being confused.
Just have all grow related items sent directly to your grow, using your personal credit card.


I don't think it's a dumb idea, because I am still legitimately confused as to what you were saying in that post and I'm trying to clarify it for my own understanding. Not trying to be an asshole, even if I am a bit rough around the edges at times. :tiphat: Do you understand what I'm asking, or am I not being clear enough in my post? Maybe I just need some more coffee...lol


Sorry I misunderstood your intentions, no harm no foul :)

Simply a worst case precaution:

knock at the door
innocent: hello can I help you?
cop: We have information something illegal was sent to this address, can we talk?
innocent: what are you talking about?
cop: a letter from xyz containing pot seeds.
innocent: hold on, you mean this? (letter with RTS written on it. Addressed to a name that does not live here)
cop:thats it.
innocent: here I just had it here on the counter, forgot to put it back in the box.


innocent has NOTHING ILLEGAL on premises and could survive a k9 on site.

That is the only time it would come into play.

Not armchair conjecture.... you are not responsible for a package you didn't request and have no knowledge of contents.

If you order 1000's of seeds and run a pro-outfit getting your seeds is the least of the laws being broken.

Me I am a private grower, nobody gets any from me but my wife :) in all things.

Peace :joint:


Soul Feeder
How using friends or parents adresses make you safer?
Police can trace down all your friendship relations and raid your house just after your 'safe' addy. Nothing worst that a false sense of security...
Taking only the risks you can handle if things go wrong and keeping a low profile is all you can do, when you blip on the cops radar you're pretty fu**ed

Stay safe



I read about the Italian police raiding those seed vendors and using the credit card records to track down customers from over 5 years before.

If they used their personal credit card or had said gear shipped to their grow, then it is very easy to understand the problem I attempt to avoid.

If HippyJohnny was a customer of one of those vendors, police would be very disappointed. As cash only / generic money orders, products sent to a non criminal address.

No other reason for this hippie to be a blip... no tell, no sell and I love carbon filters.


whats even funnier is anyone who thinks a post office employee sees addresses. Mail is scanned and sorted automatically, even hand written addresses. Employees handle bins of mail, not envelopes.

And I dont think the system scans return addresses


whats even funnier is anyone who thinks a post office employee sees addresses. Mail is scanned and sorted automatically, even hand written addresses. Employees handle bins of mail, not envelopes.

And I dont think the system scans return addresses

Well, you are obviously in the US.

Not all countries have/do automated sorting.


Active member
whats even funnier is anyone who thinks a post office employee sees addresses. Mail is scanned and sorted automatically, even hand written addresses. Employees handle bins of mail, not envelopes.

And I dont think the system scans return addresses
BULLSHIT!!!There isnt an automated system in central ny till ya hit utica or albany,that means that every single one of the letters mailed gets read by a human before it heads there.I personally know this as fact.The little towns across america have no machine till it gets to a hub,bub!!
isnt that funny!!!rube


Active member
BULLSHIT!!!There isnt an automated system in central ny till ya hit utica or albany,that means that every single one of the letters mailed gets read by a human before it heads there.I personally know this as fact.The little towns across america have no machine till it gets to a hub,bub!!
isnt that funny!!!rube

he speaks the truth... :tiphat: