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Boo's Addy found in Metasearch


el dub

Concerning what gets mailed and read by a human....

I'm pretty sure the zip code is really the only part of an addy that matters to postal employees until a final sort for individual carriers.



Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
The sky is falling just go look outside! :canabis:


Damn, SOFTF420. You're right!

Guess I'm gonna have to go out and shovel it now.


I hold El Roacho's
I have ordered from the boo many times to my home addy and have never had any packages opened up and have received my orders within 5 to 7 business days from the time I ordered online using a cc to my box with no issues so for those who think you need to have covert operations to order & get your seeds smoke a strong indica and watch some terintino flicks with a cold one...
I find the whole topic of "safe" addy to be funny!!All you fuckers now as well as I that its impossible to have one,no ones droppin shit off at an abandoned house,no one has an alter po box or any of the other less than creative ideas I read!!Everyone uses there own fucking address and just takes there luck,period!!Safe addy,lol.....um yeah,MINE!!!!!stop frontin:wave: hell,Ive gotten the green card before and still use my addy for beenz,get real with the shit,sometimes ya getem,sometimes ya dont!Anyway....make sure ya use your safe addy gang,lol

Just use your Mother -In-Laws PO Box....She just called my wife and said, "Viking got another package from the U.K in the mail today, I guess it's another part for his computer" LOL.... Yeah, I'm rebuilding my computer one part at a time....


Active member
Sorry I misunderstood your intentions, no harm no foul :)

Simply a worst case precaution:

knock at the door
innocent: hello can I help you?
cop: We have information something illegal was sent to this address, can we talk?
innocent: what are you talking about?
cop: a letter from xyz containing pot seeds.
innocent: hold on, you mean this? (letter with RTS written on it. Addressed to a name that does not live here)
cop:thats it.
innocent: here I just had it here on the counter, forgot to put it back in the box.

:biglaugh: sure sounds good^...the package was by the door with RTS written on it, before he could lay back down it was on and poppin, thump thump thump....once the package goes in your house, no matter whats written on it it becomes an acceptance and gives them the write to enter regardless....the rest is up to the judge when you get your day.....have the sh*t sent to moms house^;)


Active member
Some major paranoia going on in here. I agree on the safe addy though. And, if you don't have any friends who are good enough folk to keep their mouths shut should johhny law get involved then maybe it's time to look for some new friends. I have several that know if they don't take the seeds for me then they don't get the nice variety of tasty meds that I provide. The more packages they take the better variety they get. It's a win win situation for both parties. These are dudes I have known for 15 years though. I would trust them with my life.

Does anyone know of a friend that has gotten nabbed on bean purchases in the US coming from abroad though?

My understanding is that they send you a letter of some sort and it's more or less a slap on the wrist unless you are importing many, many beans. I have seen so few cases of this happening. Like under 1%


Active member
Some major paranoia going on in here. I agree on the safe addy though. And, if you don't have any friends who are good enough folk to keep their mouths shut should johhny law get involved then maybe it's time to look for some new friends.
yeah if you goda "good" addy i wouldnt be paranoid over no seeds..jmo
Yezzir :good:!

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