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BOG Seeds Sour Bubble.


Good god. is this strain out there anymore or what? i been under the impression that its a bog strain, and hes done. ergo... no sour bub for me.
Forgot about your pill poppin puppies potparty hahaahah:p

Kabong™ ;)

Care Free 1

Active member
It sure appears that BOG is done with the business, which I think is sad, but it does not mean that Sour Bubble has died and gone away for good. Things are in the works now to preserve this strain. Time will tell if the public will have easy access to it once again. I used to go on Seedbay/Seedboo and get it just about anytime I wanted. Those days are gone right now, but lets see what the future holds?????

Care Free 1

Active member
I will do everything I can to continue the Sour Bubble strain for many years to come. I wish I was more established right now, but I am patient, and will give the project 100% effort.
Care Free 1 said:
I will do everything I can to continue the Sour Bubble strain for many years to come. I wish I was more established right now, but I am patient, and will give the project 100% effort.

WOW CAREFREE1.................
this is the most glorious Sour Bubble pic I've seen. :bow:
Welll Shit....... All of your PHOTOS are f**** Hot, the ladies look sooooo good I would take them out on a date.LLLLLOOOOOOLLLLLLL!
You have got maddd skillz my brotha.
those pics :asskick:




Care Free 1 said:
More Sour Bubble BX3, Kush pheno.

This is an interesting and instructive feature of SOUR BUBBLE, its resemblance to several types of 'Kush' .

In a communication to BOG on another site he mentioned NEW info regarding SB that was on note.

PM me if you wish further detail.

Here is my SOUR BUBBLE BX3 growing in an outdoor environment.

Development of trichomes during normal flower cycle in SBBX3.


split kooks

omg, keep that SB alive! if i ever had the chance id love to work with her!

what a beautiful bud structure, and how gorgeous are the colors ^^

and for what its worth those SBBX3 trics kill!:dueling:

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southwind said:
This is an interesting and instructive feature of SOUR BUBBLE, its resemblance to several types of 'Kush' .

In a communication to BOG on another site he mentioned NEW info regarding SB that was on note.

PM me if you wish further detail.

I'm a few posts shy of shooting you a pm sw... Maybe in Oct.
LOL, I'm such a lurker. (But, I'm coming around...) :bashhead:

With this new info, do we still call SBbx3 a "back-cross"? :confused:

I guess I'm a bit disappointed.:puppydoge
I was kind of holding out hope that I could take BOG' s "Breeder Descriptions" as true. :violin:
(Whoops, my trusting natue is showing.) :spank: (Gotta keep that thing zipped up!)

AND, now we are supposed to believe this new info, too? :confused:
(Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, ...)

Oh well, same ol' same ol'... :jerkit:

At least it's dank! :hotbounce

DISCLAIMER: I ain't complainin', just observin'... :joint:
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Care Free 1

Active member
Hi flexo

Sorry, no dry pic's are available. It seems around harvest time I am just to busy to think about photo's and just concerned with getting ready for the next round of plants. It's alot of work. I will take shots of dry buds during the next go round though.


Is this thing on?

Which end do I talk into?

Oh shit.
I think I broke the internet.

Oh well,
I'll give it a shot anyway...

This is my first time flowering her out.
As reputed, she certainly didn't stretch much.

How tall should I veg the next round so that they finish at 3 1/2' - 4'?


Active member
Peat said:
This is my first time flowering her out.
As reputed, she certainly didn't stretch much.

How tall should I veg the next round so that they finish at 3 1/2' - 4'?

at least 2' for a 3.5-4' finisher I would say. All depending on if your pheno.

These if I remember correctly the above plant was as large as the stripped area when put in to flower.
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Care Free 1

Active member
Peat said:
This is my first time flowering her out.
As reputed, she certainly didn't stretch much.

How tall should I veg the next round so that they finish at 3 1/2' - 4'?

Hi Peat;

I usually dont go by height when getting ready to send them to flower. I have a set schedule I follow to get the results I desire. I usually go from seed germination through veg in around 7-8 weeks, and another 8 weeks in flower.

They will show some stretch if you treat them right. The mistake most people make with these is leaving them in the smaller pots to long. Time the transplants right and you will get decent production.

They like root space, so to get a decent 4 footer I would start seedlings in 1 1/2 quart pots for 14-17 days, transplant up to 2-3 gallon pots next for at least 4 weeks in veg.

Then I will watch the bottoms of the pots for feelers (slide one out and examine the root structure if needed), and if the bottom of the pot has good root structure I will transplant to 5 gallon pots, or larger. Keep in veg another week or two, and then send into flower.

I recommend you follow BOG's nute regimen also, but you can use whatever you want if you know it works for sure.

It helps to have a 1kw light system also to get the yield you desire with these plants.

They are fairly low yielding plants, but with the right techniques and equipment, your can get very acceptable output.


Thank you both, raygun and Care Free 1!

They're around 14" in 3 gal pots under 430WHPS.
5 weeks since veg, as of today.

They will flower in 5 gal pots under 1 kWHPS.

Thanks again! :joint:
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Hello everyone,

Here's an update pic of my sour bubble @ week 1 of 12/12 :jump:

Care Free 1-- Can you tell me if this color is normal, (the light green on the top of these next two photos) all though all these pics on this post are of the same plant. ????? This is my first Grow in this new spot, first time I have had to use R/o water and it has been a freakin' nightmare, if you have any suggestions on this R/o thing, It is much appreciated bro's ANYBODY, (I use Pure Blend Pro nutes all of them.)

But if you look at the other pics as a whole plant it looks good to me, I am just concerned a little, I don't know if this is a natural occurance with this strain.

I Love It Though!
tb :joint: