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Bob Lazar


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Bob Lazar is a name you may or not may not be aware of. If you've spent any amount of time looking up information on UFOs or extra terrestrials, then you have run across his name at least once.

Over the 30 some odd years, Bob and his friends and associates have been the targets of "unfortunate circumstances".

As you can see on Bob's wikipedia page, he appears on the surface to be a complete nutter.

Robert Scott Lazar (/ləˈzɑːr/; born January 26, 1959) is an American conspiracy theorist who claims to have been hired in the late 1980s to reverse-engineer purported extraterrestrial technology at what he described as a secret site called "S-4". Lazar alleges that this subsidiary installation is located several kilometres south of the United States Air Force facility popularly known as Area 51.

Lazar claims he examined an alien craft that ran on an antimatter reactor powered by element 115, which at the time had not yet been synthesized. He also claims to have read US government briefing documents that described alien involvement in human affairs over the past 10,000 years. Lazar's claims resulted in bringing added public attention to Area 51 and fueling conspiracy theories surrounding its classified activities. He admits that he has no evidence to support his core claim of alien technology.

Lazar's story has since been analyzed and rejected by skeptics and some ufologists. Universities from which he claims to hold degrees show no record of him, and supposed former workplaces have disavowed him. In 1990, he was convicted for his involvement in a prostitution ring and again in 2006 for selling illegal chemicals.


Seems like a pretty open and shut case.

Some of you may remember a few months ago when the Navy declassified the UFO footage from taken from the USS Nimitz and associated aircraft describing an object doing things that we think are impossible.

The Pentagon has declassified three previously leaked top secret U.S. Navy videos that show "unexplained aerial phenomena" and that some believe could show Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) in an effort "to clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real or whether or not there is more to the videos," said a Pentagon spokesperson.

"The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as 'unidentified'", the spokesperson added.

The videos, previously acknowledged by the Navy as being real, captured what Navy fighter pilots saw on their video sensors during training flights in 2004 and 2015. They were published by the New York Times in 2017.


Taken individually, these stories seem similar just in the fact that they both lay claim to UFOs and aliens. But when you dig a bit and compare what Bob Lazar was saying in the late 80's early 90's and then watch the videos, I feel, and this is only my opinion, that they certainly lend a very real sense of credibility to Bob Lazar's story.



mama tried
03ish me and my cousins burning a doobie out in a field sitting in back truck just shooting the shit. it was around midnight. off in distance heading our way was somthing flying slowley over tree line shooting down the most bright light and eventually floated over us. couldnt see object just bright light shooting down with absolute zero sound and no roto wash. always wonder what it was never will forget that night


Well-known member
Danial P Sheehan + project Blue Book...

Way above me, but I find the individual

entirely credible.


I wonder what chemicals he was selling, around that time it was a smorgasbord of stuff just right out there being openly sold.

I like ufo conspiracy stuff but don't tend to consider individual cases. Given the vastness of space and all the opportunities for things to combine, somewhere i think its likely life exists. We are but a small speck so I do find it hard to get behind the individual stories, the same vast expanse that makes it possible for them to exist somewhere out there also means it is unlikely to come across any. So anything that did visit would not wind up here by chance, not sure i want to contend with some superior being that can find us be we can't find them.


Bob Lazar sells noveltys such as canned Uranium ore as seen on Amazon.

Bob Lazar was raided for selling thallium sulfate to a man who poisoned his wife with it.

Bob Lazar tried to pass a drum of wetting agent off as Element 115 (which Bob predicted based on the fact we had 114 elements at the time. Hmm wonder what's next?)

I left CT media after being consumed with guilt, how easy it is to manipulate the uneducated. It's like a religion.

Got some crazy secrets to reveal? Why take it to Linda Molten Howe or George Knapp of course, you might even trick professor Joe Rogan into thinking your aren't full of shit.


Nimitz event was a Direct Attack Moving Target Capability training exercise. The pilots never saw anything. They were given a image on radar..

.. that's how training excersizes work, you don't tell the pilots where the target is going to be or what its going to look like. Testing the ability of the equipment and also that of the pilot.


More specific to this claim...how can one say they read about alien interactions going back 10k years when there isn't really a solid historical record going back that far. Ancient Egyptian history is about as far back as we go with any sort of actual insight and that was only around 5k years back.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I wonder what chemicals he was selling, around that time it was a smorgasbord of stuff just right out there being openly sold.

I like ufo conspiracy stuff but don't tend to consider individual cases. Given the vastness of space and all the opportunities for things to combine, somewhere i think its likely life exists. We are but a small speck so I do find it hard to get behind the individual stories, the same vast expanse that makes it possible for them to exist somewhere out there also means it is unlikely to come across any. So anything that did visit would not wind up here by chance, not sure i want to contend with some superior being that can find us be we can't find them.
Bob is heavily involved with model rocketry. It's quite possible he ran afoul of an interstate trucking law with the selling of "dangerous chemicals". Which if you've ever shipped anything remotely dangerous can include something as simple as batteries or shampoo.

Then again, maybe he was selling things with a more sinister agenda. I can't comment on something I know nothing about.
Bob Lazar sells noveltys such as canned Uranium ore as seen on Amazon.

Bob Lazar was raided for selling thallium sulfate to a man who poisoned his wife with it.

Bob Lazar tried to pass a drum of wetting agent off as Element 115 (which Bob predicted based on the fact we had 114 elements at the time. Hmm wonder what's next?)

I left CT media after being consumed with guilt, how easy it is to manipulate the uneducated. It's like a religion.

Got some crazy secrets to reveal? Why take it to Linda Molten Howe or George Knapp of course, you might even trick professor Joe Rogan into thinking your aren't full of shit.
This sounds like a person that always believes what he is told. Who never questions the official narrative. I'm not asking you to believe in it. I'm asking you to look at the information with an unbiased mind and attitude, then draw your conclusions. Try to look at it as a thought exercise of "what if it's true?"

Nimitz event was a Direct Attack Moving Target Capability training exercise. The pilots never saw anything. They were given a image on radar..

.. that's how training excersizes work, you don't tell the pilots where the target is going to be or what its going to look like. Testing the ability of the equipment and also that of the pilot.
Commander Fraver saw with his own 2 eyes a craft that was doing things that we think is impossible, that he was taught to be impossible. But there it was performing things that for all intents and purposes is magical to our primitive understanding of the universe. He is a decorated Navy Pilot. He flew over LA on 9/11. He is as credible of a witness that has ever been. And with claiming no knowledge Bob Lazar or anything he had ever exposed, described exactly what Bob Lazar had experienced 30 years earlier and was trying to bring attention to.
More specific to this claim...how can one say they read about alien interactions going back 10k years when there isn't really a solid historical record going back that far. Ancient Egyptian history is about as far back as we go with any sort of actual insight and that was only around 5k years back.
Bob claims, and admits he has no proof of, that one of the 9 ships he claims to have seen was found at an archaeological dig site.

Now I firmly believe we are not in this universe alone. It is naive to think due to the vastness of space that we are the only beings to crawl out of the slime and make fire. It's also naive to think that the way we evolved technologically is the same way other parts of the universe would.

In a very glib interpretation of it, our technological history of making power starts with a way to consistently create fire. Then create the wheel. Then combine the two to make steam engines before finally moving along to the internal combustion engine and electrical motors.

Who's to say that on the other side of the galaxy they started off the same way? Maybe they started off with a stable isotope of Element 115 because on their world it is an element in abundance. Maybe they started way ahead of us because of what they had available to them. Maybe it was all they had available to them. Who knows? Nobody on this planet that's for sure.


Well-known member
The story Danny Sheehan relates is a bit involved, but his credibility has yet to be impeached.
In a nutshell, he had a very unique opportunity to have spent time with the end result
of the Blue Book files.
As a result, he went and consulted with the Vatican, and was allowed an extraordinary level
of access to their records. He believes the files are real, and speaks about them, and
the subject openly.
I believe he addresses the subject for 2 hours every other weekend.
On a personal basis, I expect we are about to see a good deal more on
the subject (UFO'S,and ETs) in the very near future.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
sure,there's aliens here...but they're the worst sort...production crew for the universes biggest hit reality show "let's fuck with earthlings!" this weeks episode,flying 1000 lights years to put things up earthlings butts!


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
There was a great documentary on Netflix about this guy.

I watched this last night. I had no idea he owned United Nuclear. I've bought stuff from him before, though it's been a while.

I guess after the movie he put up a couple new sections and is trying to cash in on the notoriety he has achieved. I can't say I blame him. Might as well try and make a buck after being demonized and vilified for the last 30 years only to be slowly vindicated throughout these last couple of years by new evidence surfacing and more people willing to come forward to corroborate his story.

I have a feeling when the next one comes out there are going to be some major bombs in it.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The documentary is excellent. He is an interesting character and I could not figure out if he was lying or nuts.

It might be my confirmation biases, but I 100% believe he is telling the truth.

If you can watch the Joe Rogan interview with Bob Lazar. Then watch the interview with Cmdr. David Fravor.

If they are lying, they are unbelievably convincing.

I found Bob's original movie where he talks about the work he did at S4. It's very 90's infomercial-ish. But the things he talks about in 1992 is the exact same story he tells today. It has not changed one iota. The end of Bob's original movie is stuff he claims to have seen in the Bible that he was given to go over that seems extremely fantastic, he admits may have been part of a disinformation packet or could be real, he does not know. But the things he talks about at the beginning is stuff he worked with everyday while on site and knows how it works intimately. It's on Amazon if you're curious. And thanks to that movie, I have a basic idea of how this gravity drive works. Shit is really cool technologically speaking. Of course it totally destroys science fiction propulsion systems for me. :laughing:

All of the videos surfacing lately from various militaries from around the world in my mind reinforce Bob's fantastic tale and lend's credibility to his claims.

But It could all come from the fact that I want to believe him.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Putting the alien conspiracy stuff aside, the thing that intrigues me the most is the gravity drive that Bob was working on.

Don't get me wrong. Aliens = cool!

But the gravity drive is fucking amazeballs. A portable wormhole generator that lives in a spacecraft. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!


Well-known member
i'm subbing in as mildly skeptical
not skeptical of existence of UFOs
just of people claiming understanding them, or knowledge beyond what we see
no explanation i've yet seen comes close imho
no human being knows, or they're just very naturally quiet


Well-known member
If you liked Bob you'll like Phil



"To give you an overview of basically what I am, I started off and went through engineering school. Half of my school was in that field, and I built up a reputation for being a geological engineer, as well as a structural engineer with both military and aerospace applications. I have helped build two main bases in the United States that have some significance as far as what is called the New World Order. The first base is the one at Dulce, New Mexico. I was involved in 1979 in a firefight with alien humanoids, and I was one of the survivors. I'm probably the only talking survivor you will ever hear. Two other survivors are under close guard. I am the only one left that knows the detailed files of the entire operation. Sixty-six secret service agents, FBI, Black Berets and the like, died in that firefight. I was there.


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Well-known member
It might be my confirmation biases, but I 100% believe he is telling the truth......

If they are lying, they are unbelievably convincing......

But It could all come from the fact that I want to believe him.

I hear ya GB, it's hard no knowing how we got here, why we're here, what comes after or if we're all alone, especially when things happen that can't be explained.

...... I don't know much about Bob Lazar and his experience, but I do have 2nd hand experience about a UFO sighting in Baltimore, MD in 1958 told to me by one of the 'victims', Dr. Alvin Cohen, a good friend of my parents, so I do know how some of this stuff works.

In 1968 he found out that I was attending the same college he had gone to 10 yrs. before and asked me if I had taken Philosophy 101 with Dr. B.

Now I had taken the class with Dr. B who was real big on Esoteric Mysticism, Conzpiracies and UFO's, and when I told him this, Alvin began to laugh hysterically and proceeded to tell me the story of how he had pranked Dr. B by pouring gasoline in a large circle in a field and setting it on fire and then reporting it as a UFO sighting (and yes, he also confessed to being high on pot at the time)!

Anyhow, fast-forward to 2013 I got curious about this and did an internet search finding the original newspaper article which seemed to suggest that the incident should be taken with a large grain of salt.

But doing a search now to document the story I find that it's morphed into something more and has become more of an historical account to be taken seriously on pro-UFO sites and books, here's one story on UFO sightings from 1940 - 1960:


The really big scare took place Oct. 26, 1958, just south of Bridge No. 1 over Loch Raven Reservoir. To this day, it is considered the most spectacular UFO sighting in the Baltimore area.

Alvin Cohen and Phillip Small, who were described as being "young, sober and scared to death," were driving around Loch Raven when they saw "it," a large, flat, egg-shaped object hovering over the bridge and giving off a brilliant white light....

So if 1 guy with a PHD believes a lie told by another guy with a PHD, then a persons credentials don't really mean that much when it comes to UFO sightings and a lot of lying liars are just really good liars.:biggrin:


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Phil sounds like a kook.

He claims he was sent to a site where they had drilled massive holes, but needed him to blast away rock to create the tunnel system?

Where he claims he happened to stumble upon a vast cave inhabited by Greys? And then got into a firefight where a bunch of people got killed? But he somehow survived?

How did he do that without any kind of explosives to generate the crack? There's a finite amount of space at the bottom of the shaft. Someone else would have discovered it long before he showed up there to "study the rock type to determine correct explosives"

His father was a member of the scientific group involved with the Philadelphia Experiment and found secret documents after his father's death?

Yeah. Phil may spin a compelling tale. From what I've seen I don't believe a word of it.

Bob has passed 4 lie detector tests about what he did and saw at S4.

There are photos of the security device Bob claimed was used at sight S4 that the govt denied existed for years, but now they say, "Oh yeah. We used those here, here, and here. They were terrible."

The way the AAVs move in the videos and the eyewitness account by Commander Fravor to how they moved describe to a "T" the way the alien technology Bob claimed to work on in the late 80's.

For years and years Bob was vilified and bullied and almost went to prison for sticking to this story. He has never once has changed or altered his story. And now with 30 years of time, little things are popping up all over the place validating his story and vindicating him.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The HUGE problem with aliens and UFOs is it does attract a lot of kooks and schizophrenics and attention seekers. It is a huge conspiracy theory target.

It makes it really hard to separate the signal from the noise; the truth from the fiction.

Bob is a scientist, and only likes to talk about what he had his hands on and believes it to be true. What he doesn't like to talk about and plainly says multiple times, "I cannot verify any of the information about this because I wasn't involved with that aspect of the project. This is what I saw in these briefings they were given me. I don't know if it was 100% true. Or if it was only partially true. Or if it was 100% fabrication beyond what I was involved with as part of a misinformation campaign in case the info ever got out." Thats when he goes on to talk about the aliens themselves.

Bob only likes to talk about what he knows about, not the part that's speculation. Though he really doesn't like to talk about it much at all anymore due to the persecution he went through and continues to get to this day. See the recent FBI raid as an example.