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Blunt's Grow n Chat

Howdy y'all

Happy Women's day to you!! (Can you believe it!! Government finds another way to give the people more time off!!!)

Anyways, I been away for while moving house, dealing with break-ins, security gates, alarm systems, big dogs - the usual thing if you live in Jozi!with a little bit of growing on the side.

Got me a proper cab finally! Those who remember my past grow will know I've always had smallish setups. Now I'm using a full on cupboard with a grow space of 1.2m wide, 1.8m high and 60cm deep. In here I'm using a 400W Sunmaster HPS with a 200cfm exhaust fan.

I've just started a thead over in the hydro section with a bubbler setup growing Satori, Blue Mystic and Cindy99. I was expecting some different beans to arrive in the post but I guess they never made it. :badday:

Have a peek at

Anyways, glad to see it's warmer today. The last few week have been bitchin!! Iced over cars and freezin days! Hopefully it's gone for good now!

If you remember I was growing an NL and Cinnamon in a handwatered bucket and a grapefruit in soil. The NL has been chopped and the Cinnamon has a few days left. The NL bucket did not give me great results, I think it was because I only watered once they were dry. This did not give them a constant source of nutes I reckon.

The Grapefruit was really struggling in the soil so I cleaned off the soil from the roots and popped her into a the bubbler bucket I made a while back. GEEEEEEEWHIZZZZ!!! You should see her now! She really took off in that bucket and is looking like she will be my best yield yet. I'll post some pics when the lights come back on...

Let me know what'yall up to


Oh yah, good to see that the african forum is catching up with some of the others that have been around a lot longer


oh hell yes, i'm taking a seat in the front row.
will you be growing 12/12 from seed again?
Hey Sat

They are not quite 12/12 from seed. I reckon they'll go into 12/12 about 2 weeks from popping. I popped 'em in soil and then let then grow until true leaves showed themselves.

They will stress out a bit from the transplant from soil to hydroton so it'll slow things down to start with...
Yah. I took some pics this morning of the Grapefruit and the cab just before the lights went out. I'll post 'em here later.

The grapefruit is looking juicy as f*@k! she is gonna be a tokers dream!!


Active member
NICE brother!

i'm gonna rig up a similar setup when i finally get the basement cleaned up...

first crop will be female seeds grapefruit, in a high density SOG using 2l plastic pop bottles in soil... i MAY use hydroton and hydro nutes, but we'll see... i really wanna go organic from the off... biobizz soil is always availible here in londres!

lets see some piccies!

Well here you go go.....

But first - You made a good choice there wotamess!! That fem GF is superstuff!! I think this is my 5th one and they've been lekker! The one I'm flowering now has gone beyond my expectations! Add to that the fact that she was struggling like hell in soil to start with, and that she was my first bubbler guinea pig, means that she is one tuff bitch!

Here she is now...

Picture is a bit shite but I'll take some better ones later.

Here is my cab at the mo

You can see the Satori and the Blue mystic down there. The Satori I put into bubbler about a week ago are starting to show off a little...

Any ideas on how they'll do on 12/12 from such an early age?...

Oh yah. There is one more thing, a "cross that bridge when we come to it" sort of thing. I do not know which of the BM or Sat are female, so as soon as they show their colours I'm gonna have to get them out... :pointlaug We'll see if I end up looking like an :moon:

Of course there'll always be the chance that they will all be female, now would not that be lucky!?

If it's all dudes then'll I'll be pissed!
Bong, I'm feeling u on that one. It's great moving into a place with all the cheer in the world, and then some prat comes along and kills the vibe.

Now no matter what security measures you take you still can't relax 101%.

Reminds me of a funny, ummm, incident not so long ago. Straight after the breakins (only a few days after we moved in) we had security gates installed on front and back doors, as well as the master bedroom.
Now this worked just fine for a bout a week when one night, after a nice toke and a movie with a little JD thrown in, we scooted off to bed, instinctively locking the gate behind us.
Upon waking out of sleep in a doze at about 6am I suddenly realised that I did not remember bringing the gate key into the room the previous night. That's when you get that nasty jolt through your body, like the one when you know you are in shit.
Jumped out of bed and checked out the place where the key should be, and guess what, NO FRIKKIN KEY!
I did not want to break a window to get out so I used the bandits method of cutting away the putty around the window and taking the glass clean out. Obviously I'm not a totsi so no suprise when I broke th window anyways.

Feeling all chuffed of breaking OUT of my own house I made my way over to the back door armed with a set of keys for that gate and the back door. Boy was I pleased when the key unlocked the security gate and then the back door, just the simple act of turning the handle remained.

Cue nasty cold feeling again. DAMN!! Just then I remembered I installed deadbolts on the front and back door as an added precaution. And I just happened to be on the wrong side of the bloody door. So I calmly walked back to the broken bedroom window and kindly asked my other half for the f'n scissors, that I f'n used to cut the f'n putty away on the first f'n window. She did not ask why (which is unusual).

REsult of all this is that I then had to cut away the putty on the lounge window so in essence had to BREAK BACK IN to my own house.

How many of you mofo's out there can claim that, HUH?
Here are some more pics of the Grapefruit, taken 15 minutes go, and also a pic of her root mass

As you can see she has budsites aplenty!! yehaa!


lol funny story Blunt, good thing you didn't have burgler bars installed!

it looks like that grapefruit plant really did KERSPLODE in the bubbler!

what are your plans for those sat's and bm's? if you're making seeds then sure you
can put them into 12/12, but if you're growing for smoke then you may not end up
with enough fem's to yield well with a sog under that 400 hps. if it was me i'd put them in 12/12 anyway.

nice cab dude, keep the updates coming.
yah, burglar bars would have sucked big time, we had outdoor motion sensors installed instead, so we got lucky there.

I'm hoping to grow enough weed with each grow to hold me over the next. By having a constant 12/12 grow going with different strains will mean that I have harvests at different times. Don't forget that I still have my old cab with the 70W HPS and heaps of CFL, this I can use to veg my plants in for a bit before putting them into the main cab.

I'm still toking on the Nevill'e haze and Cinnamon that I 12/12'd from seed a while back and I currently got hand watered bucket NL and Cinnamon drying out so the timing just seems to be right. In a week or two I'll give the grapefruit the chop, and by looking at her now I reckon I'll be getting plench off her.

I've 12/12 from seed in soil with mixed results, and I wanna see how a bubbler will produce... if results fulfil my toking requirements then I'm happy...


yeah, that's it blunt, you understand the beauty of 12\12 from seed: more harvests/strains/generations in less time, which means a variety of strains and cure-times to select from when dipping into your jars; and increased yields are always a good thing.
Yah, they are growing some fat leaves at the moment!! I reckon they are gonna be dank as!! I'll post some pics later...

Any ideas on how the Satori grows 12/12 from seed? They are Sativa dom so should grow quite big like the Neville's Haze. I've seen on various sites that 12/12 from seed can actually produce some very decent results, especially with a hydro setup.

We shall see
Here is an update pic for ya of the cab, check out the size difference on dem bitches!!


The Satori is on the right, check how she is growing some fat leaves, looks like an indica to me.... starting to make me think that maybe I got confused between the two, maybe the Satori is actually the BM and vice versa.:pointlaug I'm sure that time will tell.

What do you think, this is what I'm calling the Satori at the moment.

Howdy y'all

So I did it, the GF got the chop last night and boy does she look like a good yielder!!

Here she is just before giving her the big cut!

Her pistils are about 50% brown which is fine. With the Cinnamon and NL I think I left them too long and as a result I've got some serious couchlock material there.

I've no idea what the weight is, I'm buying some scales today for work and will measure her wet weight this evening and let you know. I think she'll be a good yielder...
So I weighed her and am a bit dissapointed that she is only 80g. The plus is that she is my biggest yield on one plant to date, with fat dense budsites. I'm sure that if I vegged her longer then for sure I would have got higher yield.

So 80g wet, what do you think that'll turn out to be when she is dried?

I'm gonna have a squiz around IC and see if there are any answers