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Blumat in Circles 5000w - 4 Circles


Well-known member
Yes - the blue tube is so that I can see the water level from the side of the barrel where the capacity marks are. Others have suggested that this will prevent air from getting into my distribution tubing. Not sure if this is the case, but I've never had any air lock issues and have never purged my line weekly as some suggest.

What does GMTA stand for?

The house has a small sediment filter in from the well but I could likely benefit from a larger filter before the merlin.

dj digigrow

Active member
CVery nice, Cant wait to see the final!, I see blumats in my near future... where can i get em?
also how are you cooling and controling smells?
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Well-known member

I got several patio kits from sustainablevillage (check the blumat thread). They didnt have the 50pk kit so I had to buy a ton of deck kits. The 3/32 tees come from kentsystems. The 3mm tubing came from greenacreshydro. All other parts (1/2 valves, tubing, etc) came from local hydro store.

You can likely google those names above and find the websites I'm talking about. In all 3 instances your better off calling as their websites are not the greatest.

Odor/Exhaust is controlled by a 10" Max fan paired with a Can 100. Its seen its day and will be upgraded to a Can 150 next round. Right now the room gets dumped into my cold air return and is dispersed throughout the house upstairs.. Upstairs windows remain open. (furnace system/central air not in use).

I run mine raised main res like Lazyman however I do want to experiment with raised smaller res fed by larger lower res. I like the way I'm doing it now because it uses no electricity.. If the power goes out my plants still get watered.

I didnt have RO made yesterday and my one barrel (feeding 2 lights) is down to like 10 gallons. We'll see if they are still dripping when I get home or I might have to re-water/dial again due to my own negligence. With a raised main res near empty..volume/pressure is low.. so they are not dripping full speed as they should. I think I'll be able to make it home today and top up, but I am gambling by letting my main raised reservoir get so depleted. A raised smaller res fed by a larger main res on floor would prevent this.. It also however adds a point of failure (pump failure / power failure) into the mix which I'm not entirely fond of.

But St3ve..if that didnt answer your question.. you have to have some kind of raised res.. be it your main volume res or a smaller res fed by a large one. They work using gravity.

silver hawaiian

Active member
St3ve - if it helps, heady blunts rigged up a good rez situation for his blumats a while back, and I've got a similar setup going in my current grow. (There is a good illustration in heady's thread)

Basically, it's a large rez (18 gallons in my case) sitting in a floor, pumping water up into a 5 gallon bucket which sits about 4' off the floor. The blumats are tapped into the 5 gallon bucket, which also has an overflow drain, to dump back into the floor rez.

The net effect is that the water level in the 5 gallon bucket stays consistent (= consistent water pressure to blumats), and with the pump constantly running water from the 18 gal rez up to the 5 gal rez, it essentially keeps me out of the garden for about 22-23 gallons.

(If I could stay away, that is).

FlowerFarmer, sorry for the brief :hijacked:

You definitely need to grow your plants taller to use up all the light from the 1ks. IME I have pulled numbers up to 2.2 LBs per 1kw in a 3 tiered stadium system. I tweaked the system slightly with each different grow I did. My best results came using 2 gal pots with plants kicked at 12" and finishing around 30". The top tier was around 2.5 feet from the light. At this distance the light could spread out and effectively grow good sized healthy bud from the top 8" of the plants on the bottom tier to the top of the plant on the top tier. This was a LIGHT COVERAGE OF ~58" VERTICALLY @ DISTANCE OF 30" FROM LIGHT. If your plants are less than 64" tall (bottom 6" of plant should be stripped) then you are going to need another level of plants around the lights to increase your vertical. I would recommend putting a circle of cinder blocks at 30" distance from each light and having a row on the ground in front as well. This should increase the amount of plants around each light by about 50% while giving each plant more room to grow into while increasing your usage of vertical light. From what I see, by doing that and also pruning off any parts of plants that are not getting direct light you could easily hit 2bls per 1kw or more every time. Either this or decrease plant numbers, bigger pots, more veg time and possibly taller strain.


Well-known member
I agree.. If running tiered I could definitely have a whole 'nother circle above my current run of plants.

This variety is rather compact but I was still amazed at how little it stretches when in a vertical garden. Its weird though because last run I had a taller variety around 2 lights and this compact variety around the other 2. The taller stuff got a little wild on me but definitely took up more vertical space around the lamp. To my surprise though they yielded about the same. This short stuff is pretty dense which I think made up for my lack of stretch in the vertical sweet spot. I'd love to see what it could do in a tiered setup.

Right now though I'm just keeping it simple and just looking to pull some crops down in this new space successfully..no huge goals... I'm not sure if I have room to create an outer circle above this current one. I can barely move around in there now and I break out like crazy when brushing against plants (I think I'm allergic!)

I procrastinated and didn't end up cloning this bubblegum.. I'm hoping to hold a stump back and maybe re-veg to keep the strain - otherwise it may be gone (buddy might have it..not sure). I've got some grapefruit diesel rooting right now for next go around. I'm told it stretches a bit so next round will likely be taller plants and fewer of them..might work out good, but I'm hesitant to run new gear..even more so stuff that is likely to get wild and stretch around on me.
Ya for sure I didnt realize how tight it is in there with only 1 row. Looks like there are a few spots where you could have elevated plants but not a full circle around each light.

Get sum bamboo stakes and use them to fan the branches out to the sides on your bigger plant run. Also with vert lights the plants will all tend to lean in towards the light. If you stake them so they are angled back a tiny bit the light will get to all the bud sites all the way to the bottom of the plant and you will prevent heat stress and burnt nug from nugs getting close to lights. Doing this and maintaining it, along with pruning the backs and bottoms of all plants will increase give you up to 20% bigger yeild IME.


Well-known member
^yes this is what I need to do. I do get a bit of stress around my lamp as thing lean inward.

Sometimes I like to hang out in those little unlit wedges and just peer out into my crop circles..

If I had a ductless split I'd toss 4 600s in those spaces, but temperature doesnt allow right now. If I'm still running this style come winter I plan to do 4 circles with 1k HPS, the 1k in the middle a ushio MH, and put 4 600w ushio MHs in the mid-wall unlit diamond spaces.. should be insane.

speaking of insane check out this mom

grapefruit diesel mom.


You can see my little entrance into my larger foam board room 11x16. I'm not a midget, but just create these minimalistic entrances so that negative pressure holds my foam door on when it sits in front.


Well-known member
Flowering Day 35/36 I believe




I'd say we are about the half way point. Now if I can just get to the finish line without any burn, etc. Its all of a sudden hitting mids 80s around here.. came out of no where. I only have a 10" Max exhausting the room (no AC). Intake is just from the other half of the basement. Only have a 4" Vortex dumping outside air into the basement.

I hoping for cold nights for another month or so.

Going to need to fully school myself on installing a mini split...its the only way I'll be able to rock this summer. New room 11x16 will house 9-12 600w lights so I'm likely going to get a 36k Mr Slim for it. Dunno what I'm going to do for this 5k vertical room...likely just hope for cool nights.

Do they make larger dual zone split units? The only one's I have seen are like 9k and 9k or 12k and 12k. I need something like 36k and 24k..do they exist? I dont want to put 2 separate units in as then I'd have 3 outside units.. house ac and 2 room units...suspicious.

Or maybe I could do a massive 5 ton unit in my utility area (area with hot water tank, barrels, furnace, etc.. and use it sort of a lung space where I would exhaust into up high and intake into my room from down low.

Any suggestions?

I'd like to run a 5000w flower room and a 8000w flower room. Lung space would house like 2000w veg..hopefully that'd be enough to keep it all moving..


Active member
Damn you doing it insane brotha! You use bluemats too! High five! I love those things! Your shit looks very efficient. Good work.

Did you get longer small trip lines the run threw the ceramic cone? Mine are so short I had to run the main feed line like 4 inches away from the ceramic senor. Yours look way longer.


Well-known member
Damn you doing it insane brotha! You use bluemats too! High five! I love those things! Your shit looks very efficient. Good work.

Did you get longer small trip lines the run threw the ceramic cone? Mine are so short I had to run the main feed line like 4 inches away from the ceramic senor. Yours look way longer.

Thanks BW. Yes - it makes setting them up way easier if you purchase extra 3mm brown tubing. It has to be the blumat stuff however ... I got mine from greenacreshydro.

Thanks DJ :tiphat:


The 5 ton/60,000 BTU unit in the utility area used as a lung room works , but you`re right at the verge with wantin ta run total 15 KW and each 1 KW light requiring 4000 BTU`s per for cooling FF......and no....

Not sure bout the mini-splits cuz I usedta run portables through the walls and sealed in bloom rooms for deep summer temp insurance , but had 2 ton wall bangers on thermostats in the lung rooms to help condition the air exhausted and pumped back into the flip rooms twice per minute if needed....

Girls look good halfway through , and 1 good wayta help insulate more and create perfect light dispersion in the room is to cover your R-board in reflectix.....even the ceiling...and....

Looks like plenty of room away from the plants to prevent scorchin/light bleachin and drop the bulbs on down amongst those smaller plants for waaay more sideways lumen penetration till end of cycle , even though you said earlier you`ve had success without doin it......anyways....

Just tryin ta help ....Good luck and.....



Well-known member
I'll likely wrap the room in the orca after this run..shit looks amazing. I've got to figure out this AC remedy ASAP. The entire basement is glass block with only 1 having a little rectangle port on it..not really useful for exit..using it for cool intake night air right now... Currently I take my heat (10" exhaust) into the furnace plenum and disperse throughout house. No where else to send heat so I've got to go sealed/co2 now that temps are rising.

Its hard for me to get shots of down into the center of each circle, but aside from the middle bulb the other 4 lamps are dropped down in pretty good. I'm running some agrosun red 1000w hps lamps this go and they have a bit of a neck on them even after the mogul. Hard to tell in the pics but right now I do have the mogul screw in part of the bulb even with my taller colas.

I'll keep ya posted... tryin to get a few buddies setup and on their feet so of course my garden gets the least of my time/attention. Its cool though..aint no fun if your the only one making gain... No partnerships though.. tried that for a bit. I'll consult and "show" em' the way to crop with success but then they are on their own. Cant be stressin' over others' gardens/security///

dj digigrow

Active member
FF , why not put a window shaker down there and box the exhaust out of that hole your using for the intake or out of the furnace were the other one is...... I got an 18k in my room cooling 2k no problem... Just a thought.......... Peace!


That's a lovely grow you have their FF :tiphat: nice strain too, putting out some good sized buds for their age.

You ever thought about swapping out the the central 1k for 2 x 600's?