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Blue Cheese Grow Diary - DWC - 2x400w + CO2


Come farai con le cime più basse che resteranno al buio? Tagli tutto e fai una sorta di scrog senza rete?
Bella boscaglia!!


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Come farai con le cime più basse che resteranno al buio? Tagli tutto e fai una sorta di scrog senza rete?
Bella boscaglia!!

eheheh....il bello dell'idroponica è che anche le cime sotto,che apparentemente non ricevono luce o quasi si gonfiano e diventano delle belle noci cariche di resina :D

In linea di massima tolgo solo i rametti proprio infimi...che comunque sono pochi.Al massimo se ne scappa qualcuno resta sempre buono da mettere nel trim per ricavarne un pò di fumello homemade ;)

La prima volta mi ha notevolmente sorpreso vedere le cimette inferiori gonfiarsi e diventare delle belle cime succulente...questo perchè in terra non è così,le cime inferiori non ce la fanno a crescere bene,ma in idro sono davvero sorprendenti.Vedrai tra qualche tempo fratello ;)



Smile Vs Cry
oh shit nor..the canopy filled up very nice , plants looks so healthy and green as hell, your setup are just amazing bro,can't wait for see in bloom phase what happen maybe gonna be a jungle into the grow ehh ehh!!!
anyway high class work!!!


ciao nore molto interessante il thread...penso di tenere un EC sui 0,8 e 0,9 anche io vedendo le tue foto...ora postero le foto nel mio thread....fammi sapere ciao


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Some shot:

This one is the little blue cheese in the airpot.I noticed that airpot is a bit unpleasant when watering,because a lot of water come out from the holes before reach the bottom.I guess if a bottom irrigation,leaving 1\3 of the pot submerged for half an hour is better than adding water from the top...


A crops close-up


Bluecheese hydro


Wow, those are some amazing plants man!

I just got a cut of Blue Cheese, not sure what the origins are, but I smoked some of this in the 'Dam a few years ago, it was amazing. I can't wait to see how your turn out, you are making me want to put her in a DWC bucket.

I like your philosophy on fertz I do the same thing. I start almost all plants at 25-50% as stated on the packaging, then slowly increase throughout the life of the plant. Once you have grown a cut/strain you have a better idea of how fast to increase the feeding schedule.

Excellent job man, keep up the good work.


Active member
Nice setup you got there, I like it. I'll help my friend build a similar setup like the one you have.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Wow, those are some amazing plants man!

I just got a cut of Blue Cheese, not sure what the origins are, but I smoked some of this in the 'Dam a few years ago, it was amazing. I can't wait to see how your turn out, you are making me want to put her in a DWC bucket.

I like your philosophy on fertz I do the same thing. I start almost all plants at 25-50% as stated on the packaging, then slowly increase throughout the life of the plant. Once you have grown a cut/strain you have a better idea of how fast to increase the feeding schedule.

Excellent job man, keep up the good work.

Thanks homie :) I like to grow trees :D
I never smoked this strain...I really don't know what to expect from it,only thing I know about this bluecheese is the feedback from people like you...and are almost all positive :)

Growing a tested strain it's easy,because you already know what plant want.Some need more Mg,some more Ca etc...but generally I like to start with a 0,4\0,5 mS\cm (I use my tap water,it's at 0,2 mS\cm) and then raise it little by little.When I see Ec goes down too fast,I raise of 0,1 and so on...that's pretty simple ;)

...why we don't take a deck and play a little of hold'em on that green carpet?! :bump:

You're welcome mate :D

Nice setup you got there, I like it. I'll help my friend build a similar setup like the one you have.

Thanks :) Big dwc buket = trees :D

Tonight I changed the water in the bucket with fresh one and I took some pics for you.
From the last water change roots show an impressive growth.They are white and healty and plants consume a looooot of water and nutes every day.never seen such an impressive nutes\water uptake...I need to buy more nutes because they will not last till the end :D
I suppose this fast metabolism come from the extra Co2 I'm using.Hope to see huge buds in a while :)





Peace :ying:


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
9 days 12\12

Plants continue to grow nice and fast.I noticed a little photorespiration on the higher branches but I'll try to go over it with some tips.


Air temp : 22 - 28°C lights on - ca. 20 lights off
Water temp : 19 - 21°C
RH: 65-75% daytime - 65% nightime
pH : 5,6
Ec : 0,9 \ 1 mS\cm
CO2 : 450 min - 1200 max ppm










Weed Cannasaur
Great grow man!
Those trees look awesome!

I just built my first DWC bucket a few days ago and using it as a bubblecloner for now.
Hopefully I'll be able to get healthy plants as yours ;-)

If you have the time, I'm popping you a private message with some question about DWC.

Keep it green, they try to make it hard on us in Israel just as well but just keep it low until its safer.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Great grow man!
Those trees look awesome!

I just built my first DWC bucket a few days ago and using it as a bubblecloner for now.
Hopefully I'll be able to get healthy plants as yours ;-)

If you have the time, I'm popping you a private message with some question about DWC.

Keep it green, they try to make it hard on us in Israel just as well but just keep it low until its safer.

Thanks mate.If I can help you...you're welcome


life gardener
great great plants my friend..im proud for you!:comfort:
when i saw you girls a said..wow!!:jump: what a plants!!
dwc rockin and rockin if everything working good and in your place
i think that everything are in the optimal levels.:)

positive energy for ya and for ya tr33s brother:wave:


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
great great plants my friend..im proud for you!:comfort:
when i saw you girls a said..wow!!:jump: what a plants!!
dwc rockin and rockin if everything working good and in your place
i think that everything are in the optimal levels.:)

positive energy for ya and for ya tr33s brother:wave:

Thanks a lot tjo,you are right dwc rocks and these bluecheese are really healty and fast growing.It takes me some time to check everything almost everyday,but results are great.

A lot of positive vibrations to you bro,hope to see huge buds from your slh :wave:


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
12 days 12\12 (48 days from seed)

Stretching is at the maximum and plants are growing very nice.We are at 12 days at 12\12 and flowers are already forming.Lasts run I had trouble with delayed bud formation due to high concentration of N in my nutes.At this moment I'm not adding anymore ''slow absorption'' N.

I need to do something for RH.With those bushes in the room and considering I have no air change but when I manually open the door,RH remain too high.I need to do a great setup matching dehuey and air recirculation.

I also added a quite big fan under the canopy to move the air,this start to help.

If any of you have some tips on anti.mold products,they will be very appreciate.


Air temp : 22 - 28°C lights on - ca. 20 lights off
Water temp : 19 - 21°C
RH: 65-75% daytime - 65% nightime
pH : 5,5 - 5,6
Ec : 1,1 mS\cm
CO2 : 550 min - 1100 max ppm





Some close up of forming flowers




Peace to all :wave:

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