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Blatent election fraud thread

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Midnight Tokar

My dad runs a small business and is not required to provide health insurance so no, and I'm glad to keep my money anyways as I'm young and can put it to better use at the moment. Trump and McConnell appointed many judges who can shoot down executive orders, not to mention flipped the ninth circuit and Supreme court. If Joe tries to change anything he will have a tough legal battle ahead of him.

Apparently you're not aware that the Supreme Court has had a conservative majority for 50 years now!
If Moscow Mitch chooses to obstruct again like he did to President Obama, there would be nothing to prevent Biden from doing what trump did with all his EO's cancelling out President Obama's work. You know trump set precedent and all.


Well-known member
So let's get this straight. You fall off of a roof and break your neck leaving you crippled and then we the public will have to pay for your feeding and watering for the rest of your life? That sounds fair.

That's Trump thinking for ya there in a nutshell. You don't want to pay for anything that would help both yourself and society, no that would make too much sense. So you'll keep your money and stick us with the bill.

Got it.
Hmmm, so then given this line of thinking, folks who do not choose to wear masks are not responsible for others well being after all... riiiight?

Can't have it both ways just to fit a personal agenda.


Active member
The chances are very low, I would rather put more money towards my 401k.

Hello all,

Better take care, you fall off that roof and kiss your 401k and the contributions to it goodbye. And without any insurance, the med bills could destroy your 401k. Not to mention the ordinary cost of living....

Good luck to you little brother and remember that there is one universal immutable truth and that is things change, they always do.


PS...kewl space shot today, ay?


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Active member
Judges also interpret the constitution differently, for example many right wing judges would see a mask mandate as unconstitutional as it violates a person's free will.


Trump appointed judge rules against Trump. lol. So much for that loyalty tRump seeks so desperately.


A Donald Trump-appointed federal judge on Thursday dismissed a libel lawsuit filed by the president’s re-election campaign, which alleged that CNN intentionally published false statements about the administration’s solicitation of election assistance from foreign governments. The decision marks yet another legal defeat for the president in the week since he lost the election to Democratic challenger Joe Biden.


Active member
Boogie- as an fyi, at your age and income, you probably qualify for a generous subsidy for insurance. It’s now open enrollment.
Take it from someone who spent three decades working in surgery. Bad shit happens to good people. Get insurance.


ICMag Donor
Rasmussen Reports
“Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia ... in these big cities in swing states run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.”


BIDEN still won the EC & popular vote by over 5 MILLION votes. The Electoral College is not going to give Trump a second term.


Active member
Hello all,

The tears are extraordinary....buahahahahaha

donald just tweeted.

"I WON THE ELECTION!"...still can't accept it.....loser! Lost in a landslide bigly. Historic defeat!

...and they announce that Donald tRump has just lost the Great State of Pennsylvania...and... Donald tRump has just lost the great State of Wisconson....and then they said Donald tRump has just lost the great State of Michigan......buahahahahahaha

306-232 donald tRump-loser

Remember. you voted for this piece of shit the first time.

He is holding up biden transition and putting us all in jeopardy.

The only thing in jeprody is the faith in our election process.
Its gone.over 100 million Americans feel that it was a fraudulent, rigged process.
Democrats sacrificed the will of the people, subverted the rule of law, forever damaged the integrity of our election process and ultimately making us look much weaker and foolish on the world stage and in doing so put the safety of all Americans at risk.all to get rid of Trump but in typical democratic fashion they were sloppy, left clues and will ultimately get caught.
But I love all you cheerleaders for corruption you're so adorable


Well-known member
The only thing in jeprody is the faith in our election process.
Its gone.over 100 million Americans feel that it was a fraudulent, rigged process.
Democrats sacrificed the will of the people, subverted the rule of law, forever damaged the integrity of our election process and ultimately making us look much weaker and foolish on the world stage and in doing so put the safety of all Americans at risk.all to get rid of Trump but in typical democratic fashion they were sloppy, left clues and will ultimately get caught.
But I love all you cheerleaders for corruption you're so adorable
Commonly referred to as FUD. Fear Uncertainty Doubt.


over 100 million Americans feel that it was a fraudulent, rigged process.

ah, the tried and true bandwagon.

a couple billion christians, almost a couple billion muslims in the world... they both must be right using your logic. not to mention all the other religions.

and yet out of the BILLIONS of people that believe in a deity, not one has gone public with substantial fact-based evidence for their amazing superstitious claims.

they were sloppy, left clues and will ultimately get caught.
But I love all you cheerleaders for corruption you're so adorable

still waiting on those 'clues'


Active member
The only thing in jeprody is the faith in our election process.
Its gone.over 100 million Americans feel that it was a fraudulent, rigged process.
Democrats sacrificed the will of the people, subverted the rule of law, forever damaged the integrity of our election process and ultimately making us look much weaker and foolish on the world stage and in doing so put the safety of all Americans at risk.all to get rid of Trump but in typical democratic fashion they were sloppy, left clues and will ultimately get caught.
But I love all you cheerleaders for corruption you're so adorable

Hello all,

I say count the vote...every legal vote. The election process is in jeopardy from the mango messiah screaming rigged without evidence.

Just exactly how did the dems do these dastardly deeds? Did the dems slip in tens of thousands of illegal votes to be counted?

Oh I got it...the dems while you were not looking were reprogramming the machines to change votes from commander clorox to biden?

Our was it they somehow changed reps ballots to biden without spoiling the ballot?

So, how the phuque was this election stolen? What did the mean ol dems do to rob the minority of their victory?

Can you articulate any original thought on this?

He lost bigly...it was historic...306-232...a phuquubg landslide, ay?

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