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Blatent election fraud thread

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if the demstate didn't cheat, riddle me this

hows come when they counted all those red counties first, it lookin like resident trump gone win?

even the chief of queef HIMSELF declared himself winner.

THEN SUDDENLY they started counting high population blue areas and the mail-ins came in and now the ASSOCIATED MAINSTREAM MEDIA PRESS IS THE ONES WHO DECIDE NARCOLEPSY JOE A WINNER?

sommumm aint right.

the only splainin is millions of illegal votes.
Hello all,

I say count the vote...every legal vote. The election process is in jeopardy from the mango messiah screaming rigged without evidence.

Just exactly how did the dems do these dastardly deeds? Did the dems slip in tens of thousands of illegal votes to be counted?

Oh I got it...the dems while you were not looking were reprogramming the machines to change votes from commander clorox to biden?

Our was it they somehow changed reps ballots to biden without spoiling the ballot?

So, how the phuque was this election stolen? What did the mean ol dems do to rob the minority of their victory?

Can you articulate any original thought on this?

He lost bigly...it was historic...306-232...a phuquubg landslide, ay?


The 2nd sentence is the winner at aprox 11 30 pm on the 3rd and getting annihilated in every key battle ground state .election officials abruptly called off the counting,put cardboard over windows, threw out all republican observers and got busy manufacturing votes for Biden.It was a record percentage of our deceased population voting. Counting the same ballot numerous times.glitchy softwear designed in Venezuela to swing the election for Hugo Chavez .I mean it's all fishy.Just blatant fraud hence the thread title.
Ultimately it could work tho. Making Biden the very 1st unelected, illegitimate,fraudulent,imposter president we've ever had.
Makes ya proud ay ?


Active member
The 2nd sentence is the winner at aprox 11 30 pm on the 3rd and getting annihilated in every key battle ground state .election officials abruptly called off the counting,put cardboard over windows, threw out all republican observers and got busy manufacturing votes for Biden.It was a record percentage of our deceased population voting. Counting the same ballot numerous times.glitchy softwear designed in Venezuela to swing the election for Hugo Chavez .I mean it's all fishy.Just blatant fraud hence the thread title.
Ultimately it could work tho. Making Biden the very 1st unelected, illegitimate,fraudulent,imposter president we've ever had.
Makes ya proud ay ?

Hello all,

And yet no evidence....Though I will give you the guy in one of those swing states that forged his dead mother's ballot...a trump supporter, so there is that, ay?

But hey you've got the Kracken, Sydney Powell, gooliani and hannity to soldier on for democracy and the murican way.

306-232, what'a shalacin', ay? buahahahahahaha



Well-known member
The 2nd sentence is the winner at aprox 11 30 pm on the 3rd and getting annihilated in every key battle ground state .election officials abruptly called off the counting,put cardboard over windows, threw out all republican observers and got busy manufacturing votes for Biden.It was a record percentage of our deceased population voting. Counting the same ballot numerous times.glitchy softwear designed in Venezuela to swing the election for Hugo Chavez .I mean it's all fishy.Just blatant fraud hence the thread title.
Ultimately it could work tho. Making Biden the very 1st unelected, illegitimate,fraudulent,imposter president we've ever had.
Makes ya proud ay ?

George, just for the record, your namesake was the first unelected, illegitimate, fraudulent, imposter president we've ever had. And if the Dems are so good at stealing elections why the hell didn't they steal the Senate too? It seems only half the job got done.

There was no election fraud. All of the Trump bullshit you keep parroting, you know it's bullshit, and it's hurting our country. The real fraud is that it Trump has yet to do the right thing and concede, or at very least allow Biden the funds to begin the transition process.


Well-known member
Why would you copy my post then reply to someone else ? I want that strain lol

Either you are or you aren't, it matters not to me.

The kind and ever so compassionate folks here in the SC are accusing you of being a previously banned (? did GW get banned?) member who's most recent incarnation was/ is(?) "George W Bush".

Funny thing though... it's rather a 'straw man' argument as no where in the sites TOU does it state that this is against said TOU.

When they cannot discuss topics like adults, they attack members account validity (and character, among other non issues).
People are indeed strange.

"C'mon people now, smile on your brother. Everybody get together try to love one another...

Right now..."


Well-known member
ah, the tried and true bandwagon.

a couple billion christians, almost a couple billion muslims in the world... they both must be right using your logic. not to mention all the other religions.

and yet out of the BILLIONS of people that believe in a deity, not one has gone public with substantial fact-based evidence for their amazing superstitious claims.

still waiting on those 'clues'

So smug in your certainty hu?
This is for sure another lame pot to kettle comment and is void of substance.


Active member
It's not surprising Trumpers are still denying Biden won.

Hell these same people thought Obama was born in Kenya.


Active member
Trump and his legal team are giving up. What a loser.


HARRISBURG, Pa. — President Trump’s campaign is withdrawing a central part of its lawsuit seeking to stop certification of the election results in Pennsylvania
, where victory put Joe Biden over the top in the electoral college votes needed to capture the White House.
Ahead of a Tuesday hearing in the case, Trump’s campaign dropped the allegation that hundreds of thousands of mail-in and absentee ballots — 682,479, to be precise — were illegally processed without its representatives watching.

The campaign’s slimmed-down lawsuit, filed in federal court Sunday, maintains the aim of blocking Pennsylvania from certifying Biden’s win and continues its claim that Democratic voters were treated more favorably than Republican ones.


The Tri Guy
If Trump can prove that the Dominion machines are unreliable as voting machines, what then? Redo the election in those states? It looks like, if what is rumoured is accurate, the votes can't just be recounted, as they will have been deleted.


ICMag Donor
Trump is still out there spewing about his landslide victory.
WTFs wrong with this guy?


Well-known member

Won't be long now. Nobody of any actual importance thinks he is the president anymore.


If several members of law enforcement are members of a militia that refuses to obey the law? Shouldn't they automatically lose their jobs? You cannot be sworn to uphold the law and be member of a group which does not even recognize the elected president.
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