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Bill Gates


Active member
billygoat gates is a greedy elite oligarch, who thinks he knows whats best for humanity, fuck him and the donky he should be chased out of town on backwards :D

He owns the pharma company that is going to sell the anti virus vaccine to the WORLD.


like him or not, we prolly shoulda listened when he told us to prepare for a global pandemic, luckily covid-19 is only as bad as it is... this coulda been MUCH worse MUCH SOONER...

i personally can't wait for a succesful vaccine to be spread worldwide, and i really don't care who is behind the funding.

and i fucking hate microsoft...


Active member
like him or not, we prolly shoulda listened when he told us to prepare for a global pandemic, luckily covid-19 is only as bad as it is... this coulda been MUCH worse MUCH SOONER...

i personally can't wait for a succesful vaccine to be spread worldwide, and i really don't care who is behind the funding.

and i fucking hate microsoft...

Gates wasn’t alone in warning us. Bush Jr. recognized the impending threat and put wheels in motion to prepare. Obama added to it. Trump ignored it all.

The biggest mistake(in my opinion) in all of their collective preparations, was there was no education for the masses. The entire country was introduced to stop, drop and roll decades ago. It was taught in the schools, and there were TV ads. We needed something like that for pandemics. The only measures we have now are the same ones they used 100 years ago...distancing and wearing a mask. Apparently, we (Americans) should have been taught this lesson a long time ago. But then again, who would have thought this would be a difficult lesson for some, or that something so simple and helpful would become a toxic political issue.

I apologize in advance if anyone was offended by this remark.


Active member
Gates wasn’t alone in warning us. Bush Jr. recognized the impending threat and put wheels in motion to prepare. Obama added to it. Trump ignored it all.

The biggest mistake(in my opinion) in all of their collective preparations, was there was no education for the masses. The entire country was introduced to stop, drop and roll decades ago. It was taught in the schools, and there were TV ads. We needed something like that for pandemics. The only measures we have now are the same ones they used 100 years ago...distancing and wearing a mask. Apparently, we (Americans) should have been taught this lesson a long time ago. But then again, who would have thought this would be a difficult lesson for some, or that something so simple and helpful would become a toxic political issue.

I apologize in advance if anyone was offended by this remark.

TRUST no one.


Well-known member
When one looks at the effect which the Rockefeller foundation had upon medicine and life in general, it is easily to understand how it is there are those who are less than comfortable with the this generations version of the same.


Well-known member
I will gladly catch the virus before I ever take anything from Bill Gates. He has talked about population control many of times.


Active member
like him or not, we prolly shoulda listened when he told us to prepare for a global pandemic

The people that needed to listen had their heads up their ass for sure.
Even he did not listen to himself...LOL

So let me set the scene for you here.

Gates just ran a pandemic simulation that show a virus could be sweeping through the us without much to stop it.

We can all agree on this right.

So gates and all the other so called experts go together and decided what?

It was fine to let all the infected people off the planes from china?
They knew what would happen didn't they?
They just spent a fortune on the simulation.

I was screaming as loud as I could stop those fuckin planes.
I knew what might happen.
But they did not?

I think that is another Whatthefuckism.:biggrin:

So anyway you trusting your heath with someone who could not see the obvious.

Or someone out to screw you over on purpose.
Either way it seems to be the short end of the stick, to me anyhow.


Active member
Trump ignored it all.

The biggest mistake(in my opinion) in all of their collective preparations, was there was no education for the masses.

Ok, let's set the scene again....

All the experts are lined up yelling at trump...

"Stop the planes, stop the planes, this could get dangerous."
So trump says, "Naa, it will be alright."

So the experts all went home sadly saying we did all we could to stop things from spreading.

Telling the president is all we can do.
It is all his fault now.

I ask do you really think he made that decision personally ignoring the experts?
Or is it more likely that it was made by a team of advisors?

I guess you need to decide for yourself.
I know which one I am goin' with.


Active member
Ok, let's set the scene again....

All the experts are lined up yelling at trump...

"Stop the planes, stop the planes, this could get dangerous."
So trump says, "Naa, it will be alright."

So the experts all went home sadly saying we did all we could to stop things from spreading.

Telling the president is all we can do.
It is all his fault now.

I ask do you really think he made that decision personally ignoring the experts?
Or is it more likely that it was made by a team of advisors?

I guess you need to decide for yourself.
I know which one I am goin' with.
I don’t remember all of the experts telling trump to stop the planes, as you put it.
I do know that trump did not take it seriously, did not plan for the worst, did not assure we had testing capabilities early on, did not make sure we had plenty of supplies such as masks, etc. He did his best to re-shape the narrative coming from bixter and fauci, encouraged protests against shutdowns in democratic states, down played masks, and on and on.
The 130,000 + US deaths is on his hands.


Active member
I don’t remember all of the experts telling trump to stop the planes, as you put it.
I do know that trump did not take it seriously, did not plan for the worst, did not assure we had testing capabilities early on, did not make sure we had plenty of supplies such as masks, etc. He did his best to re-shape the narrative coming from bixter and fauci, encouraged protests against shutdowns in democratic states, down played masks, and on and on.
The 130,000 + US deaths is on his hands.

I wish to remain respectful but typing is misunderstood so I say I mean no disrespect here.

So your involved with all the presidential meetings are you?

So you think he is on his own in the white house?
No advisors telling him what to do and what to say?
Just one man running the whole country/world from a desk?

You think the orange man is smart enough for that?
Wow, you have more faith in him than I do...LOL

A one man show huh?
Responsible for it all?
Ok, if you say so....:biggrin:

And you guys think I am crazy.:yay:

I don't mean any disrespect but that seems like crazy talk to me.


Active member
I don’t remember all of the experts telling trump to stop the planes, as you put it.
I do know that trump did not take it seriously, did not plan for the worst, did not assure we had testing capabilities early on, did not make sure we had plenty of supplies such as masks, etc. He did his best to re-shape the narrative coming from bixter and fauci, encouraged protests against shutdowns in democratic states, down played masks, and on and on.
The 130,000 + US deaths is on his hands.

Could it be because it is all BULLSHIT???


Active member
Bill Gates... And melinda.

Event 201...oct 2019...hmm?


All that money spent.
All those people educated on the subject.

But not one thought hard enough about it to stop the planes.
Why if they all knew what may happen did none of them stop the planes.

Why did no one stop the planes?
That should have been the top priority.

Is that not the first logical step in a pandemic.
Stop the spread, right.

Stopping the planes would have made a joke of this crisis.
Why did they not stop the planes?

You can not believe they did not know what would happen.
They just finished a simulation on the subject.
But they just did not know....

Are you buying that bullshit?
Not me....:biggrin:


Active member
I wish to remain respectful but typing is misunderstood so I say I mean no disrespect here.

So your involved with all the presidential meetings are you?

So you think he is on his own in the white house?
No advisors telling him what to do and what to say?
Just one man running the whole country/world from a desk?

You think the orange man is smart enough for that?
Wow, you have more faith in him than I do...LOL

A one man show huh?
Responsible for it all?
Ok, if you say so....:biggrin:

And you guys think I am crazy.:yay:

I don't mean any disrespect but that seems like crazy talk to me.

We’re good.
No, i do not think trump is a one man show, and i am positive that he consults with others. But at the end of the day, I think he often ignores good advice, and i think he goes with the last person he talks to....that might be steve miller, or hannity or some other troglodyte that encourages his worst instincts.
And regardless, he is 100% responsible for it all, good and bad. The buck stops with him. He emphasized that the president was 100% responsible for everything when president Obama was in office, but now that he is prez, he disclaims it.

And for the record, his administration did a few good things, at least in my book. I applaud the work his administration did with prison reform as well as his EO on renal care. But i also believe his “bad”deeds far outweighs any good things he has accomplished. I truly believe he has had a disastrous effect on this country, both by his divisive words, tweets and actions as well as by his constant attempts to undermine America’s institutions and our constitution. One thing is true though, he will not be forgotten. When he is gone and his administration’s documents are released, i suspect that legal scholars and academics will peel back all of the layers of deceit and lawlessness will be revealed, and will be studied for decades or centuries into the future.

Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
Global health is the biggest future business... unless we all start jogging and exercising more!


We’re good.
No, i do not think trump is a one man show, and i am positive that he consults with others. But at the end of the day, I think he often ignores good advice, and i think he goes with the last person he talks to....that might be steve miller, or hannity or some other troglodyte that encourages his worst instincts.
And regardless, he is 100% responsible for it all, good and bad. The buck stops with him. He emphasized that the president was 100% responsible for everything when president Obama was in office, but now that he is prez, he disclaims it.

And for the record, his administration did a few good things, at least in my book. I applaud the work his administration did with prison reform as well as his EO on renal care. But i also believe his “bad”deeds far outweighs any good things he has accomplished. I truly believe he has had a disastrous effect on this country, both by his divisive words, tweets and actions as well as by his constant attempts to undermine America’s institutions and our constitution. One thing is true though, he will not be forgotten. When he is gone and his administration’s documents are released, i suspect that legal scholars and academics will peel back all of the layers of deceit and lawlessness will be revealed, and will be studied for decades or centuries into the future.

...well, increasingly it does appear that he tries to run it as a one man show without consulting anyone that has a clue.