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Bill Gates


i'd call them to recommend they do some reading.

especially the ingredients list, just like anything and everything that goes in (or on... ever read your shampoo bottle?)


i might have been harsh; i used to believe all sorts of silly shit.

my beef is with those that SPREAD harmful silly shit.


Well-known member
the fact that 8 people found this dumb bullshit helpful makes me sadder than fuck.

antivaxxers are like unchecked cancer but worse because cancer can't read and change its mind but people can.

sad state of affairs.

you cannot fix stupid, and i'm beginning to think we should not try. let mother nature do her thing with the herd...


Autistic Diplomat in Training
The discourse in this thread reminds me of discussions about cannabis cultivation, with growers who've not had access to the likes of icmag or similar. There's so much they believe which is untrue, and so many complexities they're unaware of, I often end up nodding appropriately and letting them expend all their gas.

Aside from those who have tried to research and are simply clueless on how to do it properly, those who are lying to themselves about their level/quality of research and diligence on this subject are likely lying to themselves about a great number of other things. No amount of text on the page is going to rapidly increase their awareness when they have zero listening for new information.

Broadening awareness is a difficult task to begin with, and even more so when you deal with individuals who are not able to keep up. I believe I've already shared enough info for people with a listening for it. Anyone else can look up my position in this thread here.

May you find enlightenment and cringe when you think of years of posts you've made... lol


exactly douglas.

damning vaccinations, praising homeopathy? it's like the twilight zone.

i'm definitely mostly mad at the dangerous antivaxxer communities, but many don't realize the damage that homeopathy proponents cause, either; condoning ppl ignore their doctors, having people spend their money on inert vials of water (many don't realize, lots of formulations in homeopathy actiually contain ZERO active ingredients because of how the dilutions are)... yeah the placebo effect is powerful, but how unscrupulous does one have to be to con people like that?


Active member
exactly douglas.

damning vaccinations, praising homeopathy? it's like the twilight zone.

i'm definitely mostly mad at the dangerous antivaxxer communities, but many don't realize the damage that homeopathy proponents cause, either; condoning ppl ignore their doctors, having people spend their money on inert vials of water (many don't realize, lots of formulations in homeopathy actiually contain ZERO active ingredients because of how the dilutions are)... yeah the placebo effect is powerful, but how unscrupulous does one have to be to con people like that?

On the note of homeopathy...
The rain-forest holds a lot of healing power, homeopathy at its finest.
You should not discount it like that, most of histories medicine was homeopathic.

Check it out you may be surprised.


that would be more like naturopathy or holistic medicine, i'm not against those, per se(as long as ppl arent foregoing modern proven science and medicine, or dangerously ignoring their doctor). i use cannabis as medicine. i love herbal tea, some for relaxing my nerves.

homeopathy is the quackery of dilution to the point of zero possible effects, or usually to the point where zero active ingredient is left.

pure quackery and a shameful con on vulnerable, possibly very sick people.

reminds me of those televangelists that "lay hands" and encourage the elderly go into debt donating to their church.


alwayys been sceptical when it comes to that dilution makes it stronger idea? thats more akin to magic then medicine. on the other hand a lot of health is influenced by your spiritual well being, or lets call it by your happiness and positive or negative outlook. in the end it does no harm and many seem to think it helps them, just that alone is enough reason to leave it be. probably won't work if you don't believe in it :D


Active member
On the note of homeopathy...
The rain-forest holds a lot of healing power, homeopathy at its finest.
You should not discount it like that, most of histories medicine was homeopathic.

Check it out you may be surprised.

The rain forest. Yes. That is exactly why big pharma is paying researchers in the rain forest. That is where our effective drugs come from.


Boreal Curing
alwayys been sceptical when it comes to that dilution makes it stronger idea? thats more akin to magic then medicine. on the other hand a lot of health is influenced by your spiritual well being, or lets call it by your happiness and positive or negative outlook. in the end it does no harm and many seem to think it helps them, just that alone is enough reason to leave it be. probably won't work if you don't believe in it :D

You mean like God won't do you any favors if you don't believe kinda thing?

It should be illegal to practice homeopathy and sell homeopathic products. It gives people false hopes in exchange for their money. Quackery and fraud at best.

A couple up here were jailed because they killed their child trying to cure their kid's meningitis with homeopathy. If you ask me, they should have been injected with meningitis and only given homeopathic elixirs to cure themselves.

St. Phatty

Active member
i was going to say, Bill is OK compared to Bezos & Elon Musk.

but as long as Bill is pushing Vaccines, without talking about Adverse Event tracking from viruses, he's as destructive to health as any one of Trump's assholes.


Boreal Curing
Bill Gates, A PRIVATE CITIZEN, spends a $billion a year on Vaccines and Vaccine research. I think he knows what he's doing.


Active member
that would be more like naturopathy or holistic medicine, i'm not against those, per se(as long as ppl arent foregoing modern proven science and medicine, or dangerously ignoring their doctor). i use cannabis as medicine. i love herbal tea, some for relaxing my nerves.

homeopathy is the quackery of dilution to the point of zero possible effects, or usually to the point where zero active ingredient is left.

pure quackery and a shameful con on vulnerable, possibly very sick people.

reminds me of those televangelists that "lay hands" and encourage the elderly go into debt donating to their church.

Ok, Thanks I guess I had it wrong here.
My bad, I thought it was the same as holistic.
As some here are guilty of I had not properly researched the subject and thought I knew what it was about.
Thanks for the schoolin'


Active member
Bill Gates, A PRIVATE CITIZEN, spends a $billion a year on Vaccines and Vaccine research. I think he knows what he's doing.

Your logic suggests:
If I was a private citizen and I spent a billion a year on a project that would mean I am an expert too.

Why the fuck do people trust their health to bill gates...WTF does he know about health.

His software is prone to viruses, are his vaccines...LOL


Boreal Curing
He is also pro depopulation, and for that alone I will never trust him.
pro depopulation? where did you get that from? Alex Jones?
He's pro family planning. Don't make it sound like he wants to gas the population.

Your logic suggests:
If I was a private citizen and I spent a billion a year on a project that would mean I am an expert too.

Why the fuck do people trust their health to bill gates...WTF does he know about health.

His software is prone to viruses, are his vaccines...LOL

If you had a $billion, you'd hire experts instead of trying to be one.


Active member
He is also pro depopulation, and for that alone I will never trust him.

The planet is at 7.8 billion people. Just curious what you think the planet’s ideal population should be.
I am not in favor of war, famine, disease, poverty, etc, but i am in favor of family planning/fewer births.


Boreal Curing
The planet is at 7.8 billion people. Just curious what you think the planet’s ideal population should be.
I am not in favor of war, famine, disease, poverty, etc, but i am in favor of family planning/fewer births.

It'll never get over 11 billion.



billygoat gates is a greedy elite oligarch, who thinks he knows whats best for humanity, fuck him and the donky he should be chased out of town on backwards :D