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biggest outdoor autoflower grow!!! auto-BiggySmalls


Biggie -- no i have never cloned the EW, always from seed, had a lot of trouble in the past trying to get clones to finish/ more often than not they never finish in time. I find that seeds grow faster, start flowering sooner yield more, so i went with what works for me //now with feminized that will be something else --i cant wait for next year// the outdoor growers lament {theres always next year}-- long time between crops though


three for playing, three for straying, and three f

I want to see the mini autoflower ''field''...pretty please!?


Biggie--iv been busy lately & havent been able to check in to the thread,yes i made my own generator following the instuctions from a thead posted here , i read it about a year ago, just do a search in the search section there is about 4 or 5 posting with instructions, nice(finishing?) weather we are having? I put my EW in late they are about 5 or 6 weeks old ,but i now have 4 females + 2 female clones and 3 males to make seed with.looking forward to more pics,
Biggie--iv been busy lately & havent been able to check in to the thread,yes i made my own generator following the instuctions from a thead posted here , i read it about a year ago, just do a search in the search section there is about 4 or 5 posting with instructions, nice(finishing?) weather we are having? I put my EW in late they are about 5 or 6 weeks old ,but i now have 4 females + 2 female clones and 3 males to make seed with.looking forward to more pics,

more pics will be up tomorrow night when i get back to town, i found the threads thank you i will hopefully have a lot less males next season, yes the weather has been amazing so far this year, hopefully it doesnt get to hot we could use some heavier rain but soon enough well be:joint:,

Heres 8 new pics, Hopefully i will have time to get a bunch more on here tomorrow night. Enjoy


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
How long do you think they will go for outside ? (start to finish days)

Looking good!
Bob J - We had a spot we were trying out the heavy harvest on and the entire spot got eaten and trampled on by cows, a bunch of seeds we planted there have sprouted though a may possible mature, we had put polymers in the plot as well so we are just goin to leave them for a while and see if they do somthing on there own we thought it would be interesting. but ill get some pics of those if they survive till next time

9lives - alot of the large ak-EWS plants and the auto ak-47 u see in the pics were started from late late april and the start of may. alot of the AK-EWS beds were started first and second weeks of may in 16 oz cups and were transplanted after 3-4 weeks i would geuss the longest ones will take around 14-15weeks alot may be quicker the auto ak phenos might be 10-12 weeks, ill post more pics and be on later tonight

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