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biggest outdoor autoflower grow!!! auto-BiggySmalls



Biggy / dont know the ppm of my CS yet ,im building my CS generator tommorow, im in chilliwak at inlaws with nothing better to do for a couple of days,but before i left home i figured out how to post pics in my album, i asume that you can click on my name & see my pics like i saw yours this morn,man i miss that 420 shirt, that is a EW variant strain but very close to the original & those are small ones, that pic was done in sept 2, 2005 in boston bar & that hole was at the top of the patch & it got watered less cause i wasnt using pressure compensating immiters .now that i figured the pic thing out i have more to post when i get back home. The ones you got in bags are camoed nicely
Biggy / dont know the ppm of my CS yet ,im building my CS generator tommorow, im in chilliwak at inlaws with nothing better to do for a couple of days,but before i left home i figured out how to post pics in my album, i asume that you can click on my name & see my pics like i saw yours this morn,man i miss that 420 shirt, that is a EW variant strain but very close to the original & those are small ones, that pic was done in sept 2, 2005 in boston bar & that hole was at the top of the patch & it got watered less cause i wasnt using pressure compensating immiters .now that i figured the pic thing out i have more to post when i get back home. The ones you got in bags are camoed nicely

When you go to your pics under there is a bbe code if you copy that and by pressing ctrl then c and paste by pressing ctrl then v you can put that code in these posts and it shows the picture. just incase you wanted to post some of those! the emerald wonder looks awsome!!! is that whats drying under there or EWS?


The strain in the pics are from seeds i made with the EW ,so they are either pure EW or a Blend of EW & my own strains ,but the EW was the dominate gene? most of the seed i made with the EW looked just like the parent ,either pure or other wise ,you can see what I mean about being a main cola domiant strain, 2 years before this pic I had pure EW in 5gallon buckets that were an easy 10 feet,5 feet of that was just the main bud , i have never seen anything like it.thanxs for the help, I am sure i have more pics of EW at home(big ones) . the stuff drying is a mix , that wasnt a good year(well any year that you dont get caught of ripped of is a good year)that wasent a very productive year. so let me get this strait--you guys are watering by hand once or? twice a week?or not at all if its pissing buckets
The strain in the pics are from seeds i made with the EW ,so they are either pure EW or a Blend of EW & my own strains ,but the EW was the dominate gene? most of the seed i made with the EW looked just like the parent ,either pure or other wise ,you can see what I mean about being a main cola domiant strain, 2 years before this pic I had pure EW in 5gallon buckets that were an easy 10 feet,5 feet of that was just the main bud , i have never seen anything like it.thanxs for the help, I am sure i have more pics of EW at home(big ones) . the stuff drying is a mix , that wasnt a good year(well any year that you dont get caught of ripped of is a good year)that wasent a very productive year. so let me get this strait--you guys are watering by hand once or? twice a week?or not at all if its pissing buckets

right now were watering about once a week by hand and pumping water every two weeks or a bit longer depending if it rains, in a couple weeks when it gets hot out well have to water every 3-4 days i think if it doesnt rain at all. we put polymers in all the buckets and bags becuase they dry up fast but all our plants will be budding so they will all be using tons of water so well see. how did drying go outdoors? what is the best way you suggest, im thinking just hike the crop up the hillside and dry it in tarp huts hidden under the forest. were planning on trimming it all out there as we harvest and dry. Yes your EW look awsome, i must get that strain for next year, how early did you clone and bring out or plant out in the bush for them to get so big?


polymeres are the best invention for the outdoor grower ever made as far as I am concerned, i havent bought them in 7 or eight years but when i did they were like 500$ for a 25kg bag.As for watering sounds like you guys got it figured out,yes the hot weather sure dries out the bags fast esspecialy coupled with a wind .Back in lillooet it was so dry that i watered on rainy days because the water would barly wet the ground an inch down.growing inthe ground is good for water retention though.on my gravity water systems i used inline fertilizer injectors to feed my plants .
drying out doors- dependes on the year, if the weather is good (warm&breezy) sometimes 5or 6 days for the leaves to get crispy, but if its a wet fall drying goes slow, a lot of the moister can be pulled out of the plant but i find the it never trully dries OD in wet weather, so i move it inddors to finish it off i like to pull the big leaf off first then hang under tarps, cant always big leaf/size of crop can make it impractical/ & can take a long time. i Mostly hung it under tarps under trees a short hike ( out of eyesite) from the patch -- my thinking well they didnt find the patch they shoulnt find the stash-- never camped out, never garded my patch or stash for the most part - i dryed my plants in the bush them brought them to town dry --that way they dont stink as much as wet weed+ if you do get caught you get caught with dry weight not wet weight-- say 50p wet is only 10p dry but you get the bill for 50p if you get pinched-- so i mostly dried everthing berfore transporting, the once it was in town i trimmed it at my leisure , ussually a big rush at first to get it to market before the flood- the rest i took my time with
polymeres are the best invention for the outdoor grower ever made as far as I am concerned, i havent bought them in 7 or eight years but when i did they were like 500$ for a 25kg bag.As for watering sounds like you guys got it figured out,yes the hot weather sure dries out the bags fast esspecialy coupled with a wind .Back in lillooet it was so dry that i watered on rainy days because the water would barly wet the ground an inch down.growing inthe ground is good for water retention though.on my gravity water systems i used inline fertilizer injectors to feed my plants .
drying out doors- dependes on the year, if the weather is good (warm&breezy) sometimes 5or 6 days for the leaves to get crispy, but if its a wet fall drying goes slow, a lot of the moister can be pulled out of the plant but i find the it never trully dries OD in wet weather, so i move it inddors to finish it off i like to pull the big leaf off first then hang under tarps, cant always big leaf/size of crop can make it impractical/ & can take a long time. i Mostly hung it under tarps under trees a short hike ( out of eyesite) from the patch -- my thinking well they didnt find the patch they shoulnt find the stash-- never camped out, never garded my patch or stash for the most part - i dryed my plants in the bush them brought them to town dry --that way they dont stink as much as wet weed+ if you do get caught you get caught with dry weight not wet weight-- say 50p wet is only 10p dry but you get the bill for 50p if you get pinched-- so i mostly dried everthing berfore transporting, the once it was in town i trimmed it at my leisure , ussually a big rush at first to get it to market before the flood- the rest i took my time with

we bought two small containers of polymers i think a pound each and it was around 20-25$, so far they have worked well our bags and buckets have been heavy.


I am in chilliwack today,going home tomorow, so either tommor night or sunday i will post more pics of some much larger EW in the ground


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Lookin good bro, nice cross. You should mess around with some colloidal silver, make a femminised f2 of your auto strain.


Im back home now , & will try to get some pics up tonight as for the silver you make your own, theres a thread hear somewhere that give a detailed discription . i just happen to come across a bunch of silver 25cent pieces in my change lately, then i purchased a 12v 600milliamp adapter from the source striped of the end and connected 2 aligator clips then pass the current thru the silver with half of it in disstilled water /but not the clips---thats tha basics -- pics to follow


Biggie -i'v got more pics,just trying to figure things out.got a sony dvd handy that has pics on the discs trying to get them back into my harddrive ,it may take a little time but i am sure i have a complete season in pics, those are 10 gal bags ,i start with 4 plants per bag & cull the males as the season progess & usually about 200 bags per spot.not sure if im going to do the auto flower seed making thing this season, got to build a room for the winter + deal with the plants i alraedy have but will still persue making pure EW & feminized EW. i have never grown EWS,just EW. love the look of sour60 nice size for an auto.
Biggie -i'v got more pics,just trying to figure things out.got a sony dvd handy that has pics on the discs trying to get them back into my harddrive ,it may take a little time but i am sure i have a complete season in pics, those are 10 gal bags ,i start with 4 plants per bag & cull the males as the season progess & usually about 200 bags per spot.not sure if im going to do the auto flower seed making thing this season, got to build a room for the winter + deal with the plants i alraedy have but will still persue making pure EW & feminized EW. i have never grown EWS,just EW. love the look of sour60 nice size for an auto.

That would be sweet to see the whole season! what ratio is your mix in those bags? how much did each bag yeild? EW is definataly a strain i need for next year, have you tried cloning it?


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Hey Biggie there is a good thread on ic on how to make your own colloidal silver its pretty easy bro check it out, unfortunatly dont have the link, but a search should help you out.
Thanks i will check it out! They sell it at natural food stores and we bought some last winter but i dont know if the PPM is high enough.. i will have to research it! anyone know what ppm it should be around? Heres some updated pics from the other night enjoy!
