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Because I am a conspiracy theorist......


Active member
I have come up with anothe conspiracy involving BIG PHARMA, and BIG BUSINESS......BIG BUSINESS made video games, to make alot of money, and video games became real big in the 80's, right around the same time BIG PHARMA started marketing ADHD drugs. They were in it together....keep the kids from playing outside, by playing video games, then BIG PHARMA comes in with a wonder drug RITALIN, and all the kids that no longer expend energy outside, playing, are now bundles of excited video game energy, inside of the house........but don't worry, BIG PHARMA has a pill for all that unused energy. And ADHD was born, and the pharmy generation began!!!!!! Just my crazy conspiracy theory, about BIG BUSINESS, BIG PHARMA, and BIG GOVERNMENT want us all pharmied out. It is a sick twist to the tune in, turn on, and drop out movement...the GOVT has taken it and turned it back on us, they are tuning us in to pills, turning us on to pharmy addiction, and dropping us out as humans......just my paranoid thoughts!!!!!!!!


Kiss My Ring
what in Heavens name is paranoid about recognizing that you are being pharmed?

i would be more alarmed if you hadn't suggested Big was involved. the people in Congress are either total imbeciles or enthusiastic participants.

my theory is more sinister than just inventing games with a pill to treat. it provides a lifelong dependence of health care/maintenence to exact the capital accrued by each and every one of us...the trickle up effect.

most conspiracy theories are not theories at all, but are labeled as such to confuse and distract the dialog about the atrocities that would cause Big to crumble.

Prohibition was and still is a conspiracy.

Guest 88950

conspiracy theorists unite......j/k

big pharma's change came when they could advertise on tv..........to the ignorant masses that will go to their Dr w/ a self diagnosis b/c they had the symptoms listed on tv in an advertisment.

EDIT: Castout, i see the root of your paranoia. you posted this @ 4:29.........that was some good stuff @ 4:20 huh


Active member
There is no conspiracy, but there is a lot of money.

More than 25% of kids are on a chronic prescription drug right now.
I don't mean The Chronic, I mean pill drugs for an indefinite amount of time.

When did kids get so fucking sick?


ive seen young kids that have never played video games need ADHD medicine. Seems to be more common with kids who were born pre-maturely

Guest 88950

There is no conspiracy, but their is a lot of money.

More than 25% of kids are on a chronic prescription drug right now.
I don't mean The Chronic, I mean pill drugs for an indefinite amount of time.

When did kids get so fucking sick?

i know, fuckin eat some dirt n build your immune system or something.

i think the answer is its greed.........and population control.

i no longer take pharmaceuticald b/c for long term use you will have a shortened lifespan due to damage from the pills.............so if you put kids on pills to calm them down b/c they consumed too much sugar / caffene and as an adult they get on more pills for other problems then there will be a large % of people die before they can retire and collect soc sec.

population control in the form of a pill..........whuda thought ole uncle sam would be behind it.


Kiss My Ring
conspiracies are as old as politics, prostitution, and procreation.

tinfoil hats were invented by Reynolds Aluminum...


weed fiend
Yep. Plenty of processed sugar and simple carbs (that turn into more sugar in the bloodstream) keep these sacks of protoplasm fat and happy.

As for the old fogies who aren't as inactive but might be eating unhealthy, ditch the breakfast bagel for an english muffin. Large deli bagels are cool if you plan to run 2 to 3 hours afterward. The carbs can contribute to as much as 120 grams of sugar.

Even juicing is unhealthy if overdone. Once in the bloodstream, a 12 oz glass of fresh juice could contain as much as the equivalent of 100 grams of sugar. Unless you plan to run it off, a 4 ounce glass of juice might be much healthier.

Sugar and fat are the two main contributors to heart disease. A latte from the coffee shop can be as bad as desert.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Heres a better conspiracy theory about video games and "soft control", making you do what they want without forcing you. Oh wait, theres no conspiracy, this is known and admitted. Welcome to slavery

Using Virtual Worlds to 'Soft Control' People's Movements in the Real One

ScienceDaily (Mar. 16, 2012) —Eighty-eight percent of Americans now own a cell phone, forming a massive network that offers scientists a wealth of information and an infinite number of new applications. With the help of these phone users -- and their devices' cameras, audio recorders, and other features -- researchers envision endless possibilities for gathering huge amounts of data, from services that collect user data to monitor noise pollution and air quality to applications that build maps from people's cell phone snapshots. Today, user data provides some opportunities; for

researchers can use Flickr photos to compile 3-D virtual representationsof various landmarks. But even opportunities like these have limits, as researchers are limited to using

only photos that people choose to take and share. This createssignificant imbalance: Some
geographic areas and landmarks have thousands of Flickr while others have none.

"Take the Lincoln Memorial, for example," said Fabian Bustamante, associate professor of electrical

engineering and computer science
at the McCormick school of Engineering. "Flickr has thousands
of photos of the front of the Lincoln Memorial. But who takes a picture of the back? Very few people." This has led researchers to ask the questions: How can we get mobile users to break out of their patterns, visit less frequented areas, and collect the data we need?
Researchers can't force mobile users to behave in a certain way, but researchers at Northwestern University have found that they may be able to nudge them in the right direction by using incentives that are already part of their regular mobile routine. "We can rely on good luck to get the data that we need," Bustamante said, "or we can 'soft control' users with gaming or social network incentives to drive them where we want them." In the paper, "Crowd (Soft) Control: Moving beyond the Opportunistic," Bustamante and his group designed a way to "soft control" people's movements by tapping into games or social networking applications.

For example, a game might offer extra points if a player visits a certain location in the real world, or it might send a player to a certain location in a virtual scavenger hunt. To test crowd soft control, the researchers created Android games, including one called Ghost Hunter in which a player chases ghosts around his neighborhood and "zaps" them through an augmented reality display on his phone. In actuality, the player's zapping motion snaps a photo of the spot where the ghost is supposedly located. Unlike a regular "augmented reality game," where the ghosts might be placed randomly, in Ghost Hunter the researchers are able to manipulate where the ghosts are placed; while some are placed in frequently traveled areas, others are located in out-of-the-way, rarely photographed locations. The game was tested on Northwestern students, who were told only that they were testing a new game. They were not informed which ghosts were placed randomly and which were placed for research purposes. "We wanted to know if we could get the players to go out of their way to get points in the Ghost Hunter game," Bustamante said.

"Every time they zapped a ghost, they were taking a photograph of Northwestern's campus. We wanted to see if we could get more varied photographs by 'soft controlling' the players' movements." The participants were willing to travel well out of their regular paths to capture the ghosts, the researchers found. For example, researchers were able to collect photos of Northwestern's Charles Deering Library from numerous angles and directions -- a far broader range of data than the random sampling found on Flickr, where photographs overwhelmingly capture the front of the library. "Playing the game seemed to be a good enough vehicle to get people to go to these places," said John P. Rula, a McCormick graduate student and the lead author of the paper. If this technology were implemented on a larger scale, users would need to be notified that their data was being collected for research purposes, Bustamante said. "Obviously users need to know where their data is going," he said, "and we take every measure to protect user privacy." The paper was presented in February at the Thirteenth Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications

high life 45

Seen your Member?
I have been steadily researching aquaponics because I feel that being self sufficient and permaculture are the most effective forms of dissent.

Even juicing is unhealthy if overdone. Once in the bloodstream, a 12 oz glass of fresh juice could contain as much as the equivalent of 100 grams of sugar. Unless you plan to run it off, a 4 ounce glass of juice might be much healthier.

LOL my pops juiced so many carrots back in the day his skin turned orange. He was going through 40-60pounds a week.
Sugar from plants is much different then any form of processed sugar.
Check out the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"
IMHO as long as you are juicing a wide spectrum of fruits and veggies you wont overdoit. Gotta be organic and NON GMO though. I know people that juice feast for months at a time, and their skin glows. They are vibrant.


Active member
oh please...

there is so much spin doctoring to disavow critical distrust. you want to know about reality, research project monarch, MKULTRA, the filthy crap COINTELPRO did.. i could post links until this time tomorrow.

here's two to give you something to think about: same story, two different corporations, huh. how about that.



and, as always, the basics:


oh yah, there's no conspiracies!
"Several of the children who Cameron experimented on were sexually abused, in at least one case by several men. One of the children was filmed numerous times performing sexual acts with high-ranking federal government officials, in a scheme set up by Cameron and other MKULTRA researchers, to blackmail the officials to ensure further funding for the experiments.[119]"

victim court testimony:



weed fiend
I have been steadily researching aquaponics because I feel that being self sufficient and permaculture are the most effective forms of dissent.

LOL my pops juiced so many carrots back in the day his skin turned orange. He was going through 40-60pounds a week.
Sugar from plants is much different then any form of processed sugar.
Check out the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"
IMHO as long as you are juicing a wide spectrum of fruits and veggies you wont overdoit. Gotta be organic and NON GMO though. I know people that juice feast for months at a time, and their skin glows. They are vibrant.

I guess wide variety isn't unlike moderation.

Natural sugar is better than process sugar but simple carbs become sugar in the blood. Whenever you're adding up your sugar intake, add the (simple) carb number to the sugar number for the total sugar count.

Complex carbs like beans and rice don't turn to sugar in the bloodstream and are considered healthy enough to eat every day.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

liquor, tobacco & the pharma lobby's are huge, they hardly have to make a concerted effort by any one of them against cannabis legalization as their combined power lines the pockets of politicians we'll never be able to reach ourselves.......



Um... ok, so what about all the kids with ADD/ADHD who were prescribed meds long before even Pong came out?

I believe there have been businesses conspiring, but not for the ends or reasons I think most people ascribe. Of course, I'm a believer in Occam's Razor.
conspiracies are as old as politics, prostitution, and procreation.

tinfoil hats were invented by Reynolds Aluminum...
ACTUALLY, I'm accepting the theory that, based on experiments conducted, the government planted the idea of foil hats preventing mind rays from probing your brain. I'll post a link:

Ali Rahimi said:
17 Feb 2005

On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets:

An Empirical Study

1: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department, MIT.
2: Media Laboratory, MIT.


Among a fringe community of paranoids, aluminum helmets serve as the protective measure of choice against invasive radio signals. We investigate the efficacy of three aluminum helmet designs on a sample group of four individuals. Using a $250,000 network analyser, we find that although on average all helmets attenuate invasive radio frequencies in either directions (either emanating from an outside source, or emanating from the cranium of the subject), certain frequencies are in fact greatly amplified. These amplified frequencies coincide with radio bands reserved for government use according to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Statistical evidence suggests the use of helmets may in fact enhance the government's invasive abilities. We speculate that the government may in fact have started the helmet craze for this reason.


It has long been suspected that the government has been using satellites to read and control the minds of certain citizens. The use of aluminum helmets has been a common guerrilla tactic against the government's invasive tactics [1]. Surprisingly, these helmets can in fact help the government spy on citizens by amplifying certain key frequency ranges reserved for government use. In addition, none of the three helmets we analyzed provided significant attenuation to most frequency bands. We describe our experimental setup, report our results, and conclude with a few design guidelines for constructing more effective helmets.

Experimental Setup

The three helmet types tested

The Classical
The Fez

The Centurion

We evaluated the performance of three different helmet designs, commonly referred to as the Classical, the Fez, and the Centurion. These designs are portrayed in Figure 1. The helmets were made of Reynolds aluminium foil. As per best practices, all three designs were constructed with the double layering technique described elsewhere [2].
A radio-frequency test signal sweeping the ranges from 10 Khz to 3 Ghz was generated using an omnidirectional antenna attached to the Agilent 8714ET's signal generator.

The experimental apparatus, including a data recording laptop, a $250,000 network analyser, and antennae.

A network analyser (Agilent 8714ET) and a directional antenna measured and plotted the signals. See Figure 2.

Because of the cost of the equipment (about $250,000), and the limited time for which we had access to these devices, the subjects and experimenters performed a few dry runs before the actual experiment (see Figure 3).

Test subjects during a dry run. The receiver antenna was placed at various places on the cranium of 4 different subjects: the frontal, occipital and parietal lobes. Once with the helmet off and once with the helmet on. The network analyzer plotted the attenuation betwen the signals in these two settings at different frequencies, from 10Khz to 3 Ghz. Figure 4 shows a typical plot of the attenuation at different frequencies.

A typical attenuation trace form the network analyser


For all helmets, we noticed a 30 db amplification at 2.6 Ghz and a 20 db amplification at 1.2 Ghz, regardless of the position of the antenna on the cranium. In addition, all helmets exhibited a marked 20 db attenuation at around 1.5 Ghz, with no significant attenuation beyond 10 db anywhere else.


The helmets amplify frequency bands that coincide with those allocated to the US government between 1.2 Ghz and 1.4 Ghz. According to the FCC, These bands are supposedly reserved for ''radio location'' (ie, GPS), and other communications with satellites (see, for example, [3]). The 2.6 Ghz band coincides with mobile phone technology. Though not affiliated by government, these bands are at the hands of multinational corporations. It requires no stretch of the imagination to conclude that the current helmet craze is likely to have been propagated by the Government, possibly with the involvement of the FCC. We hope this report will encourage the paranoid community to develop improved helmet designs to avoid falling prey to these shortcomings.


The authors would like to thank Andy (Xu) Sun of the MIT Media Lab for helping with the equipment, Professor George Sergiadis for lending us the antennae, and Professor Neil Gershenfeld for allowing us the use of his lab equipment. (Please direct any queries to the authors, NOT these folks) There's also an informative video (youtube version) courtesy of Discovery Channel's Daily Planet.


i know, fuckin eat some dirt n build your immune system or something.
funny thing is, its not a half bad idea, just not spoonfuls. thats where B12 comes from, soil microbes.

Yep. Plenty of processed sugar and simple carbs (that turn into more sugar in the bloodstream) keep these sacks of protoplasm fat and happy.

As for the old fogies who aren't as inactive but might be eating unhealthy, ditch the breakfast bagel for an english muffin. Large deli bagels are cool if you plan to run 2 to 3 hours afterward. The carbs can contribute to as much as 120 grams of sugar.

Even juicing is unhealthy if overdone. Once in the bloodstream, a 12 oz glass of fresh juice could contain as much as the equivalent of 100 grams of sugar. Unless you plan to run it off, a 4 ounce glass of juice might be much healthier.

Sugar and fat are the two main contributors to heart disease. A latte from the coffee shop can be as bad as desert.

Blending is a much better idea, juicing is kinda silly, all that fiber and material is there for a reason. Yep, processed sugar and inactivity. Fruit is great through, perfect even, delivered with all the right components to be utilized properly by the body, high carb myths are plenty, fact is, most cellular processed require carbs, just the right kind, mostly from fruit.(some grains are ok, but, grains are mostly for the birds, literally).

Weston A price's book, "nutrition and physical degeneration" is pretty eye opening if you read while keeping a little objectiveness about yourself.

the china study is pretty good to, just have to keep your bias in check.

The beautiful truth, Gerson therapy, also another really good one

There is also this lecture on youtube, dr russell blaylock nutrition and behavior.

Combine all of these and you'll see things like braces, defects, learning disabilities, adhd, behavioral problems, even a lot of criminal activity is the result of garbage food and lack of nutrition. We truly are what we eat. Blood sugar spikes and drops mime whats observed from a psychology standpoint regarding bi-polar disorder. These huge swings and pits in blood sugar completely destabilize our minds and moods and cause us to act irrationally,