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Because I am a conspiracy theorist......


Active member
Back when I was growing-up, they called ADD "hyperactivity". Now that there's a cool drug they can market, it's called ADD. Now, half the kids are diagnosed with ADD, it seems. Are we sure the kids need drugs to keep 'em from being kids...? The classic argument is that the drugs work. Well no shit. So would Xanax, or Morphiene. Douesn't mean they should be used. Talk about gateway drugs...

I'm more curious about the cause of the increased incidence of autism. Was the increase noticed after any of those slick pregnancy vitamins appeared, or sonograms, or flu vaccines, or is it a smog thing...?
So correct sir, you would blow your top when you research foster care children. When I was in the system, and you dont have to believe me it seems to be the worlds fad nowadays, but the courts, and the system forced kids to be on all the new pharm drugs, I was in late 80s early 90s, and bro when the state puts 5 year olds into a home with some child sex action going on it produces a super hyper, or disturbed kid, and when we get disturbed, we got dianosed with the whole list of reasons.

Some of us would wig out and cut ourselves, or others, and have to be placed in mental wards, this is were you see someone your age off the charts stab themselves in the arm with their own pencil during craft time. Yes foster kids are nothing but a farm to test drugs, no one will, or has come to their aid, as I have a hard time in this life fighting a lonely mans war. matter of fact I take that back, one political figure turn against them, and stood up, her name was Nancy Schefer out of georgia, yes she speaks, sorry spoke and was so on the point they killed her, and her husband, and the world is none the wiser, its crazy!

I will never take a pill, even to save my life, noooo way buddy, I was in the heart of the beast, and no one has to believe me, but when you check and see that 99 percent of these kids are on them, on top of the hell they go thru, we can only look around the world and see we are affected by their works on, or off these drugs.

Promise you, any test you do when these drugs hit homes, you will not find a bread crumb trail, you will find money, political, and sorry to say it blood of children!
Has anyone heard from castout? According to her profile she hasn't been here in a week, which isn't like her. I'm in hopes that someone's heard from her, and can let us know that all is ok. But I'm getting worried...



Active member
the government dosnt want deccent of any kind.im so sure we are about to take a turn for the worst.
espeacially when guys like this are heading to the supremecourt.



Active member
Definition of conspiracy theory...Unspoken truth.

@GetUpStandUp...Great posts :respect:
Thanks, I just try to open the eyes of the world thats all, I cant live with knowing what I know, and not doing my part to inform, and try to save some lives, its all there for us to research, and find, and use it to better ones self, cuz the world is in need of help thats for sure!:thank you: