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Basic genetics explained

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Coming back to the OT 'Basic Genetics Explained', does anyone have an idea on the frequency of chromosomal crossover in cannabis/hemp? I mean, this is an important part of basic genetics and we've been ignoring/neglecting it completely. I tried several times to bring that up by mentioning linked genes/traits but so far nada...

For those who don't know what chromosomal crossover means:
In diploid species like humans or cannabis, each set of chromosomes comes as a couple. The simple version is that one of each comes from the mother and the father, respectively. As you may know by now (if you read the whole thread), an F1 population is homogeneous and genetically 50:50 of the original different varieties but starts to segregate in the subsequent generations (F2 etc.). Till now, we were talking about whole chromosomes or traits/loci recombining to homozygous couples following certain rules like 9:3:3:1 segregation and such (see Mendel's rules). In reality, these numbers (given a huge enough test population) are only true if the genes responsible for the traits are located on separate chromosomes.
Theoretically, all traits defined by loci physically residing on the same chromosome would be linked (chemically bound to each other via DNA strands and hence always occur together). In practice, they are only linked to a certain degree, the linkage isn't perfect and can be broken during meiosis (i.e. once per generation). This happens through an exchange of DNA strands between the mothers and the fathers chromosomes. After a certain number of generations, an individual will no longer contain chromosomes from mother and father but a chromosome patchwork made up of pieces from the 'original ancestors'.
Simply put, the longer the physical distance between two loci/genes, the higher chances are that they get separated. The unit, an experimental or functional distance, is called map units (m.u.) or centimorgan (cM) and indicates the relative chance in % of two loci/genes getting separated during meiosis (1 cM = 1 separation each 100 generations); obviously, this also works for two separate traits getting recombined or linked. The maximum would be 50% (for a detailed explanation see for example wiki, the article if reliable). The linked genes or rather traits I'm interested in would be such with less than maybe 5% or 5 m.u. because these I regard as useful or 'manageable linked'.

Because each species has a crossover rate of its own, 5 m.u. can be a long or a short physical distance in different species. Now, I have absolutely no idea how often crossing overs occur in cannabis and hence how likely macroscopic monogenetic traits might occur. But I can't repeat myself often enough, they do occur... we just have to find them.

Why do I insist so much on that? Simply, if you breed and want to combine two traits (or separate a wanted from an unwanted one, respectively) but don't find any useful individual in the offspring, then knowing the cM might help you realise that you'd need 100'000 meioses (could be 100'000 generations, 100'000 plants, or a combination thereof like 10 generations with each 10'000 individuals) to statistically succeed and hence, that the struggles you have are normal ;) .

Oh, and BTW, crossovers are also one of the reasons why reverse breeding and 'rebreeding' stabilised heirloom hybrids, like Haze or Skunk #1, from scratch is as good as impossible even with the original parental lines in hand...

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Everything's relative :D .
But seriously, this is something basic for breeding. Maybe not the units per se but the knowledge that linked traits often aren't linked forever and that 'un-linkable' ones may just require some more effort ;) .
What would you define as basic genetics? Mendel's rules and that's it?

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Reminds me of rocket science for dummies just without the 'Oh dam, we're sooo screwed!' followed by a loud *BOOOOM* :D .


Well-known member
Sorry, I am only 7 pages in but I had an epiphany of a question pop up about terpenes:

Has any testing been done on a patient who can't smell?
(Or am I reading this Terpene affect wrong?)


Well-known member
Sorry, I am only 7 pages in but I had an epiphany of a question pop up about terpenes:

Has any testing been done on a patient who can't smell?
(Or am I reading this Terpene affect wrong?)

I have a very close friend whom is a fellow patient and can no longer smell due to brain injuries.

it appears as if certain strains perform as they would normally. He cant smell his flower anymore so goes strictly off taste. i feel his tongue has picked up the slack for his nose. by no means is this definitive evidence but this is what ive seen from my own personal experiences.

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Sorry, I am only 7 pages in but I had an epiphany of a question pop up about terpenes:

Has any testing been done on a patient who can't smell?
(Or am I reading this Terpene affect wrong?)
Up till now, we do not know if and how terpenes contribute to the (perceived) high, let alone if terpenes even were the responsible factors.
ElSohly (EDIT: actually, it was Mechoulam) was the first to claim the existence of a so called entourage effect in cannabis (one may call the responsible substances 'trip modifiers') but this could neither be proven nor refuted.
Sam_Skunkman (allegedly) did some, though unpublished and not officially documented, small trials which point towards monoterpenes as responsible elements.
On the other hand, publications by Dr. Hillig et al. lead to the conclusion that at least the difference between 'sativas' and 'indicas' or, if you look at the logic deduction, between 'sativa head high' and 'indica body stone', if the entourage effect were caused by sesquiterpenes instead. My own education and knowledge in the field of medicinal plants and pharmaceutical sciences also support the latter (sesquiterpenes) but not the former (monoterpenes).
Taking common knowledge of tokers into account, an entourage effect seems very likely, though we can not say if it is a pharmacological action and hence independent of olfactory perception ('smell blindness') or caused by some sort of 'aroma therapy effect' which does only work with a proper smell sensations (which by the way would better explain why the nature of a high is so subjective).
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I think tom's post shouldn've have been deleted, but I'm a tom and have a bias towards science...question:How effective are similar terpenoid profile-monohybrid breeding for rec.quality? If i enjoy a high from one family of marijuanas, do those that smell like her have a higher breeding worth? or am I chasing pixie farts?


Up till now, we do not know if and how terpenes contribute to the (perceived) high, let alone if terpenes even were the responsible factors.

Not true. They are. You are not sure, most are.

ElSohly was the first to claim the existence of a so called entourage effect in cannabis (one may call the responsible substances 'trip modifiers') but this could neither be proven nor refuted.

ElSohly got the info from me.

Sam_Skunkman (allegedly) did some, though unpublished and not officially documented, small trials which point towards monoterpenes as responsible elements.

Allegedly? Wow!!! BTW, they were fully documented, just not published. They had everything except for blood work. They were double blind, a 100 question Organoleptic survey before and after the test. Vaporized, a scale to measure the compounds, with a .0001 accuracy. Only one test a day for each subject, 10 subjects. We also all tried the top 10 Cannabinoids 100% pure. And found that THCV does not get you high, this was before the work by Roger Pertwee that proved THCV was antagonistic to the CB1 receptor, I also informed my friend Roger about my work with THCV well before he published.
Try 100% Pure THC 25Mg for a trial a day before the THC + Terpene test. Maybe you should try this and prove my work wrong? I am sure you could do a much better job? Talk is cheap, you jump to conclusions with zero proof of your own and yet criticize my work at the same time. Please give me a break. Do it your self, then talk to me.

On the other hand, publications by Dr. Hillig et al. lead to the conclusion that at least the difference between 'sativas' and 'indicas' or, if you look at the logic deduction, between 'sativa head high' and 'indica body stone', if the entourage effect were caused by sesquiterpenes instead.

I paid for all the Hillig work, he did not test for effects.

My own education and knowledge in the field of medicinal plants and pharmaceutical sciences also support the latter (sesquiterpenes) but not the former (monoterpenes).

Try it, don't just guess, education means nothing in this case, my head lab chemist was sure it would not work, until he tried it, then he changed his mind.....

Taking common knowledge of tokers into account, an entourage effect seems very likely, though we can not say if it is a pharmacological action and hence independent of olfactory perception ('smell blindness') or caused by some sort of 'aroma therapy effect' which does only work with a proper smell sensations (which by the way would better explain why the nature of a high is so subjective).

I never postulated on why it works, but I instinctively knew it was terpenes for decades, and so I finally tried to prove they do, and I did.
Get 100% pure THC a gram will do, Get the top 10-20 terpenes found in Cannabis they are in the literature. Try 25 Mg pure THC, see how you like it. Next day spike 25Mg THC with as small a spike of a single terpene as you can 1-2 Mg if you can. You can use a bit more to make the effects more pronounced, and easier to spike the THC.
Get back to me with all of your previous posts statements, with your actual findings, not just speculations. Some terpenes have no effects on THC some certainly do, you tell me....
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Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Sam, I know :) . You told me repeatedly... why the f*** don't you or those who take your money or knowledge publish it? How comes that at least ElSohly didn't do something? Did he fail at some point?
The 'allegedly' comes from the fact that we never met and you are but a nickname (Sam_Skunkman) to me, for god's sake, you could be anything or anyone out there in the internet strolling or trolling through the anonymity of bits and bytes... if you know what I mean.
All that remains for me, and you're absolutely right about it, is testing for myself... if I get the chance to... one day... but until then, sorry for being sceptical ;) .

BTW What's with beta-caryophyllene? It's a sesquiterpene, though 'only' a CB2 agonist, it also affects psychological processes. I was there when it got discovered (the CB2 ligand thing), it's been published too, though not in combination with consumed THC.


Sam, I know :) . You told me repeatedly... why the f*** don't you or those who take your money or knowledge publish it? How comes that at least ElSohly didn't do something? Did he fail at some point?

No idea.

The 'allegedly' comes from the fact that we never met and you are but a nickname (Sam_Skunkman) to me, for god's sake, you could be anything or anyone out there in the internet strolling or trolling through the anonymity of bits and bytes... if you know what I mean.

You are the same to me I have never met you I don't know anyone that has, yet I don't say allegedly about you or what you say, I take it at face value unless I know something is not right. You could be trolling me right now, but I think I know you are not.

All that remains for me, and you're absolutely right about it, is testing for myself... if I get the chance to... one day... but until then, sorry for being sceptical ;) .

Don't be sorry, just find out the truth, get 100 Mg pure THC, some tiny amounts of Myrcene and Limonene and you can then test to show if I am right. You do not have to wait to "If you get the chance", you can make it happen in just a few days, if you really tried? Or is it just impossible in your mind?
Pure THC is not hard to get, if you try and really want it.
Several people I know just made it or extracted it with HPLC prep.
I am sure you could if you really cared enough.

BTW What's with beta-caryophyllene? It's a sesquiterpene, though 'only' a CB2 agonist, it also affects psychological processes. I was there when it got discovered (the CB2 ligand thing), it's been published too, though not in combination with consumed THC.

I tried both Caryophyllene's neither made THC better or stronger. I do not like the smells either.
Remember my tests were only for psychoactivity, zero medical, altho maybe some terpenes have synergy with medical uses of Cannabinoids also.

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
Don't take the 'allegedly' personal :) . I'll leave it be next time.
You're partially right with the 'can't in my mind' ;) . It's simply not my prime priority.

Sure I could buy it somehow, but that would be too big a risk (I don't like taking such risks) or isolate it, but can't do that at the university, and at home it would cost me money I don't want to spend for that right now. I'm working (slowly, I admit) on a preparative TLC, though. And I've got to get a pump for my old Rotavapor too...


Don't take the 'allegedly' personal :) . I'll leave it be next time.
You're partially right with the 'can't in my mind' ;) . It's simply not my prime priority.

Sure I could buy it somehow, but that would be too big a risk (I don't like taking such risks) or isolate it, but can't do that at the university, and at home it would cost me money I don't want to spend for that right now. I'm working (slowly, I admit) on a preparative TLC, though. And I've got to get a pump for my old Rotavapor too...

It is no riskier then buying and smoking pot or growing pot.
I assume you do that.
It is really just priorities, you decide.


@samS how did you use the pure compounds, just like you would smoke some kif?

and since we are talking basic genetics, I took a very high cbd plant and crossed it to an almost pure thc afghan. The offspring look like f1 hybrids in 95% of the traits but so far the offspring are segregating into a 1:2:1 ratio of all cbd rich plants but cbd dom: 1/1: thc dom. Did I create a f2 or something else?


Active member
I think tom's post shouldn've have been deleted, but I'm a tom and have a bias towards science...question:How effective are similar terpenoid profile-monohybrid breeding for rec.quality? If i enjoy a high from one family of marijuanas, do those that smell like her have a higher breeding worth? or am I chasing pixie farts?

I asked the same question on another thread. But smell or trichs ormany of that matter is relative in bothnmake and female plants. They must contain desirable genetics from both mail and female counterparts.

So the smell may not pertain to any vigor. But will only pass those genetics on randomly in the progeny. So you'll have a lot of mixing and matching to do.