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Basic genetics explained

Padre CH

New member
Hey all. New to icmag, although I have used the forums as a source of info for a while. I decided to join after seeing some familiar and knowledgeable people on here from other boards. I posted this info over on GC and got very little interest. I see the breeding sub forum is very big over here and I figured I would post it over here and see if it received any better.

Its one hell of a long post as it was multiple posts on another board. Things may not quite seem in order, or it may seem like it bounces around a bit. Sorry about that but I'm not retyping all of that so you have to just bear with me.

Beware! Your eyes are about to be violated by a wall of words, hang in there though, I feel most of the info is easy to digest.

So first and foremost a disclaimer: I'm not a genetics major, or professor, nor am I actively involved in the breeding of any plant or animal at the moment. Just a guy that has studied up on the subject enough to possibly shed some light on a confusing topic. You are welcome to disregard any information henceforth and assume I am full of shit. If you have a piece of valuable, pertinent information feel free to post it. If you are a genetics student or professor and feel the verbage or information presented here is not good enough, blow me. I am speaking in generalities to make the information listed comprehendable by novice growers and breeders, not to provide geneticists an encyclopedic reference on the subject. Textbooks have been written thoroughly covering the subject already.

Now we can get started,

Again this is a generalized explanation to keep things (kinda) simple.
Genetics is, in its basic form, a study of genes and how they interact. Genes are the basic units of heredity, coming in bundles called chromosomes. Genes come in pairs and are arranged in a linear fashon along chromosomes like beads on a string. It is now known that chromosomes are just big dna molecules, containing millions of gene pairs. The location (locus or plural loci) of these paired genes (called allele or plural alleles) along a given chromosome and how chromosomes (and in turn how alleles) are paired, gives rise to all the variation in a given species. Cannabis has 10 pairs of chromosomes, making a total of 1024 possible chromosome combinations (calculated 2^n whereas n= the number of chromosome pairs) compared to humans who have 23 pairs of chromosomes making 8,388,608 possible combinations and domestic dogs who have 39 chromosome pairs bringing rise to 549,755,813,888 possible chromosome combinations! Chromosomal inheritance is universal in life forms and even though there is a proportional decrease in possible combinations compared with the number of chromosome pairs, there is still an abundance of variation in cannabis.

There are some chromosomes that are involved in reproduction, we know them as the X and Y chromosomes, these chromosomes carry sex-linked traits, an example would be color blindness in humans. Cannabis has 9 pairs of "autosomal" or, non sex chromosomes and 1 pair of 2 sex linked chromosomes, either an X combined with an X, making a female or an X combined with a Y for males.

Meiosis is reproductive cell division where a complete (diploid) set of chromosomes is divid ed into half (haploid). The joining of two haploids again creates a complete set of chromosomes and a new organism is born. Each germ (sex) cell starts out with a diploid set of chromosomes, one of each set coming from each parent. There is never any discrimination as to how the chromosomes are divided, as long at its half, and there is no discrimination amongst the haploids and how they reform to diploid, the only priority being that the diploid is divided in half and the haploid receives a complimentary set of chromosomes to once again become diploid. Meiosis randomly separates the parental pairs and fertilization restores them randomly to their diploid state. Their is also the ability for chromosomes during meiosis to "swap"or "mix and match" some information. This reciprocal exchange of segments of genetic material between two chromosomes places genes in the same sequence and location on the chromosome, but in new combinations. Things can get a little confusing here and I don't want to write a novel so suffice it to say the way chromosomes are divided during meiosis creates the random character of inheritance, this allows us a statistical predictably of traits, giving us a bit of control over said traits.

There are four modes of inheritance, autosomal (non sex-linked) dominant, autosomal recessive, sex-linked recessive, and polygenic (meaning more than one gene is responsible for it's inheritance or expressivity). The modes of inheritance that I will focus on are autosomal recessive or dominant. These are simple to understand and will give you a foundation on the basics. I gave a basic definition of allele earlier, let me elaborate.

The term allele is used to define two genes situated at the same position (locus) on homologous (matched or paired) chromosomes. Alleles are both sides of the same coin, alternate forms of the same gene. The same allele that control how tall somethig may be, paradoxically controls how short it will be. It is again the possible paired combinations of the two forms of a given gene that control what trait will be expressed. There are two forms of alleles at a given locus, one is dominant (denoted with an upper case letter like A) and one is recessive (signified by a lower case letter, a). Thus you have three combinations for the alleles, AA, Aa, aa. In this example I will use height as the trait for simplicity, if the dominant form for the allele controlling height is short stature, written "A", then the recessive form of that allele producing more height is written "a". AA is an example of double dominance and because they are a matched pair they are called homozygous, this double dominance means that the organism will be short, and breed true for the short trait, never producing direct offspring (daughters and sons) that are tall. Aa is a combination that means the organism will be short, but be a carrier for the genes that would produce a taller stature, being an unmatched pair they are called heterozygous. The combination aa would also be considered homozygous because they are a matched pair, but are double recessive, this doubling up of the recessive allele will produce an organism with a higher stature than the majority of the population. The only way a recessive allele can be expressed is if it is matched (homozygous) with another recessive counterpart. An easy way to illustrate the probability of inheritance for a certain trait is a diagram called a punnett square, a simple tool to help visualize the probability of progeny that will express a certain trait. A quick Google search will show how to properly use a punnett square for anyone interested.

So now we see that there is a level of predictably for the inheritance of traits. If a double dominant parent is taken to a double recessive parent,(AA x aa) none of the offspring will express the recessive trait, they all however will carry the recessive trait and have the ability to produce progeny expressing the recessive trait (100% of the offspring will be Aa from a [AA x aa] cross). If a double dominant parent breeds with a heterozygous parent that has both the dominant and recessive version of a given allele, (AA x Aa) then all the offspring will express the dominant trait and only 50% of the progeny will be carriers for the recessive trait, the other 50% will be homozygous and true breeding for the dominant trait (50% AA, 50% Aa). If two heterozygous parents (Aa x Aa) are bred, you will finally find offspring expressing the recessive trait, (25% will be double dominant AA and true breeding for the dominant trait, 50% will express the dominant trait but be heterozygous and carry the recessive trait Aa, the final 25% will be double recessive aa and express the recessive trait without being a carrier for the dominant trait. Remember if a dominant allele is present the trait that allele is "coded" for will be expressed, you cannot express a recessive trait and also carry the dominant, if the dominant allele is present it will be expressed and mask the recessive trait.

This brings us to the most abused genetics jargon in the cannabis community, genotype and phenotype. Phenotype is what is physically observable in a specimen, and in genetics, includes nurture and nature. That is to say if a specimen does not reach its genetically predisposed height due to malnutrition, its height or lack thereof is still part of its phenotype. Genotype is all the genetic information contained in a specimen, dominant or recessive, observable or not. A given specimen in their genotype may contain the information to produce multiple, distinct, phenotypes, but because of the relationship between its inherited alleles, and the fact it can only display one physical manifestation of the genome, can only express one pheno.

Now that we have a better understanding of some of the modes of inheritance, and how genes interact with eachother to produce a certain trait, we can now examine the methods that breeders use to produce strains with set, defined, traits, and are true-breeding for those selected traits. There are only a few terms that have been coined by the breeding community to reflect some sructure or template for their breeding. There is simply inbreeding and out-crossing, that's it. You may have heard of backcrossing, line breeding, in line breeding, inbreeding, cubing (a big one used often by cannabis breeders) or any other format on which to structure your breedings. All of the previously listed terms are a way of saying inbreeding, and if its not inbreeding its an outcross, no exceptions. All breeds of dogs and furthermore all "strains", "bloodlines", "sub species", however you would like to refer to them, are inbred and their uniformity and true breeding nature are a direct result of inbreeding.

Now I know your thinking, "inbreeding is bad right?" "I thought inbreeding made diseases and deformities." Sorry but your wrong, inbreeding has a stigma in our society due to religious and moral views. I'm not suggesting you should start bumpin uglies at the family reunion, but it happens in nature all the time, humans are even inbred. Don't believe me? Do some quick math, take your family tree and trace it back far enough, you will find that at some point there are more ancestral places in your family tree then there were people on the planet at that time.

Since we have discussed how traits are inherited the idea of using closely related specimens for breeding kinda makes sense. When working with specimens that share a common ancestry, you are more likely to double up on certain alleles. The closer related the greater the chance that some of the progeny will inherit matching alleles from their parents that they themselves inherited from a common ancestor. Working within a family you can be more sure that traits will be inherited from one generation to the next, and choosing a closely related mate for a planned breeding assures you that you have a greater chance at setting a selected trait in your line by creating homozygousness at the chromosome. Inbreeding also allows you to perform test breedings, helping you better understand the genotype of the strain you are working with and more importantly, the genotype of your breeding stock, selecting mates not just on their observable traits but their potential genetic contribution to the cross. This is where the use of a punnett square and some deductive reasoning will really aid you in learning about your brood stock. Like we said earlier, inheritance is predictable, and knowing what genes interact with eachother and the probability of a trait being expressed, you can deduce much about the population you are working with.

One thing to always remember is that inbreeding neither adds nor subtracts from the line. It simply doubles up on what is genetically there, creating new possibilities. Inbreeding is not bad, nature is imperfect! Inbreeding does not create problems, deformities, or disease, but it does rapidly bring masked recessive traits to the surface where they can be selected for or against, recessive doesn't always mean bad, it means its recessive. Inbreeding can make an abundance of problems or it can rapidly set desirable traits on the line, making homozygousy, and a true breeding offspring. If an insestual breeding occurs between two specimens and a masked genetic deformity or trait rears its ugly head, do not fear! As we learned earlier the same breeding that will produce offspring affected by a recessive genetic trait will also produce a predictable ammount of offspring completely unaffected by the recessive trait and they will not be carriers for the trait either. A double edged sword that must be respected and used wisely.

Inbreeding depression is a term used when inbreeding is abused and a general lack of vigor, fecundity, and health is lost throug h successive generations. When this occurs breeders usually look for an outcross to bring the inbreeding coefficient down and promote vigor and fertility. Inbreeding depression can happen to any organism but inbreeding is not to blame. Again nature is imperfect, you doubled up on a piece of genetic information already in your line, and now you have a problem, inbreeding didn't cause the problem, it just made it visible. Now that a negative trait has been expressed, its not necessarily time to find an outcross, just select against that trait for future breedings. There are strains of lab mice that are a result of 100s of generations of brother - sister breedings to keep the line uniform and genetically, nearly identical for testing purposes of pharmaceuticals. These lab bloodlines have exhibited no apparent loss of health, vigor, or fertility, with an inbreeding coefficient (a measure of to what extent a specimen is inbreed written in percent) of 95% and in some cases higher. How is this? The original breeding stock was of superior quality, and the breeders culling process was thorough and rigorous, only selecting the best specimens for future breedings.

I wanted to take a quick minute to write something up about sex linked traits before going on to hermaphrodism, so here goes.

Sex linked traits are referring to alleles located on the sex chromosomes, the X and the Y. The chromosomes that determine gender are unique and easily distinguishable from each other, two Xs make a female and an X and a Y make a male. There are X and Y linked traits, some may be good, others bad, and others absolutely necessary (in mammalian females the ability to lactate comes from the pairing of alleles on the X chromosomes). Many of the negative sex linked traits are recessive, and therefore associated with males, ill explain this later. The X chromosome is larger than the Y and contains more information than the Y, much of this extra information is related to reproduction.

Imagine alleles as blueprints for a construction site. When referring to negative recessive traits, we can pretend the recessive allele is a bad copy of blueprints. We will say each crew gets a pair of blueprints (pair of alleles), if a crew gets a quality and complete set of blueprints (AA), the job will be done properly. Even if they get one bad copy of the blueprints (Aa), they can still get the job done fine, but if they get two bad copies of the blueprints (aa), the job will not get done, or it will not be done correctly. Of course this example only works when referring to negative recessive alleles, but its a fairly good illustration. It is the same idea with negative sex linked traits, and this is why most negative sex linked traits affect males and not females.

Let's examine color blindness in humans, women and men can both be colorblind, but most people that are affected are males. This would make you think it is a Y liked trait, not an X linked, but its an X linked trait and its going to make more sense in a minute. Like the construction example, if there are a bad set of blueprints the job won't be done, or it will be done incorrectly. Males have one X and one Y, females have no Y chromosome but can still be color blind, so it can't be Y linked. If a male inherits his affected X chromosome from one of his parents, he has no other X chromosome to mask the color blindness, and will be affected. If a female inherits an affected X chromosome from her parents, chances are she will inherit a good copy of an X chromosome from the other parent, and although she will be a carrier, like autosomal traits she will not be affected. A male cannot be a carrier for an X or Y linked trait and not be affected, he only has one copy of each. A female can't be affected by a Y linked trait she has no Y chromosome, and for her to be affected by a sex linked trait she would have to be homozygous for the affected allele on the X chromosome, and she had to have inherited a defective X chromosome from BOTH parents meaning her father was affected as well. In planned breedings you would not breed a specimen affected by a negative trait, so affected females are rare. For a male to be affected for a Y linked trait, he must have inherited that Y from his father, his mother has no Y to contribute. If he is affected by a Y linked trait then so was his father whom he inherited it from, and again in a planned breeding you would not breed an affected specimen. This is why the most common negative sex linked traits are X linked, they are inherited from the maternal side not the paternal, but only males are affected when two unaffected specimens were bred. The female was the carrier but only some of her sons will be affected, some of her daughters however like her will be carriers. Because sex linked traits are simple recessive a punnett square can also be used in these scenarios to determine the probability if inheritance for a trait.

Cannabis is an annual, dioecious, angiosperm. Well what the fuck does that mean?:confused: It's a fancy way of saying pot lives its whole life cycle in one year, it has distinct male and female plants, and pot is like most plants in the plant kingdom, reproducing by sex and producing seed and flowers or fruit (bud). About 80% of all angiosperms are hermaphrodites, known in horticulture as having "perfect flowers", meaning each individual flower has staminate (male), and pistilate (female) parts. About 12% of angiosperms are monoecious, meaning that the same plant produces both male and female flowers, either at the same time or one then the other, but the flowers are distinct from each other, either being just male or just female. The remaining 8% are dioecious, meaning there are two distinct sexes in the species, and plants are either male or female. Cannabis is considered subdioecious, meaning individual specimens may produce flowers that are not clearly male or female, when the majority of the species population is dioecious and either distinctly male or female.

So when you think about it, the properties and tendencies of our favorite plant is actually fairly rare in the plant kingdom, being a member of a class of plants that only makes up a few percent of angiosperms. It is accepted that all angiosperms today developed from a common ancestor that had a favorable genetic mutation, and unlike any other plant on the earth at the time reproduced not by spores or cloning but by sex, and this first example was hermaphroditic. This explains why the overwhelming majority of angiosperms are hermaphrodites, and why cannabis exibits these tendencies.

Now, in regards to breeding and hermaphrodites, I only have a few things to say. I must admit that out in he wild, there is probably a few populations of cannabis that are all naturally hermaphrodites, and even though mother nature is cruel and the population is a result of a herm breeding or even selfing, the population thrives. Herm breeding in nature will not lead to the demise of the population or species, like we said earlier 80% or all angiosperms are hermaphrodites, some are self sterile but still others are not. Hermaphrodism is not an epidemic to cannabis, its common in nature. What we in the pot community seem to always forget it that cannabis does not grow so we can get high. The beauty of plants is the art of biochemistry, and the natural creation of unique complex molecules. Cannabis happens to make THC, and that's why we grow it. We seem to think if something does not increase the drug quality of cannabis, it must not be good for it. We forget just as much cannabis has been grown in this world for it's textile uses, or as a food, as it has been grown for medicines and intoxication.

My point in all this is that cannabis will always exhibit this herm trait to some degree in at least some of the species. It's not the end of the world or our favorite plant, but with the intent of increasing the drug quality of cannabis, herm breeding should be obviously avoided. A self breeding genetically is the closest inbreeding that can be performed, but it still follows the rules of heredity and genetics. The problem with selfing is it brings forth recessive traits and rapidly and abruptly sets them in the progeny, making it difficult to slowly select for good traits and cull the bad ones. We want to grow knock your socks off sensimillia, and for those purposes it would not be wise to incorporate hermaphrodites into a breeding program.


So are we able to turn a female into a male because 80% of angiosperms are hermaphrodites? So the 8% that are diocious cannot be turned using colloidal silver or won't get nanners from light leaks? So the remaining 12% of monoecious plants would be what most people think of as a hermaphrodite.
Also I heard that you must seed a different plant then the one you turned or you will get a bunch of hermis. After reading ur post I don't see how there would be a difference genetically but do you or anyone have some thoughts on that?

Padre CH

New member
So are we able to turn a female into a male because 80% of angiosperms are hermaphrodites? So the 8% that are diocious cannot be turned using colloidal silver or won't get nanners from light leaks? So the remaining 12% of monoecious plants would be what most people think of as a hermaphrodite.
Also I heard that you must seed a different plant then the one you turned or you will get a bunch of hermis. After reading ur post I don't see how there would be a difference genetically but do you or anyone have some thoughts on that?

The percentages I gave are for angiosperms as a whole, not percentages for cannabis alone. We are able to force cannabis to produce reproductive parts of the opposite sex because cannabis is sub-dioecious. I cannot be sure but I would assume all cannabis is sub-dioecious, meaning all cannabis plants can produce staminate or pistilate hairs and when both are present they are a part of the same floral cluster. Unlike monoecious plants where staminate and pistilate parts are in separate floral clusters or the plant displays flowers of one sex, and then the other.

Remember when a cannabis plant herms it produces both pistils and nanners on the same flower (bud).

Thanks for showing some interest I hope I answered at least a portion of your question
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Too busy to digest the whole post, but after a long day, just reading the "I'm not suggesting bumping uglies at the family reunion..." gave me a good chuckle and helped my mood.

Padre CH

New member
Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) was karyotyped recently

Molecular Cytogenetic Characterization of the Dioecious Cannabis sativa with an XY Chromosome Sex Determination System



That is a great link thanks for posting it here. Very interesting stuff, it went in depth further than I thought. I'm glad someone else could contribute, the whole point of this site is to share knowledge and information. That link has the kind of info I had hoped would be posted here

Your the man Sam



That is a great link thanks for posting it here. Very interesting stuff, it went in depth further than I thought. I'm glad someone else could contribute, the whole point of this site is to share knowledge and information. That link has the kind of info I had hoped would be posted here

Your the man Sam


Wait until I finish and post my critique of your first post before you praise me....


Active member
I feel like the title of the thread shouldn´t be Basic Genetic.

I think basic genetic is to explain more basic things/ therms ( strain ,hybrid,selfing....).

My 2 cents.


Active member
One question:

There is a "breeder" in Spain that uses the therm " variedades sintéticas ", can be translated as " shyntetic strains".

I always wonder if this therm has been made up by himself or comes from breeding books, as he is the only one using it.

Any idea ?

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
One question:

There is a "breeder" in Spain that uses the therm " variedades sintéticas ", can be translated as " shyntetic strains".

I always wonder if this therm has been made up by himself or comes from breeding books, as he is the only one using it.

Any idea ?
This term exists, although the common term in breeding usually used is variety and not 'strain' ('strain' is only one of many misused terms in cannabis breeding). Copied the free part from the Encyclopaedia Britannica:
Synthetic varieties

A synthetic variety is developed by intercrossing a number of genotypes of known superior combining ability—i.e., genotypes that are known to give superior hybrid performance when crossed in all combinations. (By contrast, a variety developed by mass selection is made up of genotypes bulked together without having undergone preliminary testing to determine their performance in hybrid combination.) Synthetic varieties are known for their hybrid vigour and for their ability to produce usable seed for succeeding seasons. Because of these advantages, synthetic varieties have become increasingly favoured in the growing of many species, such as the forage crops, in which expense prohibits the development or use of hybrid varieties.
... (112 of 4,497 words)


Active member
This term exists, although the common term in breeding usually used is variety and not 'strain' ('strain' is only one of many misused terms in cannabis breeding). Copied the free part from the Encyclopaedia Britannica:
Synthetic varieties

A synthetic variety is developed by intercrossing a number of genotypes of known superior combining ability—i.e., genotypes that are known to give superior hybrid performance when crossed in all combinations. (By contrast, a variety developed by mass selection is made up of genotypes bulked together without having undergone preliminary testing to determine their performance in hybrid combination.) Synthetic varieties are known for their hybrid vigour and for their ability to produce usable seed for succeeding seasons. Because of these advantages, synthetic varieties have become increasingly favoured in the growing of many species, such as the forage crops, in which expense prohibits the development or use of hybrid varieties.
... (112 of 4,497 words)

Thanks man. In fact I have translated it as Strain because I didn´t know Variety so have learnt somenthing allready.

You´re right strain/ cultivar/cross/seedline........

In fact, It looks like the guy is using the term (not therm sorry) quite correctly, as is always referring to feminized Hybrids.
Doesn´t make regulars this "breeder" as many other local "breeders" who are the pride of our country LOL.

Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
@Padre CH
I'm reading through your first post... takes time and has quite a few things where I'm not really happy how you explain it but hey, it's your thread :D
Still, here a first comment on your statement
Cannabis has 10 pairs of chromosomes, making a total of 1024 possible chromosome combinations (calculated 2^n whereas n= the number of chromosome pairs) compared to humans who have 23 pairs of chromosomes making 8,388,608 possible combinations and domestic dogs who have 39 chromosome pairs bringing rise to 549,755,813,888 possible chromosome combinations!
I thought the '20 chromosomes' often used refers to n=20 which translates to 20 pairs or 40 single chromosomes in somatic cells.
I also don't get your calculation on the basis of 2. In the new cell (i.e. embryo) they combine to 4 possibilities. Because the parents are seldom homozygous (and if the two copies they carry aren't completely the same) this results in four possibilities and not just two (and there are other effects such as epigenetic mechanisms resulting in an inequality of the two heterozygous combinations). Hence, the calculation should be IMO 4^20 = 1'099'511'627'776 (roughly a US trillion). Assuming the parents were completely true breeding (a real IBL), the only combination possible would be 1 (in the F1) and only the F2 generation will split in 2^20 possibilities (given that no crossing over takes place)...
EDIT: I have the impression that you might propose the chromosomes were somewhat randomly distributed resulting in gametes containing between 0 and 20 (in your example 10) chromosomes; that is bogus.

There are four modes of inheritance, autosomal (non sex-linked) dominant, autosomal recessive, sex-linked recessive, and polygenic (meaning more than one gene is responsible for it's inheritance or expressivity). The modes of inheritance that I will focus on are autosomal recessive or dominant.[

And there's the intermediary or co-dominant inheritance (like the THCA and CBDA synthases). Polygenetic is simply a phenotypic expression resulting from several genes/alleles which by themselves are inherited according to the dominant, recessive or intermediary/co-dominant pattern. In principle, it doesn't matter if the gene is on an autosome or an allosome. Because in many cases, one of allosomes causes the complete silencing of the other (like Y dominates X), the usually observed mechanism is only recessive ;) .

Maybe more when I read further down your post ;) .
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Only Ornamental

Spiritually inspired agnostic mad scientist
So now we see that there is a level of predictably for the inheritance of traits. If a double dominant parent is taken to a double recessive parent,(AA x aa)...

This brings us to the most abused genetics jargon in the cannabis community, genotype and phenotype. ... A given specimen in their genotype may contain the information to produce multiple, distinct, phenotypes, but because of the relationship between its inherited alleles, and the fact it can only display one physical manifestation of the genome, can only express one pheno.
Err... apropos abusive jargon: It is not 'double dominant' but 'homozygous dominant' or something like that. Also, the 'genome' is the whole genetic information of a cell/organism/species. Furthermore, using abbreviations like 'pheno' is an abusive jargon in my letters ;) . Let's put it that way: Your phrasing is not very sophisticated...
And who says that only 'one physical manifestation' can be expressed? What's with two alleles both being dominantly expressed like THCA/CBDA synthases?


Well-known member
No such thing as "basic" genetics............take a class or 2 and get back to me.

Def one of the more complicated topics Ive run across (microbiology, biochem etc..)

The terminology alone is very intimidating to most peeps just seeing it for the first time.

Keep up the good work guys


Padre CH

New member
Err... apropos abusive jargon: It is not 'double dominant' but 'homozygous dominant' or something like that. Also, the 'genome' is the whole genetic information of a cell/organism/species. Furthermore, using abbreviations like 'pheno' is an abusive jargon in my letters ;) . Let's put it that way: Your phrasing is not very sophisticated...
And who says that only 'one physical manifestation' can be expressed? What's with two alleles both being dominantly expressed like THCA/CBDA synthases?

I used terms like pheno because most people understand what it means and have seen it used before. I tried to write this so that there wasnt a need to already understand the terms used in genetics. To say my "phrasing is not very sophisticated" is a bit if an unwarranted stab at me. I wasn't trying to write a thesis, just an informal thing on the basics of Mendelian genetics and how some of it could be applied to cannabis.

Again as I wrote in the first post I'm not a big time breeder or geneticist, if the information i gave is wrong you are more than welcome to post your thoughts on it and the correct information. I have not done a mountain of research specific to cannabis genetics and you may have something to add that I am not aware of, like your comment about THC/CBD expression. I have never heard anything about this, so please provide your thoughts on it but let's try to not make our goal to rip apart my post for flaws.