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Bad year for outdoor in cali?


Nomaad and Trinity Gold made the best points in this thread.

Sun's shining on the West Coast, you can choose to love it or hate it either way I see no major speed bumps for anyone out here thus far. Tis' the season folks!:dance013:


You evil profiteer Krunch!
I bet that weed was pumped full of chems and grown in rockwool.
And machine trimmed!?
Have we no limits to our depravity?

What can I say? The laws of Supply and Demand. No. That doesn't work on this site.
The compassion of those who can for those who can't?...
Cause if I can do something, then surely they can do SOMETHING (would it kill someone to give me a reach around after fucking me in the ass?).

I guess this is just what happens when you make something legal. All these newbs growing just cause they can. And even worse, people willing to smoke it, buy it for less money.
I feel, being the pot-snob that I am, that they should get what I'm giving, pay what I'm asking, and STFU and be happy with it!
I only drink the finest breast milk, from a pregnant Cambodian.



My guy would drive all the way to San Diego and make about 10 stops back up to Humbolt. I either saw duffel bags with 50lbs each in them, or the same duffels stuffed with money. Crazy stuff when you are 16, I would never mess with something like that again.

That musta been some mutha frickin HUUUUGE ass duffel bag! I can barely fit 8 lbs in a Watershed XL wet/dry pack! :bigeye:
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the real threat to cali would be KY or TN legalizing....
but there is a swath through IN,KY and TN that would just blow the entire lid off of the cali monopoly..

If this held any weight at all, then it would have showed 20 years ago. 30 years ago. 40 years ago, etc..... Not saying great pot won't come from these states, but blow the lid off of Cali?


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
All the lakes and rivers in Cali are full this season. We have a snow pack like we havent had in many years..... water wont be a problem around these parts for a bit :)


One day you will have to answer to the children of
you obviously haven't smoked AAA+ Nor Cal OD then. Try to make that ridiculous statement to Humboldtlocal or any of my patients who only medicate themselves w/ the best 100% organic, 18-20% THC, perfectly dried & cured, smoothest tasting nor-cal meds you can get your hands on. If u ever smoke it you will gladly eat your words & ask for seconds! :laughing:
Never trust a man with a funny suit for an avatar!

Or a 'NorCalifornian' who wishes to be Dutch!


One day you will have to answer to the children of
why did my water bill just go up then? Shady.
Short Answer:
Because you live in California.

Long Answer:
Mix of social dynamics, supply and demand, corruption and bureaucracy...

Oh, and we're shutting off the Colorado motherfuckers!
Resident Evil 5 (escape from L.A.)
Gonna be part reality, part fantasy,
gonna be a real blockbuster!


If this held any weight at all, then it would have showed 20 years ago. 30 years ago. 40 years ago, etc..... Not saying great pot won't come from these states, but blow the lid off of Cali?
Apparently it did! East Coast markets! Southern Mafia weed - the old moonshiners kids ! But all of this random weed has screwed up the market in Philly. My friends cannot explain the difference between the terms. Mids, brickweed, Mexican mids, Cali outdoor or local....what's really up out there? Is this outdoor weed screwing with local EC markets?


there r many good points here on this thread


first off, the weather is about to switch here today and summer is here, in fact we had about half a day of summer yesterday too, but after this morning its 70s for a while. Weather is part of farming, funny to watch all the noobs and even the growers who say they are og's running aorund with their heads off wondering how to deal with the weather. It's simple, not sure why all the fuss. Every year for my whole life its been different somewhat. I remember the droughts of the early 90's, streams were bone dry up in the hills for years. Babba is right, have you all seen the watersheds this year? Prepare for another long nice fall this year too, warm probably.

As far as market saturation. That has been going for years. The numbers show a uptake in cannabis consumption through out the country, so a bump in the CA o-door production should suffice to cover this. That being said, the newb are still coming, and the mersh guys are going huge this year, so well see. Lots of blue dream eh? lol

I dont expect anything but another flooded market come fall, and the ammount of deps going this year is up too imo, so yeah good for the consumer, probably not the best for the growers wallet.

Lots of the cheaper stuff you see coming from humbodlt or anywhere for that matter could likely be last years or even a couple years old. Ive seen lots of herb from 09' still around and I know it's going out the door with out that info attached. There are thousands of pounds sitting in sheds all over norcal from 08-09 lol.

As far as brick...ive never smoked it or even seen/ handled it. I have never bought a sack that had seeded bud. Maybe two seeds ina bud once was the most. I hear stories of people i lknow who used to hustle lots of schwagg. I guess I wonder why as well? Why would you ever ever ver smoke something like that. If its just compressed i guess it is ok, but if it is sprayed with somehting or carryed in a wheel well of a van across the border im cool of it, lol. Ill take the sensi. that being said im on soome innies right now from a friend, its ok, but still even though it looks amazing i know it was not grwon organically with love so even the sensi can be not up too par.

Im kinda happy about the price going down to be honest. Too long I man had to pay high prices for a little herb. Imho herb is the healing of the Nation and it needs to be more affordable so that everyman can smoke good herb!

imo most herb is average to ok, some is good, very little is excellent (ive had maybe four great smokes in the past 6 months). Donation prices should and will follow quality in the long run.

Good luck everyone this year, be safe and grow organic!!!!!!!


Active member
Originally Posted by dagnabit
the real threat to cali would be KY or TN legalizing....
but there is a swath through IN,KY and TN that would just blow the entire lid off of the cali monopoly..

If this held any weight at all, then it would have showed 20 years ago. 30 years ago. 40 years ago, etc..... Not saying great pot won't come from these states, but blow the lid off of Cali?

If all those states and cali had the same legislation than yes definitely those places would be competing with cali (maybe not blowing the lid off of but yeaaa)...How many farmers would still be growing corn at $730 a ton when they could get more per pound of MJ...and im not just being an ass...look up the empirical data on the amount of acreage farmed in those states and then imagine those fields being MJ and you will rethink your statement :tiphat:

oh and im neither a midwest boy or a cali kid...i do it up on the east coast cause my balls are big like that :joint:


Big up to my fellow Cali growers..

Wonder how many of you wishing the neg vibes are sitting there quietly takin notes on the big CA grow threads.

Big up to my fellow growers around the rest of the country as well... but remember the saying that if you don't do it for the love of the plant, you're doing it for the wrong reasons.. we all need cash but take the greed out of it and then reconsider your stances.


Originally Posted by dagnabit
the real threat to cali would be KY or TN legalizing....
but there is a swath through IN,KY and TN that would just blow the entire lid off of the cali monopoly..

If all those states and cali had the same legislation than yes definitely those places would be competing with cali (maybe not blowing the lid off of but yeaaa)...How many farmers would still be growing corn at $730 a ton when they could get more per pound of MJ...and im not just being an ass...look up the empirical data on the amount of acreage farmed in those states and then imagine those fields being MJ and you will rethink your statement :tiphat:

oh and im neither a midwest boy or a cali kid...i do it up on the east coast cause my balls are big like that :joint:

This site suggests that if you add together Tennessee and Kentucky, they're already at about 2/3 of the production of California, both in weight and dollar value. And neither is a medical state.

I always thought the humidity was too high out there, but who knows? that's what sativas evolved with...


Game Bred
Im kinda happy about the price going down to be honest. Too long I man had to pay high prices for a little herb. Imho herb is the healing of the Nation and it needs to be more affordable so that everyman can smoke good herb!
unfortunately (as i pointed out before) the price IS NOT going down for the end user for patients/average retail consumer no matter how low the price drops with the OD flood the patient is still paying $25 per gram for "the healing of the nation" some OD growers ignore this fact so they don't have to admit to themselves they are participatory to the exploitation.
some REVEL in it like they are actually proud of it.
and others cheer the ass rape of cancer patient with "big ups"



Active member
dag: the crux of your argumant is that the price to the end user is not going down. where is the data? I travel a lot and have seen the price of an eighth of Cali Mersh has gone down about 10$ across the board over the last five years in every market I am connected to. The price drops are more prevalent at the top of the food chain (transhipment cities like Chicago) and less further out in the burbs where its easier to isolate your market from the million other slingers (the competition.)

$10 is a 15-25% drop depending on what u used to pay. While it may not be in exact parity with the price drop of a pound of Cali outdoor, it is still significant. I think its indicative of an obvious trend toward lower prices. In a black market, standard market forces are slower to act but eventually, with enough supply, will act nonetheless.

Granted my data is anecdotal at best and my understanding of markets is based on experiential knowledge rather than a degree in economics...

Please elaborate on how you've come to your assertion that prices are not dropping.

I suggest somebody start a poll... its important that the questions be well crafted to render some decent data on prices and how they have changed over the last five years. i'm betting everybody on the site knows what an eight costs in their neighborhood.


Active member
And even if the price is stagnating or going up, the quality of meds available to the average end user has gone way up. Everywhere i used to see brittle dry, seeded "sexi mexi" I now see B-Grade Cali outdoor. Its about 10$ more expensive, but way higher in quality.

So while the benefit of lower cost may not have reached the outer limits of a marketplace, the benefit of quality certainly has.

Things are ever changing. As soon as oversupply causes spoilage, prices will inevitably drop.
Anyhow... I simply do not believe that prices to the end user are doing anything but dropping. Perhaps not as uniformly as they would in an open marketplace, but there are pretty clear and obvious trends.


Game Bred
Please elaborate on how you've come to your assertion that prices are not dropping.
anecdotal s well really but if you walk into any dispensary in MI you will see cali OD being passed off as ID for $25 per gram..

and some in cali as well!!!

i know some "black market" types getting LBS for 2K and still charging wht they were when they were getting the same LBs for 3k
again anecdotal but until we have a legal regulated market pretty much all evidence is.
they dont list prices on line but having been there i know they re charging $25 for what you see there...


anecdotal s well really but if you walk into any dispensary in MI you will see cali OD being passed off as ID for $25 per gram..

and some in cali as well!!!

i know some "black market" types getting LBS for 2K and still charging wht they were when they were getting the same LBs for 3k
again anecdotal but until we have a legal regulated market pretty much all evidence is.
they dont list prices on line but having been there i know they re charging $25 for what you see there...

Your arguement holds zero weight. I have been growing outdoors since 1987 & indoor since 1995 & the prices have steadily gone done every year as more & more states inact MMJ laws. 1995 lb prices for Northern Lights x Skunk #1 (which at the time was the BEST green bud anyone could get their hands on) which is what I grew indoors & out would fetch $6000+/lb. Now AAA+ OG Kush strains which fetched $4500/lb 3 years ago get $3400. The prices have ONLY gotten better for MMJ patients & they will continue to do so. You sure love spewin' junk info out but in the real MMJ world patients have the best meds availabe at very reasonable prices:dance013: