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Bad news.....maybe for everyone!


Ben Tokin

You guys still don't get it? It doesn't matter who the puppet is....so long as the strings stay attached. :beat-dead


Presidents are figureheads, Presidents don't have any REAL power when it comes to laws, that's where the senate and cab members come in. President can't do anything without approval...

There IS still hope, for one we as a people need to stop fighting amongst ourselves, and agree on something and vote.

Browsing these forums sometimes, I can see where politicians get their "slanderous propaganda" from...just look at how various members interact with each other using profane language, and belittling each other, about growing and etc. It's ridiculous...if people took the energy that they use to talk shit to each other, ESPECIALLY about the same thing they want legalized and vote, then there would be hope for our future....

Until then....
Because there is no difference , Obama and Bush are just figureheads. They sound different but continue on the same path.
More people are beginning to realize that the country runs on a two-headed, one party monster. The name of this monster is called...Fascism. They put on a show of mud slinging for all us idiots to see. In the meantime, the corporate controlled congress and senate commit back room bribery deals, and crimes that would make a bank robber look like Robin Hood, compared to them! How else do you think the bailout, the stimulus, (the nation's two greatest heists ever took place? The vast majority of Americans didn't want it, Bush lied, & then Obama lied, tried the scare tactics, & we still opposed them. But the plans passed anyway because the working people & the middle class don't matter anymore, the people be damned! This country either is going to split into a civil war, or a full flung revolution soon, and the root of the problem is due to the extreme greed of the wealthy elite. And when the shit hits the fan, I will be on the side of the working people!
I encourage all of you to look up Gerald Celente on You-tube.com. You will see many vlogs, & he knows what really is going on, he exposes all of them & what they are doing. He'll sum it all up in plain english for ya!
Boma don't give a fuck, he played his roll. Think he wants 8 years when he can bale & enjoy his millions / billions ? Palin is being prepped / hyped for the next round, Ron Paul 2012 I wish, sheeple are to dumb & the votes are rigged.

Prep my friends, don't feed the monster, join a "group".


You are all right!! In my opinion what will need to be done to make MJ legit is do the same thin the big drug co do. Buy a lobbyist . After all all the assholes we have in office are payed off from them. Of course nothing on the books the public see .
As for the DEA all that ever was and ever will be is a way to control what drugs we get and do not think that large amounts of $$$$$ exchange hands on these deals . Hell look at the coke deals done in the80's for the contranistas [sp] . The DEA shipped tons in freighters and sold it so they could buy guns because they did not have money but had coke. Be live me it is still going on today . Just covered up a little better. So it either comes down to pay the political assholes off or quit paying taxes and they will go away because if gov has no money it will die.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
the thing that really needs to be done is a constitutional convention, where we remove all laws interfering with civil rights, and grant equal rights to all. the next civil rights movement is what needs to happen. the pot smokers and the gays need to be freed to do as they please. those two groups are currently the most two discriminated groups of people. add being a minority to that and you are totally fucked.


Active member
while we do have discrimination/racism/stereotyping as an accepted daily occurence, the only real discrimination going on in the u.s. is between the power and the proles. muslims, fags, blacks, latinos, women, smokers....divide and conquer or just let the proles work it out? there are many that say the young white male is one of the most dicriminated in the u.s.......i find that one hilarity!

as far as laws and the constitution and whatnots, take into consideration what we've seen in the past 6 years; patriot ax, wars fought that have nothing to do with the stated purpose, barryO is a nobel-winner that is going further than bush on torture, and then the thousands of little things that get eeked by in the wee hours of the morn that we know nothing about.

any 'return' to a 'lawful, just' nation that does not involve serious violence and revolution will be a hoax, end of story. we are harboring serious cognitive dissonance if, as a "nation',we think we can 'vote' the right people in.


this country/society/culture has been on a one-way ticket since the "CON"stitutional congress.....yea, i know, we could argue that the ticket originated in mesopotamia 14k years ago with the advent of agriculture,giving birth to classes which didnt exist until then...but i digress..

restrictions/laws/regs will become stiffer and stiffer until you see more "domestic" terrorism....then the stiffness will compound by a magnitude of twenty.

im say let the snake eat itself and stay the fuckout of the way.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
any 'return' to a 'lawful, just' nation that does not involve serious violence and revolution will be a hoax, end of story. we are harboring serious cognitive dissonance if, as a "nation',we think we can 'vote' the right people in.

I agree that the system has failed, but I disagree that violence is necessary to fix it. Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela proved that. they made huge strides for human rights, but there is still need for massive progress, even in western culture.

There is much that can be accomplished with peace and education. I would chose exile over a violent war. If violence is necessary then fuck the whole situation and just leave it. There is plenty of peaceful places on earth, so until there is no place on the globe to retreat to I will remain peaceful.


Active member
Don't include Nelson Mandela in that list... If non-violence is accompanied by the disappearances of your ideological enemies... its probably just hidden violence.
What needs to happen in this country is everyone, and i mean everyone, needs to STOP PAYING TAXES!! Cut off their wages, voice our displeasure, sit down, stand up, whatever we have to do, a peaceful revolution to an honest, more people minded government. If everyone stopped paying taxes for even one month (believe me, even the threat of a large walkout of taxpayers) would get their attention. Right now its business as usual, just like good old King George, remember him?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Just more proof that they are all the same after the votes are counted... I was hoping for better MJ reform laws under Obama, so far, He's just as bad or the same as Nixon, Reagan, Clinton and Bush.....again, All the same.

The good news is, in 2 years, there will be a couple more folks, promsing this group one thing and that group another, then once the votes are tallied, He will forget about what he said, and go on with business and usual......Welcome to the Diplomatic, United States of America............

.................. I wish states would try to secede from the United States.....i guess in a way, on a small scale its happening, and the U.S. Government is at War with the states that are trying it....IE: The DEA.

Well... I actually thought Obama said he was going to "stop the WAR ON DRUG's and his own ppl" if I remember this quote correctly lol More rederick to calm down the groups that are seeing through this shit. Where are these smart Lawyers doing their jobs to stop this BULLSHIT..Your not free if you have to keep fighting these guys on your basic rights.. As if I would believe what anyone said in POLITICS now or two years from now,,what a joke, but I'm not laughing here...
Who are these guys when they can keep hiding the truth? seriously who are THEY? peace out Headband707

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