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Bad news.....maybe for everyone!


Dude sorry to neg rep that but whatever your smoking please cut down, quit drinking the water, meds, booze, whatever is clouding your mind because he works for the same team as all those people you "had enough of".

Do some personal research & quit listening to the "news" on TV, Glenn Beck too.

Wow....this is exactly why my signature says what it does.

My mind is not clouded by anything. Neither are my OPINIONS, this is exactly why I stay out of political forums...people always push their opinions/views onto other people and get mad when someone disagrees.

I personally could give a fuck how you feel about my opinion, that's why IT'S MY OPINION! But to go out of your way to quote me and throw your own contradicting opinion on top of mine, AND insult me at the same time, is a perfect example of why America is in the shape it's in now.

I'm proud to say that I voted for Obama! Go Obama!

You've seriously got things twisted, if you think they all work for the same people.

Read my first post in this thread, then you will see everything in prospective.

Obama actually helped me out when I needed it most 2x...so he's always got my support...
Fuck McCain, both Bushes, and Palin's sexy ass too... < IF you disagree, that's fine with me, I respect other peoples opinion, because that's your opinion, don't knock me for mine though, it shows a lack of character.

Where's Hilary when you need her!? lol


Awwww so the new head of the Drug Enforcement Agency doesn't like marijuana? What the fuck are you all crying about? Its the fucking DEA, their job is to fight us. Nothing has changed, get over it, keep on smoking and growing.

Yeah, the DEA is going to hold hands with dispensary owners across the USA...lol keep dreaming. You all know its not going to get rescheduled until the 50th state authorizes medical marijuana so lets keep working for that. 15 down.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think a poignant issue is that she believes Alaska to be a country unto itself.

That would mean that Alaska is out of the DEA's jurisdiction.

I'll see you there.



Active member
Awwww so the new head of the Drug Enforcement Agency doesn't like marijuana? What the fuck are you all crying about? Its the fucking DEA, their job is to fight us. Nothing has changed, get over it, keep on smoking and growing.

You all know its not going to get rescheduled until the 50th state authorizes medical marijuana so lets keep working for that. 15 down.
Nope..........that shes in office.......And one of are jobs is not to let them just run over us if we can help it, Guywithout.

Honestly no one knows what the "f%ck" is gunna happen!
Last edited:


Active member
I think a poignant issue is that she believes Alaska to be a country unto itself.

And that they legalized. She holds an apple and talks about the peach.

decriminalization is not legalization. She says legalization wouldn't work because decriminalization doesn't? Weird and stupid all in one....you go obama!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I still don't get how people assume that decriminalizing cannabis means keeping some aspects illegal.

It's upsetting to say the least.

The definition is the reduction or ABOLISHMENT of criminal penalties associated with cannabis.

We could just drop the punishments.

As BHT theorizes that will never happen.

Many say the same about legalization.

Decriminalization and legalization can mean the exact same thing.


Freedom Fighter
I still don't get how people assume that decriminalizing cannabis means keeping some aspects illegal.

It's upsetting to say the least.

The definition is the reduction or ABOLISHMENT of criminal penalties associated with cannabis.

We could just drop the punishments.

As BHT theorizes that will never happen.

Many say the same about legalization.

Decriminalization and legalization can mean the exact same thing.

Decriminalization leaves the Laws intact that say it is illegal...but adapting a "Policy" to not enforce those Laws-- At any point, they can decide to not follow that Policy, and start enforcing said Laws again--
Legalization removes those Laws that make something illegal...and that cannot be changed at a whim--:tiphat:


Active member
Senate Throws Softball Questions

"I have seen what marijuana use has done to young people," Leonhart said. "I've seen the addiction, the family breakup. I've seen the bad. I'm extremely concerned about the legalization of any drugs," she avowed.

Legalizers are singing a seductive siren song, Leonhart warned. "The danger of these legalization efforts, they say we could just end the problem of drugs if we just make it legal," she explained. "But any country that has tried that -- the Netherlands, Alaska -- it has not worked, it is failed public policy."

Source: AlterNet (US)
Author: Phillip S. Smith
"your laws" have done this to young folks not the fu^%ing marijuana!

what about portugal?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
They are still using capital punishment in some areas. This needs to stop.

They are still using capital punishment in some areas. This needs to stop.

The legality of cannabis has been the subject of debate and controversy for decades. Cannabis is illegal to consume, use, possess, cultivate, transfer or trade in most countries. Since the beginning of widespread cannabis prohibition around the turn of the 20th century,[citation needed] most countries have not re-legalized it for personal use, although more than 10 countries tolerate (or have decriminalized) its use and/or its cultivation in limited quantities. Medicinal use of cannabis is also legal in a number of countries, including Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Israel and 14 states of the United States.

[edit] History

This section's references may not meet Wikipedia's guidelines for reliable sources. Please help by checking whether the references meet the criteria for reliable sources. (March 2010)
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, most[quantify] countries have enacted laws affecting the legality of cannabis regarding the cultivation, use, possession, or transfer of cannabis for recreational use. A few jurisdictions have lessened the penalties for possession of small quantities of cannabis, so that it is punished by confiscation and a fine, rather than imprisonment. Punishment focuses more on those who traffic and sell the drug on the black market.[citation needed] Some jurisdictions/drug courts use mandatory treatment programs for young or frequent users, with freedom from "narcotic" drugs as the goal. A few jurisdictions permit cannabis use for medicinal purposes. There are also changes in a more restrictive direction as in Canada or the United Kingdom. Drug tests to detect cannabis are increasingly common in many countries, and have resulted in jail sentences and people being fired from their jobs.[1] However, simple possession can carry long jail sentences in some countries, particularly in East Asia, where the sale of cannabis may lead to a sentence of life in prison or even execution.
Under the name cannabis, 19th century medical practitioners sold the drug (usually as a tincture), popularizing the word amongst English-speakers. It was rumored that Queen Victoria's menstrual pains were treated with cannabis; her personal physician, Sir John Russell Reynolds, wrote an article in the first edition of the medical journal The Lancet about the benefits of cannabis.[2] In 1894, the Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission commissioned by the UK Secretary of State and the government of India, was instrumental in the decision not to criminalize the drug in those countries.[3] From 1906 different states in the United States started to implement regulations for sales of Cannabis Sativa. In 1925 a change of the International Opium Convention[4] banned exportation of Indian hemp to countries that have prohibited its use. Importing countries were required to issue certificates approving the importation and stating that the shipment was to be used "exclusively for medical or scientific purposes".
In 1937 the F.D. Roosevelt administration crafted the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act, the first US national law making cannabis possession illegal via an unpayable tax on the drug.
The name marijuana (Mexican Spanish marihuana, mariguana) is associated almost exclusively with the plant's psychoactive use. The term is now well known in English largely due to the efforts of American drug prohibitionists during the 1920s and 1930s. The prohibitionists deliberately used a Mexican name for cannabis in order to turn the US populace against the idea that it should be legal by playing to negative attitudes towards that nationality. (See 1937 Marihuana Tax Act). Those who demonized the drug by calling it marihuana omitted the fact that the "deadly marihuana" was identical to Cannabis sativa, which had at the time a reputation for pharmaceutical safety.[5] It should be noted, however, that due to variations in the potency of the preparations, Cannabis indica in the 1930s had lost most of its former popularity as a medical drug.[6]
Some[who?] advocate legalization of cannabis, believing that it will reduce illegal trade & associated crime and yield a valuable tax-source. Cannabis is now available as a palliative agent, in Canada, with a medical prescription. In 1969, only 16% percent of voters in the USA supported legalization, according to a poll by Gallup. According to the same source, that number had risen to 36% by 2005.[7] More recent polling indicates that the number has risen even further since the financial crisis of 2007-2009: in 2009, between 46% and 56% of US voters would support legalization.[8]
[edit] Detection and the law

A chart demonstrating the reflective qualities of cannabis in comparison with other common plants, which may be used for cover.

As cannabis and its cultivation are illegal in most parts of the world, considerable resources and effort are committed to both interdiction and counter-interdiction of cultivation. Thermal imaging helicopters, to detect hot lighting, inspection of trash, to find evidence of cultivation including waste plant matter, examination of credit card purchases, to find purchases from hydroponic equipment vendors, and analysis of energy bills, to detect energy usage patterns of marijuana growers, have been used in prosecutions. In the US, thermal imaging cameras are considered to violate civil liberties embedded in the United States Constitution. This has resulted in significant changes to growing trends and availability.[9]
[edit] By country

Main article: Legality of cannabis by country
[edit] Australia

It is illegal to use, possess, grow or sell cannabis in Australia, but penalties differ for each state or territory. In the Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory there are differing degrees of decriminalization for minor offenses. In New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and Queensland the possession of cannabis is considered a criminal offence.[10]
In the ACT a civil penalty system for possession of small amounts of cannabis was introduced in 1993. Possession of up to 25g or two non-hydroponic plants attracts a fine of AUD$100 to be paid within 60 days. Offenders can choose to attend the Alcohol and Drug Program.[11] In South Australia possession of small quantities of cannabis is decriminalized attracting fines similar to a parking ticket. However, penalties for cultivation of marijuana have become harsher since the widespread advent of large scale cultivation. There is much confusion on the subject, with many people believing that possession of a certain amount is legal. In Western Australia, possession of up to 30 grams, two non-hydro plants, or smoking equipment attracts a fine of up to AUD$200, with an option to attend a cannabis education session.[10][12] Any amount exceeding this is dealt within the criminal court. The Northern Territory has a similar civil penalty to system to Western Australia.
In New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania first-time offences for possession and use of small amounts of cannabis or cannabis products (e.g. cannabis oil or resin) can be dealt with by diversion programs, which aim to divert offenders into education, assessment and treatment programs.[10] In New South Wales if you are caught with up to 15g of cannabis, at the police's discretion, up to two cautions can be issued.[10] In Tasmania up to three cautions can be issued for possession of up to 50g of cannabis, with a hierarchy of referrals for treatment then intervention for each caution.[10] Similarly in Victoria up to 50g of cannabis will attract a caution and the opportunity to attend an education program;[13] only two cautions will be dealt out. In Queensland possession of cannabis or any schedule 1 or 2 drug specified in the Drugs Misuse Regulation 1987[14] carries a maximum prison sentence of 15 years, however, jail terms for minor possessions are very rare. Possession of smoking utensils or anything used to smoke cannabis is also a criminal offense in Queensland. However, under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 a person who admits to carrying not more than 50 grams (and is not committing any other offence) must be offered a drug diversion program.
With the rapid expansion in hydroponic cannabis cultivation, the Australian Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act (1985) was amended in 2006, reducing the amount of cannabis grown indoors under hydroponic conditions that qualifies as a 'commercial quantity' or as a 'large quantity'.[10]
[edit] Bangladesh

Cannabis is grown throughout the Bengal region, which is currently split between Bangladesh and the Indian state of West Bengal. In both parts of Bengal, cannabis (Bengali language: গাঁজা gãja or গাঞ্জা ganja derived from the Hindu holy river the Ganges that runs through India and Bangladesh) has been widely used for centuries. Cannabis was banned in Northern Bangladesh in 1984.[15]
[edit] Belgium

Individual or solo use by adults has the lowest priority to police and government instances, if the use doesn't cause any problems to their environment. This basically means only the use in public places, possession of more than 3 grams, or the sale of the drug are pursued in court. However, the use in the presence of minors is strictly forbidden. The cultivation of one female cannabis plant for personal use is decriminalized. Other than cultivating a female cannabis plant, there is no legal way of obtaining cannabis.
[edit] Canada

Main article: Cannabis legalization in Canada
Cannabis is currently illegal in Canada, with exceptions only for medical usage. However, the use of cannabis by the general public is broadly tolerated.[16]
  • A July 13, 2007, decision in Ontario Provincial court has ruled that criminal possession laws for cannabis are unconstitutional (R. v. Long). However, Toronto police spokesman Mark Pugash said that nothing will change about how the police deal with marijuana possession for the time being.[17]
  • Possession of cannabis is not illegal in Canada according to Justice Edmonson of the Ontario Court of Justice in R. v. Bodnar/Hall/Spasic - "there is no offence known to law which the accused have committed."[18][19]
  • Marijuana was first banned in Canada in 1923 under the Opium and Drug Act. Since 1997 marijuana has been covered by the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
  • The Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs reviewed Canada's current anti-drug policies and legislation and reported in September 2002 that marijuana is not a gateway drug and should be treated more like tobacco or alcohol than harder drugs.
  • The House of Commons Special Committee on the Non-Medical Use of Drugs looked at an overall drug strategy for Canada and issued their report in December 2002. The House committee said that while marijuana is unhealthy, the current criminal penalties for possession and use of small amounts of cannabis are disproportionately harsh. They recommended that the Canadian Ministers of Justice and of Health come up with a strategy to decriminalize the possession and cultivation of not more than thirty grams of cannabis for personal use.[20]
  • Various estimates peg this country's cannabis trade at considerably more than $7 billion in annual sales—twice as much as pig farming brings in, and almost three times more than wheat does. Even the cattle industry, at $5.2 billion a year in revenue, lags behind the marijuana business for sheer size. Just as importantly, the report points out, every dollar reaped by government regulation of the pot industry would be a dollar taken away from the criminal gangs that run the industry today. In 2001, Auditor General Sheila Fraser said the federal government was spending close to $500 million a year fighting the drug trade. Roughly 95 per cent of that goes to enforcement and policing, and two-thirds of the country's 50,000 annual drug arrests are for cannabis offences.[21]
In October 2007, Prime Minister Harper announced a new National Anti-Drug Strategy. A proposed Bill would have dealers facing one-year mandatory prison sentences if they’re operating for organized crime purposes, or if violence is involved. Dealers would also face a two-year mandatory jail sentence if they’re selling to youth, or dealing drugs near a school or an area normally frequented by youth. Additionally, people in Canada who run a large marijuana grow operation of at least 500 plants would risk facing a mandatory two-year jail term. Maximum penalties for producing cannabis would increase from 7 to 14 years.[22]
Perhaps the biggest proposed policy change is mandatory six-month sentencing for those growing as little as one marijuana plant for the purposes of trafficking. If the Bill passes, this is certain to be felt by small-time distributors who are not linked to the ring of organized crime, and who usually face no more than a fine if caught.[23]
The Conservative Government holds a minority in Parliament, so the Bill would require support of at least one other political party before it can become law. Previous attempts by past Liberal Governments in the late 1990s and early 2000s to decriminalize marijuana for personal use have failed to become law.[24]
[edit] Costa Rica

Cannabis is widely used in Costa Rica, in spite of it being illegal, police officers might not arrest someone unless the amount carried is seemingly for distribution or selling. Much of it is grown in the Rain Forest reserves as no person can be prosecuted for that, but more potent strains are grown hydroponically in small grow-ops in San José. There is a little percentage coming from Jamaica, but the most used kind is grown locally. Laura Chinchilla, the president of Costa Rica (2010–2014) stated -"It must be approached very rigorously based on empiric evidence and the experiences other countries have had when boarding widely the concept of legalization [...]" after a meeting with José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the Organization of American States, regarding the fight against hard drug smuggling from Colombia to the USA.[25]
[edit] Czech Republic

In 1938 production and possession (but not the consumption) of drugs became a punishable crime in Czechoslovakia. The law did not distinguish between different types of drugs. Until the Velvet Revolution (1989) narcotics were only a minor problem in Czech society. A law from 1992 stopped criminalization of drug possession for personal use. This changed in 1998, "possession of more than a small amount of drugs" (the amount was not defined) became a criminal offence again. The limits were defined later through internal research by Czech law enforcers making the possession of under 15 grams not a crime. The owner could be fined. Consumption was not punishable. Enforcement of the law was spotty and sometimes inconsistent.
The Czech cabinet approved a Justice Ministry proposal in early 2010 that sets personal use quantity limits for illicit drugs under a penal code revision that decriminalizes drug possession in the Czech Republic. Under the new law, possession of more than the following amounts of illicit drugs is a misdemeanor:
Possession of “larger than a small amount” of marijuana can result in a jail sentence of up to one year. For other illicit drugs, the sentence is two years. Trafficking offenses carry stiffer sentences. The Czech Republic now joins Portugal as a European country that has decriminalized drug possession
Young people are the most frequent users of marijuana: a poll from 2007 estimated that almost 30% of Czechs under 24 had tried it. In 2007 the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic ruled that mere cultivation of hemp should not be punishable unless production of the drug is proven; an officer from the Czech anti-drug unit was quoted saying that "this decision is irrelevant to our work". As of 2007 several initiatives towards either decriminalization of marijuana or creating a more tolerated category of soft drugs.[26]
[edit] Denmark

In Denmark there is a great general public tolerance towards cannabis for private consumption.[citation needed] Still it remains illegal and have been pursued in great numbers in recent years to rid the country of widespread open retail.[citation needed]. Possession of less than 10 gram (.35 oz) cannabis is punished with a fine of 2000DKK (260USD) by first offense, 3000DKK by second offense, 4000DKK by third offense etc.
[edit] Finland

Possession, manufacture and use of cannabis products were prohibited by law in Finland in 1972. The parliamentary discussion and the following vote resulted in a stalemate, so the issue was resolved by drawing lots - which resulted in cannabinoid products becoming illegal. In practice, possession or manufacture of cannabis products is considered to be a minor misdemeanor punishable by a minor fine (normally in the range of 60-500 euros). A supreme court decision of 2004 set up a "half a dozen" precedent: Cultivation of up to 6 plants for personal use is subject to the same penalties as personal use. The same applies to distribution and use within a "closed circle of users". However, open distribution is generally punished very severely. Aside from criminal penalties, users are often persecuted by welfare authorities on the pretext of child welfare (if the user has offspring); withdrawal of driving license is also commonplace.
In 2010 police first time used the law passed in 2006, which makes selling equipment for creating or growing drugs illegal. This resulted in closing of a gardening store Viherpeukku and 200 home searches through the customer register. The owners of Viherpeukku were charged for selling gardening equipment with knowledge, that they could be used in home growing of Cannabis. Some controversy rose from the home searches due many of them being done into legal chili farmers houses.
[edit] Germany

While illegal, possession is generally not fined as long as a certain maximum amount (so called "geringe Menge" = English "small amount") is not exceeded. This maximum amount varies between 6 and 30 grams depending on which particular federal state the person is in and the potential amount of THC. The person caught will have the cannabis confiscated. Until 2002 one could have one's driver's license taken away because of cannabis possession, even if driving a car was not involved.[27] Use of cannabis is not illegal in Germany.
Law enforcement in the city of Berlin and many other major cities currently places a very low priority on enforcement of cannabis laws; many people smoke openly in parks and bars throughout the central city.
[edit] Honduras

In Honduras it is legal to grow, plant, harvest, or collect cannabis. It is also legal to own cannabis seeds.
[edit] India

Often seen as the country where the plant originates from, throughout India it is illegal to grow, consume, or traffic cannabis, although there is a variation in penalties and enforcement according to the region. The law is rarely enforced and usage of cannabis, also known as ganja in Sanskrit or bhang in Hindi, is common throughout India. Sadhus openly smoke ganja and there are government licensed bhang shops in some regions. Furthermore, on the festival of Holi, cannabis is widely consumed in the open in its numerous forms. Hashish is by far the most common form of the drug in India; it is widely available and relatively inexpensive. In Hinduism there are many elaborate spiritual practices that involve cannabis.
[edit] Ireland

The most recent Misuse of Drugs (Designation) Order (S.I. No. 69/1998) lists cannabis, cannabis resin, cannabis and its derivatives as Schedule 1 drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Acts of 1977 and 1984. As a consequence manufacture, production, preparation, sale, supply, distribution and possession of cannabis is unlawful for any purpose, except under license from the Minister for Health, Mary Harney. The gardaí (Irish police) have a level of discretion when dealing with recreational cannabis users. To procure a conviction any cannabis seized has to be sent for analysis to the Garda Forensic Science Laboratory. This, along with the time needed to process the arrest, means that individual gardaí may decide not to arrest for small amounts, Gardaí cannot arrest for simple possession if they are satisfied with the name and address of the offender. If there are enough drugs for sale or supply then Gardaí can arrest but the drug will be seized and the name and address of the individual will be taken. Possession of cannabis is an arrestable offense and, in 2003, 53 per cent of all drug confiscations and 70 per cent of all drug-related prosecutions were for cannabis. Trafficking or possession with intent to supply are serious offenses under Irish law.
Upon being brought to court, the penalties for possession are outlined as follows:
  • First offense: On summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding €381, or on conviction on indictment, to a fine not exceeding €635.
  • Second offense: On summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding €508, or on conviction on indictment, to a fine not exceeding €1,269.
  • Third or subsequent offense: On summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding €1,269 or, at the discretion of the court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months, or to both the fine and the imprisonment, or on conviction on indictment, to a fine of such amount as the court considers appropriate or, at the discretion of the court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or to both the fine and the imprisonment.
There is no law against possession or sale of cannabis seeds. However, the growing of cannabis, even for medicinal benefits by genuine sufferers, is often treated harshly by the courts. Various movements have been founded to legalize the drug[citation needed], including an attempt at starting a cannabis legalization political party.[citation needed]
[edit] Israel

Israel considers cannabis illegal; however police turn a blind eye to personal use. The amount defined by the law as "for personal use" is 15g of marijuana and hashish.[28] Due to the popularity of nargila in Israel, smoking using paraphernalia is a common site at popular street cafes. Consequently, the social stigma of smoking using marijuana paraphernalia is accepted by main stream society.
A medical marijuana program is existent; however patients must meet certain prerequisites. The categories include patients suffering from nausea induced by chemotherapy or those in the later stages of HIV.[29] Trials have been conducted by the IDF for soldiers experiencing Posttraumatic stress disorder.[29]
[edit] Italy

Cannabis is illegal in Italy. Current legislation establishes quantitative limits of active ingredient: within those limits it is considered an administrative offense, over them it is regarded as pushing, punished with 1–6 years of imprisonment for small amounts and 6–20 years for big amounts or cultivation. However, jurisprudence is contradictory concerning growing for personal use. Medical use of substances prepared with marijuana are legal, if provided by medical prescription.
In July 2008, however, the Italian Supreme Court ruled that Rastafari may be allowed to possess greater amounts of cannabis legally, owing to its use by them as a sacrament.[30][31]
[edit] Japan

Penalties for possession or use of marijuana in Japan are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and fines.[32] Possession of any amount, as little as 0.1 g, is punishable by jail sentence for up to 5 years and/or a fine of up to 30,000,000 yen (USD 344 790)[33] However, the defendant has to stay in police custody for at least a few weeks until a court decision is made.
[edit] Mexico

On April 29, 2006, the Congress of Mexico passed a bill decriminalizing possession of small amounts of drugs intended for recreational use (up to 5g for marijuana).[34] The new bill was hoped to relieve cartel-related crime as well as reduce drug-related arrests. A possibly unintended consequence would have been increased tourism. The move caused many in the US government to question Mexico's commitment to the "War on Drugs". However, President Fox sent the legislation back, asking that the decriminalization be removed. This action showed the U.S. government's influence over the Mexican Government's decisions,[35] sparking broad controversy over the bill.[36][37][38] On October 14, 2008 a bill was proposed in Mexico City's Congress to legalize the consumption, possession and commerce of Marijuana. The bill states that only a person over 18 can have access to the drug, the places where marijuana is sold cannot also sell alcoholic drinks, and must be at least 1000 meters away from schools[citation needed]. The Government would issue special licenses for the distribution of marijuana in special places, similar to the legislation in the Netherlands.
On August 21, 2009, Mexico decriminalized "personal use" possession of up to 5 grams of marijuana, half a gram of cocaine, 50 milligrams of heroin, 40 milligrams for methamphetamine and 0.015 milligrams of LSD.[39]
[edit] Nepal

Marijuana was made illegal in Nepal in mid 70's but it was never really enforced. It is widely tolerated , in some part of the country mostly in rural areas it is way of life. Law against marijuana is hardly enforced although selling and transporting of hashish could be taken seriously. It has been a very popular destination for teenagers from countries like Israel for the same reason. Police usually will turn a blind eye to personal use if one knows where to do it like "cafe" or places like domestic residence.
[edit] Netherlands

Main article: Drug policy of the Netherlands
The possession/purchase of Cannabis is tolerated in small amounts. One can purchase cannabis in special shops (called "coffeeshops") if one is aged eighteen and over. Sale and purchase of cannabis anywhere else is illegal. Cultivation and wholesale of cannabis is likewise "tolerated" in small amounts (guidelines here are no more than five plants at home or the possession of 5 grams per adult max.). The tolerance guidelines appear in appendix of the Opium Act. The Opium Act states very clearly that every part of the hemp plant is banned except for the seeds – this is in accordance with many of the international treaties which the Netherlands have signed. It is for this reason Cannabis cannot be legalised in the Netherlands. Thus, it remains illegal but it is "tolerated." A recent court decision allowed a medical cannabis to avoid legal prosecution for possession of a small number of cannabis plants; however, the state is appealing the decision.[40]
By 2009, 27 coffee shops selling cannabis in Rotterdam, Netherlands, all within 250 meters from schools must close down. This is nearly half of the coffeeshops that currently operate within its municipality. This is due to a new policy of city mayor Ivo Opstelten and the town council as a result of increased use of soft drugs among pupils.[41][42]
Although outdoor use is prohibited this is also "tolerated" in most places. Since January 2006 certain areas in the district "De Baarsjes" in Amsterdam have been declared official cannabis-free zones because of nuisance to inhabitants of the areas. A special road sign was chosen out of 3 designs by Hans Bos to designate the areas.[2] This sign is not a recognized traffic sign however as it is not used outside of Amsterdam. For a while the municipality of Amsterdam sold the signs [3] in an effort to curtail theft of traffic sign.
[edit] New Zealand

Main article: Cannabis in New Zealand
Possession of any amount of cannabis is illegal in New Zealand and can result in a fine of up to $500 or even a 3-month prison sentence (though the latter is rarely used). Anyone caught in possession of more than 28 grams of cannabis or 100 cannabis joints is classed as a dealer unless s/he can prove they are not. Cannabis is a class C drug in New Zealand, of which the penalty for dealing can result in a maximum prison sentence of 14 years under the New Zealand Misuse of Drugs Act 1975. There have been many public campaigns to decriminalise cannabis but so far none have succeeded. It is generally accepted that the usage rates are among the highest in the world and the police are starting to show some commonsense and issue on-the-spot warnings and confiscations for adult users, however despite the current governments stance on cannabis, it is now only a matter of time before Cannabis laws are reformed due to a growing law-reform movement.
[edit] Norway

This section requires expansion.
Any possession, buying or selling of cannabis is prohibited by law in Norway. Possession of up to 15 grams of cannabis will be punished by fines and anything above 15 grams will be punished by jail. Jail penalties may vary due to the amount of cannabis involved but they range from 6 months to 21 years which is the highest penalty within the Norwegian court.
[edit] Poland

Possession of any amount of cannabis is illegal in Poland and can result in 3-year prison sentence (though in case of possessing a low amount one usually gets fined). Anyone caught giving another person any amount of illegal drugs (including marijuana) risks a 3-year prison sentence. Giving a dose of drugs to an underage person is a crime and can result in a 5-year prison sentence.[43]
[edit] Portugal


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Personal consumption of cannabis is limited in the range of.5-2.5 grams a day. One may possess no more than 10 daily doses, otherwise it may be categorized as trafficking. The consumption still entails a penalty and fine. Cultivation however, is still completely illegal and even cultivation of a single plant is assumed to indicate involvement with trafficking. Possession of seeds is also illegal and despite there being several "head shops" or "grow shops" in Portugal, they, too, are forbidden to market cannabis seeds. At the same time, the number of grow shops has increased over the past few years, which seems to indicate that cultivation for personal use (in Portuguese: auto-cultivo) is becoming a more common practice. The 2006 Global Marijuana March (Portuguese: Marcha Global da Marijuana) was celebrated for the first time in Lisbon and in 2007 both Lisbon and Porto celebrated it.
[edit] Russia

Possession of up to 6 grams (dry weight) of cannabis or 2 grams of hashish is punishable by fine 500-1000 roubles (KoAP 6.9). Possession of more than this amount is punishable by prison term (UK 228). Growing in any amount is punishable by prison term (UK 231).
Consumption is not criminalized, punishable, or technically subject to fining. However, "intoxicated in public" fines (approximately $10) can be and are applied to those visibly under influence in public places. Note that, for intoxication in public fines to be applied, the offending substance does not have to be identified (or illegal, for that matter), and the fine is applied for being in a state of influence that is a potential or actual public nuisance, not for the fact of consumption.
Consumption of any and all substances is legal in Russia, regardless of their legal status; visible intoxication by any substance, regardless of its legality, is an administrative (non-criminal) offense. Intoxication by a substance does not presume or prove prior possession of said substance. Any effort to identify the intoxicating substance is only to be made either when it is part of a different offense (driving under influence, in which case it is admissible in court for charges pertaining to that offense) or when the person thus intoxicated requires medical attention for poisoning/overdose (cannot be used to charge said person, other than with the intoxicated in public fine).
However, persons found in possession of non-criminal quantities of illegal drugs or under the influence thereof may be listed as known drug users (Narkologicheskiy uchet), which may create future difficulty for military or government service and obtaining weapon permits or driver's licenses.
[edit] South Africa

Called "dagga" locally, the use and or possession of cannabis remain illegal in South Africa. Rastafari groups, who refer to cannabis as "ganja", their holy sacrament, regularly receive media coverage in their pleas to government to legalize it.
[edit] Spain

In Spain the possession and use of cannabis in public places is classed as a misdemeanour under public health laws and is punishable by fines and confiscation. Trafficking is a criminal offence.
However, the right to consume marijuana and grow plants for personal consumption in one's private property is protected under the Spanish constitution. In practice one can still be denounced for doing so by neighbours or ill-wishers, and the burden is then effectively on the user or grower to prove that the material is for personal use only.
In recent years a number of members' associations have been established throughout the country in an attempt to extend the boundary of the Spanish citizen's constitutional rights. In an association cannabis is grown and shared among the members. The association may not promote or be seen to encourage the use of cannabis and it must be a closed group for existing adult consumers only, distributing only small amounts regularly to each member (typically 10 grams per week) so as to prevent the possibility of trafficking. As well as a membership fee, members must pay for what they consume and prices may not be much different than on the black market.
Where the associations have come under legal challenge they have been able to surmount this, and in at least one case have secured the return of several kilos of confiscated plants. The umbrella group for cannabis associations in Spain is the Federación de Asociaciones Cannábicas: http://www.fac.cc/ and Politic Group:RCN-NOK Representacion Cannabica de Navarra: http://www.rcnavarra.org/
[edit] Sweden

See also: Drug policy of Sweden
It is illegal to purchase, possess, sell, transfer or consume any amount of cannabis in Sweden. If police suspect someone has consumed cannabis they could be ordered to take a drug test, which is seen as a way to prove consumption. Minor offenses, such as simple consumption generally renders a 30 day-fine (a day-fine is currently between 50 to 1000 SEK, largely depending on income) while possession and even occasional cultivation of plants for personal use attracts higher fines (up to 150 day-fines) as long as they are under the threshold for minor drug offenses, namely 50 grams (1.8 oz).[44] For the purchase, smuggling and possession of larger amounts, organized cultivation or sale, the punishments range from 6 months to 10 years imprisonment.[45][46] The combined sentence can be even longer, for example when a series of crimes are added up into one sentence. Depending on the circumstances 14 or 18 years is the maximum penalty before limitation rules sets in.[47][48]
Even if mere police intuition is legally insufficient, every time reasonable suspicion arises the police is obliged to intervene under a zero tolerance strategy. The expressed aim of government is the creation of a "drug-free society" and the police are to give high priority towards drug crimes. However, as a condition of largely being a victimless crime, the police own efforts is essential to apprehend cannabis offenders. That is, as opposite to many other crimes where a victim will report it to the police, they must apprehend the drug users and more advanced criminals for themselves.[49] Influenced by the practices in the US, all police officers in external duty are to receive training to become Drug Recognition Experts (DRE) to better detect persons under the influence of drugs. Something that have led to increasing numbers of apprehended drug users.[50] The traffic police especially, have integrated DRE-practices to test suspected drivers into their every day routine.[51] Subject to the law concerning driving under influence, driving while having mere traces of cannabis in the body is strictly forbidden under a zero tolerance regime.[52]
Ungerminated cannabis seeds are not legally classified as cannabis and mere possession of seeds is not illegal per se.
With the exemption of Khat, Cannabis has the least penal value per effective dose[44] and subsequently the least priority among drugs offenses. Albeit with the general exemption for drug offences among juveniles, which instead is of special priority regardless of what drugs are involved. When juveniles are apprehended, the police is obliged to report the young user to the municipal social care. Although the charges often are dropped in consideration of their youth, the social service may then take various measures ranging from just talking to the adolescent and its parents to placing the delinquent in forced treatment for substance abuse.
[edit] Switzerland

Main article: Cannabis in Switzerland
Cannabis is classified as an illegal narcotic in Switzerland.[53] The production and sale of illegal narcotics is punishable by a monetary penalty or by imprisonment of up to three years, as are public incitements to the consumption of illegal narcotics.[54]
The enforcement of the prohibition on cannabis is spotty, because around 500,000 Swiss people are believed to use cannabis regularly or occasionally. In a health poll conducted in 1997, 7% of people aged 15 to 39 stated that they were currently consuming cannabis.[55] Also, in 1998, some 250 hectares of land were used in Switzerland to grow cannabis,[56] yielding more than 100 tons of cannabis per year.[57] The product is sold mostly on the street and (in "scent bags" or covertly) through "cannabis shops" clustered in the urban centers. These shops, of which there were about 135 in 1999 and which authorities believe earn about 85-95% of their income with illegal narcotics,[58] are the target of irregular police crackdowns in some cities, while in others they are tolerated to some degree. Overall, enforcement varies substantially depending on the canton.[59] Some tolerate limited public consumption[60] while others periodically attempt to limit it. Nationwide, police registered some 27,000 cannabis-related infractions in 1999.[61]
[edit] Turkey

Cultivation of cannabis is strictly controlled by government in Turkey. Non-drug usage of cannabis is a common practice in Aegean region of Turkey. Cannabis seeds are used as a spice in many different foods, especially in different breads and other baked goods. Usage of cannabis as a drug is forbidden in Turkey. Persons carrying small amounts of cannabis can be fined. Persons caught carrying small amounts for personal usage are required to attend rehab once a week and are subjected to mandatory drug screenings for a six month period if it is a first time offense. Drug trafficking is punished with long term imprisonment.
[edit] United Kingdom

Main article: Cannabis reclassification in the United Kingdom
Further information: List of drugs illegal in the United Kingdom and Cannabis in the United Kingdom
Cannabis is illegal in the United Kingdom but punishments are usually minor resulting in a confiscation and a "cannabis warning" for small amounts. However this warning will appear under your name on government databases and in CRB security checks.
2700 BC: Cannabis was regularly cultivated and smoked.[62]
In 1928: Cannabis became illegal in the United Kingdom as a class B drug.[63]
In 2004: Cannabis was downgraded to a class C substance.[64] Consequentially there was a "significant fall in its use"[65][66] and a "50 per cent rise in the number of people" seeking "medical treatment after using the drug".[67][68]
In 2008: The government commissioned a study into the effects of downgrading cannabis from a class B to a class C.
On May 7, 2008: Against the advice of the government's own commissioned report,[69] the Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, announced the government’s intention to once again reclassify cannabis as a class B drug.[70] Then-prime minister Gordon Brown announced that the government would set aside the findings of the committee.[71]
On 26 January 2009: Cannabis was reclassified as a Class B substance.[72][73]
In November 2009: Professor David Nutt was asked to resign from his position as chairman of the Government's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs by the then Home Secretary (Alan Johnson), after publishing in a professional journal figures which indicated that cannabis was less harmful than both alcohol and tobacco.[74] Several other members of the Advisory Council resigned in protest.[75]
Afterwards, discussions were being focused towards imposing a new 'code of conduct'; in order to avoid any similar action in future, rather than of the issue at hand (that being the legality of the plant cannabis itself) also this is not under Common law offences, the basis for Statutory law in the UK. .[76]
On 17 August 2010: Professor Sir Ian Gilmore criticised prohibition, revitalising the topic in hand.[77][78][79][80]
On 14 September 2010: Professor Roger Pertwee suggests that "policymakers should consider the setting up of a committee to license the sale of recreational cannabis." [81][82][83]
On 18 September 2010: "Tim Hollis, chairman of the Association of Chief Police Officers’ drugs committee" says that he "does not want to criminalise people caught with minor amounts of substances such as cannabis."[84][85][86][87]
On 20 September 2010: "Ewan Hoyle, founder of Liberal Democrats for Drug Policy Reform, says [that his] party should support [the] legalisation [of cannabis]".[88][89]
On 3 October 2010: Presenter Evan Davis compared “having a spliff” with potentially risky activities (like skiing), whilst interviewing Lord Young.[90][91]
On 11 October 2010: Welsh actor and musician, Rhys Ifans "calls for cannabis decriminalisation" or legalisation within the United Kingdom.[92][93]
On the same day: An editorial in the British Medical Journal, written by Professor Robin Room, suggested "that the sale of cannabis should be licensed like cigarettes because banning it had not worked".[94][95]
On 1 November 2010: Professor David Nutt publishes a paper which classes alcohol as being more dangerous than cannabis or heroin under a new 'points system'.[96]
On 7 November 2010: Lord Taverne asked at question time in the House of Lords: "If the Government believes in evidence-based policy, is it not obvious in light of this [David Nutt's] report and many other reports that make similar conclusions that the present classification of Ecstasy in class A and cannabis in class B is not in any way based on evidence of the physical or the social impact? [97]
On 10 November 2010: Cartrain manages to smuggle in and light up a joint in the House of Commons, shouting "decriminalise cannabis" whilst being hauled out by the police.[98][99]


Quit whining

Fuck All the Sheeple

They voted for his ass.

He lied as all of them do and have done and will continue to do.

There in no Win...EVER

Wake up you fucking Sheeple!!!

you are being led to the slaughter.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Is that for me lol as I have a very old computer that is just started to not listen to me lol.. I thought I did clean it up sorry KG peace out Headband707
Quit whining

Fuck All the Sheeple

They voted for his ass.

He lied as all of them do and have done and will continue to do.

There in no Win...EVER

Wake up you fucking Sheeple!!!

you are being led to the slaughter.

What if the people said the same thing about slavery, segregation, womens rights, gay rights, labor laws, etc.? If people don't try to make changes, then NOTHING changes.


Active member

I found this little :D piece on Portugal

"Pop quiz: Which European country has the most liberal drug laws? (Hint: It's not the Netherlands.)

Although its capital is notorious among stoners and college kids for marijuana haze–filled "coffee shops," Holland has never actually legalized cannabis — the Dutch simply don't enforce their laws against the shops. The correct answer is Portugal, which in 2001 became the first European country to officially abolish all criminal penalties for personal possession of drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine.

At the recommendation of a national commission charged with addressing Portugal's drug problem, jail time was replaced with the offer of therapy. The argument was that the fear of prison drives addicts underground and that incarceration is more expensive than treatment — so why not give drug addicts health services instead? Under Portugal's new regime, people found guilty of possessing small amounts of drugs are sent to a panel consisting of a psychologist, social worker and legal adviser for appropriate treatment (which may be refused without criminal punishment), instead of jail. (See the world's most influential people in the 2009 TIME 100.)

The question is, does the new policy work? At the time, critics in the poor, socially conservative and largely Catholic nation said decriminalizing drug possession would open the country to "drug tourists" and exacerbate Portugal's drug problem; the country had some of the highest levels of hard-drug use in Europe. But the recently released results of a report commissioned by the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, suggest otherwise.

The paper, published by Cato in April, found that in the five years after personal possession was decriminalized, illegal drug use among teens in Portugal declined and rates of new HIV infections caused by sharing of dirty needles dropped, while the number of people seeking treatment for drug addiction more than doubled.

"Judging by every metric, decriminalization in Portugal has been a resounding success," says Glenn Greenwald, an attorney, author and fluent Portuguese speaker, who conducted the research. "It has enabled the Portuguese government to manage and control the drug problem far better than virtually every other Western country does."

Compared to the European Union and the U.S., Portugal's drug use numbers are impressive. Following decriminalization, Portugal had the lowest rate of lifetime marijuana use in people over 15 in the E.U.: 10%. The most comparable figure in America is in people over 12: 39.8%. Proportionally, more Americans have used cocaine than Portuguese have used marijuana.

The Cato paper reports that between 2001 and 2006 in Portugal, rates of lifetime use of any illegal drug among seventh through ninth graders fell from 14.1% to 10.6%; drug use in older teens also declined. Lifetime heroin use among 16-to-18-year-olds fell from 2.5% to 1.8% (although there was a slight increase in marijuana use in that age group). New HIV infections in drug users fell by 17% between 1999 and 2003, and deaths related to heroin and similar drugs were cut by more than half. In addition, the number of people on methadone and buprenorphine treatment for drug addiction rose to 14,877 from 6,040, after decriminalization, and money saved on enforcement allowed for increased funding of drug-free treatment as well.

Portugal's case study is of some interest to lawmakers in the U.S., confronted now with the violent overflow of escalating drug gang wars in Mexico. The U.S. has long championed a hard-line drug policy, supporting only international agreements that enforce drug prohibition and imposing on its citizens some of the world's harshest penalties for drug possession and sales. Yet America has the highest rates of cocaine and marijuana use in the world, and while most of the E.U. (including Holland) has more liberal drug laws than the U.S., it also has less drug use.

"I think we can learn that we should stop being reflexively opposed when someone else does [decriminalize] and should take seriously the possibility that anti-user enforcement isn't having much influence on our drug consumption," says Mark Kleiman, author of the forthcoming When Brute Force Fails: How to Have Less Crime and Less Punishment and director of the drug policy analysis program at UCLA. Kleiman does not consider Portugal a realistic model for the U.S., however, because of differences in size and culture between the two countries.

But there is a movement afoot in the U.S., in the legislatures of New York State, California and Massachusetts, to reconsider our overly punitive drug laws. Recently, Senators Jim Webb and Arlen Specter proposed that Congress create a national commission, not unlike Portugal's, to deal with prison reform and overhaul drug-sentencing policy. As Webb noted, the U.S. is home to 5% of the global population but 25% of its prisoners.

At the Cato Institute in early April, Greenwald contended that a major problem with most American drug policy debate is that it's based on "speculation and fear mongering," rather than empirical evidence on the effects of more lenient drug policies. In Portugal, the effect was to neutralize what had become the country's number one public health problem, he says.

"The impact in the life of families and our society is much lower than it was before decriminalization," says Joao Castel-Branco Goulao, Portugual's "drug czar" and president of the Institute on Drugs and Drug Addiction, adding that police are now able to re-focus on tracking much higher level dealers and larger quantities of drugs.

Peter Reuter, a professor of criminology and public policy at the University of Maryland, like Kleiman, is skeptical. He conceded in a presentation at the Cato Institute that "it's fair to say that decriminalization in Portugal has met its central goal. Drug use did not rise." However, he notes that Portugal is a small country and that the cyclical nature of drug epidemics — which tends to occur no matter what policies are in place — may account for the declines in heroin use and deaths.

The Cato report's author, Greenwald, hews to the first point: that the data shows that decriminalization does not result in increased drug use. Since that is what concerns the public and policymakers most about decriminalization, he says, "that is the central concession that will transform the debate."


ICMag Donor
For those of you that say things are no different with Obama in charge than they were with Bush must have awful short memories.

Maybe he ought to start acting like Bush if everyone's going to accuse him of it. Then you'd know the difference..... Unbelievable.....


For those of you that say things are no different with Obama in charge than they were with Bush must have awful short memories.

Maybe he ought to start acting like Bush if everyone's going to accuse him of it. Then you'd know the difference..... Unbelievable.....

Things like this..(saying Obama is no different) does make me wonder sometimes....lol. It's amazing how naive people are, to think that just because you're President, all you have to do is wave your pinky figure and shit gets done. It doesn't work that way.

I've got a lot of family in the military, all branches and levels, and was told on numerous occasions; the only thing the President can do himself WITHOUT approval of his senate and cabinet members is declare war.

Hence the reason we went to war as many times as we did over the last decade. Bush' enacted war a couple times, that was unnecessary. PLEASE, let not go there... THIS IS ABOUT MARIJUANA, I won't expound any further on the wrong doings of great nation....

I hope this "war on weed" ends soon... They need to focus all our fucking tax money on meth labs, and coke cartels..:ying: