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LED GROW TEST. 126W hydro grow led VS. 180W pro source LED LIGHT

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And likewise if those actors, business men, presidents, etc... could use their influence at any given point to avoid dealing with the bull shit from the riff-raff, they did so.

If I had given up, I never would have come back to ICMag (remember got banned here once?). I started over 4 months ago selling lights, so if I was a fraud, or my lights didn't work as promised, you'd be hearing about it all over the forums, yet you're not. Search any forum and you won't find a single negative review on our lights from anyone using them. So there is a reason I don't give up, and it's because these things work, and more and more people are proving every day, just how badass they truly are.

I'm simply sick of all the individuals with no experience, who choose not to sit back and watch for the results, who choose to create drama for the sake of creating it. Those users WILL NOT be tolerated on my threads, and actions have already been taken to clean this forum up of their presence.

PLAIN AND SIMPLE: The only people who have any right to speak negatively about the performance of my product, are my customers. PERIOD. And you won't see ME leaving any time soon, but as I stated before, the BS users will be.

just to let you know if your lights dont work as clamied for me i will put u on blast on all 5 fourms and make sure people know the truth.

the same gose for pro source.

i will take no kindness if i was lied to and be very pissed off. because i just wasted my time.

not saying you lied or pro source lied but just letting you guys know.

i will ammit i am very happy with the vegging of ur light, but wont be totaly happy untill i see the flowering.

just thought you should know that! even though you stood up for me, that dosent mean $hit to me when it come to testing!

good luck!


Active member
DUH lol. But in the end, you'll only be spouting off about one company ;) Our lights were designed primarily to eliminate bloom inefficiencies, so it's no surprise they work so well in veg.

And by the way Irish, there were many customers before you who made the same promises. The one thing you DON'T see on ANY forum, is anyone putting me on blast because of their experience with our products. Our first lights were sold late July, so there has been PLENTY of time (4 months) for people to speak out if I was misleading anyone. Like EyesWideOpen said on RIU, he was impressed with our lights and would not use his extended return policy, even though he began as a complete skeptic, also making the same promise you did.


DUH lol. But in the end, you'll only be spouting off about one company ;) Our lights were designed primarily to eliminate bloom inefficiencies, so it's no surprise they work so well in veg.

And by the way Irish, there were many customers before you who made the same promises. The one thing you DON'T see on ANY forum, is anyone putting me on blast because of their experience with our products.

Dont get my hopes up.lol.
i hope you light dose good in flower like it did in veg. because at the end i am the one who needs those Med's to last me as long as they can.

i already have a good idea what the pro source can do since i already have a few growes done with their 90w lights. and now i have the 180w

i just cant see why you would want to test a light that uses less watts 126w with a bigger one 180w? either your crazy? or you realy do have a bad ass light?

i will be honist i dont raly care whos light wins or not as long and i still get a good yeild from all of my plants. thats what realy matters to me. my total yeild. but i am sure this is going to helpm alot of people out seeing witch one works best so they dont waist their money.

good luck and let the best light win.



I am not saying YOU as in singling YOU out on any of my thoughts, trust me I am more than excited to see what leds do and am designing vertical cabs to allow 8 or 16 126's in there once my funds are ready as well as the pro models.

I just see a trend in led and cfl growers freaking out when anyone and everyone has issues or thinks everything is bullshit. CFL for instance HAS been proven, same thing with 400 hps grows doing OVER a pound. Anyone saying that ends up with a ton of people talking down on them SIMPLY BECAUSE they cannot duplicate the results.

If anything I would be HAPPY you have so many against your efforts because in the end THEY will be proved wrong. I would stick it out, keep the grow shows going and SHOW THEM who was bullshit in the end.

Giving up is not the way, not saying YOU are doing it BUT why not get your grows done, post the results and forget about the bitchers and whiners that frequent THIS and ALL other 420 style forums.

Focus on what you are doing if you want to prove leds work, if you don't then just enjoy your grow and yields. Anyone posting, I can get this from so called "christmas tree lights" will always get heat because most of the people who talk shit are BRAND NEW to the forums or leds in general and don't buy it.

results speak louder and longer than any thread here and those who seem to really piss you off.

LedGirl, you are defensive. you have a vested interest and a love for leds and I get the point. It is personal to you it seems BUT in the end it is BUSINESS.

Green House Seeds for instance has THOUSANDS of haters here and everywhere BUT they are the ones with the pot friendly hotels, the money and the ladies so to speak. If they left, deleted accounts or got defensive every time someone said their strains are knock offs or this and that they would be nothing LIKE THOSE who trash them all the time. I personally don't care for GHS BUT I have my reasons BUT others love their genetics.

Ride it out, the more publicity whether bad or good ends up help YOU and your effort.

good point + rep to you.


to let everyone know not matter what i decid i will still be the one to post the final yeild pics and give my review on each light. no matter what. but untill things het cooled down i might lay low but i will be back because i dont want some company giving my final review with pics.


i just cant see why you would want to test a light that uses less watts 126w with a bigger one 180w? either your crazy? or you realy do have a bad ass light?

Hey irish,

Don't quit now! Remember, if you do....


Seriously, who gives a **** about rep points, anyway? I don't post for other people's approval on forums, I do it for my own reasons. Either way, it shouldn't involve an extrinsic value system; that just ain't healthy, bro.

Just treat it like a job and ignore the rest. Besides, ignoring the idiots just pisses 'em off more - which can be fun. :) Let 'em fume all they want, there certainly is no shortage of 'em around...


The only valid measure for these lights will be in gram/watt or gram/watt-hr yield comparisons. So even if you get 10 oz from the 180W Pro Source and 8 oz from HGL, the 126W unit wins in my book (i.e. 1.8 g/w vs. 1.58 g/w) - and anyone else's, too. It all goes back to lighting efficiency and production.

Another way to look at it is that even a moderately competent grower can approach the yield of a Heath Robinson...

Without actually having to be Heath Robinson. Or bothering to grow vertically at all.

Don't know about you, but that sounds pretty good to me.




In search of Genetics
I don't really know anything about these lights but So far i cant really tell which is better the 180 or 126.
It kinda looks like one plant is stunted on the 180 pictures.
Pictures can be misleading, can you tell any difference up close and in person?

Don't let people get under your skin, if your LEDS are giving you more for less then who is really winning here, the guy giving you shit or the one saving money and getting more!


Active member
Since Irish is no longer posting updates, I will go ahead and do so. The plants are 1 week, 1 day into flowering, and the wall was taken down for a better idea of the difference. Enjoy the pictures:




FUCK'EM AND ANYONE WHO LOOKS LIKE'EM!!! man i hate to see this shit...just people ...as mentioned, ignorant people, once again just talking shit about what they wish they could do...JEALOUSY!!! thats what i say... some shit will work for you... some wont. who is to same that even with a bunk result that it is not a user error... maybe you just are not good at growing in general or just not "Dialed in"... who here got 1g/w of their first try with HID??? not many...takes a little bit to know what your working with. my point is that even with one grow with an experienced grower, shit can go wrong... 1 grow still doesnt really prove anything...LEDGirls system seems pretty dialed in... your wont be your first grow... almost ever. so if your like what you see and are interested in growing with and learning abvout LEDs...GO FOR IT... if HID and strictly HID is your thing and you do not want to fix what isnt broken and works for you...dont...stick with HIDs but dont waste your valuable growing and smoking time bashing other products... politely chime in and give an opinion and thats it if you even must... and dont make it an opinion based on i heards or i dont thinks... just facts and experience... if you dont like people pushing leds, dont go reading forums about them... just do what works for you and if you want to be a pioneer in leds then givem a try...plain and simple... why cant we all get along???sorry for the rambling, i haven't smoked in 3 days, my brain is mush and i cant think str8...first time this long in like 6 years...


FUCK'EM AND ANYONE WHO LOOKS LIKE'EM!!! man i hate to see this shit...just people ...as mentioned, ignorant people, once again just talking shit about what they wish they could do...JEALOUSY!!! thats what i say... some shit will work for you... some wont. who is to same that even with a bunk result that it is not a user error... maybe you just are not good at growing in general or just not "Dialed in"... who here got 1g/w of their first try with HID??? not many...takes a little bit to know what your working with. my point is that even with one grow with an experienced grower, shit can go wrong... 1 grow still doesnt really prove anything...LEDGirls system seems pretty dialed in... your wont be your first grow... almost ever. so if your like what you see and are interested in growing with and learning abvout LEDs...GO FOR IT... if HID and strictly HID is your thing and you do not want to fix what isnt broken and works for you...dont...stick with HIDs but dont waste your valuable growing and smoking time bashing other products... politely chime in and give an opinion and thats it if you even must... and dont make it an opinion based on i heards or i dont thinks... just facts and experience... if you dont like people pushing leds, dont go reading forums about them... just do what works for you and if you want to be a pioneer in leds then givem a try...plain and simple... why cant we all get along???sorry for the rambling, i haven't smoked in 3 days, my brain is mush and i cant think str8...first time this long in like 6 years...

thank you. this is what i have been trying to say. were all here to grow, plain and simple! i understand their isnt alot of data from 100's of people saying their led growes are bad ass. also their is alot of BULL $HIT companys out their all claiming they have the real deal. but in time those companys will fall off. HID lights have been doing great for many years and i do understand if you dont want to get rid of ur hps and spend money on leds yet. but for some people leds realy help them be able to grow because they dont the right place to run vent fans and all that. not every one lives in a house or place where thats posable. well now they have either CFL's or LED's. some want to give the leds a chance because maybe they havent always gotten the best results from cfl's. so it comes down to not grow at all and have to spend alot of money on medican to cure their problems. times are hard their not alot of jobs or money, so know they have a way to beable to grow leds! you see this type of light helps some people including me. in the summer time it gets 115F* where i live, i cant afford to run my a/c all day to cool off my HPS. its not worth it for me; ive done it ive used 1000w hps. the a/c bill alone coste me $175 a month, because my house isnt insalted so it runs none stop. well i found out the LED plants dont realy get heat stress, they seem to love 80-85F* temps. so problem solved. i save alot of money on my med's by using leds.

all my friends still use HPS and thats cool, but they dont sit their and bash on me for using somthing that makes it all posiable for me to grow. I will never say leds will out perfourm HID untill i see it with my own eyes.
but dont judge people and start wars over a growing methed that somones uses. all you guys do is make people be affraid to go on the fourms and lean and share info because their scared of getting bashed on.
were all here to grow, why would anyone give a fuck what somone els dose with their grows.

and i comferm those pics are my pics led girl posted. ill be sending the pics to her from now on, since i have already joined another fourm and dont have time to post pics on all these fourms.
ill try to stop by here and their to check up on things.



i know that no one has said anything bad on this thread, and this is not directed towards anyone. but just saying how i feel about all the people that come on led threads and bash/start wars about leds.


Active member
i'm damn sorry to hear this...

i'm damn sorry to hear this...

and i comferm those pics are my pics led girl posted. ill be sending the pics to her from now on, since i have already joined another fourm and dont have time to post pics on all these fourms.
ill try to stop by here and their to check up on things.


damn, we really gave you a warm welcome, irish...sorry about that.

i really hope you come back and see that we can be more civil in the future.

i am sorry to see you go.

best wishes to you, irishboy.:wallbash:


Active member
damn, we really gave you a warm welcome, irish...sorry about that.

i really hope you come back and see that we can be more civil in the future.

i am sorry to see you go.

best wishes to you, irishboy.:wallbash:
:yeahthatsBest of luck man, come see us in the future when things calm down.
sorry iris for saying cfl bro i was stoned lasnight when i posted
but i did mean leds your plants are beautiful and healthy
ive been looking into led so thease threads are really peaking my intrest


Whats up brother? I have to post to say that I hate to see you derailed from your mission.I say this because the same thing happened to me man.All these outside forces that you feel are working against you...arent real.Just words on a monitor brother.Not worth an extra bpm.You're on the verge man-respect on the internet means fuck all.Who gives a flying fuck if a bunch of jerk-offs that you will never have real contact with, want to infect you with their shittiness.Half these people are just here window shopping-spewing crap for a reaction.These are the same losers that are ignored by everyone in the real world.It feels empowering to bring down those who are trying to succeed, especially when you've failed repeatedly at everything you've tried.So, when you get hot under the collar, consider the source.Do your thing man.BTW...I'm getting the 126'er.I feel like it's time to dabble again.Much love LedGirl.peace
of course if you want to make it more interesting by comparing to higher wattages of HPS, but im thinking in these ways "If you can get the same result, with lesser electricity, I love it" :)
I just have to get in my head how such a much lower lumen output can be so damn efficient (if I may say so)

I love what I see so far, still deciding what my next light upgrade should be, so im glued in front of my computer to see more LED grows.

This might be hard to answer but how often do you sit down and re-think of the designs of your product as much of the LEDs?
Like, once every third month check up on new LEDs that are coming out?
To have the newest tech so to speak.
English isn't my native language so I hope you guys bear with me and understand what I say :p

Well time to check up on the other LED grows, happy growing all!
Im interested as well in this grow!
Keep the info / pics rolling!

Comparing the 126W against a 100W HPS
and the 180W against a 150W HPS would be most fare due to they draw around the same wattage (I said - ->around<- - dont flame me)

keep up the new technology, and happy growing!
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