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Bad news.....maybe for everyone!


Active member
incognegro...in remark to your post #60 in this thread.......i dont have things twisted, but i am twisted nonetheless......it's the view thats twisted. +90% of the public think the u.s. is one thing when in reality it's been another for a very long time....you could argue from the articles of confederation, from the war of 1812, from the intro of the fed, from the monroe doctrine...where did we "lose' our way?..........or, was the was ever really set?

they always work for the same people...or same idealogy. because there's only one party of politics; $$cheddar$$

as we keep diving down the american dream and people still do not become aware of the untited states of ponzi, it will be business as usual until suddenly one day..it's not> then we'll all say "how did this happen?"


Active member
.i firmly believe that they know the ship is sinking, and when yer on a sinking ship yer ass is looking for boats, not trying to stop the guy robbing the safe.

do your reasearch, it's not called the "CON"stitution for nothing

great analogy up there and yup they dont call this a "cons-institution" :)for nothing..oh wait they dont call it that yet:D .... got your "i-on" the ball or i mean your "eye in the ball":D


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
He can declare war...he can't solely ENACT war...that's where the other bozo's come into play...

This is wrong. Under the Constitution only the Congress can legally declare war. He can ask the Congress to declare war. That's it.

Obviously, this along with the rest of the Constitution is a big joke now and was legally made a joke with the War Powers Resolution in 1973 which gave the President dictatorial control over the military and the ability to wage war at his leisure.

Arguing over what is and what isn't Constitutional is a meaningless exercise today. The Constitution has been dismantled and it's protective powers rendered useless. For all the haters of the Constitution. These are the fruits of your labors.


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A Little Hope

A Little Hope

Senator Threatens to Block DEA Nominee Leonhart

by Mike Meno

December 2, 2010

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday that Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI) will put a hold on the nomination of Michele Leonhart to be the next administrator of the DEA.

Kohl’s beef with Leonhart has nothing to do with her views on marijuana issues, but rather the DEA’s work in restricting access to certain prescription pain medications in nursing homes. Still, this represents the strongest opposition to date against Leonhart, who is currently interim DEA head and has played a crucial role in overseeing raids on state-legal medical marijuana collectives and denying applications to do FDA-level research on marijuana.

In recent months, MPP and many of our allies have protested Leonhart’s nomination to head the DEA based on concerns over those above-mentioned actions and some less-than-thoughtful comments she has made about the worsening prohibition-fueled violence in Mexico. At her confirmation hearing, Leonhart, a Bush administration holdover, promised Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) that, “If confirmed as administrator, we would continue to enforce the federal drug laws” — which directly contradicts last year’s Department of Justice directive to respect state medical marijuana laws.

Despite those concerns, Leonhart’s confirmation seemed all but certain, but Sen. Kohl now has the power to draw the process out for some time. Stay tuned for updates.


Active member
nice find VTA, i pretty much thought is was a done deal....not that it isnt but atleast someone has beef with the cow...maybe this will shine more light on the situation of how bad of a nomination this is.....it seems like this hole was filled with the first thing they could fill it with....