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~backyard patio grow(ing)~

~backyard patio grow(ing)~

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Sorry man just clocked that you answered my recipe question on another post
god damn there's much to take in..peace




whats up, yall. so, my computer finally died after about 6 plus years of use. one of the original apple ibooks, good buy. anyhow, my other one isnt getting in until tomorrow or the next day, so i cant do much as far as pics and keeping up with the posts.

that said, once im back up and running, im gonna throw down a lot of new photos, (including the requests) and answer any questions i may have missed. cool, thanks for the kind words, the plants are doing great, and life is good.


here i am.

here i am.

ok, finally got a new macbook up and running, so nice, all al. and plastic. here are some updates.

-seedlings that i put out have begun rapidly growing, with the CH9 MENDOs leading the way. most of these plants have at least 3-4 branch pairs and are filling up the 1 gal pots with healthy white roots.

-the seven cuttings that i put out a little over a month ago are becoming monsters. the casey jones cutting, apparently a joeshmoe cut, whatever that means, is crazy. this plant eats like a pig and is getting huge. the chemdawg cross i have is also getting out of hand (in a good way). ill probably repot in 2 gal squares in a day or so.

-the four cuttings i put out at the end of june have just begun to flower. romulan-lavender-blue cheese-j~1, and are well on their way. im hoping they dont get much bigger because the 2 gal pots theyre in arent very stable in the wind.

-the four clones of my mystery plant, 3 in 2 gal square pots, and one in 4 gal organic soil mix, are all well into flowering, probably about three to four weeks in. ive begun to add the kool bloom boost and the pistils are poppin. the three in square pots had to be fortified with bamboo posts and bricks--they were just too long and lanky in the wind, and when we d get a 15 mph gust, bam, theyd all eat shit onto the smaller plants. i moved them away to the perimeter of the garden, and added bigger bases in the form of buckets. theyre all doing really well now.

-the soil plants, 1 mystery cutting in a 4 gal pot--huge and beautiful, by far the best looking plant, 1 grapefruit kush (so he says) in a 4 gal pot of coco--by far my favorite plant, really coming along well, 1 j~1 cutting that wasnt ding well in coco has been in my soil mix for about 2 months, and she loves it. during the windiest day, she lost some branches, so now she just have a massive center. its going to be one hell of a cola. 1 seedling/young plant from mexico. a landrace strain (i think) that i found in a bag of weed from cabo san lucas. recently took her out of coco and put her into my organic soil mix. the coco ppms were just too hard to dial in for her, i figure, let her get real big in my soil, take cuttings and experiment more...

-finally, my big mystery plant, full bloom, shes really packing it on, gotta love that she doesnt smell as much as other strains, has been a real easy plant to work with. cant wait to smoke her! :D

ok, i gotta go, but will post some pictures later tonight. peace yall.


Grate out door grow man I will be keeping an eye on this for sure !!!!!
Everything looks grate man!


some pics.

some pics.

i took these about a week ago, when i was waiting for my computer. ill throw some recent ones up tomorrow.

the seedlings and clones

my favorite plant, the grapefruit (we ll see about that) kush.

somebody wanted to see the lavender, right? its a cutting, so im not sure if its soma or not. any lavender experts?

some of the mystery plants in 2 gal pots, and the older clones (rom, bc, etc.)

big momma (aka mystery plant, aka some kind of purple weed, aka now he thinks it may be platinum purple, or some shit he made up)

filling in nicely...
man, chemsteady this is very nice. very jealous. i must ask, how is the scbb? i had some about 8 years ago and it was amazing, i recently got a pack and have 3 of them going for now, i cant wait.

i will be following along for the rest of this if you dont mind :joint:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Nice lil update there.. Im sure it is time for another..:smile: And im sure they look different.. bbl great work brother... peace.


Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
I'm not quite sure why you installed the decking........you can't see it :woohoo:
fabulous garden Chemsteady




thanks for the kind words, all. time to go water the garden, ill snap some new stuff, they are getting out of control, my favorite time of the year, when you really get to see this plant grow. time to smoke some ingrid! peace


awesome!!!! looks sweet bro those are some sweet plants! I'm really interested in seeing some fatty dense bud shots now though! Dude once again you surely know it already but I must remind you at how lucky you are to be able to grow outside!!! Rock the outdoor sun brotha! Pace and best wishes!


looking awesome man... i have something something similar going outside in B'cuzz Coco / 10gal Smart Pots - the plants sure love that pure coco!!! now is the best time of the year for us outdoor farmers :)

I hope you trimmed some of those sexy girls... lollipop and LST to ur hearts content, sunlight is free as a bird

just dont tell too many ppl about ur outdoor coco grow, we dont wANT the secret to get out about how easy it really is !!! GH all the way :)




been kinda busy with life and whatnot, but i got a chance a few days ago to snap some shots. eventhough i took the pics a few days ago, my plants are already looking bigger and fuller. the buds are kinda out of control right now...ok, heres a few shots.

the big picture

happy seedlings, er i mean new plants

the 2 gal girls

some of the older clones, beginning to flower

grapefruit kush (?) starting to get stinky

my big ass purple plant

some private photos of her

j~1 gettin chubby


the buds on some of the mystery plants are super purple

scbb saying bye


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Just stoppin by to see the gurls.. Nice updates it is time for them to get down baybeee.. The purple is nice cant wait to see it when its done.. bbl peace.





good to see you still following along, sack. thanks for stoppin in, its only going to get better from this point on...