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Auto Zamaldelica feminized


Well-known member
Beginning of flowering 26.4. I think it needs some more time.

flowers at the bottom

flowers at the top
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Well-known member
Hi all,

Little update on the auto zamaldelicas.

Both of them seem they will take a while to finish while the auto malawis are an step or two forward. Haven't yet raised them as @Maria Sanchez adviced. do you thinks a carpet might do the job?

I think both are in something like the 5th week in flowering.

bigger of the two.




this other is a bit smaller but would say they are similar in size.





how heavy would you describe it @Consolidated ? what would you say it might be the right time?



Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Hi all,

Little update on the auto zamaldelicas.

Both of them seem they will take a while to finish while the auto malawis are an step or two forward. Haven't yet raised them as @Maria Sanchez adviced. do you thinks a carpet might do the job?

I think both are in something like the 5th week in flowering.



I guess a carpet would work quite well.
Should be insulating, keeping the heat from the tiles to the grow-bag.
Double layer of carpet would be even better.

They're looking great for 5 wks flowering.
Should be quite thick at this present rate!


Well-known member
Luiggi, you can also use white plastic foil to cool down the surrounding of the plants on terasse. Perhaps it is easier to handle. White reflects radiation from sunlight, so that only a small fraction (10%) of it can be converted into warmth on the earth's surface (albedo effect). This is also a relevant factor for climate change. Where white (snow and ice surfaces) are missing, it quickly gets warmer.


Well-known member
Hi all,

I have been very busy in the last weeks so wasn't able to update frequently. Had to move some plants from one location to another one and so some branches got broken, so I have 3 buds hanging in the drying room.

The greener is the one I had to move. I think, as per @Consolidated entry that I won't let it go to far in flowering in order to have not that heavy experience. green one is a bit bigger and buds are quite much bigger than the yellowing one. I would say this seems to be even more close to harvest than the yellowing one. what is your opinion. How long do you think I should wait to get it ready enough?


The other one, in the next post, seems less ready. buds are thiner and not so developed, so I guess it might require some more time.


Well-known member

getting based on pictures' dates:

14th june

21st of june:

I will say both ate in their 7th and 6th week in flowering respectivelly, so I will try to check tricomes along this week and I will take them if ready. the second one might take longer because on its 6th. However will try to get them earlier than later in order to get a not so heavy effect as you @Consolidated described.

Kind regards,

Hello there , I have been growing this little auto Zamaldelica in my balcony and I would like some help deciding if I should let it go any further.

It was planted on 29/07 and sprouted one day later so we are at about day 78-79.

Sadly I couldn't get clearer photos of the trichs, but upon inspection I see in sum buds some amber trichomes appearing so I thought it might be time , since my plant was on the smaller side I expect it should finish faster? ( for reference I got a second auto zamal growing in the same balcony which is double the size at least the one in the last picture which to seems to need at least another 2-3 weeks to bulk up )

Note that probably I shouldn't have defoliated this much but you live you learn.

And lastly if anyone could help me understand what phenos ,based on the buds and structure ,I got I would be greatfull, my sense of smell isn't the best I guess 😂
Cheers and happy growing


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Well-known member
Hello there , I have been growing this little auto Zamaldelica in my balcony and I would like some help deciding if I should let it go any further.

It was planted on 29/07 and sprouted one day later so we are at about day 78-79.

Sadly I couldn't get clearer photos of the trichs, but upon inspection I see in sum buds some amber trichomes appearing so I thought it might be time , since my plant was on the smaller side I expect it should finish faster? ( for reference I got a second auto zamal growing in the same balcony which is double the size at least the one in the last picture which to seems to need at least another 2-3 weeks to bulk up )

Note that probably I shouldn't have defoliated this much but you live you learn.

And lastly if anyone could help me understand what phenos ,based on the buds and structure ,I got I would be greatfull, my sense of smell isn't the best I guess 😂
Cheers and happy growing
chop chop!Looking good!
chop chop!Looking good!
Thinking I am gonna follow your advice and chop today , thanks mate.

Edit: I did chop it just now , had to defol and trim a bit cause it's very humid where I live and it has been raining the past few days .

This is my little ghetto drying setup in a closed with frozen water bottles to drop the temp from about 20c to 17c. Also have a fan for air movement

While I was trimming I distinguished a kind of pepperi smell coming of the bud.

Now time to be patient and wait for the big zamal to fatten up a bit.
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