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Auto Zamaldelica feminized


Well-known member
update today
With a 15 liter pot, the plant is now 1.40 meters high. It has been in flower since April 26th.


Well-known member
Hi @Mitsuharu .....My original plan was for it to grow her in the sun but inside the window... but unfortunately May was not sunny, most of its days and the sun, as the days went by, climbed higher and higher in the sky. So I give her a few additional hours under the light in the tent for the last week, two or three hours, because she is a big plant and she can't get all the sun it want, then I use the tent as light dep for the non auto girls.
I believe that August-September, when the sun descends in the sky and will enter deeper into the room, I will have excellent results with the auto Zam.
It started blooming on April 15th, and it is in 15 liters of soil.


Well-known member
Hi all,

Just two auto Zamaldelica's sprouted on 7th of may. Seem less vigorous than auto malawi x northern lights which I am growing too but it seems it has a longer vegging period so lets see how they both strains behave. they both are in about 30 to 40 liters os soil. Worm castings and some solid guano as the only fertilizing.




Well-known member
Hi all,

Little update.

They are both about 5 weeks old and they haven't started flowering yet. Compared to auto Malawi x Northern Lights, this strain seems less vigorous but it seems to offer a longer vegetative period so it might balance.

Both are getting bent because of height problems.



For the second one, I have discovered there is something on it. Not sure what the cause is. Did I overfeed it? Is it because of overwatering due two the last 3 weeks raining? Is it due to heat? I will keep an eye on it to see If I get to know what happens to it.





Well-known member
Hi all,

Seems both have started growing more vigorously than before even after few weeks of rain and not too much sun.

both are the same age and both have started to flower this week.

almost bent.

finish bending.


the first one is starting to smell like ¿pinneaple?


Hello there.

Sprouted in a .4L cup about 6 weeks ago, then I planted her in a 12L pot 11 days later.
She showed first deficies in the lower part last friday so I transplanted her in a 35L? pot on saturday.
Started flowering last week. Plant is about 85cm tall.
Tried to pollinate her with autoflowering variety “ThaiPassion“, we’ll see…
Can‘t wait to see her mature and taste this lovely lady :p
Growing in organic fertilised soil. 51 degrees north, Germany.

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Jakob, I don't see any significant nutritional deficiencies. Nice narrow-leaved phenotype!
Thank you!

The lower leafs started yellowing while she stretched and started flowering, so I thougt the 12L pot whouldn‘t last for too long.
I am very lazy when it comes to feeding plants, that‘s why I decided to transplant her in that bigger pot.
Might have been a bit too much, but overall it will be easier for me to maintain my lazyness… :biggrin:

She started with broader leafs, then the leafs grew thinner the older she got.
It is my first time growing this variety.
So no matter what she does - I like it.



Well-known member
Thank you!

The lower leafs started yellowing while she stretched and started flowering, so I thougt the 12L pot whouldn‘t last for too long.
I am very lazy when it comes to feeding plants, that‘s why I decided to transplant her in that bigger pot.
Might have been a bit too much, but overall it will be easier for me to maintain my lazyness… :biggrin:

She started with broader leafs, then the leafs grew thinner the older she got.
It is my first time growing this variety.
So no matter what she does - I like it.

Can't be so lazy if you're lifting 35l of soil up to the roof. :D


Well-known member
Hi all,

The main thing is that in the meantime only water is enough and I do not have to mix a nutrient solution

Cannot agree more in that statement.

On the one hand I don't like using mineral fertilizer (even when organics might have so in their mix) nor liquid organics but solid organics because I have not had a good experience fertilizing with no organic slow release fertilizers. So, in those cases you need as much soil as you can take.

On the other hand I have readen (and tested my self along some years) that as regards autos outdoors, the bigger the pot the bigger the plant since you are not limiting the root system. Actually I think I read at some point of this thread that it is better to plant auto zamaldelica in a big pot right after it sprouts not delaying it too much for better yelding (I think it applies for any other auto too) and so I did.

That all being said I think your plant is going to have a very pleasant flowering stage and so it will reward you.

Have a nice day,



Well-known member
Hi all,

Little update.

Hadn't yet used liquid fertilizer but I am starting to feed with guano tea because they seem they are hungry. Both of them have stretched quite a bit. First they were growing quite slow but they got quite big like in the last two weeks of vegetative or so. Have had to bend them after two nodes every week in order to keep them not so tall. It seems it is taking quite a bit to flower. They are both in about the second week of flowering and have no clue how they are going to flower because it seems buds are not starting to populate the branch. actually I have two auto malawis, one out of them with the same age but one more week into flowering and buds are shaping quite nice.





Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Hi all,

Seems both have started growing more vigorously than before even after few weeks of rain and not too much sun.

both are the same age and both have started to flower this week.

almost bent.
View attachment 18856679

finish bending.
View attachment 18856678

View attachment 18856680

the first one is starting to smell like ¿pinneaple?



Hi all,

got some pictures of the second one's buds as much as of the canopy.

View attachment 18859491
View attachment 18859492
View attachment 18859494
View attachment 18859493

It is now about one meter from the basis to the top. and about 7 to 8 weeks (2 to 3 out of them in flowering)


Wow! Going to be some impressive auto sativas there!
How hot do those tiles get in the sun?
I have to raise mine up during the summer in case of excessive heat.


Well-known member
Hi, @Maria Sanchez .

I think they might get quite hot but not sure I could raise them more than a couple of cm because of stealth. Anyway I will take your advice and I will try to elevate them a bit from the floor.

As said not sure how auto zamaldelica behaves during flowering process but it seems bud packing and development are not so fast as in auto malawi. Auto Malawis seem almost done and just ripening, they seemed completely done after the second week of flowering apart from them having to mature but bud structure was already there. Actually I thought auto zamaldelica won't grow so big as auto malawi did but they are getting them over.



Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Hi, @Maria Sanchez .

I think they might get quite hot but not sure I could raise them more than a couple of cm because of stealth. Anyway I will take your advice and I will try to elevate them a bit from the floor.

Just a cm would help a lot if those tiles are hot.
Might get more of the air-pruning affect from those cloth pots, too. (Maybe?)

As said not sure how auto zamaldelica behaves during flowering process but it seems bud packing and development are not so fast as in auto malawi. Auto Malawis seem almost done and just ripening, they seemed completely done after the second week of flowering apart from them having to mature but bud structure was already there. Actually I thought auto zamaldelica won't grow so big as auto malawi did but they are getting them over.



The Ace description of the Auto Malawi X NL has a few phenos, so that could account for the difference.
Maybe you have the more NL leaning pheno there, whereas the Auto Zam is more on the sativa side (esp the Thai would be long and slow...)

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