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auto pineapple express

Organic joe

I'm sure it's been answered already but im not very knowledgeable with the search and can't find any post about it but...
How/when can you tell when seeds are forming?
If you know of any good posts pertaining to seed formation when and where and how to tell could you point me in the right direction
Thanks in advance
Organic Joe

Organic joe

time for an update

time for an update

ok well the seeds are starting to grow i plucked a seed pod the other night to see if it really was seeds and i found a half developed seed
so i guess that means im doing something right :woohoo:

here is some pics i either have a nute lock or the seeds are just burning up all the stored energy




Organic joe

update continued

update continued



well let me know what you think so far
i figure about two three more weeks and it will be ready to come down
then i can start my outdoor adventure...
i also have 31 cuts of what my buddy says to be nyc cleaner im rooting them now


Wow oj for being your second grow ever, if I'm not mistaken, you really are taking on a lot :D One thing I'm confused about with this plant in the last few pictures are you growing it at 20/4 light schedule instead of 12/12? Keep up the good work :rasta:

Organic joe

Wow oj for being your second grow ever, if I'm not mistaken, you really are taking on a lot :D One thing I'm confused about with this plant in the last few pictures are you growing it at 20/4 light schedule instead of 12/12? Keep up the good work :rasta:

yes the plant in the last few pics and in the first pics were on 20/4 light cycle throughout their entire life its recomended that autoflower plants get as much light as possible
and yes i do have alot going on im trying to get these seeds done and start them so i can plant outside and if i can get the 31 cuts to root then they will go outside as well but its my first time doing cloens as well and they are not looking so well at the moment thats why i havent posted pics of them

when i get the auto seeds outside im probably going to seed three or four of the plants as well so i have plenty of seeds for next years outdoor garden

but thanks for stoping by and checking things out

Organic joe

He is growing auto.

I have a thread about an auto seed crop:

I used store bought CS, Tiresias Mist. It has worked like a charm so far.

i wish i would of known that it sure would of been easier than making my own... my buddy told me it would probably work but i read in order for it to work u need a higher ppm... guess whoever said that was wrong

thanks for the input and ill check out your thread


Active member
I bought it on ebay for $20.
It is making my plant look like a male, not a female with nanners.
I sprayed twice a day for a week and almost ran out.

Next time I won't spray so much each time, but will still go twice a day.

Next time will be with some store bought clones for selective pollination on some outdoor plants and to try to build up a pollen supply in the freezer.

I'm going to buy a bottle for each plant.

Organic joe

I bought it on ebay for $20.
It is making my plant look like a male, not a female with nanners.
I sprayed twice a day for a week and almost ran out.

Next time I won't spray so much each time, but will still go twice a day.

Next time will be with some store bought clones for selective pollination on some outdoor plants and to try to build up a pollen supply in the freezer.

I'm going to buy a bottle for each plant.

How many more time do you think you are going to use the cs? Cause you can make your own for like seven bucks
Just go buy two quarters that are 1964 or older and get an old cell phone charger and a jar then you will have an unlimited supply of Cs at the fraction of the price
Then you will be one pollen chuckin freezer fill in fool lol...
Just my $0.02
Keep up the good work and updates im following along
Peace oj


He is growing auto.

I have a thread about an auto seed crop:

I used store bought CS, Tiresias Mist. It has worked like a charm so far.

yes the plant in the last few pics and in the first pics were on 20/4 light cycle throughout their entire life its recomended that autoflower plants get as much light as possible
and yes i do have alot going on im trying to get these seeds done and start them so i can plant outside and if i can get the 31 cuts to root then they will go outside as well but its my first time doing cloens as well and they are not looking so well at the moment thats why i havent posted pics of them

when i get the auto seeds outside im probably going to seed three or four of the plants as well so i have plenty of seeds for next years outdoor garden

but thanks for stoping by and checking things out

Duh I'm a dumb**s! I read the your doing auto and then never put two and two together that you don't flower those on 12/12 :D Good luck on the clones rooting, not to wet on the clones and don't let them dry out either should be around 7 to 10 days to see roots :rasta:


Active member
How many more time do you think you are going to use the cs? Cause you can make your own for like seven bucks
Just go buy two quarters that are 1964 or older and get an old cell phone charger and a jar then you will have an unlimited supply of Cs at the fraction of the price
Then you will be one pollen chuckin freezer fill in fool lol...
Just my $0.02
Keep up the good work and updates im following along
Peace oj

I read the entire colloidal silver thread months before starting. I ran across the Tiresias Mist and decided to give it a shot. I am a bit lazy and the money didn't really matter. I have also heard a lot about people having a hard time getting higher ppm with the home made CS. Apparently higher ppm CS works much better.

If the Tiresias Mist works as well as I think it will, I'm not even going to try to make my own. $20 is no big deal considering how much I spend on nutes etc. $55 for a quart of floralicious plus...

I just bought some indicating desiccant (Cobalt Chloride/DMF Free) to dry the extra pollen for freezing.

I'll be following your progress.
Good on you.

Organic joe

Duh I'm a dumb**s! I read the your doing auto and then never put two and two together that you don't flower those on 12/12 :D Good luck on the clones rooting, not to wet on the clones and don't let them dry out either should be around 7 to 10 days to see roots :rasta:

Well today is day six for the clones and hopefully the roots come fast cause they look bad I expect to loose a few but the way it's looking I may loose them all


New member
I read the entire colloidal silver thread months before starting. I ran across the Tiresias Mist and decided to give it a shot.

The bottle says it contains mineral extracts, water, and other inert ingredients.

What does the liquid look like?
It says it costs 1oz to a branch, do you feel that is right and enough?


Anyone know what mineral extract it could be?


Active member
I imagine it is silver.
The liquid is hard to see in the bottle. The bottle is blue.
On the plant the mist looks like water.

I used one $20 bottle on one plant.
You could probably do 4-5 branches with one bottle.


Active member
fyi thar's some CS making vids on youtube.. the ones i checked looked like the results i got..

iirc one electrode gets bubbles on it, the other starts to drip brown crud, which forms as sediment, so the liquid is more or less brown and translucent.

Organic joe

yep update

yep update

ok so this is week four of flower some of the seeds are dark and some are still green the girl is covered in crystals how do i know when the seeds are done and ready?
she is starting to turn yellow pretty good not not completely sure why but i think im going to let her go until next wed then give her the chop what dou you think?





to be continued


Active member
If you are more worried about getting seeds let it go as long as possible. Just make sure to watch out for seeds falling out on their own.

If you want the bud to be salvageable, wait until the trichomes are mostly amber.

Organic joe

If you are more worried about getting seeds let it go as long as possible. Just make sure to watch out for seeds falling out on their own.

If you want the bud to be salvageable, wait until the trichomes are mostly amber.

Ok thanks yea I would like to try this out this time around I didn't get to on the first plant I grew out...
So it looks like I'll be going to buy a jewelers loop or a powerful magnifying glass this weekend to check out them trichomes thanks again
Peace oj

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