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Auto AK47 and Purple JEMS (and more to come)


Looking good! Love the Purple Widow. Looks to be a lot of sativa in it, not what i would except but a nice surprise i would say.
Good luck and keep them photos coming!

Iron Lungs

any updates anonamix? are they swelling up any? :) i bet the auto AK is getting close to finishing mine still has at least a couple of weeks!


Yeah man, they have been stinking up nicely. I on the patio or in the room its a wild mix but I can get a more individual smell after some trimming and touching.

The lemon skunk smells so much like lemon cany, she has been getting more skunky tho as she matures. Pics of her soon!

The JEM has been stinking more and more, diff tho.. very sweet smelling to me. Shes been gettin a little bit more chunky too, just loving the sun weve been getting.

That Pruple Widow leaves a smell on my fingers that is very familiar but I cant place it for the life of me.

The AK is looking very ready to me. Im giving her water only for the last/and next few, days. I already see some Purple JEM X AK seed in a couple cracked leafy shells. Very excited to get those germing.

I will be sure to take some pics tommarow

EDIT: Just seen you saind swelling, not smelling lolol. oh well.

Iron Lungs

awesome man! My jem has a really sweet smell also!!! My friend says it is more of a orange citrus smell to him! Cant wait to see some trimmed pics of the AK, and some wieght! :canabis: so when do you think the chopping date is gonna be? You gonna flush for a week?
Great thread and the pictures are wonderful. I just received my auto ak47 seeds in the mail today. I'm getting fired up for my upcoming 1st grow! Threads like these are a real inspiration.


Great thread and the pictures are wonderful. I just received my auto ak47 seeds in the mail today. I'm getting fired up for my upcoming 1st grow! Threads like these are a real inspiration.

Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by :wave:

And good luck with your grow. You should find yourself hooked in no time.

awesome man! My jem has a really sweet smell also!!! My friend says it is more of a orange citrus smell to him! Cant wait to see some trimmed pics of the AK, and some wieght! :canabis: so when do you think the chopping date is gonna be? You gonna flush for a week?

Orange citrus sounds lovely, I've seen strain availabe like grapefruit wich sound awesome. but they always pricey and no auto yet.. i dont think anyways. (If sombody could point me in the way of auto grapefruit??) I think im pickin up more earthy like a floral sweet. Its deff diff.
And yeah, im hoping to hold of on her to giver her a week of flush, id like to see some leaves turn yellow.. not sure if thats neccasarily a good thing, but i see those harvest pics with monster bud and zaped leafes. Probably should of flushed sooner for that.
But I will for sure post pics. I'm eager to see how many jem/ak babies she drops for me.


That jem is filling in nicely my man. Now i do have one question for you? I noticed that your Jem is not as full as mine, in the leave department. Have you trimmed her at all or is this her normal growth pattern? I have not touched my jem and shes a bushy little bitch, and i know next round that i will bind down some of these limbs, that is if the rest of the females in this pack are similar. Reason i ask is because of her age and bud ratio. I think, just from personal experience, that IF you have trimmed and the lower levels of light she has been getting, have both effected the time and speed on this lady.


Some pics...

Here is the Lemon Skunk (NON AF). She is a psycho. I love her. Shes was planted at the same time as the auto jem, and auto ak. I alsmot feel like i could cut her down now and call it good smoke. but then again, in my life ive only had 2 previous harvests. and both were premature imo.

Anyways, shes about 70-75 days from seed.. I think, I could be way off. but she was put in soil 3/15/2010 im almost certain. My initial intent was to have her in a smaller area under cfls with afs.
I topped her early, and shes had alot of solo time with all the cfls whitle the autos and p.widow have been enjoying the sun.



Here is a pic of the Lemon Skunk (non af) next to Purple Widow (non af).
they are just so diff, I thought i'd share..


Truth be told. this widow started to herm, show a few balls after flowering, I pulled her out, but i have so many seeds i didnt really want a the herm stock. I checked her several times a day picking off all balls. As far as i know shes never pollen herself. but I dont know much.

She is very strange. Like seedling said very sativa, but so far all spikes, and almost to thin to call buds.
I have no expeirence before with this, so Im wondering if you guys think she will plump up?
I have see an increase in the spikey calyxes, but its seems so odd compared to the few other canna ive grown.




That jem is filling in nicely my man. Now i do have one question for you? I noticed that your Jem is not as full as mine, in the leave department. Have you trimmed her at all or is this her normal growth pattern? I have not touched my jem and shes a bushy little bitch, and i know next round that i will bind down some of these limbs, that is if the rest of the females in this pack are similar. Reason i ask is because of her age and bud ratio. I think, just from personal experience, that IF you have trimmed and the lower levels of light she has been getting, have both effected the time and speed on this lady.

Yeah, mine started to bush a bit. I think shes been stunted a bit, maybe from over trimming, (I am a nood an thought mabye id open up some light for the lower/inner buds), that and she spent a bit of time in some dark gray days. proably to eary to put her out when i did aswell.

Shes been growing green and teased me early on with bits of purple. I thinks shes still lookin sexy and think/hope she will still cake up a bit and get chubby for me.
Here she is now..


Im deff still learning and think I will be improving with my new babies :D

Heres the group together..



I cut the AK down today.
I think she had some mold. It was like white areas that smell bad. Could be somthing else like sickness, i have no idea.

thinking about making some BERRY WHITE (blueberry X white widow)
Chese Cake (vanilla kush X cheese)
-Blueberry CheeseCake (cheese cake X blueberry)
-Strawberry CheeseCake (cheese cake X strawberry cough/deisel/somthing)

I dont know lol just thinking of diff possabilities


damn man i hope that its nothing too bad on the mold issue did you get any pics???

I tried but it didnt realy come out, I'll try again soon tho.

keep it up man is serious.. umhh crunchy bud , about mold what you do... you take out ??

Not so much crunchy, I did take her out and have her hanging up now.
I know the top is good, and the seeds shes been droping look healthy to me.
I will try to get a better pic of it


I think I know what the AKs downfall was....

Spider Mites!

ive recently noticed an infestation and am now on my way to the garden store to stock up on whatever I can.
THIS... IS... WAR!!!

Gonna treat the remaining plants as best I can, and clean the groom spotless.

I will probably start a new thread for my next round of autos. and hope these will go more smoothly as I have learned so much over my last grow

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