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Pay your bill

Pay your bill

6000 watt setup in 3 bedrooms for 18months so far . electric is $250 a month at each apartment. I never understood why people trip on electric usage pay your bill and harvest dank. Good luck:joint:

Sweet Inc.

Oooomph...6K? Better have electricity matters in check, seems big for any apartment. But, since its running, all the better!
I've run 1,5K in an old apt.building, I couldn't turn on the vacuum cleaner with lights on without blowing the circuits. Needless to say it was messy.

I'm contemplating a 1,8K run when I move, perhaps I'll have more on this subject in the autumn.
It's maddness, really, but I'm a bit on the "bigger is better=go big or go home" side.:nanana:
(Not quite 6K but still...:rolleyes:)

Seems the penalties for growing are heavier in the US, at least in most states, compared to northern Europe.
It really is a risky business compared to a proper house-grow, but I´d rather go for it than be without ganja or pay majorly for shit.
Most of the apt. growers I know never get busted, it's a skill I guess. Pretty unforgiving though, If shit hits the fan it really is game over.

Stay safe-Sweet-


I think properly dealing with odor is the number one concern of any grower, not just appartment growers. I was growing in the same appartment for almost twenty years with no problems but my place always had a funk to it that I would hardly notice anymore. I never had complaints from neighbors, landlord or anyone else until they started construction on my building and the health inspector was in the hood. The health inspector in my town thinks he is the fucking Lone Ranger or something, he loves getting grows busted. He insisted that they call the cops, cops got a warrent and I got my ass popped. I was lucky in many ways though but of course it helps being an old fuck with an absolutelty clean record and it also helped that I was very polite and non arguementative with the police because one thing to remember is that it is up to the arresting officer what charges will actually be filed. If you act like a dick to the cops you are going to pay for being an asshole by being charged with the maximum and that can cost you a whole bunch of money and maybe your freedom. Try to remember the cops are just doing their job and some of them might not like it much more than you do. Of course some cops can be assholes but the same can be said about any profession. I had maybe 20 plants on the large side plus many more in veg and cloning, I also had about six ozs dried and about a half oz of hash and I was summoned to court for misdemeanor possession which was continued without a finding for six months and dismissed. No probation, drug testing, fines, court costs and I never even got a lawyer and I believe that I skated because of my attitude, if you act like a dickweed you're going to get fucked. I was scared that I was going to be evicted and the appt manager actually wanted to boot me but the owner told him no way. Another thing that helps is living somewhere for 20 years and paying your rent on time, lol. The landlord actually apoligized to me even though it was in no way his fault that I got popped. The health inspector was the one who insisted that the cops be called, I think he had visions of glory but he was pissed how it was white washed, lol. There was a small article in the paper about it but it didn't mention me by name and it didn't mention growing at all, it said the health inspector smelled mj smoke and a resident was summoned for marijauna possesion and that was it.

Bottom line is that it wasn't the health inspector's fault that I got busted, it was my fault. Because I got away with it for so long I felt bulletproof even though you could smell my plants all the way up and down the hall. If I had just used some precaution and common sense I would have never have gotten popped. I know it could have been much worse for me and I'm lucky that it wasn't. Common sense and a few dollars can go a long way to keeping your grow safe.


I have a 400W in a bachelor apartment.The biggest problems I've found are the noise from the fan which no one will hear as long as I keep my bedroom door closed, and the amount of water that can condense on my bed room window in the winter. I live on the basement floor so everyone is able to see it. =)

Sweet Inc.

Rudedewd, it always bugs me out when hearing about a fellow grower being busted. You handled it right though,
good to hear you're not up to your neck in shit for it. Props to your apt. owner for not being an ass about it.
Smell is a bummer, one gets used to it and doesn't even really smell it anymore after a while.
A carbon filter isn't enough in many cases, my next bigger investment will be an ozonator/air purifier to get rid of that last funk.

Actually, if people who have gotten busted can ellaborate on the causes on it could prove usefull to all of us.
My pad got raided some two years ago because someone under surveillance visited the place.
That's the only plausable cause for the piggyfest, at least.

Reginnata: Maby you could get an old computer case and a monitor, just have some loud fans running in it.
Like old, messed up pc-fans, u know the type. When someone asks about it, just say it's defragging,
running a scan or whatever, so it's not to be touched.
Condensing water on the windows, eh? Really no way around it, a dehumidifier or getting the air out of the apt... These are prob's we all try to beat.
I've got a 3' inline silencer on the exhaust, it doesn't beat the ruckus in the cab though:
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Ya I actually have a computer about 10 feet away from my front door and the fan is constantly running. I also have a heater on auto sitting in my window might not be the best idea though cause it displays the room temp. kind of a toss up. but after I'm finished my current grow(about a 40 days) ill be taking a break untill I move in acouple of months


Another thing is that since I grow in my bed room the landlord would never have any reason to go in there for any kind of emergency. the is no fire alarm or any valves or pannel boxes or anything like that in there so he couldnt possibly have an excusse good enough to get in there. Another thing to keep in mind about living on the bottom floor apartment is to make sure your curtains stay shut all the time especialy in the room you grow in. so watch your cat if you have one. if people see something in your apartment worth sealing it could cause some problems.

Sweet Inc.

The heater will evaporate the condensed water off the glass, but it'll just put it back in the air, ready to be condensed again.
Also hotter air holds more humidity, wich could escalate the problem once the heater is off...
I'm having problems with 20%RH:yoinks: Quite the opposite... My temps and RH are low because of the mid-winter here in northern Europe.

The drapes/curtains point: yess!!! I've tripled my growroom drapes, my bro stuck black/white poly in between, works even better.
It's like a chat room here, innit?:bigeye:
Another apt grower checking in! I just grow in a small 3 foot tall cab I bought from the depot. I was having some air movement/high temp/odor problems till I hooked up a 6" inline fan to pull hot air out of the top of my cab and push it through a big scrubber sitting on the ground next to the cab. That took care of the smell but created A LOT of noise. I bought a cheap router speed controller to slow the fan down but the cheap speed controller made the fan hum something fierce! Next step was to buy a variac speed controller, took care of the noise from the fan in an awesome way! It also lets me "dial in" the exact voltage running the fan, I run it at about 50% power. My cab is only a total of about 11 square feet of which only about 4 sq ft is used for growing right now(six inch inline was WAAAAAAAAAAY over kill) but it works for me as it's set up now. I was having some problems with a few small light leaks so I went back to the depot and bought a large outdoor grill cover and throw that over the set up and that killed all light leaks and did away with what little noise was left. My cab is in my spare bedroom that has all our junk in so I stack boxes and other crap on top of and around it when I'm not working in it and believe it or not it blends in very well. I also took Freezerboy's advice and put a fish tank in the room to make sure there was a good sound cover for whatever sound was left. Oh, I only use cfl's in my cab, does anyone know if cfl's put out the light/heat or whatever signiture that IR or flir cameras can see? Have a good day all, keep it green!
Yes cfls put off heat,but not close to being seen by ir cam.They use ir cam around my area for outdoors,they whould need t a warrant before using anykinda cam on ur house.If they have a warrant to do such things,then u talked to much,na takes a good bit of heat to set them off,ur light bulbs in ur place have alot more heat than cfls ur kool.


Can IR really detect which apartment the heat is comming from in the building? can they narrow it down 2 a particular house?


Great thread, It's been much help for my future moves and grows. I'm in a house now, but am moving soon. Thanks for all those who posted. Great advice! Has anyone seen the wing shields? Its a reflective Mylar that prohibits heat sensors? Made by Sun light supply.


BARRY COOPER! My nigga! Now that man is IMO one of the most valuable resources in the war on drUgS All I've seen of his work is what I could find on the web, I haven't seen his actual films yet. But I can say that ALL growers who work under illegal conditions need to put on their learning hats and listen to this mother fucker.

But as far as FLIR usage and close examination of your electric bill, these are measures that are usually only taken by the law upon prior suspicion and should only be a real concern to larger operations IMO. If you stay under the radar in every other aspect, then these should be the last things on your mind.

Believe me, they WANT us to think they can watch our every move. Fuck that and fuck them. Over grow the government!


I agree with Graffiti. Start worrying about the right stuff.

I am looking for a new apartment right now. Will probably run a 600w SOG with some t5's for clones and mommas. Might post here when it's up n running.

Good luck all!

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