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Apartment Growers


guns and weed do not belong together... you fuckers are retarded

I wouldn't have said it so bluntly.... but this is getting a little bit focused on firearms and self defense.
I've grown up in bad neighborhoods where robberies happened as often as j-walking. Guns were an every day thing if you didn't want to be a victim. BUT, weed is 100% good:yes:, its gods gift, I'm proud to smoke and grow weed. Guns... they kill people :no:, they've killed people I care about, they give any ignorant son of a bitch the power to take lives... and to be honest I'm ashamed that I have to own them, but that's the way the world is. It's nothing to be proud about. I apologize for being the first person to bring the topic up. It is all a matter of PERSONAL POLITICS and I started this thread to give people the best information possible for growing in a rented apartment, not to suggest the best weapon to use to protect yourself and your property. Whether or not you grow weed should have nothing to do with whether or not you own a gun.

And just as a side note, one of the times I was robbed, they took my guns just as well as my weed :badday:... It may be self defense to you, but it's only more loot for them, and all the more reason for them to rob you.

But please, Freedom Fighter is right, although harsh, no more guns and weed talk:nono:. Growers are good people:canabis::smoke::dance:, lets not give anyone the wrong Idea.:canabis::nanana::sasmokin:


I edited my initial comment and took that stuff out. I urge growers to promote the image of non-violence. I just got carried away in the whole home security bs lol

Guns are bad mmmmkay, now bear traps are the way to go... yup... bear traps.
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IME, retarded would be me allowing some prick to come into my home and have his way with my family, my property and myself...."different strokes", no hard feelings....

I understand that in some places it's all about the fruit and the love....and that's great...but for many of us it's still a war...some might try to remember that before shooting their mouth off...

again...no hard feelings, but try to put yourself in the next guy's shoes....it's not a cake walk.


I been tossing around the idea of a killswith. Basically hook up all the electrical outlets on to one (probably many to protect from an over surge.) remote controlled outlet. That way if someone is at the door or whatever then all I would need to do is flip the switches from the hallway and everything is off, without the hassle of unlocking the grow room door, running around unplugging everything. What do you guys think?

Also, there are automatic fire extinguishers that go off when it gets above a certain temperature... i'm thinking of getting one of these somewhere down the line just for extra safety. Think about it, what if your grow wound up killing your neighbors? That would be no good, to say the least.


I been tossing around the idea of a killswith. Basically hook up all the electrical outlets on to one (probably many to protect from an over surge.) remote controlled outlet. That way if someone is at the door or whatever then all I would need to do is flip the switches from the hallway and everything is off, without the hassle of unlocking the grow room door, running around unplugging everything. What do you guys think?

Also, there are automatic fire extinguishers that go off when it gets above a certain temperature... i'm thinking of getting one of these somewhere down the line just for extra safety. Think about it, what if your grow wound up killing your neighbors? That would be no good, to say the least.

yeah like an EPO (emergency power off) button...

i've been looked into fire supression with clean agents, for example FM200 and Ecaro-25, but they're pretty expensive...you might want to look into these...also i read up on something called Sensaphone, it can call or email you if temps or humidity change drastically...anything's possible.


I read earlier in this thread...higher lvl or lower lvl??? go to the top floor if you can..
buddy woke up one day to pounding on his door..electric company or something..
they cut a hole in the top of his closet and dropped a cable through from the second floor, then notified him..
he said come back in an hour, and they did...luckily hes in between harvests so the lights were off...but can you imagine bein busted that way? stealth is a must in an apartment!


I read earlier in this thread...higher lvl or lower lvl??? go to the top floor if you can..
buddy woke up one day to pounding on his door..electric company or something..
they cut a hole in the top of his closet and dropped a cable through from the second floor, then notified him..
he said come back in an hour, and they did...luckily hes in between harvests so the lights were off...but can you imagine bein busted that way? stealth is a must in an apartment!

i could relate....in my last apartment (3rd floor); plumbers had to come in and make a 2' x 2' hole in my bathroom wall...luckily i didnt have a grow there...

also, if you're in the market for a new apartment, you should ask the agent how old is the complex/building is, this way you can know more or less in what condition the infrastructure is in...


great thread, i've grown in a top-floor two bedroom apartment bathroom, and there was just too many close calls. i never even got to harvest before tearin down for security reasons.
apartments are sketchy as hell IME, so if you gotta grow there, follow EVERYTHING said in this thread for sure.


New member
hey people, I live in an upstairs apartment in a 2 story house. I have a dryer exhaust, but no dryer and was thinking if I could find a broken dryer, I could take the guts out and do a grow in it, Has anyone done this?. The exhaust would not be suspicious and I am on the top floor so odor would not be a problem. Any input with regards to this would be appreciated...thanks


i could relate....in my last apartment (3rd floor); plumbers had to come in and make a 2' x 2' hole in my bathroom wall...luckily i didnt have a grow there...

also, if you're in the market for a new apartment, you should ask the agent how old is the complex/building is, this way you can know more or less in what condition the infrastructure is in...

This wouldn't be a problem if you'd read the notices the apartments give out. Buildings I've been in posted notes on each floor by the elevator stating when any maintenance. Plus chain lock people out. Not expecting anyone? You're not home or sleeping.


92GTI, If you chain lock the door then you can't say you're not at home. And depending on the laws in your location and the agreements of your lease, it might be against the law to change locks on them(which it's also against the law to grow but, hey... oh well). It's usually against the law for landlords to enter without a 24 hour notice, but some places do it a lot. If it continues you can sue (I hear:biglaugh:), but I personally stay as far away from court rooms as possible:nono:. This is the law of my state, and most others probably aren't very different:

Landlords may not enter tenants' apartments without 24 hours notice unless there is an EMERGENCY, and can be held responsible for any damages or injuries caused by their trespassing

They don't really specify what is and is not an "emergency". They like to keep terms like that pretty vague... much like the good ol "reasonable suspicion" if you know what I mean. Once they catch you the court doesn't care what the emergency was... unless you got a damn good lawyer.

buddy woke up one day to pounding on his door..electric company or something..
they cut a hole in the top of his closet and dropped a cable through from the second floor, then notified him..
Wow... that is pretty fucking crazy. That would definitely catch you off guard! I would be pissed as hell though if they didn't give me a notice.

also, if you're in the market for a new apartment, you should ask the agent how old is the complex/building is, this way you can know more or less in what condition the infrastructure is in...

Lots of good notes coming from you Primo! Yes indeed this is something to take into consideration, the older it is the more maintenance it will need.

And sensaphone :jawdrop: I was just talking about something like that the other day. Just imagine if you had a security system with motion sensors that would send a video direct feed from your house to your cell phone if there are any trespassers, then with the push of a button turn all your electronics off. This combined with a loyal homie next door or down the street... it couldn't get much safer than that. Of course that is some $$$$$, definitely worth it tho for a larger op.

GRUNEERD- Believe me, I wouldn't be growing in an apartment if it were up to me lol My ideal location would be out in the woods in a small inconspicuous house around a lot of trees. I'm sorry to hear you never harvested tho man, that really sucks...

ISLEGROW- Gutting a dryer sounds like hard work to me, but I dont know shit about dryers lol. It would definitely be a good enough size with decent ventilation. I've never heard of anyone doing it but I'd be surprised if someone has not tried it by now. Give it a shot and throw up a thread, I'd love to see it. Also check out the fridge grows out there like freezerboys, I think they are fucking great.
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my advice,

find an apartment in a college town. These landlords know they can bank off of college kids who know nothing about good living.

maitenance calls to the respective owners/front desk remain un answered for months. Read apartment reviews online and find the ones that have no maitenance.


Sneak attack critical
Hey. I'm currently growing in a condo (for the past 4 days only) in a room I just built in my garage.

I'm pretty sure my neighbors can hear the 6" Vortex fan

I am legal but was wondering good ways of decreasing the wind-tunnel sound that comes from this fan..

If you don't need all of your fan's power, you could get a fan speed controller.

The one I found was called a router speed controller from Harbor Freight Tools and cost $20 dollars.

Lower speed, less whooshing...


Sneak attack critical

I lucked out on a maintenance call one afternoon.

(What I am about to say is a 100% desperation move and is not guaranteed to work.)

A repairman not affiliated with the apartment complex I was living in at the time had entered my apartment about twenty minutes before I got home one afternoon. I had just finished a grow and had buds drying in my cabinet with a DIY carbon scrubber attached.

The carbon was spent and was only doing an okay job of removing odors, so the apartment had a light musky smell but nothing over the top. Still it was noticeable once inside the apartment itself. The maintenance man worked without any comment whatsoever (other than to say hello and state his business once I entered) for the better part of 20 minutes. I was sweating bullets, but trying to play it cool...

After he finished his work, he packed up and said, "Hey man it smells great in here" with a big grin on his face. After a second or two, I figured "What the fuck" and offered the guy a bowl of my finest and a soda. We sat and baked for about 10 minutes then he said he had to go.

On his way out, I scrambled back to my cabinet, pulled out a good grams worth of nugget and traded it to the dude for his silence. I never heard another word from anyone about the incident.

Within that same week, I dismantled my cabinet and dumped it in a few dumpsters around town. I moved two months later. I'd hate to think what could've happened had someone else taken the repair call...

Cozy Amnesia

OP: good advice, everything you said is true.

I too am an apartment grower. Fortunately for myself, I live in a "collage" town where the main population of my community is 20-year-old pot heads, but really this doesn't garantee anything. A guy I know got raided two days ago for growing -- and now I'm scared shitless, haha.

I've had countless intruders come in to my apartment (maintenance, insurance inspections, pest control, tours for future tenants...) and this is why my main objective is stealth. Here is what my box looks like in uberstealth mode:

No one is going to dig through that shit...But if they did here is what the'd find:

It's buried behind all that shit, trust me lol.

Another thing about apartment growing is making use of what you got to work with. For example -- wtf is this giant metal duct leading to the addict? I don't know, but lets hope it doesn't stink out the girl below me:


No one is going to dig through that shit...But if they did here is what the'd find:

nice job there; what strain is that?

it's a good point about the college towns...i lived in an apartment like this, and I grew 3-4 plants on a window sill; never had a proper grow there, but, i sure did plan one out...i never went through with it 'cuz I shared the apt. with other roomates, and i didn't know them very well, so...anyway, a grow in an apartment like this has a few advantages...for one, it's easier to blend in (if you're a young guy/gal); landlords are usually absent, and will only come if called upon (at least mine was like this); the smell of ganja is normal; lots of people around at all times; a more voluminous police presence...these last two points, are the double edged sword of "college town grows"; a large number of young people, works to your advantage if you can blend in with this type of crowd, however, more people = more eyes, this in turn means that the odds of someone noticing something odd about you is increased...also, IME, there's more police patrols in these areas, which means you may run a lower risk of being robbed, however, I noticed that a lot of people (students and teachers) get pretty friendly with the cops that regularly patrol the area; and so you run the risk of the person that noticed something odd about you, mentioning this odd observance to a policeman...and then you have problems.

to each, his own... but if I had a grow in an area like this, I would try to keep it small, that way if something did go down, I could cut my losses and it wouldn't sting too much...

imo, college town grow = higher risk than avg.

stay safe
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