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Apartment Growers


Im gonna start a green apartment complex . rooms for rent 1/2 pound a month pays the bills the rest is for playing:joint::abduct::moon:


I would imagine flir would be too much on a hassle on apartment buildings, but not on houses but still not out of the clear.


FLIR equiped helis look for abnormal heat signatures....you can insulate your house, keep the house cool at all times, and have multiple exhausts....however, as mentioned, if the police are looking at your home with FLIR, that means that they have a warrant and your security has already been compromised....

I only see one way around this and that's keeping your grow under a certain size...especially if you live in a cold place...

FLIR is expensive, and helicopters are expensive...these types of investigations are expensive...thus, it's my belief that these very expensive resources are reserved for only the larger ops...

so if your op is on the smaller side, you shouldn't worry about FLIR...

just my 2 cents...


Hey fellow growers.

Just got an apartment and there is no really good way to vent outside. It's 50 sq m. Anyone know if I'll get cooked in there if I blow my 600 out of the tent into the apartment?

I'll keep the kitchen fan running....


Active member
Not a single window?
You can vent through a drain in a pinch, but it's not advised for apartments..


Not a single window?
You can vent through a drain in a pinch, but it's not advised for apartments..

Ofc there are windows haha sorry fo being unclear. I guess I'll have to run the tube into my livingroom and out the window. I just hope I can get a good temp in the apartment with the window open. My country gets cold...


Active member
In my place its also cold. I use the apartment for warm air supply and vent the scrubbed air out a window.

Sweet Inc.

Hey fellow growers.

Just got an apartment and there is no really good way to vent outside. It's 50 sq m. Anyone know if I'll get cooked in there if I blow my 600 out of the tent into the apartment?

I'll keep the kitchen fan running....

Dewd, u should be fine. Also your bathroom HAS to have a vent.
I vent my 600W to my bedroom, no outlet vents. Kitchen and bathroom have'em. Mah Pad be 40m2.
As long as you've got SMELL&light&noise problems in check, go for it!
600W will be fine in your apt. You can even use the heat to supplement your regular heat in the winter months. If you can scrub the exhaust before going into your apt, you may not even have to have the window open much.

I only have a 250W in flower and 200W in veg venting into my bedroom from the closet and I only have to leave the windows open a crack to keep things cool enough.

Trial and error works if you have the time.



FLIR equiped helis look for abnormal heat signatures....you can insulate your house, keep the house cool at all times, and have multiple exhausts....however, as mentioned, if the police are looking at your home with FLIR, that means that they have a warrant and your security has already been compromised....

I only see one way around this and that's keeping your grow under a certain size...especially if you live in a cold place...

FLIR is expensive, and helicopters are expensive...these types of investigations are expensive...thus, it's my belief that these very expensive resources are reserved for only the larger ops...

so if your op is on the smaller side, you shouldn't worry about FLIR...

just my 2 cents...



Thanks all! I think I'll go with the 600. I will have light and smell under control and buy the most quiet fans I can find.

I guess I'll put my vent tubes visible but not fastened 1 or 2 meters through my livingroom and out the window. In case I get visitors I'll just roll the tube into growroom and close, make a switch for turning of ventilation and HPS and turning on a couple of CFL's to keep the plants rythm til people leave. That way it will get deadsilent and totally stealth in about 30 seconds.


Thanks all! I think I'll go with the 600. I will have light and smell under control and buy the most quiet fans I can find.

I guess I'll put my vent tubes visible but not fastened 1 or 2 meters through my livingroom and out the window. In case I get visitors I'll just roll the tube into growroom and close, make a switch for turning of ventilation and HPS and turning on a couple of CFL's to keep the plants rythm til people leave. That way it will get deadsilent and totally stealth in about 30 seconds.

you can muffle the sound eminating from the room by nailing sound deadener to your grow room door (on the inside of course)....

i use the type they use on cars, like FATMAT...

also, most apartment buildings have a good amount of space behind the walls, for running plumbing, electrical, cable tv, etc.. If you have an outlet that you don't use, you can remove the faceplate and any electrical components in there (open the circuit breaker beforehand) and just vent right into your wall. You may have to remove a bit of wall...but that can easily be repaired.

good luck man


forgot to mention, my room has 3 oscilating fans, an inline fan (small), and a small a/c (7 or 8,000 btu)...and three magnectic ballasts, but those don't make as much noise.

with everything on high, all i could here is some indistinct humming...and that's with my ear stuck to the door....i dont have many visitors, but when I have had them, they've never asked or even seemed curious of the locked door...
Careful venting straight into the wall, if there is a lot of moisture/humidity in the air and especially if it's warm air and the wall is cold, you can get condensation, and thus mold. Mold inside your walls is a very big and expensive problem. Ripping out all the Sheetrock to hunt down that mold ain't cheap.

Just my two cents



secret garden, i agree, would avoid putting holes in the walls and stuff like that unless you have experience in such carpentry or construction fields and are completely confident with your knowledge and skills. Once again keep in mind it's not your property, you wouldn't want to fuck something up and have to call maintenance in to fix it.

You know I've noticed that twice rude dewd mentioned that he got busted by the health inspector during construction on his apartment building. Good note that I should have mentioned a while back....
Whether they are painting, or redoing the siding, the roofs, or whatever, just keep an eye out. If you see white vans, ladders, and workers, then double check all your security, take extra odor precautions, if you're venting out the window then stop, and lock everything up tight. Maybe even ask the workers what they're going to be doing, but try not to sound worried or concerned, but rather like you are simply making casual conversation. Listen to Rude Dewd, learn from his mistake and don't make the same!

Now I'm not positive but I imagine the health inspector would come in after the job has been completed to make sure everything meets the standards. Therefore if you could find out when the job is expected to be finished then you can somewhat predict when the inspector would be around. But maybe not, I don't know. I would like to hear from someone who works in this field and is familiar with how the Health Inspections work and how they are scheduled.