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Anything outdoors 2019 !!!


Elite Growers Club
Ok guys I figured since the Anything Outdoors 2018 thread gave us something to do in the boring summer mths lol (when indoor growers are on vacation) that Id start one for 2019

So basically the same thing, anything you wanna talk about outdoors, I'll add cloning, and seedlings because we all usually get them started indoors. I just ask for everybody to treat each other with respect and no trolling or things getting outta hand. It's a easy going thread like me, and we should have some fun this year like last yr.

I'm 100 times more prepared this yr, the last minute outdoor grow i did last year wasn't as good as I wanted but I can't complain. I had alot of smaller plants that yielded 4-6oz but I had enough plants that it added up to maybe get me through until my next harvest. Yes i finally got back at my specialty and love indoor growing. So I've got back into growing indoor/outdoor also. I'm expecting to harvest in 40ish days on my indoor grow and will be glad. Like I was saying I'm getting down to the scraps from last yrs outdoor grow and getting VERY low on weed. Yes Ive also started back smoking full time also. But everybody's welcome to post your pics and everything. Ive got some good strains to run and some grow bags im gonna be testing this year.

Everybody guerilla growing be careful out there. It's very easy to dehydrate keep plenty of water for yourself while out there.:tiphat:


mama tried
stay hydrated for sure ive cramped up bad leaving the site sometimes couldnt go few steps without legs muscles seizing up


Elite Growers Club
I made alot of mistakes last year, more so were i planted some stuff didn't get the sunlight needed to grow. Ive done alot of studying and watching the suns angle ......basically for the last yr.......you gotta plant were there's sun. It's so thick in these mtns you have to find a open area, which can lead you walking for miles in the Appalachian mtns. I think Tycho had those posts with the suns angle and things that's very important. I'll try and find that and upload so if anybody finds themselves trying to find the correct area to plant.

Ive also got all the supplies I need to grow like I wanna grow. I finally got a bunch of stuff shipped that I need, thank god I got 2 big 4cu ft bag of perlite lol. As the guys from 2018 know I bought Wal-Mart outta perlite last yr. It's funny I walked in there WED and they had cases of perlite, 12quart lol bags like $5. I laughed and thought you ain't getting my money this yr.....last year they didn't have that much...i think they were preparing for me this yr. But I ordered those big bags of perlite, and a few bags of Ocean Forest. I found a place at the end of summer close to home I can get Promix now. So I won't be using Wal-Mart soil and hauling it 2hrs this yr. Most that Wal-Mart soil is ok if you add some stuff to it. But I usually go like 5:2 or 4:2 ratio Promix to Ocean Forest and add 30-40% perlite, add dolomite, castings, and a few other things in there. Ive got a few plants that's ready to transplant into some grow pots. And I've got one solid guerilla spot that I used last yr that I done really good at I'll have some plants ready to take and plant. I'm kinda keeping them close until there pretty big, I'd like to get them planted in the next 2wks or so. That would give them over 2-3mths to Veg before flowering. That flowering time around here i believe to be between July15 to July 31 some were in there depending on strain, outdoor light and things. I had some GGxs I ran last yr at this guerilla spot that was flowering around July20 at least maybe earlier.

Also wanted to point out yea Id love to grow a plant in a 1000gallon container.....god knows I would I love big plants. But alot of West Coast guys it's been normal and most importantly legal to grow these 1000-2000gal plants. It's always been very illegal around here and top secret if you grow outdoors. I could smell 30gal plants i had to close to home last yr and got scared, I couldn't imagine a huge WC plant around here, it would smell our entire town out 5miles radius lol. I'm not knocking anybody, just understand some guys can't do it for legal reasons. On that note I can't wait to see what the WC guys do!!!! Just some epic stuff you guys do. Also the guy in NC, TN, Tx illegal guys I can't wait to see your 3gal, 10gal whatever size you can get away with and not get in trouble size plants. Just everybody who's grew up in legal states, try to understand and respect what we have to do in the illegal states to even grow a plant is always fearful for us. I just wanna make everybody welcome to post your plants even if there not huge. So whatever you have to do outdoors or can do it's gonna be nice to see.


Elite Growers Club
stay hydrated for sure ive cramped up bad leaving the site sometimes couldnt go few steps without legs muscles seizing up

Yea that's for sure I got out last year and was further away from home than I should've and was digging holes out in the sun and drank all my water. Well to keep it short i barely made it back to my home. It's reel guys be careful guerilla growing there's many dangers out there. I really respect all guerilla efforts


ICMag Donor
Awesome! So what are the strains you have going and ready to transplant? Its been hot lately! I won't forget to bring water tomorrow! Thanks for the reminder!

These seedlings are growing fast! I will have to get more shots tomorrow!





Elite Growers Club
Yea pipeline, man I've got alot of stuff. Ive got some realgorillaseeds stuff, a few Sweet Seeds strains, Ive got a Jack Herer from Seedsman. I'm gonna be doing alot of stuff. I'll probably do about half the containers as last yr. I had around 30 container plants but about 10 were decent and the other 20 were started late and i got 4-6 oz off most plants. So im running most of the realgorillaseeds stuff I ran last yr but I've started 2-3 mths earlier. Ive got some Cannarado Genetics, Cali Connection, and some other stuff. Once I transplant I'll post what they are. Ive got some plants ive had out a few weeks I think have started to flower. I'm not sure if it's worth transplanting and if they will even start to Veg again. Ive got some good stuff indoors im gonna try some outdoors, RealGorilla4, Lemon Dizzle, San Fernando Lemon Kush, Gorilla Girl, that Blueberry from Seedsman is good I ran them outdoors last yr and they were good against mold. I've got Serious Seeds Serious 6 im gonna run also. I'm gonna try to do some of the earlier finishing strains at my 1st guerilla site, DFG was a good earlier finisher I ran last yr. I harvest a few in early Sept that was nice. But im gonna try to get as much as I can into the ground at my guerilla site. I'm gonna carry in some Promix and try to work in a few good holes dug and planted. I'm keep everything inside until it's big enough to make it.


Elite Growers Club
Ive got a few strains from some good friends of mine im running also....some OG Cookie Haze, SFV and Biker crosses.....along with some other great stuff. Ive kinda been into my indoor stuff alot making sure everything's in order. Now I'm gonna get my outdoor stuff transplanted, and some guerilla growing again


mama tried
awesome wv i have dfg and gg3 from real gorilla going out got nl autos from friend up north and a few biddy early possibly crossed with serious 6 to. the serious 6 was real nice to me last year. im north east will drop some pics here throughout the season.


Elite Growers Club
Awesome! So what are the strains you have going and ready to transplant? Its been hot lately! I won't forget to bring water tomorrow! Thanks for the reminder!

These seedlings are growing fast! I will have to get more shots tomorrow!

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What have you got going on friend?? I'm wishing you a good yr !!! Maybe we can get some decent harvests again this yr.


Elite Growers Club
awesome wv i have dfg and gg3 from real gorilla going out got nl autos from friend up north and a few biddy early possibly crossed with serious 6 to. the serious 6 was real nice to me last year. im north east will drop some pics here throughout the season.

Great, yea that DFG is a easy grower, It's pretty decent to finish so early. Id like to have some DFG buds right now that's for sure lol. But I've got 4-5 maybe more DFG, im pretty sure I got more in the seedlings I just started. Looking forward to having you around man, good luck and well wishes. This will be my first go with Serious 6


Elite Growers Club
Ive got some nice 7gal grow bags, and Ive got a bunch of 10gal....Ill probably start my faster finishing stuff in these. I might be stacking them up elevated potting style lol, .....I done some 30gal stuff last yr and did just as good with 5-10gal pots/buckets. But definitely Id like to do some bigger bags. For me im trying to get 2-3 pounds off a plant, but really if I'd get 8oz to 1lb Id do happy. There's almost a marine layer in these mtns that block that early morning sun, so getting plants in the right location is the main thing, like I was saying I had alot of guerilla plants that didn't get proper sunlight. Ive literally watched the sun for the last yr almost, watching it's angle and path. The only problem is the prime location is very big lol, it's always crazy fun outdoors.

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
I had about an ounce of good strong pot plants seeds that I knew I never wanted to grow and I was wondering about what to do with it, I was thinking maybe a sprout sandwich because I never remember eating a marijuana sprout sandwich before, but instead I decided to soak the seeds in batches of a gram or two worth and then plant them around town when they start cracking.

So for the past couple weeks I've been going out around sundown and planting wherever looked good in various parts of town and lately I've started noticing a few sprouts when I walk around.

One of the things that makes a spot look good to me is petunias because thats a flower people plant after their spring flower die, so you can kind of guess a planter with petunias isn't about to be dug up and replanted and also you can guess that the person who planted the petunias expects some direct sunlight on them and will likely water them when the need arises. Same goes for begonias.

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
I found another one. I try to remain inconspicuous and not tip off their location too much by only photographing them from a distance using a 750mm lens instead of walking right up to the spot for a photo.


Elite Growers Club
Lol you should go around and put some plants in places you could maybe get them to grow out til harvest!!!! That would be fun, im not talking do something you might get put in jail over but maybe a plant hide somewere like off the road a bit that nobody notices. I started to put some plants out in various places around were im at but im in extreme rural area so it's not like I'm gonna put a plant around anything lol. Nice pics friend thanks for sharing

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Lol you should go around and put some plants in places you could maybe get them to grow out til harvest!!!! That would be fun, im not talking do something you might get put in jail over but maybe a plant hide somewere like off the road a bit that nobody notices. I started to put some plants out in various places around were im at but im in extreme rural area so it's not like I'm gonna put a plant around anything lol. Nice pics friend thanks for sharing

I put those seeds all over the place, some of the spots have a decent chance of growing out unobserved. I've done this kinda thing before, back when seeds came for free with every bag of bud I never even had to worry about running out of seeds. There were a few plants that grew large and apparently unnoticed in surprisingly public places back then and a few that grew large in less well traveled public places. Just thinking about that makes me wonder how much progress has really taken place over the last few decades, maybe pot would be growing everywhere by now if sinsemilla snobbery hadn't taken over. "Free mariujana seeds" would have been a joke for most of the 2nd half of the 20th century, these days its a deal.

This is a picture of some African seeds I'm trying out this summer.


ICMag Donor
What strain is DFG? Sounds like you've got a plan! Something to consider, I know you have limited light conditions and a lot of animals out there, but I would try to get them out in place as soon as you can! Dad used to tell me the old timer wisdom that, its best to just get crops in the ground as soon as you can so they have time to root in and do their thing. They need root room, once they're rooted in, they will catch up and will be better off when things get hot and dry in the summer. Yields should improve the more days they are in their spot before flowering starts in July/August.

Thats awesome PDX! I've always felt that was the best answer to getting the public conversation going on cannabis. I have so much seed getting old. I need to do that! I guess you could plant unsoaked seed too! Does the soaked seed come up better you think? If you put out good seed , I would think they will come up fine depending on moisture conditions. We need that here. There is censorship online now, our only option is to get active in the 3D world! Thanks for the inspiration!

What is the African supposed to be like? Have you tasted it yet? Where did you get line? Is it a landrace?

Got the garden planted this morning! Was done at 4:20 AM!

Planted mostly the sativa candy spice pheno from my line, and 12 from the mixed seed bag from last year. The sativa candy spice were appealing because they have great resin quality. It has good smell, and strong flavor. The affect is more energetic and has more THC. I would like to breed for a little more indica effect in the resin profile. The seeds have regularly been large and pretty from this phenotype. Flowering is slightly delayed on this pheno, so it actually improves mold resistance because the buds dry out easier! Found a really dense phenotype and I planted those in the backup seedlings to try to improve flower density. I have goals!




