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Anyone else got royal blood?


Active member
huh, site really slow and im doubleposting because of it. or maybe its something at my end.


Active member
well, its a theory anyway.

the infinite universe. where everything exists somewhere.

though by that theory, somewhere out there frodo is climbing that mountain with sam and harry potter fighting voldemort

and somewhere harry potter and frodo and voldemort are a love triangle. :) and sam is a peeping tom.

and somewhere aliens are bursting out of riddleys chest and in another universe, humans are bursting out of alien chests.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I disagree. I'm only in my 20s and came from a middle class (poor) Southern family. Who's to say I won't be a billionaire by the time I die? In fact that's what I'm working toward every day. If I don't become King of Cannabis (Marc Emory who??) before it's over with, it won't be from a lack of trying.

I was just kidding about the CASH, cash don't mean shit unless you use it wisely aswell. As far as being "King of Pot" or Prince like Marc Emery well damn look where he is now fuck nah I would rather not.. Besides these are self proclaimed titles lol.. I don't think anyone is the King or Prince or Queen or bud,,, lol... do you? Thats just pure ego talking there bro lol headband 707:dance013:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
BTW, is this an advertisement for ancestry.com or something... sounds like one of those weight-watchers testimonials.... I got fat, then I went to this website and ate this and I got skinny again! YIPPEE!

Yeah this shit we are all related to kings and queens and the money keeps flowing to the site right LOL yeah right lol... :woohoo:,, headband 707


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Astrophysicists say that parallel universes are so vast, we're all kings and queens in our respective, parallel existence.

Unfortunately, this means we're also a bunch of jerk-offs and everything in between.

So in other words we are all everything and nothing all at the same time?
We are nothing, in the Big Picture. A blip, insignificance in a cacophony of insignificance. Our presence will make a smudge on a rock, near an ember, lying on the periphery of a camp-fire, in a forest, in a country, on a continent, in a hemisphere, on a planet, in a solar system, on a spiral arm, of a galaxy, in a cluster, in a region, etc.


So far I'm up to 8 or 9....kings that is....countless dukes, earls, counts, princes and princesses, lords, knights, stewards, etc. I wonder if "most people in the world" really are direct descendents of 8 or 9+ British, French, Norman, Spanish, and Scottish kings? That's just on ONE side of the family! I haven't even started on the other....which I think may contain some Cherokee (untraceable I'm sure), and possibly its own surprises through the English/Welsh "Henry" line.
Look for Cecily Nevill, she was mother to kings, cousin to kings and queens, and ruled as queen in her own right for a period of time. Incredible woman, really. I hardly know a thing about her, but what I have learned is fascinating.

Anyway, I'm an archaeology and history fan, don't pay attention to the people whose panties are bunched by bringing this up. We all come from something, someone, isn't it interesting to learn about them? I'm interested.

Some people say the study of this type of stuff is worthless, but they are dead wrong. Our ancestors knew that recording these stories, names, and deeds was important, so that's why they took such great care of record keeping that we can trace back this information 1000+ years. By tracing back these characteristics and traits through generations we can discover more about who we are.
Bottom line is stories are important to the human race. Now that I know a little more about the story of where I came from, and where others around me came from, it makes it easier to put the world around me in context and understand why people are the places they are today, and where they are headed.
I absolutely agree! It's short-sighted to dismiss our family histories, IMO. I also think that a life well led means that you will be remembered, remembered well, by descendants.

Besides, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
We all descended from the same (African) woman.




Sorcerer's Apprentice
I'm descended from Zulu blood my line was fucked up when my ancestors were brought on a slave ship to America since then I've had unwanted white blood added to my once pure line.

All living humans are descended from ancestors who came out of the north african sub-continent and populated the rest of the world starting approximately 20,000-50,000 years ago.

There's no such thing as "white blood" because white people are just people...like everybody else.

i have 2 grandpas
4 great grandpas
8 great great grandpas
16 great great grandpas

The nieces of all 16 of my great grandfathers would only be my 5th cousin.

Think of how many people that is... Lots of us are related

All of us are related to every living thing on this planet. Which means I'm related to the "queens" of every ant and bee colony, and so are you.

We all descended from the same (African) woman.




If you wanna take pride in your ancestry, remember that we're all one big (albeit dysfunctional) family.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^that's the best part. we are all fucking space men/woman floating on a blue rock in an oasis of space that allows matter to stay together long enough to collect the proper molecules to develop consciousness. eventually all the black holes in the universe will recombine and re-compress everything till the big bang has to happen again. the largest of all the cycles. think about how many times this universe has destroyed and creating it's self. it is like a giant lung.

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