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Anyone 'cured' prostate cancer with....

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I'm following along, moose eater.

Thanks buzz. I see your rep here and there, and figured you were in the bleachers.

Hoping to get my head out of my ass today and find the energy to decarb 2 jars each of the flowers, 2 CBD and 2 THC, then, if I end up needing to delay the cooking f the solvent, I can at least eat the flower ground up in more easily measured increments, and, assuming the assessment on the outside of the CBD flower is correct, 1 gram of their decarbed flower has 140 mg of CBD.

So I can use that calculation and similar measurements for the THC flower as well, and either mix it in with broccoli sprouts and a salad, or down it in some other way that doesn't feel like eating desert sand.

Forward... I think.... :D


Well-known member
The bleachers were uncomfortable so I moved to the Peanut Gallery. Forward, back, sideways and start over is what it seemed like to me during diagnosis and before beginning treatments. Here's to a clear head and a strong heart. :good:


The bleachers were uncomfortable so I moved to the Peanut Gallery. Forward, back, sideways and start over is what it seemed like to me during diagnosis and before beginning treatments. Here's to a clear head and a strong heart. :good:

Yeah, I suspect in the near future, when the time is right, a dose or 2 of some John Allen Strain psilocybin I put away in cold storage years ago, may have to come into play, as far as readying the mind for surrender to the chosen path.

Might be an excellent summer ahead to find a hole to camp in out in the bush, for those times I'm a less-than-congenial individual.

4 months from now, my younger son and I would normally be headed into the Wrangell-St. Elias Range to do our late winter remote lake trout ice fishing, so I intend to try and arrange for any debilitating procedures to fall to either side of that time-period.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- a very good friend of mine has been diagnosed with prostrate cancer - one of the mods here - so I aimed him at this thread - hopefully he will join you guys here to talk about it - don't want to lose him -


- a very good friend of mine has been diagnosed with prostrate cancer - one of the mods here - so I aimed him at this thread - hopefully he will join you guys here to talk about it - don't want to lose him -

Tell them that (despite my posts in here being the most frequent) there's a small group of us misfits in here, whose bodies don't have the common sense to quit growing cells we don't need, over-achievers every damned one of us, and they're welcome to join in.

I looked into the tx you referenced in your rep note. I hadn't ever heard of it before, but then, a lot of this is BRAND new to me, too.

The first reference to it I found, near the top of my search list, was dated in 2008, and seemed more theoretical than not. Then there were some from known names in the medical field, dated 2015.

There's a lot to learn here I think, and for anyone racing the proverbial gun to get growth stopped before it takes more than it leaves, it can be an up hill learning curve.... even without dealing with symptoms of the illness or emotions that tap the energy before anything can really get done.

Someone else had mentioned proton accelerator beam therapy, and I've spoken with a couple Docs about that, as well. The radiological oncologist Doc regarded the proton accelerator beam therapy as more or less the same thing as radiation therapy, but at 2.5 times the cost.

He stated the insurance companies don't want to pay $100,000 for accelerated proton beam therapy, when they can pay $40,000 for standard old radiation therapy.

But he said the clinics doing the accelerated proton beam tx would advocate on the patient's behalf, where the insurance company resistance is/was concerned.

I figure that in my case, if the cancer is relatively contained to the right side, then I'll probably initially opt for surgery, and save the other options for later, if I should wake up one day and find it's coming back for seconds..

But yeah, there's been some real gems.

Among them, yesum's post re. sulforaphane (sprouted broccoli seeds). I've turned friends in Canada onto the limited research we've read re. that plan, and there's now numerous others who are trying this, as a result of yesum sharing their information with us, and our sharing it with others.

In my opinion, depending on how many close friends or support persons an individual has around them, commiseration, comradery, sharing of information, talking about fears and unknowns that lead to fear, etc., is all important, though I can only speak accurately for myself.

Sometimes just venting is the ticket.

It's easy to personalize it, and perceive it as yet another moment when Murphy decided to screw someone's day up, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the whole thing, too.

Lately I've been sleeping 10-14 hours a day, after a half-century of not sleeping worth a damn. And I know that while the initial benefit of this is AOK, as the immune system relies on sleep to recharge, I also know that sleep can increase to unhelpful levels as a matter of depression. Tell them to keep an eye on that.

And as Red Green would've said, "Remember to keep your stick on the ice, and we're pulling for you. And if the women don't find you handsome, they can at least find you handy." :D

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- Thanks moose - you are a godsend - <and I don't believe in gods - lol>


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit-Bag, and Smile, Smile, Smile -

*this song is from WW1 - imagine being a young man - sitting in a cold, flooded trench - with bombs raining down around you - carnage everywhere - and singing this song - to keep your moral up -


Well-known member
That was my friend who had the proton accelerator his surgeons bad rapped it too
The clinic did help him get the ins to pay
Also they only take early stage patients which he barely qualified for
There’s a lot of rental homes on lake Monroe there around Bloomington
What ever you choose I wish you the best friend


That was my friend who had the proton accelerator his surgeons bad rapped it too
The clinic did help him get the ins to pay
Also they only take early stage patients which he barely qualified for
There’s a lot of rental homes on lake Monroe there around Bloomington
What ever you choose I wish you the best friend


Yes, it seems that for each stage of cancer, there's a potentially different treatment or combination of treatments.


Well-known member
Yeah, I suspect in the near future, when the time is right, a dose or 2 of some John Allen Strain psilocybin I put away in cold storage years ago, may have to come into play, as far as readying the mind for surrender to the chosen path...

that was my thought, too, as a motivation for getting some experience with shrooms. not there yet, but i am getting some experience.

i got spouse the Ardent FX decarboxylater and infuser for Festivus - she really likes taking RSO for sleep issues. The FX is a simple, fast and fool proof appliance that works on the counter top. takes 90 minutes to decarb the 1.5 oz i tried today, and then another 2 hours to infuse that into 4 sticks of butter. i got it with the plunger/strainer. it can probably hold 3 to 4 oz at one time - i don't have enough herb to measure.

i also have a NOVA i got several years ago and ran about 12 oz through for spouse's melanoma situation - which pathology turned out to be in situ, surprising both doctors.

The FX is bigger and better - stainless steel decarb/infuse chamber, waterproof for easy cleaning.


that was my thought, too, as a motivation for getting some experience with shrooms. not there yet, but i am getting some experience.

i got spouse the Ardent FX decarboxylater and infuser for Festivus - she really likes taking RSO for sleep issues. The FX is a simple, fast and fool proof appliance that works on the counter top. takes 90 minutes to decarb the 1.5 oz i tried today, and then another 2 hours to infuse that into 4 sticks of butter. i got it with the plunger/strainer. it can probably hold 3 to 4 oz at one time - i don't have enough herb to measure.

i also have a NOVA i got several years ago and ran about 12 oz through for spouse's melanoma situation - which pathology turned out to be in situ, surprising both doctors.

The FX is bigger and better - stainless steel decarb/infuse chamber, waterproof for easy cleaning.

Thanks, BT.

Others sent links to decarb appliances, but at this point, I figure I'm going to run with Weezard's electric pressure cooker method, using jars.

It'll be the cooking of extract with ethanol or iso that has me/us doing strange efforts in the back yard, at below freezing. but, like I said before, many solvents, including iso and ethanol, will evaporate on their own, even at severe cold. They just evaporate a bit slower, thus they are open to the air a bit longer.


That's what makes one's head spin and calculate and measure.

I think I'm at least temporarily in shut-down mode, between the stress of the choices, 'mapping' options, 2 adult children who never have looked sufficiently closely at their own BS, and everything else that's going on.

Right now, my appetite is gone, sleep is WAY up, and there's chores here that have waited for a couple months or more now. Which has only become worse over the last 6 weeks of dealing with this.

I can certainly see why many end up saying, "Screw it."


I intend to decarb 2 qt. jars of CBD flower, and 2 qt. jars of THC flower this afternoon/evening, using the electric pressure canner, likely on medium pressure, for about 40 minutes or so, then rapidly de-pressurizing., assuming I can keep my head together and focused..


Try to eat something. :comfort:

Thanks trout.

Today was especially difficult re. my 2 adult children.

I've managed many things in life via structured control of outcomes, or attempts at structured and controlled outcomes. But when it comes to conflict with persons who are loved, there are no buttons to push or levers to pull that guarantee causing persons to outgrow the self-absorption they possess, when that feature(s) has been cultivated for over 2 decades.

Today I ate a handful of macadamia nuts with smoked almonds, 2 little Italian meat appetizers, a tiny snack stick sausage. Had some seltzer water, and may attempt some left-over stir-fried organic veggies in a while that are several days old , but still digestible.

Long (telephone) talk with an acquaintance a valley over, and so many things come together in life's struggles, re. repeated themes; heart-ache rather than masochism, shortages in outcomes' desirability no matter which way, and then the blessings some place in the rear-view to try and stay aware of. Felt less geared to self-destruct afterward, but I know that's temporary, like the pressure relief valve on the pressure cooker; if it doesn't keep on rockin' the thing may blow up..


Which brings about the primary point of this update; there's 2 wide-mouth 1-quart Ball jars loaded with about 3 oz. each of the Star trap 14.5% CBD flower, and 2 more jars with approximately 1 to 1-1/4 oz. each of Satori #2, White Lotus #4, Space Cake #1, Space Cake #2, and White Lotus #3 totaling about 5.5 to 5.7 oz. between the 2 jars of ^THC flowers.

The 4 jars described above are going into the electric pressure cooker shortly, all 4 of them with tin foil folded 2 times in half, and pinched down around the threads of the jars, then rubber-banded in place, and marked for contents.


At this point, I'm going through the motions, making myself do SOME of the things I need to do, but doing them much more slowly than I might've otherwise.

Truth is that about 50% or more of the time I drift off back to sleep, I pray numerous times over not to wake up ever again.. Seems like a pretty simple fucking solution to me...

My younger son is the primary blockage to helping this desire to become true. No matter how shitty it becomes, it'll have to get a lot worse before I turn to telling him I can't finish this run. But he knows the exit is an option, and he knows I'm hanging on.


A primary link I'm using, in decarbing via Weezard's and another's methods. Dove-tailing tried and proven methods, as long as they don't violate each other in some way that brings failure..


(****Edit: as of a few moments ago, this link no longer works. I'll fiddle with it for a bit....)


And, of course, one of life's perpetual questions;

Eric Clapton on stage at the 2013 Crossroads Music/Guitar festival with the Allman Bros. Band

'Why Has Love Got to Be So Sad'

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I find sometimes that resting well has helped in letting my brain work out a few things without my trying to wrestle them into submission. Currently I have been sleeping 9-10 hrs a night, for now that seems about right. There were a few years where 4-6 hrs was the norm, Too much stress and not enough sleep may have lead to a few of my own health issues.

Taking time to recharge may be just what you need. Like you said we all need rest to heal. :kitty:

I figure we all go through various emotional states, and that's ok as long as I don't get stuck there, or do something/say something that may not lead to the greatest outcome.

In less than a month the days will start getting longer. :good:


Definition: Trial runs; the times you remind yourself of how much you DON'T know....

The first run with the electric pressure cooker is in the process now, building pressure and temp, set for 50 minutes after reading input from several writers/hosts, re. time and decarbing.

One person who has done quite a lot of work with decarbing cannabis (among other experiences) believes that 110 minutes at 15 psi was more of a through decarb, and added that there's such a bounty of cannabinoids that despite not decarbing all of them at the commonly prescribed 40-50 minutes, there is so much that is converted that the remainder that isn't felt isn't often missed.

So, after that, we're going 50 minutes at about 11 psi., in a 12.5 qt. electric pressure cooker.

The tray that is made to hold glass jars off the bottom of the internal cooking pot held my qt. jars too high, and wouldn't let me put the lid on the unit, so I took a less pronounced steamer tray, and it allowed the lid with go on with 4 jars in.

If the other taller tray had worked, with less tray present at the sides, I could've simultaneously done 5 jars, but 4 will do for now in the alternate tray.

As stated, re. terps, I decided to go with regular bands and lids, rather than the crimped and rubber-banded tin foil; again, after further reading..

So, one way or another, in extract form, or whole decarbed flower in my salads, etc., we're apparently on the road to my first ever intentionally and purposefully (knowingly) decarbed batch of CBD and THC cannabis.

If I can get a 15% return on the flower, once extracted, then I believe at 1/6 to 1/7 gram/day of each variety, CBD and THC, I ought to have at least 8-9 months of medicine, and less if I go with stronger doses.

At this time, things that cause me to sleep through another day and night are welcome in quantity... So we'll see how well/long this lasts.

And I guess it gives me some serious cause to rescue my mothers from the neglect I've been imposing on them, and let them know they need to get back into gear, as do I.
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