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anybody but me think that most cannabis isnt all that much differant??

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ICMag Donor
Dontae bro....really?? ......seriously??? I've done this shit a long time and I've grown shit loads of strains. I'm telling you plainly there are many more varieties and differences within those varieties than you are willing to acknowledge. I agree that there are a shit load of bullshit lame ass varieties out there in comparison to the relatively small amount of really top shelf varieties. I'm not in Cali, and I get sick of the strain hype just for hype sake, but some times the buzz about a strain is truly deserved. Take the hype with a grain of salt and keep the moms you dig. I've got far more than 12 strains right now that are unique in their own right. One of the reasons I keep so many different varieties is because the highs are different and I can switch up and avoid the burnout that may occurs smoking the same strain. There are differences my friend. I'm not trying to give you shit man..just calling it like it is. Also, as you mentioned, if you are traveling the world and getting smoke from different dealer's maybe too much time is passing before smoking the next variety to discern the differences in highs, especially the subtle ones. Are you able to do serious testing with 3 or more strains at once? That might be something to think about doing. in the end dude.. to each his own. If you don't give a shit about the differences than fuck it..burn it up and be high and happy.



I think behind this thread is a resentment of the so called "hype" about certain strains or certain breeders. Of course like with any product there is a certain amount of propaganda when someone is trying to make a market for their product but in certain situations the buzzzz that you find on the internet is not a marketing tool but rather people's responces to that product. Bottom line is you cannot believe all that you read but usually where there is smoke there is fire, if there is a buzzzz about a strain that is not all breeder generated then there is probably some merit to that buzzz. Sometimes it seems that people resent that buzz just because they don't possess that strain or they think that what they have is better but life doesn't have to be a pissing contest. I personally love seeing the latest and greatest even if I don't have the opportunity at the moment to possess it, I think the more great strains of weed in the world the mo' better.

There are so many variables with herb and therein lies the differences. The most obvious of course is the buzz but even that can vary in so many ways. Two different strains can both be very powerful but yet the high can be totally different and it's all so subjective as to what we prefer. After buzz comes taste and that too is subjective as there are so many great tasting herbs out there that taste nothing like one another. I love many different tastes myself so I can't say this weed taste the best or that one does, I just like them all, lol. Then after taste comes bag appeal or physical appearance, another area where it can vary wildly but still be very appealling even in there differences. Odor of course plays a part in what we find appealling as well and once again smell can vary greatly but still retain it's appeal.

Those are just the things that matter to the end user but there are also many many variables that matter to the grower. Everything from yield, plant size, ease of growth, odor, ease of cloning and everything else that matters to the farmer varies at least as much as all the things that matter to the consumer. Take all of these variables in all their possible combinations and you have the differences in the strains and also you can see the usefulness of having such a variety. We all grow in different conditions and we all have different needs and ideals that we require out of the plants we grow. What might rock for Paul might not work at all for Peter and beside plant requirements you factor in the preferences that we all have in the consumer end and that is where you get the need for the variety that is available.


Was reading through a thread in the legislation forum earlier, and hey, we all enjoy and appreciate weed on different levels, and I mean different in a good way, not to pass judgement. At the end of the day, I'm not going to beef with anyone who just likes to get high because shit, so do I. I'm this way especially with beer, a pack of anything that gets me buzzed will make me happy, and I probably can't name more than 20 beers off the top of my head. With weed on the other hand, I have learned and keep learning all the time to appreciate all the subtle things to enjoy aside from being ripped.

If weed boiled down to 12 "types" only, everyone would be a breeder. Yes there are some overpriced/ hyped seeds out there, but being annoyed by this fact is no reason to undervalue the genetic diversity of the plant. It's massive.

What vendors call a "new strain" to make a living, I call a phenotype of an already existing strain. I said there were about a dozen strains that I respect as unique and worthy strains because I know personally a lot of work went into isolating them and I notice (what I call) significant differences between them. I'm not saying it's not possible to have more, but I'm not going to assume people know what's up just because they post on the interweb.

Everyone wants to re-invent the wheel but it's already there, round as ever, rollin' along just fine. :joint:

I have fun with the hype and all the creative names that people come up with sometimes too, but other times I'd rather cut through the BS. Sometimes it's better to show that we aren't all so gullible deep down. If you're sitting there worshipping your breeders, it's probably because you haven't been at this very long...or aren't very good at it. And before you get on me about doing something vs. doing it right, don't waste your breath. I've got limits on acceptable quality for anything I do, cannabis included. I'm no pro, but I'm no shlep either.

We're arguing semantics here people. I think we've all been spending way too much time posting, and not enough time pressing hash. Now where was I...:kos:


after not smoking for many months, I was just able to start again yesterday.
smoked 5-6 different strains over the course of the day and felt each high separately. By the time I went to bed, I was a puddle..


after not smoking for many months, I was just able to start again yesterday.
smoked 5-6 different strains over the course of the day and felt each high separately. By the time I went to bed, I was a puddle..

C'mon b, you know damn well after that first hit your objectivity was out the window and halfway to mexico by the time you got to the second one. :D :friends: :biglaugh:


I can absolutely tell major differences in the smell, the flavor, growth characteristics, type and strength of high, etc from strain to strain. Some can be very similar and some can be distinctly and undeniably different. You can blind fold me and lay out my herb and I can smell it and tell you what it is. Now this is with my plants that I'm very familiar with. This my not work for all the varieties in someone elses garden, but I bet I could tell you the Hazes from the Diesels, from the Blueberrries. You get the idea. If someone just burned a Haze strain and I walk into the room there is no denying the genetics that just went up in smoke. Now if you are talking purely the effect of the cannabis I have to say, yes there are many different types of highs, but discerning them is much more subtle than say flavor or smell. You could say that some make you sleepy and some seam to be more up and alive, but there is much more to it than that. Does the sleepy weed make you totally catatonic, or paralyzed, or is it a relaxed comfortable feeling. Does it make you a brain dead zombie or are you still able to carry out conversation yet in a relaxed state. How does it effect your vision, your balance, your appetite?? Does the up sativa make you smile from ear to ear or does it make you flip out with paranoia like a crack head?? Is it up and conversational or "oh shit I think my heart is gonna explode in my chest". Does the strain induce cotton mouth?? Hunger?? Heavy eyes? Clear thought?? Clouded thought? Blurred vision? Unbalancing effect or no?? It goes on and on. The point is that it can be much more subtle to discern effects from different plants. This is one of the reasons I keep many moms of the same variety for test before eliminating them. It can take months to really become familiar with the subtle differences in the effects of each mom, but in the end I winner will emerge based on effect as well as taste smell, etc. That's my 2 bro.


Going on from what you said, It would be that simple if we were a stable platform for testing, The human body is different every day, one day were tired the next we don't eat much, We're in no way a 'control' as they used to call it in science experiments, Say if one night i have 6 hours of good sleep instead of 7 or 8, i then go and smoke some couch lock shit, I feel more tired because of the ganja but it is just excentuating the fact that i'm already tired, it works for many other things, if you're getting hungry for example, blaze one and get the munchies like a motherfucker, Some people would say oh yeh this strain makes you munch out hard, When really it might not. Also with the flavours of weed, say if you drink some lemonade 15 minutes later smoke a joint, it's gonna taste a little lemony or more lemony than it would if we hadn't drank that lemonade, Due to these reasons peoples judgements of weeds are distorted doesn't mean the shit don't taste like lemons or cherries or grape or whatever it's meant to taste like, but i feel that some of the characteristics of the many many strains out there are a little circumstantial, If you like coffee, go drink a nice cappuccino and smoke a joint of hash, will probably taste better. just something i've noticed don't know if it's completely relevant, but it may help some to understand how so many different characteristics can be displayed by a single plant. But don't get me wrong i think there are a lot of different weeds out there, most of which i haven't yet had the fortune of trying.
zoid a very lucid perception, this lucidity seems to just not be available to the average high grade pot head?? its one of the effects of populism in a capitilistic society, peer pressure and influence through marketing and hype makes people believe in a lot of brand new second hands as if their something new, it doesnt stop with erb and it does kick start alot of economies. Like i said even though its all bullshite, its done the spread of erb a good thing that perhaps the truth never could of, i just value common sense over hype......the stickiest skunkiest high thc erb has been around since adam n eve-

n for the record, im an adult without and imaginary friend,,otherwise known as an atheist- :dueling:

Weedman Herb

n for the record, im an adult without and imaginary friend,,otherwise known as a Hypocrite
This thread is a joke right? Or is it a chump ploy to get the good people at IC to Prove to you that the sticky icky exists in all shapes, strengths, flavors and sizes? You don't know much about what you speak so much about ... insulting the weedpeople is a weak cover for your Ignorance ...


Active member
Going on from what you said, It would be that simple if we were a stable platform for testing, The human body is different every day, one day were tired the next we don't eat much, We're in no way a 'control' as they used to call it in science experiments, Say if one night i have 6 hours of good sleep instead of 7 or 8, i then go and smoke some couch lock shit, I feel more tired because of the ganja but it is just excentuating the fact that i'm already tired, it works for many other things, if you're getting hungry for example, blaze one and get the munchies like a motherfucker, Some people would say oh yeh this strain makes you munch out hard, When really it might not. Also with the flavours of weed, say if you drink some lemonade 15 minutes later smoke a joint, it's gonna taste a little lemony or more lemony than it would if we hadn't drank that lemonade, Due to these reasons peoples judgements of weeds are distorted doesn't mean the shit don't taste like lemons or cherries or grape or whatever it's meant to taste like, but i feel that some of the characteristics of the many many strains out there are a little circumstantial, If you like coffee, go drink a nice cappuccino and smoke a joint of hash, will probably taste better. just something i've noticed don't know if it's completely relevant, but it may help some to understand how so many different characteristics can be displayed by a single plant. But don't get me wrong i think there are a lot of different weeds out there, most of which i haven't yet had the fortune of trying.

Exactly what other people have been saying! you can't really just smoke it a couple times and base your judgements off that, thats why you have the smoke the same strain for a good 3 months to get the best judgement, pick up on the small things, and figure it out, ive had some weed that i could of just gotten the biggest meal of my life down, so stuffed, can barely even button up the jeans full, smoke it, and im runnin around looking for the easiest thing to eat because im starved! :laughing:


Exactly what other people have been saying! you can't really just smoke it a couple times and base your judgements off that, thats why you have the smoke the same strain for a good 3 months to get the best judgement, pick up on the small things, and figure it out, ive had some weed that i could of just gotten the biggest meal of my life down, so stuffed, can barely even button up the jeans full, smoke it, and im runnin around looking for the easiest thing to eat because im starved! :laughing:

Hahah, I hate those strains, but I'll still smoke em anytime. They're good, but I just eat so much. I don't know which one did it, but I had god's gift, dj short blueberry, and la con. I couldn't stop eating though. Then the next morning I woke up and didn't even know what I ate, but I was full as hell. Then I was starving after I smoked again.


zoid a very lucid perception, this lucidity seems to just not be available to the average high grade pot head?? its one of the effects of populism in a capitilistic society, peer pressure and influence through marketing and hype makes people believe in a lot of brand new second hands as if their something new, it doesnt stop with erb and it does kick start alot of economies. Like i said even though its all bullshite, its done the spread of erb a good thing that perhaps the truth never could of, i just value common sense over hype......the stickiest skunkiest high thc erb has been around since adam n eve-

n for the record, im an adult without and imaginary friend,,otherwise known as an atheist- :dueling:

You can't really say it's all bullshit mate, because you don't currently and never will know, and thinking you do or will, is extremely naive. I find it interesting how you say you are an atheist yet you use biblical terms, Even though it may only be to describe something. Also i'd try and steer clear of the big clever words if i were you, because you're speaking to a bunch of mong-heads. There's a good boy. Now why may i ask did you have to bring religion into this, i cannot see the relevance of what religion you claim to belong to having anything to do with whether or not you think that most ganja is the same...

And just for the record, i'm an adult, atheist as well ;)

P.S reffering to people's believed lord as an imaginary friend isn't the smartest of ideas either. Might sound like i'm nit-picking, but i thought you were an adult, surely you should know this...


'''Also i'd try and steer clear of the big clever words if i were you, because you're speaking to a bunch of mong-heads. There's a good boy. Now why may i ask did you have to bring religion into this, i cannot see the relevance of what religion you claim to belong to having anything to do with whether or not you think that most ganja is the same.'''(zoid)-

word play an sarcasm arent bringing religion into things and atheism isnt a religon thats your first mistake- lighten up...''theres a good boy'' ,,,,......small enough words for you my small minded red friend, this topic is about an intellectual perspective on cannabis strains , not the person who wrote it-or their sense of taste n smell or how thier hps made one strain strech really far compared to subject b. who used differant food, differant everything and grew a similar strain that came out slighty differant, online people luv to go of topic and get personal-i made fun of imaginary freinds for adults in jest, never said all who post here are mong heads like u or that they couldnt undertand my ''big words'' like u did even if they worship ganeesh the hindu elephant god fond of sweets or the jewish zombie .patronize your self, not me or the whole forum.:moon:good boy.


Strains to me are all but equal... some strains just gave me headache, some make me sleepy as hell, some make me think a lot, some are awesome to see a stupid comedy... the only thing I'd say for the moment is I have not yet found a strain with the perfect effect, so until you get no side effects, "all cannabis is the same", it is just subperfect ;)


Well-known member
Three times I entertained a friend of mine with the same buds and he gave three different marks of grade for the same product.
this is comical anyone who has grown dozens of strains knows there very different. to say otherwise is ignorant some people just dont know any better. i can walk in to a good dispensary and choose from dozens of strains all have different tastes smells looks and potency levels.


this is comical anyone who has grown dozens of strains knows there very different. to say otherwise is ignorant some people just dont know any better. i can walk in to a good dispensary and choose from dozens of strains all have different tastes smells looks and potency levels.

Like I said before, it's semantics. And please don't attempt to speak for anyone who has grown dozens of strains...we are not all of the same opinion.


Some people get 2-3 different phenotypes out of a pack of seeds and see 3 different strains, cut 'em, dry 'em, and label accordingly..."OG Kush, Platinum OG Kush, Ultra Monster Berry OG Kush..." This is why we have hundreds of "strains".

Some get 2-3 different phenotypes from a pack and start labeling their plants "OGK.1, OGK.2, OGK.3", flower them out, determine which is most potent and true to the original, keep that one and cull the others.


The differences within phenos of a strain can cause 'strains' to merge together. But the opposite can be true too. Count me among those who find a lot of variation in the actual end results.


ICMag Donor
Exactly what other people have been saying! you can't really just smoke it a couple times and base your judgements off that, thats why you have the smoke the same strain for a good 3 months to get the best judgement, pick up on the small things, and figure it out, ive had some weed that i could of just gotten the biggest meal of my life down, so stuffed, can barely even button up the jeans full, smoke it, and im runnin around looking for the easiest thing to eat because im starved! :laughing:

Exactly Lordbudly. You have to test over a period of time in order to discern how outside factors effect your results. Sometimes I run a few crops of the same strain before I make any final selections on the mothers.


Some people get 2-3 different phenotypes out of a pack of seeds and see 3 different strains, cut 'em, dry 'em, and label accordingly..."OG Kush, Platinum OG Kush, Ultra Monster Berry OG Kush..." This is why we have hundreds of "strains".

Some get 2-3 different phenotypes from a pack and start labeling their plants "OGK.1, OGK.2, OGK.3", flower them out, determine which is most potent and true to the original, keep that one and cull the others.

I see where MintMan is coming from here. I keep multiple moms of the same strains before final elims are done. If multiple phenos are worth keeping I would have them labeled OGK1, OGK2, etc. so I could personally keep track. These labels in no way are meant to represent a new strain per label. These are only different examples of the same strain or seedline.

You have to define what constitutes a strain. Some think each pheno is a strain, some give only consideration to landrace varieties, some define it as very worked hybrid lines that are somewhat stable. Others consider an f1 hybrids of p1's a strain.

Dontae- I was thinking about your original question over a joint and in trying to look at this from your point of view a thought came to mind. If someone were to induce the effects of any recreational drug and you had to name the drug that induced the effect, could you name weed (Indica or Sativa) every time vs any other drug? I could. In this broad sense I could see how the commonalities of all herb could lead someone to classify it all together. Now think of the same experiment done only with inducing the effects of different types of herb and it becomes apparent that a more acute perception of the effects of herb must be developed in order to discern the differences.



All the people who post one big paragraph and spell different, Differant, All will agree with you, That there is no difference in strains. This is the worse post I've ever seen IMO. Absolutely ridiculous. Connoisseurs won't even bother to argue about this brother.
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