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anybody but me think that most cannabis isnt all that much differant??

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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
You need to do a land race comparison. One day smoke an Afgani, then the next day smoke a haze. Then the next day smoke a thai. Then smoke an old school hindu kush. Then finish it off on the last day with a hawiian. Any ways you will notice a difference in all of them. I have tried hundreds of strains, and found some of them to be very similar. This happens a lot in the world of comercial bud. There is some big indica, or skunk in almost everything made for commercial use. This is why they all seem the same. It takes smoking IBL pure land races to learn the true subtle differences.


Old School Cottonmouth
so you've been all over the world and smoked weed from everywhere huh?

Yup. No doubt about it anymore and it is not worth arguing because you are a LIAR. No pics and tons of bullshit. Not only will you not acknowledge your lack of perspective on the issue but you will lie to try and save your opinions. Later.

Your only retort is that I didn't answer your question. (which I did) and yet you didn't answer mine. What are the names of all of these strains you smoke and couldn't tell the difference between. Lets see pics of some of these medical grade herbs. Not warehouse com bud or bricked schwag.


I can absolutely tell major differences in the smell, the flavor, growth characteristics, type and strength of high, etc from strain to strain. Some can be very similar and some can be distinctly and undeniably different. You can blind fold me and lay out my herb and I can smell it and tell you what it is. Now this is with my plants that I'm very familiar with. This my not work for all the varieties in someone elses garden, but I bet I could tell you the Hazes from the Diesels, from the Blueberrries. You get the idea. If someone just burned a Haze strain and I walk into the room there is no denying the genetics that just went up in smoke. Now if you are talking purely the effect of the cannabis I have to say, yes there are many different types of highs, but discerning them is much more subtle than say flavor or smell. You could say that some make you sleepy and some seam to be more up and alive, but there is much more to it than that. Does the sleepy weed make you totally catatonic, or paralyzed, or is it a relaxed comfortable feeling. Does it make you a brain dead zombie or are you still able to carry out conversation yet in a relaxed state. How does it effect your vision, your balance, your appetite?? Does the up sativa make you smile from ear to ear or does it make you flip out with paranoia like a crack head?? Is it up and conversational or "oh shit I think my heart is gonna explode in my chest". Does the strain induce cotton mouth?? Hunger?? Heavy eyes? Clear thought?? Clouded thought? Blurred vision? Unbalancing effect or no?? It goes on and on. The point is that it can be much more subtle to discern effects from different plants. This is one of the reasons I keep many moms of the same variety for test before eliminating them. It can take months to really become familiar with the subtle differences in the effects of each mom, but in the end I winner will emerge based on effect as well as taste smell, etc. That's my 2 bro.


hit the damn spot:woohoo:


dontae, what country do you live in?

how old are you?

and stop ditching class to talk shit on the internet.

your wack, you dont get enuff attention from your peers, and you talk shit and start arguments on a website.

either you smoke crack and your ganja doesnt do it for you anymore, or your weed is shite.

im out.

i live in mendocino during the summers, i have personally experienced dozens of diff kind of highs/stones/genetics.


Old School Cottonmouth
But just to humor your attempt at a point, since you claim I didn't answer your question. But it does not matter anyway.

Trying to explain it to you is like sitting down a psycho and trying to explain the difference between the love for your mother, your best friend, and your girl friend. Since you will use the world "love" in different ways a large part of the communication is going to be based on this psycho's understanding of the word "love". If he has never loved his mother, or a girl friend, or anyone than the word falls flat on his ears. He is left to imagine what that word "love" actually means and why it would have so many contexts.

It is similiar with you. I can give you not ten but fifty different examples of just sativa hybrid stones. But since I'd keep saying the word "sativa stone" you'd think that you were correct because for all of the strains I'd be referring to different types of sativa stones and quite simply you would not get it because you can not experience them.

Just like a psycho would not understand the feelings that you love your best friend and your brother but not in the same way even though it is all love.

In the end our understanding of words comes down to our personal experience of what "love" means. Trying to explain it to someone who cannot feel it is completely a waste of time. The same is true about explaining stones to guys who get the same stone from 5 gram blunt of $40 dollar an ounce schwag as a half a gram of blueberry.

My ability at explaining it will always be shot down by your lack of understanding for it. If I tell you a "mellow sativa stone" and that feels no different to you than a racy indica than what is the point of me typing out detailed smoke reports? They will fall on deaf ears.


oh ive been skipping around comments, but no not every alcohol gives you the same drunk...

drink a bottle of whitewolf/taaka vodka, then drink a bottle of greygoose vodka, i do a lot of drinking, went thru a year of taaka friday, then into a period of goose, its actually quite fascinating the differences. greygoose is uplifting euphoric and energizing, taaka is like being like a drunk homeless person depressing, the opposite of uplifting and usually violent.
i am the kind of person that analyzes everything, and am interested in differences and effects, ive always been the connosoiuer type, i like fine things ha


ICMag Donor
can anyone name 8 diferant strains and their highs/stones in full detail for me or us without sounding subjective and personally biased ..since most of ''you''also would still according to your ''color full logic'' have atleast a hundead+ more highs fully classified in your head, 8 shouldnt be to hard-

this should be funny- :dueling:

Strawberry cough - almost a lightheaded spacy feelin
Medicine man - heavy complete body dragging knockout indica
Sweet tooth 3 - warm indica feeling as if you just woke up in the morning
space queen - strong sativa head feeling with head effects ,that come flying straight at your eyes
grandaddy purple - indica with a dull edge,that creates a movement line across your field of vision

I can try to do 5 ,i think you need better access to good pot.Imo the differences are pretty noticable.But not if your buying the average mersh....


Old School Cottonmouth
yeah on that note I actually do save a few pics and write a description of stone for many of the things I've bought in the last 2 years or so.

As my last post eluded I think it's pointless to post the strain reports to you because I doubt you are capable of understanding them. But if you really want...

But just be forewarned. You just "think" my regular posts are long. You never asked me to do at least 8 detailed smoke reports in a single post before.

Be careful what you wish for because all I have to do is copy and paste. I can drown this mf'er in smoke reports in about 3 minutes time. Muah-ha-ha-ha.
mo taco you just wrote me three replys all with personal insults? are u insane- dam u you guys are weird. ok i figuered it out, theres 300 hundred type of weirdos on this site, starting with taco can u please discribe ten types of kooks to me starting with yourself...:moon: u talk about erb like shes your blow up doll-u should feel good about that. :yeahthats i cant shout u for it.
its not differance morons , its can u name more then ten differances, that u guys agree on univerally,, you know ten real types of erb, i asked for 8 actually, could u guys even amongst u come up with over 4?? no, yet theres another page of personal insults on me, its not about me u fools, you guys cant come up with more then 4, ((thx thc123 as i already said i like your choice and description of the four you chose)) and ive asked atlest a few times,, well with sugar on top, pretty please let it go....i already heard some good points from people on this thread i started, and at page 9 am getting questions i answered on page two, you guys dont even read this before u reply...:dueling:


I don't have all the experience in the world with different strains, but can tell you for a fact that I have experienced extremely different highs when smoking different indicas compared to sativas. Ever think it might just be YOU who doesn't find a difference in different strains? There is a forum full of people telling you that they DO find differences, and instead of respecting their opinion, you're forcing yours down people's throats. We don't wanna hear that shit. Do you answer the door for Jehovah's Witnesses?

PS - Absolutely no offense toward Jehovah's Witnesses, I just find in my PERSONAL OPINION, that they seem to be a bit forceful in their opinion...much like dontae


To be fair the title of the thread says "all that much different?" implying there IS a difference, but it's not catastrophic.

And to a degree he's right. Today's modern hybrids are re-shuffled genes over and over and over and re shuffled some more. Flavors and aromas can be very different, but the cannabinoid profile of today's modern hybrids does not vary a whole lot. There are subtle questions that you can ask that may differentiate strains... like did you get the munchies, did it make you horny, did it make you optimistic about life, did you burnout at the end, stuff like that. Other than that really there aren't that many "basic" high types to describe... clear and calm, racy and uppity, foggy and floating, zombified, muscle relaxer, I'm sure I might be missing one or two.

There is a fine balance between keeping your pot ego in check and being honest about what you're smoking.

The differences are there... but are they "all that much different?" No. Are there differences? Yes. But they are subtle, and you have to have a keen interest and a bit of experience with many varieties to really pick through them with a fine tooth comb. But that is what makes most of us cannabis connoisseurs, we care about the little minute differences :yes:

But to a casual user, or to someone that doesn't grow, or someone that doesn't know there's a whole community dedicated to 233009584 different polyhybrids of the same 60's 70's 80's and 90s cannabis genes... they probably couldn't tell you the difference or care to. :2cents:


You need to do a land race comparison. One day smoke an Afgani, then the next day smoke a haze. Then the next day smoke a thai. Then smoke an old school hindu kush. Then finish it off on the last day with a hawiian. Any ways you will notice a difference in all of them. I have tried hundreds of strains, and found some of them to be very similar. This happens a lot in the world of comercial bud. There is some big indica, or skunk in almost everything made for commercial use. This is why they all seem the same. It takes smoking IBL pure land races to learn the true subtle differences.

Well, dontae1000 has laid down a challenge, and certainly hit a nerve..... but most of the responses are dick wagging connoisiership and insults going both ways. Sure there are differences; let's hear 'em all. What common effects do they have and what effects makes each genotype unique. Hey Zep, what are the effects of an Afgani, thai, hindu kush, and hawiian pure IBL? Examples? ..........Anybody? No detailed smoke report, just a brief description.


Active member
what's the difference in taste between a granny smith and a red delicious without sampleing one right now ?

well,fuck man,its an apple right! fucking marketing,i tell ya

you expect people to recall the type of high they've experienced off the top of they're heads?

"look at me,i go against the grain,I'VE figuerd it all out"

how fucking orginal


so you've been all over the world and smoked weed from everywhere huh?

Yup. No doubt about it anymore and it is not worth arguing because you are a LIAR. No pics and tons of bullshit. Not only will you not acknowledge your lack of perspective on the issue but you will lie to try and save your opinions. Later.

Your only retort is that I didn't answer your question. (which I did) and yet you didn't answer mine. What are the names of all of these strains you smoke and couldn't tell the difference between. Lets see pics of some of these medical grade herbs. Not warehouse com bud or bricked schwag.

It's sorta frustrating..dealing with such a narrow mind. I mean I've smoked the crappiest scwag to my own homegrown....I've smoked here in the states, parts of the Caribbean, Montevideo (Uruguay) and Buenos Aires (Argentina)...Never been to Cali or A'dam, but I feel I've smoked enough to have an opinion, as to different smokes. And then there's some people that just seem to talk out of their ass.


i have personally experienced dozens of different kinds of highs :woohoo:, the nuances becomes hard after maybe a dozen different types but they are there. its easy to call me a liar, and i really wouldnt be bullshiting about this topic cause what the hell would be the point, its frustrating when you people tell me "o its just in your head", it is my head :wallbash:, its a psychoactive experience that affects all differenct regions of the brain and not any two people the same. i have smoked weed that was not laced, that i know who grew that made me have slight visual and auditory hallucinations and that was only after 4 rips, choppy movements of surrounding objects, saturated very bright objects, felt like i was floating cause i could barely feel my feet, and almost a psychadelic experience easily comparable to a low dose mush trip with out the overwhelming body buzz/melt. so to tell me that cannabis either a) makes me couchlock, warm, and sedated or b)energetic, racy/clear, and social just doesnt do it for me, cause i have been on a much higher level many times if you know what i mean.

yes i agree most marijuana is hard to judge effects and slight nuances and if smoking only two hits a day and constantly diff kinds it could be very hard to tell a diff between most of em i dont blame you, but smoke one kind of herb for a week straite get a tolerance to that type, find another non commercial grade herb and smoke it, you'll notice differences that intrigue you. for christ sakes why hasnt anyone mentioned that most likely your not experiencing the full affect of this herb with only two hits a day:yoinks: . when i started getting anxiety i used to take one or two hits and i would barely feel the effects and i would do that because of my anxiety and not wanting to be fully ripped.

cannabis can be easily a slightly psychadelic drug with the rite genes and rite grow, which brings a little more to the table than; couchlock, sedated, body stoned/high, racey, clear, mind fog, and energetic.

most commercial herbs or even possibly the region you live in has too similar a genepool or too dull of a genepool, i agree 70-75% i would find herb in my earlier years it would give me similar affects. goodluck
like ive said ive heard some good replies and some dumb ones, ive been sarcastic but not personal and insulted personally or atleast by log in i.d. name here as well, people are petty online, its universal no matter if its pot heads or the next thing. i think a few people have contributed some common sense for the good of all cannabis education...but the bad back talk from u guys has lowered alot of you in my opinion.....no body has to justify strains to me, esp if they cant but that doesnt mean u should get personal n attack me either, esp when i had the first laugh and will have the last, i mean someone else had insulting me for speaking or trying to speak intelligently to a bucnh of mogers as they put it,,and that my words were to big,, im learing that i should of taken the advice n just shut up- some of you guys haven taken trip down petty lane. oh so much pride with erb, and cheesy apples n tomatoes analogies, even ''people'' in the first few pages of this thread were compared in similar fashion to erb to prove a point, , well one of u sounds like a fruit when u post the other a brain dead vegetable so i guess your in familar company. :moon:

''rouge'' Well, dontae1000 has laid down a challenge, and certainly hit a nerve..... but most of the responses are dick wagging connoisiership and insults going both ways. Sure there are differences; let's hear 'em all. What common effects do they have and what effects makes each genotype unique. Hey Zep, what are the effects of an Afgani, thai, hindu kush, and hawiian pure IBL? Examples? ..........Anybody? No detailed smoke report, just a brief description

we should all get personal with rouge for diagnosing the neuropathic pain ive caused- what a fucker :joint:


lol, dontae...you think too much of yourself! It's your thread and yet you fail too add any validity to the point you've been trying to make....and at the end of the day, your posts/thread is just a joke.

get off it.
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