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MMA champions are among the greatest atheletes in the world and could rival if not dominate any traditional martial arts 'master' in my humble opinion.
Do you really think so? I see a lot of UFC/MMA fighters that have huge holes in parts of their game. Maybe they would do a lot better if it went to the ground, dunno. To me, many UFC fighters kick and punch poorly, but some are just so devastating with their shots even if still not great boxers. I realize also most MA "masters" probably are not great boxers either. I also doubt we could find that many MA "masters" that have the brutal physical profile of many MMA fighters. While the pure Martial Arts "master" could probably cream 3 punks that jump out of the bushes, maybe most UFC professionals are just too physical one on one. Hard for me to say because I don't know what many pure Martial Artists.

It would be interesting to see a real good boxer cross train and fight MMA to see if outclassing someone by a good margin in boxing makes for a tough A game.





New member
Do you really think so? I see a lot of UFC/MMA fighters that have huge holes in parts of their game. Maybe they would do a lot better if it went to the ground, dunno. To me, many UFC fighters kick and punch poorly, but some are just so devastating with their shots even if still not great boxers. I realize also most MA "masters" probably are not great boxers either. I also doubt we could find that many MA "masters" that have the brutal physical profile of many MMA fighters. While the pure Martial Arts "master" could probably cream 3 punks that jump out of the bushes, maybe most UFC professionals are just too physical one on one. Hard for me to say because I don't know what many pure Martial Artists.

It would be interesting to see a real good boxer cross train and fight MMA to see if outclassing someone by a good margin in boxing makes for a tough A game.

You make some good points here and I agree with a lot of what you say. You should notice that in my post I said MMA Champions, and in that Im refering to the top pound for pound MMA fighters in the world. Im not saying that there arent some tough TMA guys, in fact thats where a lot of top MMA guys get their start.

A good Boxer may do well, but a good kickboxer would beat his most likely. People want to see Cintron fight MMA because he has a wrestling background.


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Its GSP response to the whole thing once it was said and done. its a funny ass video he said he cheated but not how you would expect..

Dana white told penn to stop fucking around and start training for Florian. GSP is training with florian like mad trying to help him win also.

Hehehe..I saw that too..very funny guy,got his head on tight.

Dana ALWAYS has to tell BJ Penn to stop screwing around..ALWAYS..Calls him to make sure he's training,Calls his friends up to make sure he's there training.

BJ Penn needs to heed this advice "It takes a long time to get to the top and once there,takes alot more energy to stay on the top rather the climb there."

I used to run miles and trained 3 times as hard during a training session as I would do during a Race just so that by Raceday,running would be fun.It worked!!

Should have heard the gossips that ran around after a race..I was ready for them too.,not even tired after a race.It's all in the training.

Rather than blame GSP for greasegate...keep vaseline out of the ring by UFC rules.
Just so you guys know, about 48 hours after this issue came up the UFC instituted rule changes.

Changes saying that the vaseline can only be handled by an athletic commission official. Also they amended the rules regarding the number of people entering the octagon between rounds. Under the new rules only 2 cornermen are allowed in during the round break. If the services of a cutman (the only person allowed to now handle the vaseline, who is also not affiliated with either fighter) is needed, only one cornerman will be allowed in.

The UFC adopted this policy rather than wait for the athletic commision to rule on the case.

if anyone saw the weigh-ins for that fight, you saw the moment BJ realized he was in BIG trouble. He literally wrote the book on "your mouth writes a check that your ass cant cash". Grease has been in the cage for quite some time. Spreading it on your chest is as easy as clinching your opponent when you think about it. Whats the moral of the story?

BJ quit on the stool.


Well said bro, solid list of fighters too. Based on your list I would recommend the following fights if you havent seen them yet.

Quinton Jackson vs Kashushi Sakuraba
Jacksons Pride debut, he later stated that he was approached by Pride officials with an offer of cash in exchange for him to let Sakuraba submit him. He refused the offer and the rest is history.

Anderson Silva vs Ryo Chonan
Close fight with a finish that has to be seen to be believed.
You can watch it here
Many say that Silva was clearly on his way to a decision win, I personally disagree. Especially considering the history of Prides judging bias. Chonan absorbs everything that Silva could put on him, and lands his own as well. Chonan hasnt been the same tho, since losing via 1st round KO in two consecutive fights in 2005.

Randy Couture vs Chuck Liddell 1
I just friggin love Randy Couture, what he did to Chuck in this fight, while Chuck was at the top of his game, cemented Randy as a world class warrior.

Chuck Liddell vs Quinton Jackson
Chuck had no answer for the 'caveman club' of an overhand right that Quinton used with impunity. Again, Chuck in his prime gets dominated.

New fighters to look out for

Gerrard Mousasi
Junior dos Santos
Cain Velasquez
Thiago Alves
Terry Etim

I remember the rampage vs Kashushi Sakuraba fight awesome fight

See Anderson Silva isnt superman lol what a leg lock in that fight against Ryo Chonan, its one of the best ever flying leg locks i have seen.

Im not just saying this cuz i am a brit, but we have some gr8 up and coming fighters around at the min, i agree Terry Etim is defo one to watch out for, i predict he WILL hold the lightweight title sometime in the next 18months-2yrs. Dan Hardy is another and a fellow east midlander, his fight againt marcus davies should be a cracker, davies is dangerous but i think Dan will kick ass, i have seen him train and seen him fight a few times big things are expected of him, he is in a very strong weight class but i would put him in the top 10 easy, probably even top 5. The top 3 welterweights in my opinion (in UFC) are GSP, Thiago Alves and Jon Fitch.

Bring on TUF 9 and lets see if us brits can cut it against the americans, the americans dont think anyone but them can step up well its time to see.

I just wanna ask a question...
What do u prefer to see, a knockout or a submission? I love seeing a good knockout but seeing the transision made on some of the submissions is unbelivable, seeing them bones pop OUCH that does it for me
theres something about the CroCop style kick to the face thats endearing to me. Same goes for that one-n-done punching power. that shit is amazing! At the same time you cant take anything away from the jiu-jitsu purists. if pressed for an answer, id have to say im 60-40 ko's to sub's.

as far as up and coming fighters. you need to keep an eye on Demian Maia...especially if you are a submission fan. Hes been tapping everyone out.


Demian Maia is a very tallented fighter, his title shot will be coming up for sure if he carries on doing what hes doing and thats tapping anyone and everyone out


New member
Damian Maia is currently my favorite UFC MW, brilliant submission grappler and a gentleman. I also like Nate Marquart a lot.

I dont think I prefer striking over grappling or vice versa. Its always good to see a close fight with a strong finish over a weak decision. Comebacks or underdog victories are always fun.


I think we need more Canadian fighters in the UFC. I belive that the UFC is being conquered by Brazillians. I'm not saying there bad because Anderson Silvs is one of my favourite fighter. But look at all the fighters Dana White and Joe Silva have brought in: Anderson Silva, Lyota Michada, Damian Maia, Gabriel Gonzaga, Wanderlei Silva, and many more. Canada is really underrated with our fighters. We've got: GSP, Sam Stout, Joe Doerkson, Krystof Soyzinski, and much more. Cmon guys! Us canadians know we can be some of the best fighters in the world!


I hate weak decisions, i like knock outs and tap outs and 3 and 5 round wars.
The UFC have better get UFC 100 right, all being well its being held at Maddison Sq Garden, but i think its gonna be in vegas as there is still a few things need ironing out regarding the ufc getting their licence in NYC and time is running out. I wanna see some super fights on this card.
A big ty to setanta sports for showing ufc in the uk and the fact it is free over here (unless ur on sky)

G. Sensi

Ya I need to get Setanta.... I missin everything this year... what happend with Sky? Bravo was showing TUF and all the fights for free last year... Well they did show the Arlovski/Fedor fight a few weeks ago but that was about it...



I think setanta have sole rights on UFC in the UK, they have all the PPV's (Live), TUF 9 is on next month, and they have Ultimate Talk (weekly talk show) with guests, and UFC unleashed. I would estimate that on a weekly basis they have 20+hrs dedicated to UFC.

As far as i know SKY SPORTS are not going to be showing any UFC (not sure about any other MMA organisations)

BRAVO occasionally show a MMA fight card the last 2 were Aliction events, there are a other channels that show MMA, i cant remember which but the shows are poorly presented and filmed, its a shame because some of the fights look gr8.

Speaking of the Arlovski v Fedor fight, just when Andre thought he had Fedor... BAMMM... and its goodnight Andre lol Who is gonna stop this man? I'd love to see him in the UFC theres some intriging matches out there if he did fight for the UFC..

Fedor v Lesnar
Fedor v Mir
Fedor v Carwin (my personal fav) as i think Shane Carwin can and probably would knock out anyone he faced at the moment, did you see his 1 punch knockout of Gabriel Gonzaga? He is one rough dude himself as anyone who saw his knockout of Cro cop can see, and Carwin dropped him from 6inch. Check the size of Carwins hands out, nevermind shovels he has sledgehammers as hands lol 2 or 3 more fights and i think its title shot time for him


New member
I think we need more Canadian fighters in the UFC. I belive that the UFC is being conquered by Brazillians. I'm not saying there bad because Anderson Silvs is one of my favourite fighter. But look at all the fighters Dana White and Joe Silva have brought in: Anderson Silva, Lyota Michada, Damian Maia, Gabriel Gonzaga, Wanderlei Silva, and many more. Canada is really underrated with our fighters. We've got: GSP, Sam Stout, Joe Doerkson, Krystof Soyzinski, and much more. Cmon guys! Us canadians know we can be some of the best fighters in the world!

Zuffa has done everything they can to stall a Lyoto Machida title shot, but now itll happen, and only because Rampage cant fight because of injury. UFC wants cheap American fighters that they can mold and market as they see fit. Much less expensive than chasing down every top P4P fighter (which, in their defense theyve done a decent job of).

I just cant stand Dana Whites trash talking of legendary fighters whom he cant or wont acquire; for example Fedor Emilianenko, and Josh Barnett.

Speaking of Canadian fighters, Id really like to see David The Crow Luaseau(sp) have another run, last I heard he had a few solid wins and may be back in UFC soon. Hes a much better fighter than he appeared against Franklin, and Swick imo.


Foukemonster, i respect ur opinions but i disagree, there is 1 simple fact i think u r missing about the likes of fedor and barnett, they have a rock solid contract with a different organisation. Fedor has already stated that he will see out his contract as he is a man of his word and once its over he will look at all possible options. Barnett is a little more complicated due to the doping scandle and him getting the UFC heavyweight title stripped off him a few yrs back.

There is a reason why there seems to be a large influx of Brazilians, just look at the 1st 3 names u mentioned (A Silva, L Michada and D Maia) These are all world class fighters, no disresect but canada does not have the same level and amount of world class fighters. Dont get me wrong canada does have some gr8 fighters, however if they aint good enough they aint good enough pure and simple and i think this is what dana and the rest at UFC think, after all is said and done the UFC is a money making organisation and if they feel they wont earn $$$$ from a fighter they wont sign him up.
A good friend of mine is a MMA fighter (Paul semtex Daley) and i believe he should get a shot at the UFC but it aint happening anytime soon. What we want to see in the UFC doesnt echo with what the board of UFC wants.
Look on the bright side my canadian cousins, u have one of the top pound for pound fighters around at the moment and probably of all time on ur hands with GSP.

G. Sensi

The crow was an awesome fighter! I really liked him...I even thought he was gonna be better then GSP...

But then he got into long distance running when he fought Franklin and ran all the way home and burried himself in a hole! I've never seen a man run around a ring like that... Even when Rich was getting every bone in his body broken by Anderson he didnt run... then again maybe he couldnt... But u know what I mean... David's corner should have thrown the towel or he should have tapped anything except running away...

I never lost so much respect for a fighter before or after that fight...

I do NOT like Barnett!! I just dont respect his fight game... I dont even know what it is... I hated that Affliction fight against Yvel... He just sat on the man! laying on top of a dude and tapping on his face is not FIGHTING! He had so many chances to finish that fight and he didnt/couldnt... He bothers me the same way Tim (Shaky Legs) Sylvia does! LOL!! :D

I dont know... thats just me...

Hope everyone and their plants are good!

alright...let me be the bearer of bad news.


you might ask why. there are several reasons. the top two reasons are contracts and money. lets start with the contracts. The UFC requires an exclusivity clause in its contracts. This means that Fedor could fight NO WHERE but the UFC. On many occasions Fedor has said that if a contract prohibits him from competing in Russia's national competitions, he wouldnt sign it. Id say thats fair, but Fedor's management keeps pressing for the exclusivity clause to be done away with. the UFC will NOT....i repeat NOT do this. this accomplishes much the same thing as their policy on re-signing their champions. Many times (although its not common knowledge) the UFC will not let a champion fight the last fight of their contract without first inking a new one. they do this primarily to protect the legitimacy of their title. im not saying that it diminishes the title in any way, but how would it look if (hypothetically) GSP or Spider Silva just up and left with their belts when their contract is up. Dana White and the Fertitas spent alot of money and time acquiring PRIDE, then the only other show in the game, to unify the titles.

Onto money. the people at M-1 global have their hooks so deep into Fedor....theres times i wonder if they are his management or just there holding a leash. When you talk about Fedor and money, things get a little blurry. Does Affliction pay M-1 who then pays Fedor? Does Affliction pay Fedor while M-1 just takes a cut? its just my opinion, but i have a feeling that something is fishy there. Besides dealing with M-1, theres the matter of Fedor's pricetag. When the numbers for Affliction's last show came out it was said that Fedor made 300k on paper....with rumors of him pocketing up to 2mil. Im sure the percentage of the PPV he receives is on top of that. The Zuffa boys will never shell out that kind of money. it just isnt a smart move on their part.

Take all this mess...the shady dealings, contract disputes, monetary concerns...all of it and add it up. what does it equal? No Fedor in the UFC


alright...let me be the bearer of bad news.


you might ask why. there are several reasons. the top two reasons are contracts and money. lets start with the contracts. The UFC requires an exclusivity clause in its contracts. This means that Fedor could fight NO WHERE but the UFC. On many occasions Fedor has said that if a contract prohibits him from competing in Russia's national competitions, he wouldnt sign it. Id say thats fair, but Fedor's management keeps pressing for the exclusivity clause to be done away with. the UFC will NOT....i repeat NOT do this. this accomplishes much the same thing as their policy on re-signing their champions. Many times (although its not common knowledge) the UFC will not let a champion fight the last fight of their contract without first inking a new one. they do this primarily to protect the legitimacy of their title. im not saying that it diminishes the title in any way, but how would it look if (hypothetically) GSP or Spider Silva just up and left with their belts when their contract is up. Dana White and the Fertitas spent alot of money and time acquiring PRIDE, then the only other show in the game, to unify the titles.

Onto money. the people at M-1 global have their hooks so deep into Fedor....theres times i wonder if they are his management or just there holding a leash. When you talk about Fedor and money, things get a little blurry. Does Affliction pay M-1 who then pays Fedor? Does Affliction pay Fedor while M-1 just takes a cut? its just my opinion, but i have a feeling that something is fishy there. Besides dealing with M-1, theres the matter of Fedor's pricetag. When the numbers for Affliction's last show came out it was said that Fedor made 300k on paper....with rumors of him pocketing up to 2mil. Im sure the percentage of the PPV he receives is on top of that. The Zuffa boys will never shell out that kind of money. it just isnt a smart move on their part.

Take all this mess...the shady dealings, contract disputes, monetary concerns...all of it and add it up. what does it equal? No Fedor in the UFC

That all makes perfect sense to me, its a shame tho. I dont rate Barnett either i hate his game.


New member
Foukemonster, i respect ur opinions but i disagree, there is 1 simple fact i think u r missing about the likes of fedor and barnett, they have a rock solid contract with a different organisation. Fedor has already stated that he will see out his contract as he is a man of his word and once its over he will look at all possible options. Barnett is a little more complicated due to the doping scandle and him getting the UFC heavyweight title stripped off him a few yrs back.

You disagree with me not wanting to hear businessman Dana White calling pro fighters 'cans' and 'irrelevant'? I dont fault him for not signing every guy out there, but to sling mud at Fedor because he's getting exposure as the greatest is petty imo, and a good example of DWs flaws. I completely understand the obligations Fedor currently has and the issues regarding Barnetts juicing history, but if you reread my post youll find its the propaghanda spewed by DW that I find bad for the sport. Just mho.

Do you agree that Lyoto has been kept away from a title shot? He should have had it before Griffin.

Its cool you know Paul Daley, he was doing well against Shields til it went to the ground, explosive striker.
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