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Any hope for the Carolinas?


The revolution will not be televised.....
Yeah even NC they wont arrest you unless the have something more than scraps of roach paper! Thats not leniency thats lack of evidence. Good story though! You connected with the audience, made it somewhat personal, gave historical references, etc.. Not bad but wheres the drama? Again I know you wont get 10 years! You can get close(depending on where you are) though and like we always said growing up!! You gotta be the right complexion for that connection! Peace!!

Wow Bongshitwater is back!! Hey whats up buddy? Hows the Triangle treatin you this afternoon? Dont know what "exeryone"is but it sounds dangerous!!
I never said I don't enjoy mixing it up a little Weedman, thx for the neg rep, BTW. I won't be returning the favor, though, as I delt with my anger issues years ago--and I recommend it highly!

I just pointed out that this thread is being used as an exhibit of what sucks about ICmag, then you put an exclamation point on it.

I appreciate you digging through my posts though to make your point. Always good to have fans! :wave:



The revolution will not be televised.....
Is he neg reppin folks again? I tell you that Bongshitwater! Some body needs to take that button away from him.

de Toke - We are here just having a little fun so dont worry about it and please feel free to join us. We know that this may be a little harsh going back and forth but I like a little fire and brimstone. Reminds me of the MT Zion Episcopal Holiness Tabernacle Freewill Baptist Church of Our Father His Greatness of Red Spings We only ask for thick skin and original thoughts that provoke us to have the same. No manners or tact needed here!


Active member
rainman if it helps spice up the story i was a white kid driving around with a black guy. shows that the cops around here will look at that sort of thing as a reason to pull you over. sad but true...


The revolution will not be televised.....
Hey! I spent all high school being that black guy riding with other black guys! Takes nads to ride with some one of diff. color there, in some of the small towns, especially at nite with weed. The triangle, Asheville, Wilmington, Greenville(areas with big schools) are liberal areas but for real, most of the state is scary to be in. They do love the dark meat there!


Active member
Yeah even NC they wont arrest you unless the have something more than scraps of roach paper! Thats not leniency thats lack of evidence.

what about driving while impaired or a similar charge? they could have popped me for that as i was clearly blazed out. back then "hotboxing" the car was cool and as the cop walked up there was a steady stream of thick reefer smoke pouring out of my car. looking back it's a funny story to tell, but it could have been a lot less funny had they charged me.

*edit, yeah it was @ night and it was just after dropping off a qp at my house.
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The revolution will not be televised.....
What you gave up hotboxing!!! Thats the only way I can smoke when I go home cause moms is sick and a superduper Southern Christian Bell! I can only take drives to the store and puff as quickly as I can!! I was wondering why they let yo go. And let yuo drive!
Hey, thx rainman. I've never even been to either of the Carolinas, so I don't have anything to add to susbstance of thread. And lets face it, we've all gotten pulled into stupid arguments on these and other boards. Emotions happen.

I was just pointing out from a 3rd person POV that we kinda look like middle school girls when we get caught up in it.

So, Imma snarky smart-ass. We all gotta be something!

Keep it green Southern peeps...



The revolution will not be televised.....
de Toke - From a distance we look like straight immature kids so your observations are true no doubt. But in between the crazy bullshit we do throw some good info out. Kinda like mining for diamonds if you will. Anywayz welcome and dont feel like you gotta have been there to offer points of interest. Its the 'Any hope for the Carolinas' thread, not the You gotta be from here" thread. Peace!


The revolution will not be televised.....
Now you see what I was talkin about! I know you arent a racist but, I have to check the temperature of the room you know. And I wasn't name callin! I was sayin what you sounded like with the first post, thats all. I do apologize if I offended.

I have a question to ask now. What are the dominat strains u are grwoing in the Carolinas? Most of the stuff I have been around has been sativas(Creeper, Swamp Bud, Red Hair) out east in the coastal areas and swampy lands and more indica(NL, Blue Skunk, the devil) varieties as I go towards Cherokee, the mtns, by UNC Asheville, and Boone. Uncles did their thing in the hills around the Boone area while other side of the family grew whats called swamp weed.

Weedman Herb

what about driving while impaired or a similar charge? they could have popped me for that as i was clearly blazed out. back then "hotboxing" the car was cool and as the cop walked up there was a steady stream of thick reefer smoke pouring out of my car. looking back it's a funny story to tell, but it could have been a lot less funny had they charged me.

*edit, yeah it was @ night and it was just after dropping off a qp at my house.
The Drivers License/Insurance Verification Checkpoints are "fun" ... good thing I'm rolling legit ... Word to the Wise or those that wish to be wiser ... Roll Legit in NC ... LEO is after Uninsured and NonLicensed drivers ... Big Time ... I go through 1 of those check points bi weekly and there hasn't been a problem or even a funny look ... I look like what I am ... a hillbilly ... and I smell like weed 85% of the time. If they were seriously concerned about smells I'm sure I would have drawn some attention (A hotbox is not a good idea IMHO ... unless you do it in your driveway) ... The people they Net at those look real unhappy ... and the Tow Trucks (yeah trucks) look busy ... Be Careful out there! Roll Legit ... Don't carry any more than you have to (or more than you're prepared to eat HeHeHe) ...


Active member
I'll second that weedman. That is on of their top priorities right now, catching those illegals driving home from work. i've heard from friends in landscaping that there is even a hotline they can call that warns them of such roadblocks. i've been through some during the summer with a pipe and weed in the car but always have that glades air freshener right next to the driver window just in case. Definately drive legit.


in the thick of it
yeah man, they have those roadblocks all the time about 30 minutes from the house, after i get off the interstate. Almost got caught up about a month ago, my bro & i were enjoying a smoke on the way to the hardware store...we see some friendly drivers in the oncoming lanes flash their headlights...quickly tossed the bone, and opened the doors....my windows in my jeep are broken :mad:
Anyway, they only wanted license, and let us go w/o question.


The revolution will not be televised.....
And are there any bigger dicks than the NORTH CAROLINA STATE TROOPERS??? What a bunch of real pricks. You call them officer and they correct you with "its SIR!!"


yeah man, they have those roadblocks all the time about 30 minutes from the house, after i get off the interstate. Almost got caught up about a month ago, my bro & i were enjoying a smoke on the way to the hardware store...we see some friendly drivers in the oncoming lanes flash their headlights...quickly tossed the bone, and opened the doors....my windows in my jeep are broken :mad:
Anyway, they only wanted license, and let us go w/o question.

this has happened countless times to me also....
Now you see what I was talkin about! I know you arent a racist but, I have to check the temperature of the room you know. And I wasn't name callin! I was sayin what you sounded like with the first post, thats all. I do apologize if I offended.

LOL, just couldn't resist, Rainman, everything is cool.

GL with the state troopers NC people! Keep it safe and green.



in the thick of it
The troopers are pretty tough in nc, but they have softened up a bit over the past 5-10 years IMO. they used to box every morning upon arrival at the district stations...i had a coworker who retired from shp....they quit doing it when they allowed women to enter the academy. I limit my blazing while riding because the cops are mostly pricks and the women cops act like they have point to proove....easier to run clean.


weed fiend
And are there any bigger dicks than the NORTH CAROLINA STATE TROOPERS??? What a bunch of real pricks. You call them officer and they correct you with "its SIR!!"

No shit? Never heard that one. Sounds silly unless you were talking smack. I never got a break from nc troopers in 30+ years of confrontations. I've had a few run ins with sc and ga leo and I'll take nc leo over them any day of the week. Even though I don't get their breaks I still don't run my mouth. Things have a tendancy to get personal if it goes that direction.


in the thick of it
we get down to myrtle a few times a year to visit friends, and the sc troopers are not very nice either.

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