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Any gym rats or bodybuilders in the house?


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ronnie Coleman = GOAT (greatest of all time).
I enjoyed his bodybuilding videos too; watching him lift massive weights, very inspiring.
Too bad that nerve injury shrunk his left lat and tri and kept him from a 9th Sandow....
I work in the fitness field myself so theres definetly some of us iron followers kicking around.

Ronnie Coleman = GOAT (greatest of all time).
I enjoyed his bodybuilding videos too; watching him lift massive weights, very inspiring.
Too bad that nerve injury shrunk his left lat and tri and kept him from a 9th Sandow....

Sorry dude but the bloated GH belly look is NOT greatest ever material IMO. Early Ronnie Coleman, now we're talking! Had he layed off the GH and kept a tapered waist then MAYBE. by the end he was just a little round pile of muscle, I've NEVER said this before but , too much mass for his height. i mean cmon man he was 5'10" in his 40's and like 280ish lbs. Theres more to bodybuilding than just being CRAZY huge and strong, at least bodybuilding USED to be that way I should say. Otherwise Noah Steere would have been Mr. Olympia. 6'6 350lbs, 24" arms. He has that sick "classic BB look not to mention he's a fricken MAMMOTH. Do a google image search for him if it peaks your interests. Off to the gym as we speak! Happy lifting!



Horse-toothed Jackass
I understand what you mean by the bloated belly look, but honestly that's the modern IFBB pro nowadays. It's all about the mass monsters, and you'll never see the skinny waists on stage a la Ah-nold in the 70's.
At the end of his run, Ronnie was 330 offseason, 290-300 in contest shape. All of these guys are 6 ft or less and 280+. That's a lot of muscle to carry on a frame, and a lot of that is going around the middle.
It's all about aesthetics. I think the IFBB tried to change the way they judge, to encourage more aesthetically pleasing physiques, but let's face it, size matters a lot. If you can step on stage and have 50 more pounds of lean muscle mass than the guy next to you, and you're both the same height, and you both have 3% body fat, who's gonna win? The bigger guy, that's who. Sure your waist might not be as narrow, but you'll be so much more muscled that you'll make the other guy look small in comparison...

I work in the fitness field myself so theres definetly some of us iron followers kicking around.

Sorry dude but the bloated GH belly look is NOT greatest ever material IMO. Early Ronnie Coleman, now we're talking! Had he layed off the GH and kept a tapered waist then MAYBE. by the end he was just a little round pile of muscle, I've NEVER said this before but , too much mass for his height. i mean cmon man he was 5'10" in his 40's and like 280ish lbs. Theres more to bodybuilding than just being CRAZY huge and strong, at least bodybuilding USED to be that way I should say. Otherwise Noah Steere would have been Mr. Olympia. 6'6 350lbs, 24" arms. He has that sick "classic BB look not to mention he's a fricken MAMMOTH. Do a google image search for him if it peaks your interests. Off to the gym as we speak! Happy lifting!


Mr. Burgundy

Active member
Did someone say gym rat?
My late dad would take me to Muscle Beach at Venice as a kid in the 70's.He put me on Pumpin Iron when it first came out. That's where it all started for me. Push-ups on stacked books *to get extra stretch* and curls with 2 liter bottles filled with pennies..I was not gonna be the kid on the back of the comic gettin sand thrown in his face, no way. Rachel McLish, Cory Everson, and Sandahl were my crushes. I recall seeing Sandahl in person at a restaurant in L.A., and that was it. I know its sad that Farrah passed recently, but my equivalent was Sandahl Bergman.
Who wasn't inspired when the black-and-white posters of Arnie came out?
I spent the majority of my youth in the gym not because i enjoyed it, but rehabilitating from multiple injuries from playing three sports (football, basketball, track)
In the 90's, I used to compete in Bench Press comp's in the military. I took, I placed, I sometimes did neither. I was the fool in the formation that would drop voluntarily and do push-ups. All the time, anytime. Then again, when you workout at Air Force Special Ops HQ, some good habits will run off... or you have to ask ;) I am blessed cause I got to pick the brains of Spec Op warriors from every branch and get a better understanding of what strength is. I often would go to indoc qualification tests, to gauge my fitness, etc. I became a better swimmer, a faster runner, a stronger airman. To this day you will find me at 24hr fitness working out in combat boots..old habits die hard.
When I was competing, Creatine and Protein was all I supplemented with. I did eat 6 times a day when possible, and my shop had a hand-held blender we would use for protein shakes in the morning..."I love the smell of protein in the morning..the smell..of victory.." I remember seeing freaks like Dorian Yates, Ronnie Coleman at the time and all I could do was shake my head at how big they were.But I preferred to work towards the slimmer midsection, Shaun Ray or peak-Arnie shape. I have lost touch with the industry, and I haven't taken supp's in maybe 7 years.
But now I snowboard, bike, wall climb, and hit the weights-just not as crazy.

Stay Classy!


Active member
i draw more inspiration via watching mma fights an boxing matchs then i do from watching other cats flex or watch them lift..but yea i hit the gym for an hour an half 3times a week an do daily 300pushup's 300wall squats...im trying to incorpirate boxing style routines into the fold ie chin ups an pulls up's along with heavy bag work....peace az
It's hard to deny what Arnold did for the sport. I think he was one of the greatest, his stats for that era were phenomenal. 6'1", 230lbs, 34" waist, 58"chest, 21+"arms. You won't find another sport out there that requires as many hours and years of training as professional bodybuilding. and what do they get if they win the mr.olympia? which is the equivalent to winning the stanley cup or NBA championship, Superbowl championship, etc... but in it's own respective field. $100k a watch a new vehicle and some sponsorships. It's pretty sad when alot of the people in the TOP ranks are literally killing themselves with the cocktails contaning 8-10+ compounds in high dosages just to get that "freakzilla" look. Guys like Ronnies yearly juice bills exceed $60k a year. HGH don't come cheap folks lol. You don't even wanna know what some of these doods do to pay for that crap. It's too bad that it's now a case of quantity over quality.


Horse-toothed Jackass
$100k a watch a new vehicle and some sponsorships. It's pretty sad when alot of the people in the TOP ranks are literally killing themselves with the cocktails contaning 8-10+ compounds in high dosages just to get that "freakzilla" look. Guys like Ronnies yearly juice bills exceed $60k a year. HGH don't come cheap folks lol. You don't even wanna know what some of these doods do to pay for that crap. It's too bad that it's now a case of quantity over quality.

Well, I think when Ronnie was on his run he got 1 mil a year from MetRx. Usually Mr. Olympia's greatest source of income is endorsing supplements, which is a joke because no supplement can make you that big, unless you could AAS and GH as supplements.
A lot of pro BB's need to deal drugs (AAS, Ecstasy, etc) in order to fund their juice. Some of them probably resort to gay porn or escorting too.

AZ, Mr. Burgundy: I agree that fighters in general are much more well-rounded physically than a BB. Agility, speed, cardio... your typical pro BB lacks all of those, simply because of their mass. The 'mass monster' aesthetic is impressive visually, but probably not all that healthy to maintain, although people have done it for decades...


Active member
I have been working out in the gym for 6 years now.

I do it for health not for mass. Of course a well toned body is fun , but i will never start injecting myself like thopse mass monsters lol , it's just ridiculous.
use to push weights for a few years injured my rotator cuff im fine now. but nowadays i race bikes so excess upper body mass is not good in my sport. top cyclists train 30+ hours a week almost year round its a difficult sport to excel in thats why i like it.i think they need to start drug testing in pro bodybuilding its getting ridiculous and gross.
i have heard the bloated waists are from hgh enlarging internal organs. the dosage they take far exceed any dosage tested on humans clinically very bad for you long term.


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
well arnie is the steroids posterboy

and he sponsors his own competition and knows those guys are all so pumped with juice and then he gets up and says steroids are wrong

and he is who you're still looking to for salvation? le farque!!

walken for gov imo



Yeah I used to get Testosterone from a Doctor cause of a cyst on me left knacker. I got Huge on it and they used to call me water-boy.Of course i am off it now just doing some Synthol now to maintain.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, supposedly GH makes your internal organs bigger, but then again GH makes everything bigger. Explains why Barry Bonds' head got bigger.

Beeka, you're using synthol? Isn't that bad for you? Isn't that what Gregg Valentino used to blow up his arms?




hey guys ive got a question for you hope someone can answer

im wondering if smoking pure weed prevents you from gaining weight and muscle when you are training? if so how long before/after training/eating should i stay off the weed?

i find weed helps my apetite, which is good for training i spose but then again it fucks with the blood sugar levels dont it?, are there pros/cons here? any tips appriciated guys ty!