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anti-anxiety strains?


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So you are telling him to go get addicted to narcotics because weed doesn't help YOUR anxiety. I have massive anxiety and I take lots of pills and cannabis is still the best medicine for me. I have tried all forms of medications. Weed works the best for me and don't tell me it doesn't.
You clearly have not grown a wide variety of strains and have not messed with harvesting at different times. Do not push some one towards dangerous addictive substances because YOU haven't found the right strain for yourself. Saying weed doesn't help with anxiety is just plain retarded. Everyone's brain works differently and your comments are dumb.

Dont talk B.S. I see a psychiatrist every month and take 10 tablets per day and have been signed of work due to stress/anxiety and depression for the last 3 years and see my G.P also every month so you dont have a clue what you are talking about. And thanks for stealing some rep from me Mr lame and dont talk BULL saying cannabis does not lead/or cause mental problems. You are a small kid who does not know the facts behind drug abuse. IDIOT and then you give me a neg rep because you are just dumb.

black coffee

lol weed causes anxiety all day, thats one con to the pro... some people enjoy getting tripped out off some sativa's though


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Still talking B.S am i and there is nothing you can teach me about illegal or prescription drugs as i happen to know a fair bit about various drugs and effects. I wish people would do their home work before talking BULL or a least have some experience on the subject they mention as as for the kid who thinks drugs are ok i just wonder what your growing advice is like if you know how to grow.



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No i havent grown anything before and harvested it differently in 20+ years of growing :laughing::laughing:


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People who lie get neg rep plain and simple. I am a small kid? More lies I see.

Do you have any Idea the side affects to narcotic prescription drugs? Do you know how many people A year commit suicide because of anti-depressants?

How do i think drugs are ok? are you really that dumb, my only topics have been that drugs are bad(and I do have experience with every illegal drug and most prescription drugs). That is why I smoke so I do not have to be on ten pills a day, only the 6 I am currently taking.

How can you tell me what works best for my anxiety. You are sounding like A cop. I have tried EVERYTHING. Been under psychiatric care for 20 some years.

You stay on your high horse telling everyone that pot is going to destroy there life and ill stay anxiety free smoking my pot. If you care for advice read the past few years in every post about anxiety(there is one about every 3 months or less) and you will see my advice.

Keep taking your ten pills I think you need 20. You are blind to the effects of the drugs you are taking. I could post alot of links also but that is for children. Your a joke if you think cannabis isn't a safe alternative to dangerous prescription drugs. Go post in the medical forum and see how quickly you get laughed out.


Just because something doesn't work for YOU it doesn't mean it doesn't work for other people. That is why there is no one answer to the question. Because everyone's brain chemistry is different. That is why you have to keep searching and experimenting until you find something that works for you.

But the world revolves around you and if it doesn't work for you it wont work for anyone. Oh wait......works for me and many others who post here.



Active member
You know nothing as i have just posted all the FAQ and if cannabis was ok for treating anxiety then why is it illegal and not on prescription.


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I fail to see the difference between what Johnbobit is talking about and what your talking about. He's using a medicine he grows himself that works for him, and your using one that your doctor perscribes. No one is saying that overuse of cannabis in some people dosnt lead to mental problems. Thats been proven in a few studies. Some people just shouldnt smoke period.
As far as just masking the symptoms, well maybe your both doing that. And who the hell cares, we only live for a finite period, if it makes your life more livable, thats what counts. But I'll bet in ten years John will have fewer side effects from his meds than you from yours. I'v got friends on the pharma train, and it aint pretty when they finally wake up and realize that the drugs have robbed them of being alive and they start going off the meds. But they do offer a respite in extreme cases of psychosis, which pot cant do.


hence the saying "USE IT DONT ABUSE IT" I TOKE ONLY A FEW TIMES A WEEK SO MY BODY DOESNT FALL INTO THAT DEPRESSION, ANXIETY SPIRAL. AS LONG AS I DONT ABUSE IT IM FINE. but then again thats just me and everyone is different so I thought id share how i medicate myself. If i space it out the medication of effects are a lot more helpful and I am never dragged down as long as I take my little inbetween breaks. oops sorry about the caps in the beginning of this post


Active member
I fail to see the difference between what Johnbobit is talking about and what your talking about. He's using a medicine he grows himself that works for him, and your using one that your doctor perscribes. No one is saying that overuse of cannabis in some people dosnt lead to mental problems. Thats been proven in a few studies. Some people just shouldnt smoke period.
As far as just masking the symptoms, well maybe your both doing that. And who the hell cares, we only live for a finite period, if it makes your life more livable, thats what counts. But I'll bet in ten years John will have fewer side effects from his meds than you from yours. I'v got friends on the pharma train, and it aint pretty when they finally wake up and realize that the drugs have robbed them of being alive and they start going off the meds. But they do offer a respite in extreme cases of psychosis, which pot cant do.

I also grow my own medicine and smoke heavy indicas as well as my prescription meds and alcohol but if i told my GP or psychiatrist i smoke heavy green or drink then they would wash their hands of me and send me to rehab.
I just love a good cocktail of meds.


wow you take ten different prescriptions and drink alcohol. You ever think that the alcohol is making your scripts not work right? I'm done wasting my time talking to you good luck with your liver.


Active member
wow you take ten different prescriptions and drink alcohol. You ever think that the alcohol is making your scripts not work right? I'm done wasting my time talking to you good luck with your liver.

I dont drink much. Only 3 times a week and its only a few beers and its well under the mens guideline of 21 units per week.
I am glad you are done now you know the FAQ so just keep smoking soap bar as you obviously are smoking some low grade hash of shwag weed and thats fine as it will only give you a headache and not mentaly affect you unless you pound blunts of real sticky.
I bet you wish you could grow.


Active member
I see the PMs were in vain. Notice how often you use the pronoun, "I". Your opinion as the measure by which all others are bound. F*&k it.

What strain do you suggest for the original poster? None? Then I guess you're done here.